view src/wadfile.h @ 103:4ef9dfbd82b6

author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:02:47 +0300
parents d554e443475d
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 *        wadfile.h - Wad_file class
 *        AYM 2001-09-18

This file is part of Yadex.

Yadex incorporates code from DEU 5.21 that was put in the public domain in
1994 by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber.

The rest of Yadex is Copyright © 1997-2003 André Majorel and others.and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#define YH_WADFILE

 *        Wad_file - wad file open for reading
 *        The Wad_file class is a simple wad file object. It
 *        provides functions to read the usual data formats (byte,
 *        16-bit signed integer, 32-bit signed integer) portably.
 *        Errors are reported not by overloading the return
 *        value but by setting an internal flag that can be read
 *        with the error() function, a bit like stdio's feof() and
 *        ferror(). Calling error() has the side effect of
 *        clearing the error flag and calling clearerr() on the
 *        underlying FILE. This is the only way to reset the error
 *        flag. Thus, you don't have to check the error status
 *        after every operation. You can call seek() and read_*()
 *        any number of times before calling error() : the class
 *        guarantees that if any one of the operations failed,
 *        error() returns true.
 *        Yadex has a policy of reporting I/O errors, mentioning
 *        the name of the file and the offset at which the error
 *        occurred. This policy is enforced by the Wad_file class.
 *        To avoid flooding, no message is printed if the error
 *        flag was already set before the error occurred. This
 *        gives you some control on how verbose the error
 *        reporting is ; if you want a message for every error,
 *        all you have to do is to check error() after every
 *        operation. It's probably best to report only the first
 *        error, though.
 *        If for some reason you need to disable the error
 *        messages, add a bool quiet parameter with a default
 *        value of false to the functions that can fail.
 *        It's probably a good idea to call error() after every
 *        seek(), before attempting to read. Although seek()
 *        rarely fails under Unix, MS-DOS refuses to seek() past
 *        EOF, if I recall correctly.
 *        The interface is somewhat crufty. Some functions take a
 *        pointer, others take a reference. Some take an optional
 *        count parameter, some take a mandatory count parameter,
 *        and some have no count parameter at all. Needs cleanup.
 *        This class has many public data members, and no proper
 *        constructor. That's because it evolved from a C struct.
 *        Another problem is the lack of errno detail. That is
 *        partly stdio's fault.
 *        const: for the moment, const means that you can read
 *        from but not change the attributes, close, reopen, etc.
class Wad_file
    /* Ugly but better than making the data members public. FIXME
       Many of these are friend just because they use fp for
       reading. */

    friend char *GetWadFileName(const char *);
    friend int SaveLevelData(const char *, const char *);
    friend int OpenMainWad(const char *);
    friend int OpenPatchWad(const char *);
    friend Wad_file *BasicWadOpen(const char *, ygpf_t);
    friend void BuildNewMainWad(const char *, bool);
    friend void SaveDirectoryEntry(FILE *, const char *);
    friend void SaveEntryToRawFile(FILE *, const char *);
    friend void ListFileDirectory(FILE *, const Wad_file *);

        filename = NULL;
        fp = NULL;
        pic_format_ = YGPF_NORMAL;
        dirsize = 0;
        dirstart = 0;
        directory = NULL;
        strcpy(type, "BUG");
        strcpy(where_, "DEADBEEF");
        error_ = false;


    inline const char *pathname() const
        return filename;

    inline ygpf_t pic_format() const
        return pic_format_;

    bool error() const;
    const char *where() const;
    void seek(long offset) const;
    u8 read_u8() const;
    void read_u8(u8 & buf) const;
    i16 read_i16() const;
    void read_i16(i16 * buf) const;
    void read_i32(i32 * buf, long count = 1) const;
    void read_bytes(void *buf, long count) const;
    long read_vbytes(void *buf, long count) const;
    const char *what() const;

    char *filename;                // Name of the wad file
    ygpf_t pic_format_;                // Picture format (usually PF_NORMAL)
    FILE *fp;                        // C file stream information
    char type[4];                // Type of wad file ("IWAD" or "PWAD")
    i32 dirsize;                // Entries in directory
    i32 dirstart;                // Offset to start of directory
    DirPtr directory;                // Array of directory information
    mutable bool error_;        // I/O error occur since last error()
    mutable char where_[101];        // Static workspace for where()

    Wad_file(const Wad_file & rhs);        // Deliberately not implemented
    Wad_file & operator=(const Wad_file & rhs);        // Deliberately not implemented