view src/ @ 104:76ad709ed3c6

author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:04:24 +0300
parents 2f1ecc1c5f72
children 20aa5a515896
line wrap: on
line source

 *        AJA 2002-04-23 (based on and

This file is part of Yadex.

Yadex incorporates code from DEU 5.21 that was put in the public domain in
1994 by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber.

The rest of Yadex is Copyright © 1997-2000 André Majorel.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "yadex.h"
#ifdef Y_X11
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "dialog.h"
#include "game.h"                /* yg_picture_format */
#include "gfx.h"
#include "levels.h"
#include "lists.h"
#include "patchdir.h"
#include "pic2img.h"
#include "sticker.h"
#include "flats.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "wadfile.h"
#include "wads.h"
#include "wadres.h"
#include "wstructs.h"

#include "r_images.h"

 *        flat_list_entry_match
 *        Function used by bsearch() to locate a particular 
 *        flat in the FTexture.
static int flat_list_entry_match(const void *key, const void *flat_list_entry)
    return y_strnicmp((const char *) key,
                      ((const flat_list_entry_t *) flat_list_entry)->name,

 *  load a flat into a new image.  NULL if not found.

Img *Flat2Img(const wad_flat_name_t & fname)
    char name[WAD_FLAT_NAME + 1];
    strncpy(name, fname, WAD_FLAT_NAME);
    name[WAD_FLAT_NAME] = 0;

    flat_list_entry_t *flat = (flat_list_entry_t *)
        bsearch(name, flat_list, NumFTexture, sizeof *flat_list,

    if (!flat)                        // Not found in list
        return 0;

    int width = DOOM_FLAT_WIDTH;        // Big deal !
    int height = DOOM_FLAT_HEIGHT;

    const Wad_file *wadfile = flat->wadfile;

    Img *img = new Img(width, height, false);

    wadfile->read_bytes(img->wbuf(), (long) width * height);

    return img;

 * load a wall texture ("TEXTURE1" or "TEXTURE2" object) into an image.
 * Returns NULL if not found or error.

Img *Tex2Img(const wad_tex_name_t & texname)
    MDirPtr dir = 0;                /* main directory pointer to the TEXTURE* entries */
    i32 *offsets;                /* array of offsets to texture names */
    int n;                        /* general counter */
    i16 width, height;                /* size of the texture */
    i16 npatches;                /* number of wall patches used to build this texture */
    i32 numtex;                        /* number of texture names in TEXTURE* list */
    i32 texofs;                        /* offset in the wad file to the texture data */
    char tname[WAD_TEX_NAME + 1];        /* texture name */
    char picname[WAD_PIC_NAME + 1];        /* wall patch name */
    bool have_dummy_bytes;
    int header_size;
    int item_size;

    char name[WAD_TEX_NAME + 1];
    strncpy(name, texname, WAD_TEX_NAME);
    name[WAD_TEX_NAME] = 0;

    // Iwad-dependant details
    if (yg_texture_format == YGTF_NAMELESS)
        have_dummy_bytes = true;
        header_size = 14;
        item_size = 10;
    else if (yg_texture_format == YGTF_NORMAL)
        have_dummy_bytes = true;
        header_size = 14;
        item_size = 10;
    else if (yg_texture_format == YGTF_STRIFE11)
        have_dummy_bytes = false;
        header_size = 10;
        item_size = 6;
        nf_bug("Bad texture format %d.", (int) yg_texture_format);
        return 0;

    /* offset for texture we want. */
    texofs = 0;
    // Doom alpha 0.4 : "TEXTURES", no names
    if (yg_texture_lumps == YGTL_TEXTURES
        && yg_texture_format == YGTF_NAMELESS)
        dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, "TEXTURES");
        if (dir != NULL)
            if (WAD_TEX_NAME < 7)
                nf_bug("WAD_TEX_NAME too small");        // Sanity
            if (!y_strnicmp(name, "TEX", 3)
                && isdigit(name[3])
                && isdigit(name[4])
                && isdigit(name[5]) && isdigit(name[6]) && name[7] == '\0')
                long num;
                if (sscanf(name + 3, "%4ld", &num) == 1
                    && num >= 0 && num < numtex)
                    dir->wadfile->seek(dir->dir.start + 4 + 4 * num);
                    texofs += dir->dir.start;
    // Doom alpha 0.5 : only "TEXTURES"
    else if (yg_texture_lumps == YGTL_TEXTURES
             && (yg_texture_format == YGTF_NORMAL
                 || yg_texture_format == YGTF_STRIFE11))
        // Is it in TEXTURES ?
        dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, "TEXTURES");
        if (dir != NULL)        // (Theoretically, it should always exist)
            /* read in the offsets for texture1 names and info. */
            offsets = (i32 *) GetMemory((long) numtex * 4);
            dir->wadfile->read_i32(offsets, numtex);
            for (n = 0; n < numtex && !texofs; n++)
                dir->wadfile->seek(dir->dir.start + offsets[n]);
                dir->wadfile->read_bytes(&tname, WAD_TEX_NAME);
                if (!y_strnicmp(tname, name, WAD_TEX_NAME))
                    texofs = dir->dir.start + offsets[n];
    // Other iwads : "TEXTURE1" and "TEXTURE2"
    else if (yg_texture_lumps == YGTL_NORMAL
             && (yg_texture_format == YGTF_NORMAL
                 || yg_texture_format == YGTF_STRIFE11))
        // Is it in TEXTURE1 ?
        dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, "TEXTURE1");
        if (dir != NULL)        // (Theoretically, it should always exist)
            /* read in the offsets for texture1 names and info. */
            offsets = (i32 *) GetMemory((long) numtex * 4);
            dir->wadfile->read_i32(offsets, numtex);
            for (n = 0; n < numtex && !texofs; n++)
                dir->wadfile->seek(dir->dir.start + offsets[n]);
                dir->wadfile->read_bytes(&tname, WAD_TEX_NAME);
                if (!y_strnicmp(tname, name, WAD_TEX_NAME))
                    texofs = dir->dir.start + offsets[n];
        // Well, then is it in TEXTURE2 ?
        if (texofs == 0)
            dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, "TEXTURE2");
            if (dir != NULL)        // Doom II has no TEXTURE2
                /* read in the offsets for texture2 names */
                offsets = (i32 *) GetMemory((long) numtex * 4);
                dir->wadfile->read_i32(offsets, numtex);
                for (n = 0; n < numtex && !texofs; n++)
                    dir->wadfile->seek(dir->dir.start + offsets[n]);
                    dir->wadfile->read_bytes(&tname, WAD_TEX_NAME);
                    if (!y_strnicmp(tname, name, WAD_TEX_NAME))
                        texofs = dir->dir.start + offsets[n];
        nf_bug("Invalid texture_format/texture_lumps combination.");

    /* texture name not found */
    if (texofs == 0)
        return 0;

    /* read the info for this texture */
    i32 header_ofs;
    if (yg_texture_format == YGTF_NAMELESS)
        header_ofs = texofs;
        header_ofs = texofs + WAD_TEX_NAME;

    dir->wadfile->seek(header_ofs + 4);
    if (have_dummy_bytes)
        i16 dummy;

    /* Compose the texture */
    Img *texbuf = new Img(width, height, false);

    /* Paste onto the buffer all the patches that the texture is made of. */
    for (n = 0; n < npatches; n++)
        i16 xofs, yofs;                // offset in texture space for the patch
        i16 pnameind;                // index of patch in PNAMES

        dir->wadfile->seek(header_ofs + header_size + (long) n * item_size);

        if (have_dummy_bytes)
            i16 stepdir;
            i16 colormap;
            dir->wadfile->read_i16(&stepdir);        // Always 1, unused.
            dir->wadfile->read_i16(&colormap);        // Always 0, unused.

        /* AYM 1998-08-08: Yes, that's weird but that's what Doom
           does. Without these two lines, the few textures that have
           patches with negative y-offsets (BIGDOOR7, SKY1, TEKWALL1,
           TEKWALL5 and a few others) would not look in the texture
           viewer quite like in Doom. This should be mentioned in
           the UDS, by the way. */
        if (yofs < 0)
            yofs = 0;

        Lump_loc loc;
            wad_pic_name_t *wname = patch_dir.name_for_num(pnameind);
            if (wname == 0)
                warn("texture \"%.*s\": patch %2d has bad index %d.\n",
                     WAD_TEX_NAME, tname, (int) n, (int) pnameind);
            patch_dir.loc_by_name((const char *) *wname, loc);
            *picname = '\0';
            strncat(picname, (const char *) *wname, sizeof picname - 1);

        if (LoadPicture(*texbuf, picname, loc, xofs, yofs, 0, 0))
            warn("texture \"%.*s\": patch \"%.*s\" not found.\n",
                 WAD_TEX_NAME, tname, WAD_PIC_NAME, picname);

    return texbuf;

/* --- ImageCache methods --- */

Img *ImageCache::GetFlat(const wad_flat_name_t & fname)
    std::string f_str = WadToString(fname);

    flat_map_t::iterator P = flats.find(f_str);

    if (P != flats.end())
        return P->second;

// flat not in the list yet.  Add it.

    Img *result = Flat2Img(fname);
    flats[f_str] = result;

// note that a NULL return from Flat2Img is OK, it means that no
// such flat exists.  Our renderer will revert to using a solid
// colour.

    return result;

Img *ImageCache::GetTex(const wad_tex_name_t & tname)
    if (tname[0] == 0 || tname[0] == '-')
        return 0;

    std::string t_str = WadToString(tname);

    tex_map_t::iterator P = textures.find(t_str);

    if (P != textures.end())
        return P->second;

// texture not in the list yet.  Add it.

    Img *result = Tex2Img(tname);
    textures[t_str] = result;

// note that a NULL return from Tex2Img is OK, it means that no
// such texture exists.  Our renderer will revert to using a solid
// colour.

    return result;

Img *ImageCache::GetSprite(const wad_ttype_t & type)
    sprite_map_t::iterator P = sprites.find(type);

    if (P != sprites.end())
        return P->second;

// sprite not in the list yet.  Add it.

    Img *result = 0;

    const char *sprite_root = get_thing_sprite(type);
    if (sprite_root)
        Lump_loc loc;
        wad_res.sprites.loc_by_root(sprite_root, loc);
        result = new Img();

        if (LoadPicture(*result, sprite_root, loc, 0, 0) != 0)
            delete result;
            result = 0;

// note that a NULL image is OK.  Our renderer will just ignore the
// missing sprite.

    sprites[type] = result;
    return result;