view src/yadex.h @ 108:c91965fc33b6

author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:46:32 +0300
parents 002bc70a3982
children f05330267c66
line wrap: on
line source

 *        yadex.h
 *        The header that all modules include.
 *        BW & RQ sometime in 1993 or 1994.

This file is part of Yadex.

Yadex incorporates code from DEU 5.21 that was put in the public domain in
1994 by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber.

The rest of Yadex is Copyright © 1997-2003 André Majorel and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#define YH_YADEX

#include "config.h"

#if ! (defined Y_DOS ^ defined Y_UNIX)
#error "You must #define either Y_DOS or Y_UNIX"

 *        Standard headers
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef Y_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>

 *        Additional libraries
#include <atclib.h>
#include "bitvec.h"                /* bv_set, bv_clear, bv_toggle */
#include "yerror.h"
#include "aym.h"                /* Needs yerror.h */
#include "windim.h"
#include "ymemory.h"

#include "serialnum.h"

 *        Platform-independant types and formats.
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed char i8;

typedef unsigned short u16;
#define F_U16_D "hu"
#define F_U16_H "hX"

typedef signed short i16;
#define F_I16_D "hd"
#define F_I16_H "hX"

typedef unsigned long u32;
#define F_U32_D "lu"
#define F_U32_H "lX"

typedef signed long i32;
#define F_I32_D "ld"
#define F_I32_H "lX"

 *        Platform definitions
#if defined Y_DOS
const int Y_PATH = 64;                // Maximum length of a path
const int Y_FILE_NAME = 255;        // Maximum length of file name, including path
#elif defined Y_UNIX
const int Y_PATH = 255;
const int Y_FILE_NAME = 255;
typedef char y_file_name_t[Y_FILE_NAME + 1];

 *        Constants of the universe.
const double HALFPI = 1.5707963;
const double ONEPI = 3.1415926;
const double TWOPI = 6.2831852;
const double ANSWER = 42;

 *        Syntactic sugar
#define y_min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define y_max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

 *        To avoid including certain headers.
class rgb_c;

#include "wstructs.h"

 *        Doom definitions
 *        Things about the Doom engine
 *        FIXME should move as much of this as possible to the ygd file...
 *        FIXME Hexen has a different value for MIN_DEATHMATH_STARTS
const int DOOM_PLAYER_HEIGHT = 56;
const int DOOM_FLAT_WIDTH = 64;
const int DOOM_FLAT_HEIGHT = 64;
const size_t DOOM_COLOURS = 256;
typedef enum { YGPF_NORMAL, YGPF_ALPHA, YGPF_PR } ygpf_t;
typedef enum { YGTF_NORMAL, YGTF_NAMELESS, YGTF_STRIFE11 } ygtf_t;
typedef enum { YGTL_NORMAL, YGTL_TEXTURES, YGTL_NONE } ygtl_t;

 *        Directory
/* The wad file pointer structure is used for holding the information
   on the wad files in a linked list.
   The first wad file is the main wad file. The rest are patches. */
class Wad_file;

/* The master directory structure is used to build a complete directory
   of all the data blocks from all the various wad files. */
typedef struct MasterDirectory *MDirPtr;
struct MasterDirectory
    MDirPtr next;                // Next in list
    const Wad_file *wadfile;        // File of origin
    struct Directory dir;        // Directory data

/* Lump location : enough information to load a lump without
   having to do a directory lookup. */
struct Lump_loc
        wad = 0;
    Lump_loc(const Wad_file * w, i32 o, i32 l)
        wad = w;
        ofs = o;
        len = l;
    bool operator ==(const Lump_loc & other) const
        return wad == other.wad && ofs == other.ofs && len == other.len;
    const Wad_file *wad;
    i32 ofs;
    i32 len;

#include "wstructs.h"

 *        The colour system.
 *        FIXME: only the logical side of the colour system
 *        should be declared here. The physical side should
 *        be moved to a less used header as very few modules
 *        need to know about it.
/* acolour_t -- an application colour number.
   Several different application colours may refer to the same
   physical colour. */
typedef u8 acolour_t;
#define ACOLOUR_NONE 0xff        // The out-of-band value

/* The 16 VGA colours that DEU used to use.
   FIXME: all references to these in the code should be removed. */
const acolour_t BLACK = 0;
const acolour_t BLUE = 1;
const acolour_t GREEN = 2;
const acolour_t CYAN = 3;
const acolour_t RED = 4;
const acolour_t MAGENTA = 5;
const acolour_t BROWN = 6;
const acolour_t LIGHTGREY = 7;
const acolour_t DARKGREY = 8;
const acolour_t LIGHTBLUE = 9;
const acolour_t LIGHTGREEN = 10;
const acolour_t LIGHTCYAN = 11;
const acolour_t LIGHTRED = 12;
const acolour_t LIGHTMAGENTA = 13;
const acolour_t YELLOW = 14;
const acolour_t WHITE = 15;

// True logical colours
const acolour_t WINBG = 16;
const acolour_t WINBG_LIGHT = 17;
const acolour_t WINBG_DARK = 18;
const acolour_t WINBG_HL = 19;

const acolour_t WINFG = 20;
const acolour_t WINFG_HL = 21;
const acolour_t WINFG_DIM = 22;
const acolour_t WINFG_DIM_HL = 23;

const acolour_t WINLABEL = 24;
const acolour_t WINLABEL_HL = 25;
const acolour_t WINLABEL_DIM = 26;
const acolour_t WINLABEL_DIM_HL = 27;

const acolour_t GRID1 = 28;
const acolour_t GRID2H = 29;
const acolour_t GRID2V = 30;
const acolour_t GRID3H = 31;
const acolour_t GRID3V = 32;
const acolour_t GRID4H = 33;
const acolour_t GRID4V = 34;
const acolour_t LINEDEF_NO = 35;
const acolour_t SECTOR_NO = 36;
const acolour_t THING_NO = 37;
const acolour_t VERTEX_NO = 38;
const acolour_t CLR_ERROR = 39;
const acolour_t THING_REM = 40;        // Things when not in things mode

const acolour_t SECTOR_TAG = 41;
const acolour_t SECTOR_TAGTYPE = 42;
const acolour_t SECTOR_TYPE = 43;

const acolour_t WINTITLE = 44;

const acolour_t NCOLOURS = 45;

 *        More stuff
// The actual definition is in selectn.h
typedef struct SelectionList *SelPtr;
// Operations on the selection :
typedef enum
    YS_ADD = BV_SET,                // Add to selection
    YS_REMOVE = BV_CLEAR,        // Remove from selection
    YS_TOGGLE = BV_TOGGLE        // If not in selection, add; else, remove
} sel_op_t;

// Confirmation options are stored internally this way :
typedef enum
    YC_YES = 'y',
    YC_NO = 'n',
    YC_ASK = 'a',
    YC_ASK_ONCE = 'o'
} confirm_t;

// Bit bashing operations
const int YO_AND = 'a';                // Argument = mask
const int YO_CLEAR = 'c';        // Argument = bit#
const int YO_COPY = 'd';        // Argument = source_bit# dest_bit#
const int YO_OR = 'o';                // Argument = mask
const int YO_SET = 's';                // Argument = bit#
const int YO_TOGGLE = 't';        // Argument = bit#
const int YO_XOR = 'x';                // Argument = mask

// Convert screen/window coordinates to map coordinates
#define MAPX(x)         (cfg.OrigX + (int) (((int) (x) - cfg.ScrCenterX) / cfg.Scale))
#define MAPY(y)         (cfg.OrigY + (int) ((cfg.ScrCenterY - (int) (y)) / cfg.Scale))

// Convert map coordinates to screen/window coordinates
#define SCREENX(x)      (cfg.ScrCenterX + (int) (((x) - cfg.OrigX) * cfg.Scale))
#define SCREENY(y)      (cfg.ScrCenterY + (int) ((cfg.OrigY - (y)) * cfg.Scale))

// AYM 19980213: InputIntegerValue() uses this to mean that Esc was pressed

/* Supported games
enum {
    IWAD_DOOM1 = 0,


typedef struct
    // Defined in
    const char *config_file;        // Name of the configuration file
    const char *install_dir;        // Where yadex is installed
    FILE *logfile;                // Filepointer to the error log

    bool debug;                // Are we debugging?
    bool registered;                // Registered or shareware iwad ?
    int cpu_big_endian;        // Am I running on a big-endian CPU ?

    /* Error resiliency of during loading of WAD / map data, 0 - 4
     * 0 = Bail on all errors.
     * 4 = Ignore almost anything.
    int error_res;

    int screen_lines;        // Lines that our TTY can display
    bool remind_to_build_nodes;        // Remind the user to build nodes

    // Defaults
    struct {
        // For new sectors
        int ceiling_height;
        char ceiling_texture[WAD_FLAT_NAME + 1];

        int floor_height;
        char floor_texture[WAD_FLAT_NAME + 1];

        int light_level;

        // For new linedefs
        char lower_texture[WAD_TEX_NAME + 1];
        char middle_texture[WAD_TEX_NAME + 1];
        char upper_texture[WAD_TEX_NAME + 1];

        // For new things
        int thing;        // For new THINGS
    } def;

    int GameId;
    char *Game;        // Name of game "doom", "doom2", "heretic", ...
    bool quiet;                // Don't beep when an object is selected
    bool quieter;                // Don't beep, even on error
    bool expert;                // Don't ask for confirmation for some ops.
    bool autoscroll;                // Autoscrolling enabled.
    unsigned long autoscroll_amp;        // Amplitude in percents of screen/window size.
    unsigned long autoscroll_edge;        // Max. dist. in pixels to edge.
    int copy_linedef_reuse_sidedefs;
    int double_click_timeout;        // Max ms between clicks of double click.
    int grid_pixels_min;        // Minimum grid step in pixels when not locked
    int GridMin;                // Minimum grid step in map units
    int GridMax;                // Maximum grid step in map units
    int idle_sleep_ms;        // Time to sleep after empty XPending()
    int zoom_default;        // Initial zoom factor for map
    int zoom_step;                // Step between zoom factors in percent
    int digit_zoom_base;        // Zoom factor of `1' key, in percent
    int digit_zoom_step;        // Step between digit keys, in percent 
    confirm_t insert_vertex_merge_vertices;
    confirm_t insert_vertex_split_linedef;
    bool blindly_swap_sidedefs;

    char *iwadnames[IWAD_LAST];
    char *MainWad;        // Name of the main wad file

    int MouseMickeysH;
    int MouseMickeysV;
    char **patchwads;        // List of pwad files
    unsigned long scroll_less;        // %s of screenful to scroll by
    unsigned long scroll_more;        // %s of screenful to scroll by
    bool autoselect0;                // Autom. select obj. 0 when switching modes
    int show_help;                // Print usage message and exit.
    int sprite_scale;        // Relative scale used to display sprites
    bool swap_buttons;        // Swap right and middle mouse buttons
    int verbose;                // Verbose mode
    int welcome_message;        // Print the welcome message on startup.
    const char *bench;        // Benchmark to run

    // Defined in
    bool no_pixmap, text_dot;
    int ScrMaxX;                // Maximum display X-coord of screen/window
    int ScrMaxY;                // Maximum display Y-coord of screen/window
    float Scale;                // Scale to draw map 20 to 1
    int OrigX;                        // Map X-coord of centre of screen/window
    int OrigY;                        // Map Y-coord of centre of screen/window 
    int ScrCenterX;                        // Display X-coord of centre of screen/window
    int ScrCenterY;                        // Display Y-coord of centre of screen/window

    // Defined in
    MDirPtr MasterDir;        // The master directory
    Serial_num master_dir_serial;        // The revision# thereof

    // Defined in
    bool InfoShown;                // Is the bottom line displayed?
} YadexConfig;

extern YadexConfig cfg;

 *        Prototypes
 *        AYM 1998-10-16: DEU used to have _all_ prototypes here. Thus
 *        I had to recompile _all_ the modules every time I changed
 *        a single prototype. To avoid this, my theory is to put all
 *        the prototypes I can in individual headers. There is still
 *        room for improvement on that matter...

// (previously in
void CheckLevel(int, int, int pulldown);        /* SWAP! */
bool CheckStartingPos(void);        /* SWAP! */

int getcolour(const char *s, rgb_c * rgb);

int rgb2irgb(int r, int g, int b);

void irgb2rgb(int c, rgb_c * rgb);

int InputObjectNumber(int, int, int, int);
int InputObjectXRef(int, int, int, bool, int);
bool Input2VertexNumbers(int, int, const char *, int *, int *);
void EditObjectsInfo(int, int, int, SelPtr);
void InsertStandardObject(int, int, int choice);        /* SWAP! */
void MiscOperations(int, SelPtr *, int choice);        /* SWAP! */

void InitGameDefs(void);
void LoadGameDefs(const char *game);
void FreeGameDefs(void);

unsigned ComputeAngle(int, int);
unsigned ComputeDist(int, int);

#include "input.h"

// (previously in
void AlignTexturesY(SelPtr *, int opt_sdef, bool opt_check);
void AlignTexturesX(SelPtr *, int opt_sdef, bool opt_check, bool opt_offset, int opt_mode);

// (previously in
void FlipLineDefs(SelPtr, bool);        /* SWAP! */
void SplitLineDefs(SelPtr);        /* SWAP! */
void MakeRectangularNook(SelPtr obj, int width, int depth, int convex);        /* SWAP! */
void SetLinedefLength(SelPtr obj, int length, int move_2nd_vertex);

// (previously in
void LinedefProperties(int x0, int y0, SelPtr obj);
void TransferLinedefProperties(int src_linedef, SelPtr linedefs);

void unlink_sidedef(SelPtr linedefs, int side1, int side2);

extern int error_res;
int ReadLevelData(const char *);        /* SWAP! */
void ForgetLevelData(void);        /* SWAP! */
int SaveLevelData(const char *, const char *level_name);        /* SWAP! */
void ReadWTextureNames(void);
void ForgetFTextureNames(void);
int is_flat_name_in_list(const char *name);
void ReadFTextureNames(void);
void ForgetWTextureNames(void);

const char *GetObjectTypeName(int);
const char *GetEditModeName(int);
const char *GetLineDefTypeName(int);
const char *GetLineDefTypeLongName(int);
const char *GetLineDefFlagsName(int);
const char *GetLineDefFlagsLongName(int);
const char *GetSectorTypeName(int);
const char *GetSectorTypeLongName(int);

// (previously in
void MakeDoorFromSector(int);        /* SWAP! */

// (previously in
void MakeLiftFromSector(int);        /* SWAP! */

// (previously in
void MergeSectors(SelPtr *);        /* SWAP! */
void DeleteLineDefsJoinSectors(SelPtr *);        /* SWAP! */

// (previously in
void DistributeSectorFloors(SelPtr);        /* SWAP! */
void DistributeSectorCeilings(SelPtr);        /* SWAP! */
void RaiseOrLowerSectors(SelPtr obj);
void BrightenOrDarkenSectors(SelPtr obj);
void SuperSectorSelector(int map_x, int map_y, int new_sec);

// (previously in
void SectorProperties(int x0, int y0, SelPtr obj);
void TransferSectorProperties(int src_sector, SelPtr sectors);

// (previously in
void SplitSector(int, int);        /* SWAP! */
void SplitLineDefsAndSector(int, int);        /* SWAP! */
void MultiSplitLineDefsAndSector(int, int);        /* SWAP! */

void ScreenShot(void);

// t_prop.c (previously in editobj.c)
void ThingProperties(int x0, int y0, SelPtr obj);
void TransferThingProperties(int src_thing, SelPtr things);

void DeleteVerticesJoinLineDefs(SelPtr);        /* SWAP! */
void MergeVertices(SelPtr *);        /* SWAP! */
bool AutoMergeVertices(SelPtr *, int obj_type, char operation);        /* SWAP! */

void InsertPolygonVertices(int, int, int, int);

void verbmsg(const char *fmt, ...);

extern const char *const yadex_version;
extern const char *const yadex_source_date;

extern const char *const yadex_etc_version;
extern const char *const yadex_etc_common;
extern const char *const yadex_ygd_version;
extern const char *const yadex_ygd_common;

MDirPtr FindMasterDir(MDirPtr, const char *);
MDirPtr FindMasterDir(MDirPtr, const char *, const char *);
int entryname_cmp(const char *entry1, const char *entry2);

void warn(const char *fmt, ...);

void Beep(void);
void PlaySound(int, int);
void LogMessage(const char *, ...);