view @ 63:26d7a55f83e2 dev-0_5_2

Changed copyright texts
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Sat, 24 Sep 2005 17:51:56 +0000
parents 27dc6eae5cd7
children 0fc92cc675fc
line wrap: on
line source

;; GGRTF::Magical - TinyFugue module generic magical stuff & Mage & Channeller @ BatMUD
;; (C) Copyright 2004-2005 Ggr Pupunen
;; This file (triggerset) is Free Software distributed under
;; GNU General Public License version 2.
;; NOTICE! This file requires GGRTF (version 0.5.0 or later) to be loaded.
;; Initializing and options
/deftoggle -n"rmagic" -d"Report magic spells"
/deftoggle -n"rresist" -d"Report blast resists"

;; Fails and fumbles
; Oh no! You feel energy TEAR from your soul and spread throughout the world!                                            

;; Spellcasting and spell-status reporting
/def -i msb = /if ({opt_rrounds}=~"on") /msr #%{spell_rleft}%;/endif

;; Start of spell
/def -i -p9999 -ag -msimple -t"You start chanting." spell_start =\
	/set spell_t=$[time()]%;\
	/set cnt_casts=$[cnt_casts + 1]%;\
	/set spell_rfirst=on%;\
	/set spell_st=on%;\
	/set spell_st2=off%;\
	/set spell_hastes=0%;\
	/set spell_ghastes=0%;\
	/set spell_stype=%;\
	/if ({opt_info}=~"on") @@cast info%;/endif%;\
	/msq @{BCyellow} ---- SPELL START ---- @{n} (@{Cyellow}%{cnt_casts}@{n})

;; Spell done
/def -i -p9999 -ag -msimple -t"You are done with the chant." spell_end =\
	/set cnt_trounds=$[cnt_trounds + spell_rcount]%;\
	/set cnt_scasts=$[cnt_scasts + 1]%;\
	/set spell_st=off%;\
	/set spell_st2=on%;\
	/set cast_info=%;\
	/msq @{Cbggreen} ---- SPELL DONE ---- @{n} in [@{BCred}%{spell_rcount}@{n}] @{BCgreen}rounds!@{n} @{Cyellow}$[prgetstime(spell_t)]@{n}

;; Cast info
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^You are casting \'([a-z ]+)\'.$" spell_info1 =\
	/set cast_info=SP%;/set cast_info_n=%{P1}%;/set cast_info_t=%;\
	/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote is casting '%{P1}'%;/endif

/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^You are casting \'([a-z ]+)\' at \'([A-Za-z ,.'-]+)\'.$" spell_info2 =\
	/set cast_info=SP%;/set cast_info_n=%{P1}%;/set cast_info_t=%{P2}%;\
	/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote is casting '%{P1}' at '%{P2}'%;/endif

;; Spell failed
/def -i spell_fail =\
/if ({spell_st2}=~"on")\
	/set cnt_scasts=$[cnt_scasts - 1]%;\
	/set cnt_fcasts=$[cnt_fcasts + 1]%;\
	/set spell_st2=off%;\

;; Spell fumbled
/def -i spell_fumble =\
/if ({spell_st2}=~"on")\
	/set cnt_scasts=$[cnt_scasts - 1]%;\
	/set cnt_fucasts=$[cnt_fucasts + 1]%;\
	/set spell_st2=off%;\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^You (fail miserably in your|stutter the magic words and fail the) spell.$" spell_fail1 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^You .* (spell misfires|spell fizzles).$" spell_fail2 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^You (falter and fumble the spell|stumble and lose your concentration.)" spell_fail3 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^Your (spell just sputters|concentration fails and so does your spell|mind plays a trick with you and you fail in your spell|concentration drifts away as you think you feel a malignant aura)." spell_fail4 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"Something touches you and spoils your concentration ruining the spell." spell_fail5 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"The spell fails." spell_fail6 =\

;; Spell interrupted
/def -i spell_interrupt =\
/if ({spell_st}=~"on")\
	/set cnt_icasts=$[cnt_icasts + 1]%;\
	/set spell_st=off%;\
	/set cast_info=%;\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^You( interrupt|r movement prevents you from casting| have insufficient strength to cast| do not have enough spell points to cast| lose your concentration and cannot cast) the spell.$" spell_interrupt1 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^You (get hit SO HARD that you have to stop your spell|lose your concentration and stop your spell casting|massage your wounds and forget your spell).$" spell_interrupt2 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"The ground shakes violently! EARTHQUAKE!" spell_interrupt3 =\

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant." spell_interrupt4 =\

;; Spell rounds

/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Z][a-z ]+): (#+)$" spell_status1 =\
	/set spell_rleft=$[strlen({P2})]%;\
	/echo -p @{Cyellow}%{P1}: %{P2}@{n} [@{BCgreen}%{spell_rleft}@{n}]%;\
	/if ({spell_rfirst}=~"on")\
		/set spell_rfirst=off%;\
		/set spell_rcount=%{spell_rleft}%;\
		/if ({battle_st}!~"on") /msb%;/endif%;\
	/if ({spell_rleft} <= 3) /msb%;/endif

;; Cast burden/slow
/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"Your heavy burden slows down your casting." spell_burden =\
	/set spell_rleft=$[spell_rleft + 1]%;\
	/set spell_rcount=$[spell_rcount + 1]%;\
	/msb%;/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote slows down%;/endif

;; Cast haste
/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"You skillfully cast the spell with haste." spell_haste =\
	/set spell_rleft=$[spell_rleft - 1]%;\
	/set spell_rcount=$[spell_rcount - 1]%;\
	/set cnt_hastes=$[cnt_hastes + 1]%;\
	/msb%;/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote hastes%;/endif

;; Cast greater haste
/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste." spell_ghaste =\
	/set spell_rleft=$[spell_rleft - 2]%;\
	/set spell_rcount=$[spell_rcount - 2]%;\
	/set cnt_ghastes=$[cnt_ghastes + 1]%;\
	/msb%;/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote ghastes%;/endif

;; Miscellaneous
/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"You sizzle with magical energy." ent_sizzle =\
	/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote vibrates noisily.%;/endif

/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting." ent_conceal =\
	/if ({opt_rmagic}=~"on") @@emote conceals ...%;/endif

/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t"You feel your skills in handling elemental forces improve." ent_essence =\
	/mse gains essence!

;; Battle targetting and resistances
/def -i prgetresist = /let rstr=%;\
	/if ({1}=~"channelball"|{1}=~"channelray"|{1}=~"golden arrow"|{1}=~"magic missile") /let rstr=mana%;\
	/elseif ({1}=~"channelbolt"|{1}=~"electrocution"|{1}=~"lightning bolt"|{1}=~"chain lightning"|{1}=~"shocking grasp"|{1}=~"lightning storm"|{1}=~"blast lightning") /let rstr=elec%;\
	/elseif ({1}=~"channelburn"|{1}=~"channelspray"|{1}=~"firebolt"|{1}=~"flame arrow") /let rstr=fire%;\
	/elseif ({1}=~"mind blast"|{1}=~"psibolt"|{1}=~"psi blast"|{1}=~"mind disruption"|{1}=~"psychic crush") /let rstr=psi%;\
	/endif%;/return rstr

/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^You watch with selfpride as your ([a-z ]+) hits (.*)\.$" battle_spellhit =\
	/echo -p @{BCcyan}You watch with selfpride as your@{n} @{Cred}%{P1}%{n} @{BCcyan}hits@{n} @{BCgreen}%{P2}@{n}.%;\
	/set battle_sname=%{P1}%;/battle_settarget %{P2}

/def -i represist =\
	/let resist_name=%{-1}%;/let resist_str=???%;/let resist_val=???%;/let resist_col=@{Cwhite}%;\
	/if ({1}=1)	/let resist_str=screams%; /let resist_val=0%;	/let resist_col=@{BCgreen}%;\
	/elseif ({1}=2)	/let resist_str=writhes%; /let resist_val=20%;	/let resist_col=@{Cgreen}%;\
	/elseif ({1}=3)	/let resist_str=shudders%;/let resist_val=40%;	/let resist_col=@{BCyellow}%;\
	/elseif ({1}=4)	/let resist_str=grunts%;  /let resist_val=60%;	/let resist_col=@{Cyellow}%;\
	/elseif ({1}=5)	/let resist_str=winces%;  /let resist_val=80%;	/let resist_col=@{Cred}%;\
	/elseif ({1}=6)	/let resist_str=shrugs%;  /let resist_val=100%;	/let resist_col=@{BCred}%;\
	/let resist_type=$[prgetresist(battle_sname)]%;\
	/set battle_sname=%;\
	/echo -p @{BCyellow}%{resist_name}@{n} %{resist_col}%{resist_str}@{n} @{BCcyan}%{resist_type}@{n} (@{BCwhite}%{resist_val}%%@{n} resist)%;\
	/if ({opt_rresist}=~"on") \
		/msr %{resist_val}%% %{resist_type} resist%;\

;	/let resist_type=$[prexeconreturn({lst_spresists},{battle_sname})]%;\

/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) screams in pain\.$" battle_resist1 = /represist 1 %{P1}
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) writhes in agony\.$" battle_resist2 = /represist 2 %{P1}
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) shudders from the force of the attack\.$" battle_resist3 = /represist 3 %{P1}
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) grunts from the pain\.$" battle_resist4 = /represist 4 %{P1}
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) winces a little from the pain\.$" battle_resist5 = /represist 5 %{P1}
/def -i -p9999 -ag -mregexp -t"^([A-Za-z ,.'-]+) shrugs off the attack\.$" battle_resist6 = /represist 6 %{P1}

;; Damage criticality
/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t'You feel like your spell gained additional power.' ent_dcrit1 =\
	/set cnt_damcrits=$[cnt_damcrits + 1]%;\
	/set cnt_dcrit1=$[cnt_dcrit1 + 1]%;\
	/mse dcrits (1)

/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t'You feel like you managed to channel additional POWER to your spell.' ent_dcrit2 =\
	/set cnt_damcrits=$[cnt_damcrits + 1]%;\
	/set cnt_dcrit2=$[cnt_dcrit2 + 1]%;\
	/mse dcrits (2)

/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t'Your fingertips are surrounded with swirling ENERGY as you cast the spell.' ent_dcrit3 =\
	/set cnt_damcrits=$[cnt_damcrits + 1]%;\
	/set cnt_dcrit3=$[cnt_dcrit3 + 1]%;\
	/mse dcrits (3)

/def -i -p9999 -aCgreen -msimple -t'You feel connected to the very essence of magic.' ent_dcrit4 =\
	/set cnt_damcrits=$[cnt_damcrits + 1]%;\
	/set cnt_dcrit4=$[cnt_dcrit4 + 1]%;\
	/mse is connected to very essence of magic!

;; Energy Aura
;; Aura weakening
/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"Your aura is starting to weaken!" rec_auraweak =\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=on%;/set prot_eaura_weak_t=$[time()]%;\
	/msr Energy Aura WEAKENING! $[prgetstime(prot_eaura_t)] / $[prgetstime(prot_eaura_t2)]

;; Aura recharged
/def -i -p9999 -aCred -mregexp -t"^(Not all is lost, however, you did just recharge your aura|You try your hardest but cannot focus enough energy|You try to focus more magic energy into your aura but get no useful result).$" rec_aurarecharged =\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=off%;\
	/set prot_eaura_t=$[time()]%;\
	/msr Energy Aura Reloaded! 

;; Aura off
/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"Your aura of glowing light fades to nothing." rec_aura0 =\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=off%;\
	/proff eaura

;; Aura changes
/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"You turn your aura down a step from red to gold." rec_aurach1 =\
	/set prot_eaura=1%;/status_update

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"You turn your aura down a step from blue to red." rec_aurach2 =\
	/set prot_eaura=2%;/status_update

;; Aura on
/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"Suddenly a softly glowing aura of yellow light comes into being around you." rec_aura1 =\
	/pron eaura [Yellow]%;\
	/set prot_eaura=1%;\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=off%;\
	/set prot_eaura_t2=%{prot_eaura_t}

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"With a burst of energy, your aura changes from soft yellow to bright red." rec_aura2 =\
	/pron eaura [Red]%;\
	/set prot_eaura=2%;\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=off%;\
	/set prot_eaura_t2=%{prot_eaura_t}

/def -i -p9999 -aCred -msimple -t"Tendrils of lightning flit around you as your aura changes from flame red to" rec_aura3 =\
	/pron eaura [Blue]%;\
	/set prot_eaura=3%;\
	/set prot_eaura_weak=off%;\
	/set prot_eaura_t2=%{prot_eaura_t}