view tools/makegmaps.php @ 324:b0c2f11e60fa gmap2 tip

Canonize boolean values to true/false instead of mixing TRUE/FALSE in.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Sun, 12 Mar 2023 14:58:57 +0200
parents a157aa18ec75
line wrap: on
line source

// Prevent non-cli execution
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli" || !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]))
  die("You can only run this script as a commandline application.\n");

if (!extension_loaded("gd"))
  die("ERROR: The required GD extension to PHP was not found or enabled.\n");

$gmapsConfig = "config.php";

// Paths and files
$cfgDefaults = [
  "binConvert"      => [1, "convert", "Path of 'convert' binary from ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick."],
  "binMercurial"    => [1, "hg", "Path of 'hg' binary of Mercurial DVCS."],
  "binMake"         => [1, "make", "Path of 'make', preferably GNU make."],

  "pathMapUtils"    => [2, "maputils/", "Path for maputils directory tree."],
  "pathImageCache"  => [2, "cache/", "Image cache directory."],
  "pathGMap"        => [2, "../", "Path to map main directory and marker data files."],
  "pathTileData"    => [2, "../tiles/", "Path to map tiles directory structure."],

  "pathRawMaps"     => [3, false, "Path to the raw ASCII maps."],
  "pathLocFiles"    => [3, false, "Path to the location data LOC files."],
  "worldConfig"     => [3, false, "Path of the world configuration file '' from MapUtils."],

$fontFile = "./lucon.ttf";

// Internal data and settings
$tileDim = 256;

$minZoom = 1;
$maxZoom = 10;

// Font sizes
$fontSize = [];
$fontSize[ 8] = 7;
$fontSize[16] = 13;
$fontSize[32] = 26;

$modes = [
  "xml"     => ["batclient.xml"     , 0, 0],
  "json"    => ["markers.json"      , 0, 0],

$mapPalette = [];
$mapPalette["!"]  = [ 204, 255, 255];
$mapPalette["%"]  = [   0, 170, 170];
$mapPalette["-"]  = [  51,  51,  51];
$mapPalette["|"]  = [  51,  51,  51];
$mapPalette["/"]  = [  51,  51,  51];
$mapPalette["+"]  = [  51,  51,  51];
$mapPalette["\\"] = [  51,  51,  51];
$mapPalette["="]  = [  72,  67,  57];
$mapPalette["@"]  = [ 255, 107,   0];
$mapPalette["F"]  = [   0, 136,   0];
$mapPalette["L"]  = [ 255,  80,   0];
$mapPalette["S"]  = [  68, 204, 204];
$mapPalette["^"]  = [ 113, 130, 146];
$mapPalette["c"]  = [  95,  86,  85];
$mapPalette["f"]  = [   0, 182,   0];
$mapPalette["i"]  = [ 255, 255, 255];
$mapPalette["l"]  = [ 100, 100, 255];
$mapPalette["s"]  = [ 157, 168,  10];
$mapPalette["v"]  = [  34, 221,  34];
$mapPalette["x"]  = [ 138, 131,  96];
$mapPalette["z"]  = [ 177, 164, 133];
$mapPalette["#"]  = [  79,  54,  69];
$mapPalette["."]  = [  85, 146,   0];
$mapPalette[","]  = [ 140,  87,  56];
$mapPalette["?"]  = [ 255, 255,   0];
$mapPalette["C"]  = [ 153, 153,   0];
$mapPalette["H"]  = [ 102,  63,   0];
$mapPalette["R"]  = [  51, 102, 255];
$mapPalette["V"]  = [ 255,  51,   0];
$mapPalette["b"]  = [ 207, 196, 165];
$mapPalette["d"]  = [ 238, 187,  34];
$mapPalette["h"]  = [ 153, 102,   0];
$mapPalette["j"]  = [  19, 150,  54];
$mapPalette["r"]  = [ 102, 153, 255];
$mapPalette["t"]  = [  97, 195, 162];
$mapPalette["w"]  = [ 119, 170, 255];
$mapPalette["y"]  = [ 167, 204,  20];
$mapPalette["~"]  = [  51,  51, 170];
$mapPalette["1"]  = [ 255, 102,  16];
$mapPalette[3]    = [   0,   0,   0];

// Helper functions
function stMakeDir($path)
  if (file_exists($path))
    return true;
    return mkdir($path, 0755, true);

function stOutputToFile($sfilename, $sdata)
  if (file_put_contents($sfilename, $sdata, LOCK_EX) === false)
    die("Error writing to '".$sfilename."'.\n");

function stOutputToJSONFile($qfilename, $qdata)
  stOutputToFile($qfilename, json_encode($qdata));

// Calculate worldmap coordinates from continent coordinates
function stGetWorldCoords($cname, $xp, $yp, &$xc, &$yc)
  global $worldMap, $continentList;

  if (!isset($continentList[$cname]))
    return false;

  $xc = $worldMap["ox"] + $continentList[$cname][CTI_XOFFS] + $xp - 1;
  $yc = $worldMap["oy"] + $continentList[$cname][CTI_YOFFS] + $yp - 1;
  return true;

// Get worldmap coordinates for a given tradelane waypoint
function stGetWaypointCoords($waypoint, &$xc, &$yc)
  global $tradelanePoints;

  if (!isset($tradelanePoints[$waypoint]))
    return false;

  return stGetWorldCoords($tradelanePoints[$waypoint][0],
    $tradelanePoints[$waypoint][1], $tradelanePoints[$waypoint][2], $xc, $yc);

function stYesNoPrompt($msg, $default = false)
  echo $msg." [".($default ? "Y/n" : "y/N")."]? ";
  $sprompt = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN)));

  if ($default)
    return ($sprompt == "n");
    return ($sprompt == "y");

function stInputPrompt($msg, $default = false, $validate = null)
  $valid = false;
  while (!$valid)
    echo $msg."\n".($default !== false ? "[".$default."]" : "")."> ";
    $sprompt = trim(fgets(STDIN));

    if ($sprompt == "")
      $sprompt = ($default !== false ? $default : "");

    $valid =  !is_callable($validate) || call_user_func($validate, $sprompt);
  return $sprompt;

function stValidateNotEmpty($val)
  if ($val == "")
    echo "The value can't be empty.\n";
    return false;
    return true;

function stValidateURLPrefix($sprefix)
  if (substr($sprefix, 0, 7) != "http://" &&
      substr($sprefix, 0, 8) != "https://")
    echo "URL must start with http:// or https://\n";
    return false;
  if (substr($sprefix, -1) != "/")
    echo "URL must end with /\n";
    return false;
  if (preg_match("/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.\:\-]*?\//", $sprefix) === false)
    echo "Malformed URL (or atleast this silly regexp does not accept it.\n";
    return false;
    return true;

function stMakeHtAccessFile($urlprefix, $sprefix, $spath)
  global $firstRun;
  $sfile = $sprefix.$spath.".htaccess";
  if (($firstRun || !file_exists($sfile)) && file_exists($sprefix.$spath."sea.png"))
    echo "Creating ".$sfile."\n";
    stOutputToFile($sfile, "ErrorDocument 404 ".$urlprefix.$spath."sea.png\n");

function stQueryConfigItems($level)
  global $cfgDefaults, $cfg;
  foreach ($cfgDefaults as $citem => $cdata)
    if ($cdata[0] == $level)
      $def = ($cdata[1] !== false) ? $cdata[1] : $cfg[$citem];

      $sdone = false;
      while (!$sdone)
        $tmp = $cfg[$citem] = stInputPrompt($cdata[2], $def, "stValidateNotEmpty");

        switch ($cdata[0])
          case 1:
            exec("which ".escapeshellarg($tmp), $tmpOut, $res);
            if ($res != 0)
              echo "ERROR: Could not find '".$tmp."'. Perhaps it is not in path, or path is wrong.\n";
              $sdone = true;

            $sdone = true;

// Check for first run
  "GMaps TNG bootstrap and update script by Ggr & Jeskko\n".

if (file_exists($gmapsConfig))
  $firstRun = false;
  include $gmapsConfig;
  $firstRun = true;
    "It seems you are running this for the first time ..\n".
    "You will be asked some information this time, which will be\n".
    "and saved for later use in file '".$gmapsConfig."'\n\n";

  $sdone = false;
  while (!$sdone)
    $cfg["pageBaseURL"] = stInputPrompt(
      "Enter base URL for the map page. For example:\n",
      false, "stValidateURLPrefix");
    $sdone = stYesNoPrompt("The page base URL to be used is \"".$cfg["pageBaseURL"]."\", e.g.\n".
      "index.php would be: \"".$cfg["pageBaseURL"]."index.php\"\n".
      "Is this correct?");
    echo "\n";

  $sdone = false;
  while (!$sdone)
    $cfg["urlTilePrefix"] = stInputPrompt(
      "Enter URL prefix for tiles. For example:\n",
      $cfg["pageBaseURL"]."tiles/", "stValidateURLPrefix");
    $sdone = stYesNoPrompt("The URL prefix to be used is \"".$cfg["urlTilePrefix"]."\", e.g.\n".
      "htaccess to be created would be: \"".$cfg["urlTilePrefix"]."sea.png\"\n".
      "Is this correct?");
    echo "\n";

  $cfg["gmapsKey"] = stInputPrompt(
    "Enter your Google Maps API key (or leave empty, and edit later)\n",
    false, false);

    "\nNext up are some files and paths. All of them can be safely\n".
    "left to their default values (e.g. just press <enter>) unless\n".
    "you know you want something set differently.\n\n";


  $cfg["pathRawMaps"] = $cfg["pathMapUtils"]."world/";
  $cfg["pathLocFiles"] = $cfg["pathMapUtils"]."world/";
  $cfg["worldConfig"] = $cfg["pathMapUtils"]."www/";


  stOutputToFile($gmapsConfig, "<?php\n\$cfg = ".var_export($cfg, true)."\n?>");

  "\$pageBaseURL = \"".$cfg["pageBaseURL"]."\";\n".
  "\$gmapsKey = \"".$cfg["gmapsKey"]."\";\n".
  "\$gmapsVersion = \"3\";\n".

// Set rest of the paths etc
$pathTileData = $cfg["pathGMap"]."tiles/";
$worldJS = $cfg["pathGMap"]."world.js";
$tradelaneOut = $cfg["pathGMap"]."tradelane.json";
$tradelaneOverlay = $cfg["pathGMap"]."trlines.json";
$tgtMkLoc = "bin/mkloc";
$binMkLoc = $cfg["pathMapUtils"].$tgtMkLoc;
$rawSuffix = ".new";
$rawAltSuffix = ".map";

foreach (["." => 0600, $cfg["pathMapUtils"] => 0600] as $spath => $sperm)
  if (chmod($spath, $sperm) === false)
    echo "Could not set permissions for '".$spath."'.\n");

// Create htaccess files
stMakeHtAccessFile($cfg["urlTilePrefix"], $cfg["pathTileData"], "");
for ($i = $minZoom; $i <= $maxZoom; $i++)
  stMakeHtAccessFile($cfg["urlTilePrefix"], $cfg["pathTileData"], $i."/");

// Build maputils and fetch latest map data
if (!file_exists($cfg["pathMapUtils"]))
  // If maputils does not exist, clone the repository
  $tmp = $cfg["binMercurial"]." clone ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"]);
  echo "* $tmp\n";
  passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

  // Clone th-libs
  $tmp = $cfg["binMercurial"]." clone ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"]."th-libs/");
  echo "* $tmp\n";
  passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");
  $tmp = "cd ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"])." && ".$cfg["binMercurial"]." pull && ".$cfg["binMercurial"]." update";
  echo "* $tmp\n";
  passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

  $tmp = "cd ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"]."th-libs/")." && ".$cfg["binMercurial"]." pull && ".$cfg["binMercurial"]." update";
  echo "* $tmp\n";
  passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

$tmp = "cd ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"])." && ".$cfg["binMake"]." ".escapeshellarg($tgtMkLoc);
echo "* $tmp\n";
passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

if (!file_exists($binMkLoc))
  die($binMkLoc." not found. Maputils package not built, or some other error occured.\n");

$tmp = "cd ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathMapUtils"])." && ".$cfg["binMake"];
passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

$tmp = "cd ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathRawMaps"])." && ".$cfg["binMake"]." fetch 2> /dev/null";
passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

// Include continent and tradelane configuration
if (!file_exists($cfg["worldConfig"]))
  die("Required continent/tradelane configuration file '".$cfg["worldConfig"]."' not found.\n");

require $cfg["worldConfig"];

// Generate continents JavasScript data file
echo "* Generating $worldJS ...\n";
$str  = "var pmapWorld = {";
foreach ($worldMap as $wkey => $wval)
  $str .= "\"".$wkey."\": ".$wval.", ";
$str .= "};\n";

$str .= "var pmapContinents =\n[\n";
foreach ($continentList as $cname => $cdata)
if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
  $str .= sprintf("  [%-15s, %5d, %5d, %5d, %5d, %5d, %5d],\n",
  $cdata[CTI_XOFFS] + $cdata[CTI_WIDTH] - 1,
  $cdata[CTI_YOFFS] + $cdata[CTI_HEIGHT] - 1,
  $cdata[CTI_WIDTH], $cdata[CTI_HEIGHT]);
$str .= "];\n";

stOutputToFile($worldJS, $str);

// Generate marker files from LOC data
echo "Converting location data from LOC files to GMaps markers...\n";

foreach ($modes as $mode => $mdata)
  $tmp = escapeshellcmd($binMkLoc)." -v -o ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathGMap"].$mdata[0])." -G ".$mode." ";

  foreach ($continentList as $cname => $cdata)
    if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
      // has a map
      $tmp .=
      "-l ".escapeshellarg($cfg["pathLocFiles"].$cname.".loc")." ".
      "-c ".escapeshellarg($cdata[CTI_NAME])." ".
      "-x ".escapeshellarg($worldMap["ox"] + $cdata[CTI_XOFFS] + $mdata[1])." ".
      "-y ".escapeshellarg($worldMap["oy"] + $cdata[CTI_YOFFS] + $mdata[2])." ";

  passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");

// Export tradelane waypoint data
if (!isset($tradelanePoints))
  die("PHP array \$tradelanePoints not set, '".$cfg["worldConfig"]."' is old or incompatible.\n");

echo "\nCreating tradelane waypoint data '".$tradelaneOut."' ...\n";

$qdata = [];

foreach ($tradelanePoints as $tname => $tlane)
  $html = "<b>TRADELANE WPT</b><br>".htmlentities($tname);

  if (!stGetWorldCoords($tlane[0], $tlane[1], $tlane[2], $xc, $yc))
    die("Invalid tradelane waypoint '".$tname."', continent '".$tlane[0]."' not defined.\n");

  $qdata[] = [
    "x" => $xc,
    "y" => $yc,
    "name" => $tname,
    "html" => $html,
    "continent" => "",
    "type" => "tradelane",
    "flags" => 0,

stOutputToJSONFile($tradelaneOut, $qdata);

// Export tradelane polyline data
echo "\nCreating tradelane polyline data '".$tradelaneOverlay."' ...\n";
if (!isset($tradelaneDefs))
  die("PHP array \$tradelaneDefs not set, '".$cfg["worldConfig"]."' is old or incompatible.\n");

$qdata = [];
foreach ($tradelaneDefs as $index => $points)
  $qline = [];

  foreach ($points as $point)
    if (!stGetWaypointCoords($point, $xc, $yc))
      die("Invalid tradelane definition #$index: waypoint '".$point."' not defined.\n");

    $qline[] = [
      "x" => $xc,
      "y" => $yc

  $qdata[] = $qline;

stOutputToJSONFile($tradelaneOverlay, $qdata);

// Generate PNG maps
function makeMap($inFilename, $outFilename, $zlevel, $cdata)
  global $mapPalette, $fontFile, $fontSize;

  // Try to open input file
  if (($file = @fopen($inFilename, "r")) === false)
    echo "Could not open input '".$inFilename."'\n";
    return false;

  // Derp
  $zoom = pow(2, $zlevel - 1);
  $width = $cdata[CTI_WIDTH];
  $height = $cdata[CTI_HEIGHT];

  // Create image and assign colors
  if (($im = imagecreate($width*$zoom, $height*$zoom)) === false)
    echo "Could not allocate image data for '".$inFilename."'\n";
    return false;

  $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
  foreach ($mapPalette as $id => $val)
    $colors[$id] = imagecolorallocate($im, $val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);

  imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $width*$zoom, $height*$zoom, $black);

  // Read input raw
  $y = 0;
  while ($y < $height && ($data = fgets($file, 4096)) !== false)
    for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++)
      if ($zoom == 1)
        imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $colors[$data[$x]]);
      if ($zoom < 6)
        imagefilledrectangle($im, $x*$zoom, $y*$zoom, ($x+1)*$zoom-1, ($y+1)*$zoom-1, $colors[$data[$x]]);
          $fontSize[$zoom], 0,
          $x*$zoom + $fontSize[$zoom]/4,
          $y*$zoom + $fontSize[$zoom],
    echo ".";

  if (imagepng($im, $outFilename) === false)
    echo "Error creating '".$outFilename."'\n";
    return false;

  return true;

if (!stMakeDir($cfg["pathImageCache"]))
  die("Failed to create cache directory '".$cfg["pathImageCache"]."'!\n");

echo "Generating basic map data...\n";
foreach ($continentList as $cname => $cdata)
if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
  $inFilename = $cfg["pathRawMaps"].$cname.$rawSuffix;
  if (!file_exists($inFilename))
    $inFilename = $cfg["pathRawMaps"].$cname.$rawAltSuffix;
    if (!file_exists($inFilename))
      die("Required file '".$cfg["pathRawMaps"].$cname."(".$rawSuffix."|".$rawAltSuffix.")' does not exist.\n");
  $inMtime = filemtime($inFilename);

  for ($zoom = 1; $zoom <= 5; $zoom++)
    $outFilename = $cfg["pathImageCache"].$cname."_".($zoom + 4).".png";
    $outMtime = file_exists($outFilename) ? filemtime($outFilename) : -1;
    echo "- ".$cname." (".$cdata[CTI_NAME]."): ";
    if ($inMtime > $outMtime)
      $res = makeMap($inFilename, $outFilename, $zoom, $cdata);
      echo ($res ? "OK" : "FAIL")."\n";
      echo "SKIPPED\n";

 * Generate small versions
echo "\nGenerating scaled small map data...\n";
$mapScales = ["50", "25", "12.5", "6.25", "3.125"];
foreach ($continentList as $cname => &$cdata)
if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
  $n = count($mapScales);
  $inFilename = $cfg["pathImageCache"].$cname."_".$n.".png";
  if (!file_exists($inFilename))
    die("Required file '".$inFilename."' does not exist.\n");
  $inMtime = filemtime($inFilename);

  foreach ($mapScales as $scale)
    $outFilename = $cfg["pathImageCache"].$cname."_".$n.".png";
    $outMtime = file_exists($outFilename) ? filemtime($outFilename) : -1;

    echo "* ".$inFilename." -> ".$outFilename.": ";
    if ($inMtime > $outMtime)
      $tmp = escapeshellcmd($cfg["binConvert"])." ".
        escapeshellarg($inFilename)." ".
        "-scale ".escapeshellarg($scale."%")." ".
        //"-type Palette ".

      passthru($tmp) == 0 or die("Error executing: ".$tmp."\n");
      echo "OK\n";
      echo "SKIPPED\n";

 * Build tiles
function createTile($scale, $zoom, $x, $y, $mapData, $mapMtime)
  global $continentList, $worldMap, $cfg, $tileDim;

  $outFilename = $cfg["pathTileData"].$zoom."/".$y."/".$x.".png";
  if (file_exists($outFilename) && filemtime($outFilename) >= $mapMtime)
    echo "!";

  $drawn = false;
  $im = false;

  foreach ($continentList as $cname => &$cdata)
    if (!$cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] || !$cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])

    $cx = $cdata[CTI_XOFFS] + $worldMap["ox"];
    $cy = $cdata[CTI_YOFFS] + $worldMap["oy"];
    $cw = $cdata[CTI_WIDTH];
    $ch = $cdata[CTI_HEIGHT];

    $tx = -($cx*$scale - $x*$tileDim);
    $ty = -($cy*$scale - $y*$tileDim);

    if (($cx + $cw)*$scale > $x*$tileDim &&
        ($cy + $ch)*$scale > $y*$tileDim &&
        ($cx * $scale)     < ($x+1)*$tileDim &&
        ($cy * $scale)     < ($y+1)*$tileDim)
      if (!$drawn)
        if ($zoom < 9)
          $im = imagecreate($tileDim, $tileDim);
          if ($im === false)
            die("\nCould not create GD image resource open dim=".$tileDim.
            " for zoom=".$zoom.", continent=".$cname."\n");

          $sea = imagecolorallocate($im, 51, 51, 170);
          imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $tileDim, $tileDim, $sea);
          $inFilename = $cfg["pathTileData"].$zoom."/sea.png";
          $im = imagecreatefrompng($inFilename);
          if ($im === false)
            die("\nCould not open '".$inFilename."'.\n");

      $dx = $tileDim;
      $dy = $tileDim;
      $xx = 0;
      $yy = 0;

      if ($tx < 0)
        $xx -= $tx;
        $dx += $tx+1;
        $tx  = 0;

      if ($ty < 0)
        $yy -= $ty;
        $dy += $ty+1;
        $ty  = 0;

      if ($dx > $cw*$scale-$tx)
        $dx = $cw*$scale - $tx;

      if ($dy > $ch*$scale-$ty)
        $dy = $ch*$scale - $ty;

      if ($im !== false)
        imagecopy($im, $mapData[$cname], $xx, $yy, $tx, $ty, $dx, $dy);
        $drawn = true;

  if ($drawn)
    stMakeDir($cfg["pathTileData"].$zoom."/".$y, 0755);
    imagepng($im, $outFilename);
   else {
    if (file_exists($outFilename))

    symlink($cfg["pathTileData"]."sea.png", $outFilename);
    echo "+";

echo "\nBuilding tiles data for all zoom levels ...\n";

$mapData = [];

for ($zoom = $minZoom; $zoom <= $maxZoom; $zoom++)
  $zoom2 = $zoom - 1;
  $scale = pow(2, $zoom2 - 5);


  echo "\nZoom level $zoom: ";

  $mx = ceil(($worldMap["w"] * $scale) / $tileDim);
  $my = ceil(($worldMap["h"] * $scale) / $tileDim);
  $mw = ceil( $worldMap["w"] * $scale);
  $mh = ceil( $worldMap["h"] * $scale);

  $mapMtime = -1;
  foreach ($continentList as $cname => &$cdata)
  if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
    $mapFile = $cfg["pathImageCache"].$cname."_".$zoom2.".png";
    $mapData[$cname] = imagecreatefrompng($mapFile);
    if ($mapData[$cname] === false)
      die("Not an GD image resource ".$mapData[$cname]." in '".$mapFile."'\n");

    $tmp = filemtime($mapFile);
    if ($tmp > $mapMtime)
      $mapMtime = $tmp;

  for ($y = 0; $y < $mx; $y++)
    for ($x = 0; $x < $my; $x++)
      createTile($scale, $zoom, $x, $y, $mapData, $mapMtime);
    echo ".";
  echo "\n";

  // Free image data for each continent
  foreach ($continentList as $cname => &$cdata)
    if ($cdata[CTI_HAS_MAP] && $cdata[CTI_REG_CONT])
