view README.loc @ 945:81184d58133c aprilli2011

author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Fri, 14 May 2010 11:18:20 +0000
parents 37cfc99fae08
children 45497e8a7c90
line wrap: on
line source

MapUtils '.loc' file format documentation
Following important changes were implemented in transition from
fileformat v2 to v3:

 * Records are no longer line-based, but can span multiple lines.
   A new record can only start after a newline, though.
 * String fields can have escaped sequences inside them.
 * Name field can now contain optional alternative names,
   separated by pipe ('|'). First name, is still used as the
   primary "key", however.

A properly formatted loc-file MUST start with line:

# MapUtils LOC file (version 3.0)

Processing software MAY check against the version number to see if they
are compatible with the format. Any backwards-incompatible changes
will result in change of the major version digit.

Rest of the format is as follows:

 * Character set used is ISO-8859-1.
 * Location record starts with a number describing the X-coordinate.
 * Records can span multiple lines (line can be continued by ending
   with a slash character '\').
 * Records end with a linefeed (\n) character.
 * Empty lines (this includes lines with whitespace only) are IGNORED.
 * Lines where the first non-whitespace character is a hash (#), are
   considered comments and are thus IGNORED. Processing software MAY
   preserve and add comments, if wished. Comment lines CAN NOT be
   continued with the above mentioned line continuation method.
 * String-type fields can contain ESCAPED sequences (escape character
   is slash '\'), which MUST be parsed into literals.
   Example: foo\;bar would be parsed to "foo;bar"

Each record is divided to fields 8 fields via semicolons (;). Fields MAY
contain extra whitespace padding on both sides (left and right), which
SHOULD be trimmed by the parser. Each record consists of following fields:

       X;Y;flags;location name(s);creator(s);timestamp;URL;freeform

The fields are as follows: (REQ = field is required, OPT = field can be
left empty)

 * [REQ] X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates of the location
   with origo (0,0) being in upper left corner of the map.

 * [REQ] Flags: Contains information about the marker's type, etc:
   First (non-whitespace) character MUST be a number [0-3], which describes
   the alignment of the marker's label. Rest of the flags are OPTIONAL, and
   may comprise of following:

   Marker types:
     'c' = Major city
     'C' = Player city
     '?' = Scenic
     '%' = Shrine scenic

   Location types:
     'S' = Raceshrine
     'G' = Guild
     'P' = Player guild/secret society
     'M' = Monster
     'T' = Guild-related Trainer
     'F' = Regional Fort

   Special flags:
     '-' = Location is "invisible". Practically means that some operations
           of mkloc utility ignore this marker. In generated maps the marker
           itself MUST be placed, but label MUST NOT be drawn.

 * [REQ] Location name(s): The first name acts as UNIQUE identifier, but
   there are exceptions: locations marked with invisible flag (-) may
   share the same location identifier. Additional alternative names can
   be specified, separated by pipe character ('|').

   NOTICE: By convention, the 'real' name of the area, shown by BatMUD
   'whereami' command, should be the LAST one (if there are alternative names).

 * [OPT] Creators: Contains comma-separated list of wizard names involved in
   creating or maintaining the area or otherwise related to the location.
   Example: ;Darol,Durand,Dazzt;

 * [OPT] Timestamp: MAY be left empty, otherwise a timestamp of when the area
   was added in the game. Formatted as '', zero-padded.
   Examples: 21.03.2008; 02.12.1996

 * [OPT] URL: Properly encoded URL-link pointing to related web-page.

 * [OPT] Freeform: Any location-related data. Ends in linefeed as it is the
   last field.