view world/Makefile @ 1858:fc09f5ac523f

Remove *.map from the upload file list.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Thu, 02 Nov 2017 14:41:56 +0200
parents 7bf994eb50bd
children 7b18fb64dff1
line wrap: on
line source

include ../config.mak
include config.mak

### Main targets
TARGETS=$(addsuffix .html,$(WORLD_MAPS)) \
	$(addsuffix .ansi,$(WORLD_MAPS)) \
	$(addsuffix .png,$(WORLD_MAPS)) \
	$(addsuffix .htm,$(WORLD_MAPS)) \

### If no target specified, show some help
	@echo "Usage: make <maps|fetch|diff|upload|gimp|clean>"
	@echo "maps  : Build HTML, HTML+JS, PNG image and ANSI format maps."
	@echo "fetch : Fetch latest raw ASCII map data from"
	@echo "diff  : Do special diff operation between new data (gotten via 'fetch')"
	@echo "        and update .loc files for each continent with new locations."
	@echo "        A diff -u of new and old location files is outputted."
	@echo "upload: Uploads map and loc-files via SCP to server specified in"
	@echo "        ../config.mak"
	@echo "gimp  : Execute Gimp with all PNG targets for post-processing."
	@echo "clean : Delete all the generated files."

### Maps
maps: $(addsuffix .ppm,$(WORLD_MAPS)) $(TARGETS)


LOCLIST=$(addsuffix .loc,$(WORLD_MAPS)) special.loc limbo.loc

### Special targets

# Upload changed files to site
upload: $(TARGETS) $(LOCLIST)
	@scp -C $? $(UPLOAD_URL)
	@touch $@

# Open PNG files in Gimp
gimp: $(addsuffix .png,$(WORLD_MAPS))
	-@ls -lt $+ gimp
	@gimp $+ && touch $@
	-@ls -lt $+ gimp

# Upload only *.loc files
uploc: $(LOCLIST)
	@scp $+ $(UPLOAD_URL)

# Fetch raw ASCII maps from to *.new
	for i in $(CONT_MAPS); do wget -O "$$" "$(BATMAPURL)$$i.txt"; done

# Remove all temporary .diff files
	$(RM) *.diff

# Diff target - run diff for each .map and .new (fetched via 'fetch' target).
# Finally do 'hg diff' to show changes.
diff: cleardiff $(addsuffix .diff,$(CONT_MAPS))
	@hg diff .

%.js: ../%.js
	@ln -s $< $@

# Clean temporary and generated targets
	$(RM) $(TARGETS) *.diff *.ppm *.o *.script

srcclean: clean
	$(RM) *~

.changelog: update
	@echo "* Making ChangeLog ..."
	@touch $@

ChangeLog: .changelog