view materials/ @ 308:809e2a1c64eb misc

Improve ascii text format alloy list output.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Tue, 29 Dec 2015 06:30:59 +0200
parents 1a6f435a1e4d
children 72bf6267e34f
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# BatMUD alloy data parser and converter
# Developed by Matti Hämäläinen (Ggr Pupunen) <>
# (C) Copyright 2009-2015 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
# Old format of alloying skill output was somewhat different, but
# it has been tuned somewhere after 2005. New output format is:
#You mix obsidian and crystal and create a quantity of glass
#You mix nullium and illumium and create a quantity of dukonium
#You mix nullium and illumium and create a quantity of dukonium
use strict;
use warnings;
use materials;

my $domark = 0;
my $mode = shift or die("Usage: $0 <-php|-text>\n");

if ($mode eq "-php")
  $domark = 1;
elsif ($mode eq "-text")
  die("$0: Invalid operation mode '$mode'.\n");

### Parse data from input, ignoring fumbled alloys
my %data = ();
my $fumble = 0;
my $nline = 0;

sub addCombo($$$)
  if (!$fumble)
    push(@{$data{$_[1]}{$_[2]}}, $_[0]);
    print STDERR "Ignoring fumbled combo $_[1] + $_[2] = $_[0]\n";
  $fumble = 0;

while (<STDIN>) {
  if (/^You mix ([a-z ]+?) and ([a-z ]+?) and create a quantity of (.+?)\.?$/)
    addCombo($3, $1, $2);
  elsif (/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#([a-z ]+)\+([a-z ]+)=([a-z ]+)$/)
    addCombo($4, $2, $3);
  elsif (/^(You slip up and fumble your attempt)/)
    $fumble = 1;

### Re-format the data into single "ordered" hash, using as
### close to alphabetical order as possible.
my %final = ();
foreach my $min1 (keys %data)
  foreach my $min2 (keys %{$data{$min1}})
    if (!defined($final{$min1}{$min2}) && !defined($final{$min2}{$min1}))
      # Get both (a, b) and (b, a) combinations results into same array
      my @tmp = ();
      if (defined($data{$min1}{$min2}))
        push(@tmp, @{$data{$min1}{$min2}});
      if (defined($data{$min2}{$min1}))
        push(@tmp, @{$data{$min2}{$min1}});
      # Determine if there are multiple results and which is the most likely.
      # Some alloy combinations are inherently "unstable".
      my %seen = ();
      $seen{$_}++ foreach (@tmp);
      if ($domark)
        $final{$min1}{$min2} = $final{$min2}{$min1} = \%seen;
      elsif ($min1 lt $min2)
        $final{$min1}{$min2} = \%seen;
        $final{$min2}{$min1} = \%seen;

## Output the results
if ($mode eq "-php")
  print "<?\n".
  "\$alloyTable = array(\n";
  foreach my $min1 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$Materials::matTable)
    print "  \"$min1\" => ";
    if (scalar(keys %{$final{$min1}}) > 0)
      print "array(";
      foreach my $min2 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$final{$min1}})
        print "\"$min2\" => array(";
        foreach my $res (sort { $final{$min1}{$min2}{$a} <=> $final{$min1}{$min2}{$b} } keys %{$final{$min1}{$min2}}) {
          print "\"$res\" => ".$final{$min1}{$min2}{$res}.", ";
        print "), ";
      print "),\n";
      print "null,\n";
  print ");\n\n";
  # Create 'reverse' alloy table
  my %restab = ();
  foreach my $res (keys %$Materials::matTable)
    foreach my $min1 (keys %final)
      foreach my $min2 (keys %{$final{$min1}})
        my $tmp = $final{$min1}{$min2};
        if (scalar(keys %$tmp) > 1)
#          print STDERR "Ignoring multi $min1 + $min2 = ".join(", ", keys %$tmp)."\n";
          foreach my $key (keys %$tmp)
            if ($key eq $res && !defined($restab{$res}{$min1}{$min2}) && !defined($restab{$res}{$min2}{$min1}))
              $restab{$res}{$min1}{$min2} = $$tmp{$key};

  print "\$alloyRevTable = array(\n";
  foreach my $res (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %restab)
    print "  \"$res\" => array(\n";
    foreach my $min1 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$restab{$res}})
      if (scalar(keys %{$restab{$res}{$min1}}) > 0)
        print "    \"$min1\" => array(";
        foreach my $min2 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$restab{$res}{$min1}})
          print "\"$min2\" => ".$restab{$res}{$min1}{$min2}.",";
        print "),\n";
    print "  ),\n";
  print ");\n\n".
elsif ($mode eq "-text")
  my $total = 0;
  my %tdata = ();

  foreach my $type (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$Materials::matByType})
    my $subtotal = 0;
    print "\n".$$Materials::revTransTable{99}{$type}." alloys\n".

    foreach my $min1 (@{$$Materials::matByType{$type}})
      foreach my $min2 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$final{$min1}})
        printf "%-35s = ", $min1." + ".$min2;
        my $n = 0;
        foreach my $res (sort { 
            $final{$min1}{$min2}{$a} <=> $final{$min1}{$min2}{$b}
            $a cmp $b
            } keys %{$final{$min1}{$min2}})
          print $res."[".$final{$min1}{$min2}{$res}."] ";
        if ($n > 1) { print " (unstable)"; }
        print "\n";
    print "\n".$subtotal." ".lc($$Materials::revTransTable{16}{$type})." type alloys.\n\n";

  print "\n".$total." alloys total.\n";