view @ 510:43ea59887c69

Start work on making C64 formats encoding possible by changing DMDecodeOps to DMEncDecOps and adding fields and op enums for custom encode functions, renaming, etc. Split generic op sanity checking into a separate function in preparation for its use in generic encoding function.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:06:01 +0200
parents 31ce6d32408f
line wrap: on
line source

import sys
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def bf(x) :
   return int(round(float(x)))

def printVertex(v) :
   if type(v) is list :
      return "{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}".format(v[0], v[1], v[2])
   else :
      return v

def getTransform(elem) :
   if "transform" in elem.attrib :
      ntrans = elem.attrib["transform"]
      tmatch = re.compile(r"translate\((.*?)\)", re.IGNORECASE)
      for trns in tmatch.finditer(ntrans) :
         coord =",")
         return [float(coord[0]), float(coord[1]), 0]
   return None

def getStyle(elem) :
   style = {}
   if "style" in elem.attrib :
      for elem in elem.attrib["style"].split(";") :
         kv = elem.split(":")
         style[kv[0]] = kv[1]
   return style

def printVertices(type, vertices, width, level) :
   if len(vertices) > 0 :
      list = map(lambda v:printVertex(v), vertices)
      str = "# "+ type
      if type == "m" :
         str = "R"
      elif type == "M" :
         str = "L"
      elif type == "c" :
         str = "R"
      print "{}{}{} {} {}".format("  "*level, str, len(vertices)-1, " ".join(list), width)

def printPath(path, level) :
   style = getStyle(path)
   width = bf(style["stroke-width"])

   trans = getTransform(path)
   if trans :
      print "{}G{}".format("  "*level, printVertex(trans))

   vertices = []
   type = ""
   for elem in path.attrib["d"].split(" ") :
      if elem == "m" or elem == "M" :
         printVertices(type, vertices, width, level)
         vertices = []
         type = elem
      elif elem == "z" :
      elif elem == "c" or elem == "C" :
         print "Curves not supported! Path ID '{}':\n{}".format(path.attrib["id"], path.attrib["d"])
      else :
         tmp = elem.split(",")
         px = float(tmp[0])
         py = float(tmp[1])
         vertices.append([px, py, 0])

   printVertices(type, vertices, width, level)
   if trans :
      print "{}E\n".format("  "*level)

def iterateDocument(elems, level) :
   for elem in elems:
      if elem.tag == "{}g" :
         print "\n{}# GROUP".format("  "*level)
         tmp = getTransform(elem)
         if tmp :
            print "{}G{}".format("  "*level, printVertex(getTransform(elem)))
            iterateDocument(elem, level + 1)
            print "{}E\n".format("  "*level)
         else :
            iterateDocument(elem, level)
      elif elem.tag == "{}path" :
         printPath(elem, level)

# Ns. paaohjelma
if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
   print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" <input.svg>"
tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1])
iterateDocument(tree.getroot(), 0)