view tools/gfxconv.c @ 2566:d75431bf1a7d

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author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 28 Feb 2022 11:59:26 +0200
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 * gfxconv - Convert various graphics formats
 * Programmed and designed by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen
 * (C) Copyright 2012-2022 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
 * Please read file 'COPYING' for information on license and distribution.
#include "dmtool.h"
#include "dmlib.h"
#include "dmargs.h"
#include "dmfile.h"
#include "libgfx.h"
#include "lib64gfx.h"
#include "lib64util.h"
#include "dmmutex.h"

#define DM_MAX_COLORS 256

#define DM_ASC_NBITS    8
#define DM_ASC_NCOLORS  4
static const char dmASCIIPalette[DM_ASC_NCOLORS] = ".:X#";

    FFMT_AUTO = 0,




    FCMP_NONE = 0,
    FCMP_BEST = 9

static const char *formatTypeList[FFMT_LAST] =
    "ASCII text",
    "ANSI text",
    "C64 bitmap image",
    "C64 character/font data",
    "C64 sprite data",

    CROP_NONE = 0,


    REMAP_NONE = 0,

typedef struct
    char *name;       // Descriptive name of the format
    char *fext;       // File extension
    int flags;        // DM_FMT_* flags, see libgfx.h
    int type;         // Format type
    int format;       // Subformat identifier
    char *help;
} DMConvFormat;

static const DMConvFormat baseFormatList[] =
    { "ASCII text"                           , "asc"   , DM_FMT_WR   , FFMT_ASCII   , 0  , NULL },
    { "ANSI colored text"                    , "ansi"  , DM_FMT_WR   , FFMT_ANSI    , 0  , NULL },
    { "C64 bitmap image"                     , "bitmap", DM_FMT_RDWR , FFMT_BITMAP  , -1 , NULL },
    { "C64 character/font data"              , "chr"   , DM_FMT_RDWR , FFMT_CHAR    , 0  , " (chr:mc/chr:sc for multi/singlecolor)" },
    { "C64 sprite data"                      , "spr"   , DM_FMT_RDWR , FFMT_SPRITE  , 0  , " (spr:mc/spr:sc for multi/singlecolor)" },
    { "C64 bitmap image dump"                , "dump"  , DM_FMT_WR   , FFMT_DUMP    , 0  , NULL },
    { "Palette data"                         , "pal"   , DM_FMT_RDWR , FFMT_PALETTE , -1 , NULL },

static const int nbaseFormatList = sizeof(baseFormatList) / sizeof(baseFormatList[0]);

static DMConvFormat *convFormatList = NULL;
static int nconvFormatList = 0;

typedef struct
    BOOL triplet, alpha;
    DMColor color;
    unsigned int from, to;
} DMMapValue;

char    *optInFilename = NULL,
        *optOutFilename = NULL;

int     optInType = FFMT_AUTO,
        optOutType = FFMT_AUTO,
        optInFormat = -1,
        optOutFormat = -1,
        optItemCount = -1,
        optPlanedWidth = 1,
        optForcedInSubFormat = -1,
        optShowHelp = 0;

unsigned int optInSkip = 0;
BOOL    optInSkipNeg = FALSE;

int     optCropMode = CROP_NONE,
        optCropX0, optCropY0,
        optCropW, optCropH;

BOOL    optInMulticolor = FALSE,
        optSequential = FALSE,
        optRemapRemove = FALSE,
        optRemapMatchAlpha = FALSE,
        optUsePalette = FALSE;
int     optRemapMode = REMAP_NONE;
int     optNRemapTable = 0,
        optScaleMode = SCALE_AUTO;
float   optRemapMaxDist = -1;
int     optRemapNoMatchColor = -1;
DMMapValue optRemapTable[DM_MAX_COLORS];
int     optColorMap[D64_NCOLORS];
char    *optCharROMFilename = NULL;
DMC64Palette *optC64Palette = NULL;
char    *optPaletteFile = NULL;
DMPalette *optPaletteData = NULL;

DMImageWriteSpec optSpec =
    .scaleX = 1,
    .scaleY = 1,
    .nplanes = 0,
    .bpp = 8,
    .planar = FALSE,
    .pixfmt = 0,
    .compression = FCMP_BEST,

DMC64ImageConvSpec optC64Spec;

static const DMOptArg optList[] =
    {  0, '?', "help"            , "Show this help", OPT_NONE },
    {  3,   0, "longhelp"        , "Show a longer help", OPT_NONE },
    {  1,   0, "license"         , "Print out this program's license agreement", OPT_NONE },
    {  2, 'v', "verbose"         , "Be more verbose", OPT_NONE },

    { 10, 'o', "output"          , "Output filename", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 12, 's', "skip"            , "Skip N bytes in input from start "
                                   "(a negative value will be offset "
                                   "from end of input data)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 14, 'i', "informat"        , "Set input format (see --formats)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 16, 'f', "format"          , "Set output format (see --formats)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 18, 'F', "formats"         , "List supported input/output formats", OPT_NONE },
    { 20, 'q', "sequential"      , "Output sequential files (image output only)", OPT_NONE },
    { 22, 'm', "colormap"        , "Set color map definitions (see '-m help')", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 24, 'n', "numitems"        , "How many 'items' to output (default: all)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 26, 'w', "width"           , "Item width (number of items per row, min 1)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 28, 'S', "scale"           , "Scale output image (see '-S help')", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 30, 'P', "paletted"        , "Use indexed/paletted output IF possible.", OPT_NONE },
    { 32, 'N', "nplanes"         , "# of bitplanes (some output formats)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 34, 'B', "bpp"             , "Bits per plane (some output formats)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 36, 'I', "interleave"      , "Interleaved/planar output (some output formats)", OPT_NONE },
    { 38, 'C', "compress"        , "Use compression -C <0-9>, 0 = disable, default is 9. "
                                   "(Not all formats support compression and the meaning "
                                   "apart from 0 or >= 1 depends on the format.)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 42, 'R', "remap"           , "Remap output image colors (see '-R help')", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 44,   0, "char-rom"        , "Set character ROM file to be used.", OPT_ARGREQ },
    { 46, 'p', "palette"         , "Set palette to be used (see '-p help'). "
                                   "For paletted image file input, this will replace the "
                                   "image's original palette. Color remapping will not be "
                                   "done unless -R option is also specified.", OPT_ARGREQ },

static const int optListN = sizeof(optList) / sizeof(optList[0]);

void argShowFormats()
    "Available input/output formats (-f <frmt>):\n"
    " frmt | RW | Description\n"

    for (int i = 0; i < nconvFormatList; i++)
        const DMConvFormat *fmt = &convFormatList[i];
        printf("%-6s| %c%c | %s%s\n",
            fmt->fext ? fmt->fext : "",
            (fmt->flags & DM_FMT_RD) ? 'R' : ' ',
            (fmt->flags & DM_FMT_WR) ? 'W' : ' ',
            fmt->help != NULL ? fmt->help : "");

    "(Not all input->output combinations are actually supported.)\n"

void argShowHelp(void)
    dmPrintBanner(stdout, dmProgName, "[options] [<input file>]");
    dmArgsPrintHelp(stdout, optList, optListN, 0, 80 - 2);

    "Default C64 character ROM file for this build is:\n"

const char * argGetHelpTopic(const int opt)
    switch (opt)
        case 22:
            "Color map definitions (-m)\n"
            "Color map definitions are used for sprite/char data input (and ANSI text\n"
            "output), to set what colors of the C64 palette are used for each single\n"
            "color/multi color bit-combination.\n"
            "For example, if the input is multi color sprite or char, you can define\n"
            "colors like: -m 0,8,3,15 .. for hires/single color: -m 0,1\n"
            "The numbers are palette indexes, and the order is for bit(pair)-values\n"
            "00, 01, 10, 11 (multi color) and 0, 1 (single color).\n"
            "NOTICE! 255 is a special transparency color index; -m 255,2 would use\n"
            "transparency for '0' bits and and C64 color 2 for '1' bits.\n";

        case 28:
            "Output image scaling (-S)\n"
            "Scaling can be done in direct or relative mode with integer scale factors.\n"
            "'-S [*]<n>' sets both height and width scale factor to <n> directly or\n"
            "    relative to the certain input format's default aspect/scale factors.\n"
            "    * = scale relatively, e.g. '-S *2'.\n"
            "'-S <W>:<H>[*<n>]' scales width by W*n and height H*n.\n"
            "    If <n> is not specified, it defaults to 1.\n";

        case 42:
            "Palette remapping (-R)\n"
            "Indexed palette color remapping can be performed via the '-R' option in\n"
            "several different ways:\n"
            " 1) '-R auto'\n"
            "    will remap input image to a destination palette specified with the\n"
            "    '-p' option (which may be a supported palette file, another paletted\n"
            "    image file, or one of the internal gfxconv palettes, see '-p help')\n"
            "    Example: '-R auto+remove -p pepto' would remap the input image to the\n"
            "    internal Pepto's C64 palette, removing any unused palette entries.\n"
            " 2) '-R <#RRGGBBaa|index>:<index>[,<(#RRGGBBaa|index):<index>[,...]]'\n"
            "    can be used to specify single RGB(A) color quadruplets/triplets or\n"
            "    palette indices to be remapped to destination palette indices. Any\n"
            "    unspecified indices will be automatically mapped. Specifying alpha\n"
            "    channel is optional, and will require +alpha flag/modifier to be\n"
            "    enabled for comparisions to take alpha channel into account.\n"
            "    Example: '-R #000000:0,#ffffff:1' would map black and white to indices 0 and 1.\n"
            " 3) '-R @<filename>'\n"
            "    can be used to specify a mapping file, which is a text file with one\n"
            "    remap definition per line in same format as above. All empty lines and\n"
            "    lines starting with a semicolor (;) will be ignored as comments. Also\n"
            "    any extra whitespace separating items will be ignored as well.\n"
            "Optional modifier flags can be specified as well:\n"
            "  +remove     Remove all unused colors from the resulting palette.\n"
            "  +alpha      Enable alpha value matching in color comparisions.\n"
            "              NOTE! This may result in unexpected behaviour.\n"
            "  +max=<f>    Set the maximum color distance/delta acceptable for\n"
            "              matching colors. Default is -1, meaning closest possible\n"
            "              that can be found even if the match is poor. Any value \n"
            "              above or equal to 0 will be considered strict limit, see\n"
            "              the 'nomatch' modifier below.\n"
            "              Range: -1, 0 .. 1.0\n"
            "  +nomatch=<n>\n"
            "              If no acceptable match is found (see +max modifier)\n"
            "              then use this (<n>) color index. This may have unexpected\n"
            "              results with +remove modifier. The default value of 'n'\n"
            "              is -1, which will result in error if no match is found.\n"

            return NULL;

// Replace filename extension based on format pattern.
// Usage: res = dm_strdup_fext(orig_filename, "foo_%s.cmp");
char *dm_strdup_fext(const char *filename, const char *fmt)
    char *result, *tmp, *fext;

    if (filename == NULL ||
        (tmp = dm_strdup(filename)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if ((fext = strrchr(tmp, '.')) != NULL)
        char *fpath = strrchr(tmp, DM_DIR_SEPARATOR);
        if (fpath == NULL || (fpath != NULL && fext > fpath))
            *fext = 0;

    result = dm_strdup_printf(fmt, tmp);


    return result;

// Return a "matching" ANSI colour code for given C64 palette index.
// As the standard 16 ANSI colours are not exact match and some C64
// colours cant be represented, this is an imperfect conversion.
const char *dmC64GetANSIFromC64Color(const int col)
    switch (col)
        case  0: return "0;30";    // Black
        case  1: return "0;1;37";  // White
        case  2: return "0;31";    // Red
        case  3: return "0;36";
        case  4: return "0;35";
        case  5: return "0;32";
        case  6: return "0;34";
        case  7: return "0;1;33";
        case  8: return "0;33";
        case  9: return "0;31";
        case 10: return "0;1;31";
        case 11: return "0;1;30";
        case 12: return "0;1;30";
        case 13: return "0;1;32";
        case 14: return "0;1;34";
        case 15: return "0;37";

        default: return "0";

BOOL dmGetConvFormat(const int type, const int format, DMConvFormat *pfmt)
    for (int i = 0; i < nconvFormatList; i++)
        const DMConvFormat *fmt = &convFormatList[i];
        if (fmt->type == type &&
            fmt->format == format)
            memcpy(pfmt, fmt, sizeof(DMConvFormat));
            return TRUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < nconvFormatList; i++)
        const DMConvFormat *fmt = &convFormatList[i];
        if (fmt->type == type && type == FFMT_BITMAP)
            const DMConvFormat *fmt = &convFormatList[i];
            const DMC64ImageFormat *cfmt = &dmC64ImageFormats[format];
            memcpy(pfmt, fmt, sizeof(DMConvFormat));
            pfmt->fext = cfmt->name;
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

BOOL dmGetC64FormatByExt(const char *fext, int *type, int *format)
    if (fext == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    for (int i = 0; i < ndmC64ImageFormats; i++)
        const DMC64ImageFormat *fmt = &dmC64ImageFormats[i];
        if (fmt->fext != NULL &&
            strcasecmp(fext, fmt->fext) == 0)
            *type   = FFMT_BITMAP;
            *format = i;
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

BOOL dmGetFormatByExt(const char *fext, int *type, int *format)
    if (fext == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    for (int i = 0; i < nconvFormatList; i++)
        const DMConvFormat *fmt = &convFormatList[i];
        if (fmt->fext != NULL &&
            strcasecmp(fext, fmt->fext) == 0)
            *type   = fmt->type;
            *format = fmt->format;
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

BOOL dmParseMapOptionMapItem(const char *popt, DMMapValue *value, const unsigned int nmax, const char *msg)
    char *end, *split, *opt = dm_strdup(popt);

    if (opt == NULL)
        goto out;

    if ((end = split = strchr(opt, ':')) == NULL)
        dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s value '%s', expected <(#|%%)RRGGBB|[$|0x]index>:<[$|0x]index>.\n",
            msg, opt);
        goto out;

    // Trim whitespace
    *end = 0;
    for (end--; end > opt && *end && isspace(*end); end--)
        *end = 0;

    // Parse either a hex triplet color definition or a normal value
    if (*opt == '#' || *opt == '%')
        unsigned int colR, colG, colB, colA;

        if (sscanf(opt + 1, "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &colR, &colG, &colB, &colA) == 4 ||
            sscanf(opt + 1, "%2X%2X%2X%2X", &colR, &colG, &colB, &colA) == 4)
            value->alpha = TRUE;
            value->color.a = colA;
        if (sscanf(opt + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &colR, &colG, &colB) != 3 &&
            sscanf(opt + 1, "%2X%2X%2X", &colR, &colG, &colB) != 3)
            dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s value '%s', expected a hex triplet, got '%s'.\n", msg, popt, opt + 1);
            goto out;

        value->color.r = colR;
        value->color.g = colG;
        value->color.b = colB;
        value->triplet = TRUE;
        if (!dmGetIntVal(opt, &value->from, NULL))
            dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s value '%s', could not parse source value '%s'.\n", msg, popt, opt);
            goto out;
        value->triplet = FALSE;

    // Trim whitespace
    while (*split && isspace(*split)) split++;

    // Parse destination value
    if (!dmGetIntVal(split, &value->to, NULL))
        dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s value '%s', could not parse destination value '%s'.\n", msg, popt, split);
        goto out;

    if (!value->triplet && value->from > 255)
        dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s map source color index value %d, must be [0..255].\n", msg, value->from);
        goto out;

    if (value->to > nmax)
        dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s map destination color index value %d, must be [0..%d].\n", msg, value->to, nmax);
        goto out;

    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

BOOL dmParseMapOptionItem(char *opt, char *end, void *pvalue, const int index, const int nmax, const BOOL requireIndex, const char *msg)
    // Trim whitespace
    if (end != NULL)
        *end = 0;
        for (end--; end > opt && *end && isspace(*end); end--)
            *end = 0;
    while (*opt && isspace(*opt)) opt++;

    // Parse item based on mode
    if (requireIndex)
        DMMapValue *value = (DMMapValue *) pvalue;
        if (!dmParseMapOptionMapItem(opt, &value[index], nmax, msg))
            return FALSE;
        unsigned int *value = (unsigned int *) pvalue;
        char *split = strchr(opt, ':');
        if (split != NULL)
            dmErrorMsg("Unexpected ':' in indexed %s '%s'.\n", msg, opt);
            return FALSE;

        if (!dmGetIntVal(opt, &value[index], NULL))
            dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s value '%s', could not parse.\n", msg, opt);
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

BOOL dmParseMapOptionString(char *opt, void *values, int *nvalues, const int nmax, const BOOL requireIndex, const char *msg)
    char *start = opt;

    *nvalues = 0;
    while (*start && *nvalues < nmax)
        char *end = strchr(start, ',');

        if (!dmParseMapOptionItem(start, end, values, *nvalues, nmax, requireIndex, msg))
            return FALSE;


        if (!end)

        start = end + 1;

    return TRUE;

int dmParseColorRemapFile(const char *filename, DMMapValue *values, int *nvalue, const int nmax)
    FILE *fp;
    char line[512];
    int res = DMERR_OK;

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
        res = dmGetErrno();
        return dmError(res, "Could not open color remap file '%s' for reading: %s.\n",
            filename, dmErrorStr(res));

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
        char *start = line;
        line[sizeof(line) - 1] = 0;

        while (*start && isspace(*start)) start++;

        if (*start != 0 && *start != ';')
            if (!dmParseMapOptionMapItem(line, &values[*nvalue], nmax, "mapping file"))
                goto out;

            if (*nvalue >= nmax)
                dmErrorMsg("Too many mapping pairs in '%s', maximum is %d.\n",
                    filename, nmax);
                goto out;

    return res;

BOOL dmParseFormatOption(const char *msg1, const char *msg2, char *optArg, int *format, int *subFormat)
    char *flags = strchr(optArg, ':');
    if (flags != NULL)
        *flags++ = 0;

    if (!dmGetFormatByExt(optArg, format, subFormat) &&
        !dmGetC64FormatByExt(optArg, format, subFormat))
        dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s format '%s', see -F / --formats for format list.\n",
            msg1, optArg);
        return FALSE;

    if (flags != NULL)
        switch (*format)
            case FFMT_SPRITE:
            case FFMT_CHAR:
                if (strcasecmp(flags, "mc") == 0)
                    optInMulticolor = TRUE;
                if (strcasecmp(flags, "sc") == 0)
                    optInMulticolor = FALSE;
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid %s format flags for sprite/char '%s', should be 'mc' or 'sc'.\n",
                        msg1, flags);
                    return FALSE;

                dmErrorMsg("%s format '%s' does not support any flags ('%s').\n",
                    msg2, optArg, flags);
                return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

char *dmParseValWithSep(char **arg, char *last, BOOL (*isok)(const int ch), const char *sep)
    char *ptr = *arg, *end, *start;

    // Skip any whitespace at start
    while (*ptr != 0 && isspace(*ptr))

    start = ptr;

    // Find next not-xdigit/separator
    while (*ptr != 0 && (isok == NULL || isok(*ptr)) &&
        strchr(sep, *ptr) == NULL)

    end = ptr;

    // Skip whitespace again
    while (*ptr != 0 && isspace(*ptr))

    // Return last character in "last"
    *last = *ptr;

    // Set end to NUL
    *end = 0;

    // And if last character is not NUL, move ptr
    if (*last != 0)

    *arg = ptr;

    return start;

BOOL dmParseIntValTok(const int ch)
    return isxdigit(ch) || ch == 'x' || ch == '$';

BOOL dmParseIntValWithSep(char **arg, unsigned int *value, char *last, const char *sep)
    return dmGetIntVal(dmParseValWithSep(arg, last, dmParseIntValTok, sep), value, NULL);

BOOL argHandleOpt(const int optN, char *optArg, char *currArg)
    unsigned int tmpUInt;
    char *tmpStr;

    switch (optN)
        case 0:
            optShowHelp = 1;

        case 3:
            optShowHelp = 2;

        case 1:

        case 2:

        case 10:
            optOutFilename = optArg;

        case 12:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &optInSkip, &optInSkipNeg))
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid skip value argument '%s'.\n", optArg);
                return FALSE;

        case 14:
                DMConvFormat fmt;

                if (!dmParseFormatOption("input", "Input", optArg, &optInType, &optForcedInSubFormat))
                    return FALSE;

                dmGetConvFormat(optInType, optForcedInSubFormat, &fmt);
                if ((fmt.flags & DM_FMT_RD) == 0)
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid input format '%s', does not support reading.\n",
                    return FALSE;

        case 16:
                DMConvFormat fmt;

                if (!dmParseFormatOption("output", "Output", optArg, &optOutType, &optOutFormat))
                    return FALSE;

                dmGetConvFormat(optOutType, optOutFormat, &fmt);
                if ((fmt.flags & DM_FMT_WR) == 0)
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid output format '%s', does not support writing.\n",
                    return FALSE;

        case 18:
            optShowHelp = 3;

        case 20:
            optSequential = TRUE;

        case 22:
            if (strcasecmp(optArg, "help") == 0)
                fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", argGetHelpTopic(optN));
                int ncolors;
                if (!dmParseMapOptionString(optArg, optColorMap,
                    &ncolors, D64_NCOLORS, FALSE, "color index option"))
                    return FALSE;

                dmMsg(1, "Set color index mapping: ");
                for (int index = 0; index < ncolors; index++)
                    dmPrint(1, "[%d:%d]%s",
                        index, optColorMap[index],
                        (index < ncolors) ? ", " : "");
                dmPrint(1, "\n");

        case 24:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &tmpUInt, NULL) ||
                tmpUInt < 1)
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid count value argument '%s' [1 .. MAXINT]\n",
                return FALSE;
            optItemCount = tmpUInt;

        case 26:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &tmpUInt, NULL) ||
                tmpUInt < 1 || tmpUInt > 512)
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid planed width value '%s' [1 .. 512]\n",
                return FALSE;
            optPlanedWidth = tmpUInt;

        case 28:
            if (strcasecmp(optArg, "help") == 0)
                fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", argGetHelpTopic(optN));
                BOOL error = FALSE;
                unsigned int tmpUInt2;
                char *tmpStr = dm_strdup(optArg),
                     *tmpOpt = tmpStr, sep;

                // Check for "relative scale mode specifier
                if (*tmpOpt == '*')
                    optScaleMode = SCALE_RELATIVE;
                    optScaleMode = SCALE_SET;

                // Parse the values
                if (dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpOpt, &tmpUInt, &sep, ":"))
                    if (sep == ':' &&
                        dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpOpt, &tmpUInt2, &sep, "*"))
                        optSpec.scaleX = tmpUInt;
                        optSpec.scaleY = tmpUInt2;

                        if (sep == '*' &&
                            dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpOpt, &tmpUInt, &sep, ""))
                            optSpec.scaleX *= tmpUInt;
                            optSpec.scaleY *= tmpUInt;
                        error = (sep != 0);
                    if (sep == 0)
                        optSpec.scaleX = optSpec.scaleY = tmpUInt;
                        error = TRUE;
                    error = TRUE;


                if (error)
                        "Invalid scale option value '%s', should be [*]<n> or or <w>:<h>[*<n>].\n",
                    return FALSE;

                if (optSpec.scaleX < 1 || optSpec.scaleX > 50)
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid X scale value %d.\n", optSpec.scaleX);
                    return FALSE;
                if (optSpec.scaleY < 1 || optSpec.scaleY > 50)
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid Y scale value %d.\n", optSpec.scaleY);
                    return FALSE;

        case 30:
            optUsePalette = TRUE;

        case 32:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &tmpUInt, NULL) ||
                tmpUInt < 1 || tmpUInt > 8)
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid number of bitplanes value '%s' [1 .. 8]\n",
                return FALSE;
            optSpec.nplanes = tmpUInt;

        case 34:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &tmpUInt, NULL) ||
                tmpUInt < 1 || tmpUInt > 32)
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid number of bits per plane value '%s' [1 .. 32]\n",
                return FALSE;
            optSpec.bpp = tmpUInt;

        case 36:
            optSpec.planar = TRUE;

        case 38:
            if (!dmGetIntVal(optArg, &tmpUInt, NULL) ||
                tmpUInt > FCMP_BEST)
                dmErrorMsg("Invalid compression setting '%s' [%d .. %d]\n",
                    optArg, FCMP_NONE, FCMP_BEST);
                return FALSE;
            optSpec.compression = tmpUInt;

        case 40:
            if (strcasecmp(optArg, "auto") == 0)
                optCropMode = CROP_AUTO;
                unsigned int tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1;
                char sep, modeSep = 0, *tmpTok, *tmpStr;
                BOOL ok;
                if ((tmpTok = tmpStr = dm_strdup(optArg)) == NULL)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate memory for temporary string.\n");
                    return FALSE;

                // Check for 'x0:y0-x1:y1' pattern
                ok = dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpTok, &tx0, &sep, ":") &&
                    sep == ':' &&
                        dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpTok, &ty0, &modeSep, ":-") &&
                    (sep == ':' || sep == '-') &&
                    dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpTok, &tx1, &sep, ":") &&
                    sep == ':' &&
                    dmParseIntValWithSep(&tmpTok, &ty1, &sep, "");


                if (ok)
                    optCropMode = CROP_SIZE;
                    optCropX0   = tx0;
                    optCropY0   = ty0;

                    if (modeSep == '-')
                        DM_SWAP_IF(unsigned int, tx0, tx1);
                        DM_SWAP_IF(unsigned int, ty0, ty1);

                        optCropW    = tx1 - tx0;
                        optCropH    = ty1 - ty0;

                        dmMsg(1, "Crop coordinates %d, %d - %d, %d [dim %d, %d]\n",
                            tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1, optCropW, optCropH);
                        optCropW    = tx1;
                        optCropH    = ty1;

                        dmMsg(1, "Crop coordinates %d, %d - %d, %d [dim %d, %d]\n",
                            tx0, ty0, tx0 + tx1, ty0 + ty1, optCropW, optCropH);
                    dmErrorMsg("Invalid crop mode / argument '%s'.\n", optArg);
                    return FALSE;

        case 42:
            if (strcasecmp(optArg, "help") == 0)
                fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", argGetHelpTopic(optN));

            // Check if any flags/sub-options are specified
            if ((tmpStr = strchr(optArg, '+')) != NULL)
                *tmpStr++ = 0;
                    // Parse one sub-option
                    char sep, *topt = dmParseValWithSep(&tmpStr, &sep, NULL, "+");

                    // Check what option we have
                    if (strcasecmp(topt, "remove") == 0)
                        optRemapRemove = TRUE;
                    if (strcasecmp(topt, "alpha") == 0)
                        optRemapMatchAlpha = TRUE;
                    if (strncasecmp(topt, "max=", 4) == 0)
                        char *start = topt + 4, *end;
                        optRemapMaxDist = strtof(start, &end);

                        if (end == start)
                            dmErrorMsg("Invalid or missing value parameter for -R option flag: '%s'.\n",
                            return FALSE;
                    if (strncasecmp(topt, "nomatch=", 8) == 0)
                        char *start = topt + 8, *end;
                        optRemapNoMatchColor = strtol(start, &end, 10);

                        if (end == start)
                            dmErrorMsg("Invalid or missing value parameter for -R option flag: '%s'.\n",
                            return FALSE;

                        if (optRemapNoMatchColor < -1 || optRemapNoMatchColor > 255)
                            dmErrorMsg("Invalid remap no-match color value %d. Should be [-1 .. 255].\n",
                            return FALSE;
                        dmErrorMsg("Unknown -R option flag '%s'.\n", topt);
                        return FALSE;
                } while (*tmpStr != 0);

            // Check which remap mode is being requested
            if (strcasecmp(optArg, "auto") == 0)
                if (optRemapMode != REMAP_NONE && optRemapMode != REMAP_AUTO)
                    dmErrorMsg("Remap mode already set to something else than 'auto'. You can only have one remapping mode.\n");
                    return FALSE;

                optRemapMode = REMAP_AUTO;
                if (optRemapMode != REMAP_NONE && optRemapMode != REMAP_MAPPED)
                    dmErrorMsg("Remap mode already set to something else than 'mapped'. You can only have one remapping mode.\n");
                    return FALSE;

                if (optArg[0] == '@')
                    if (optArg[1] != 0)
                        int res;
                        if ((res = dmParseColorRemapFile(optArg + 1,
                            optRemapTable, &optNRemapTable, DM_MAX_COLORS)) != DMERR_OK)
                            return FALSE;
                        dmErrorMsg("No remap filename given.\n");
                        return FALSE;
                    if (!dmParseMapOptionString(optArg, optRemapTable,
                        &optNRemapTable, DM_MAX_COLORS, TRUE, "color remap option"))
                        return FALSE;

                optRemapMode = REMAP_MAPPED;

            if (optRemapMatchAlpha)
                dmErrorMsg("WARNING: Palette alpha matching may have unexpected results.\n");

        case 44:
            optCharROMFilename = optArg;

        case 46:
            return argHandleC64PaletteOption(optArg, &optC64Palette, &optPaletteFile);

            dmErrorMsg("Unimplemented option argument '%s'.\n", currArg);
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

BOOL argHandleFile(char *currArg)
    if (!optInFilename)
        optInFilename = currArg;
        dmErrorMsg("Source filename already specified, extraneous argument '%s'.\n",
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

void dmPrintByte(FILE *out, const Uint8 byte, const int format, const BOOL multicolor, const BOOL dir)
    if (multicolor)
        for (int i = 0; i < DM_ASC_NBITS; i += 2)
            int k = dir ? i : (DM_ASC_NBITS - i - 1);
            Uint8 val = (byte & (3ULL << k)) >> k;
            char ch;
            switch (format)
                case FFMT_ASCII:
                    ch = dmASCIIPalette[val];
                    fprintf(out, "%c%c", ch, ch);
                case FFMT_ANSI:
                    fprintf(out, "\x1b[%sm##\x1b[0m",
        for (int i = 0; i < DM_ASC_NBITS; i++)
            int k = dir ? i : (DM_ASC_NBITS - i - 1);
            Uint8 val = (byte & (1ULL << k)) >> k;
            switch (format)
                case FFMT_ASCII:
                    fputc(val ? '#' : '.', out);
                case FFMT_ANSI:
                    fprintf(out, "\x1b[%sm#\x1b[0m",

void dmDumpCharASCII(FILE *outFile, const Uint8 *buf, const size_t offs, const int fmt, const BOOL multicolor)
    for (size_t yc = 0; yc < D64_CHR_HEIGHT_UT; yc++)
        fprintf(outFile, "%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T " : ", offs + yc);
        dmPrintByte(outFile, buf[yc], fmt, multicolor, FALSE);
        fprintf(outFile, "\n");

void dmDumpSpriteASCII(FILE *outFile, const Uint8 *buf, const size_t offs, const int fmt, BOOL multicolor)
    size_t bufOffs, xc, yc;

    for (bufOffs = yc = 0; yc < D64_SPR_HEIGHT_UT; yc++)
        fprintf(outFile, "%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T " ", offs + bufOffs);
        for (xc = 0; xc < D64_SPR_WIDTH_UT; xc++)
            dmPrintByte(outFile, buf[bufOffs], fmt, multicolor, FALSE);
            fprintf(outFile, " ");
        fprintf(outFile, "\n");

// XXX TODO: we need to evaluate the color vector itself, not just the distance
float dmGetColorDist(const DMColor *c1, const DMColor *c2, const BOOL alpha)
    const float
        dr = (c1->r - c2->r) / 255.0,
        dg = (c1->g - c2->g) / 255.0,
        db = (c1->b - c2->b) / 255.0;

    if (alpha)
        const float da = (c1->a - c2->a) / 255.0;
        return (dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db + da * da) / 4.0;
        return (dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db) / 3.0;

int dmScanUsedColors(const DMImage *src, const BOOL warn, BOOL *used, int *nused)
    BOOL warned = FALSE;
    *nused = 0;

    if (src == NULL || used == NULL || nused == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    if (src->pal == NULL || src->pixfmt != DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE)
        return dmError(DMERR_INVALID_DATA,
            "Source image is not paletted.\n");

    for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
        used[index] = FALSE;

    for (int yc = 0; yc < src->height; yc++)
        const Uint8 *dp = src->data + src->pitch * yc;
        for (int xc = 0; xc < src->width; xc++)
            Uint8 col = dp[xc];
            if (col < src->pal->ncolors)
                if (!used[col])
                    used[col] = TRUE;
            if (warn && !warned)
                dmErrorMsg("Image contains color indices that are out of bounds of the palette.\n");
                warned = TRUE;

    return DMERR_OK;

int dmDoRemapImageColors(DMImage **pdst, const DMImage *src,
    const int *mapping, const DMPalette *dpal)
    DMImage *dst = NULL;
    int res = DMERR_OK;

    if (pdst == NULL || src == NULL || mapping == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    // Allocate target image
    if ((dst = *pdst = dmImageAlloc(src->width, src->height,
        src->pixfmt, -1)) == NULL)
        res = dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
            "Could not allocate image for re-mapped data.\n");
        goto out;

    for (int yc = 0; yc < src->height; yc++)
        Uint8 *sp = src->data + src->pitch * yc;
        Uint8 *dp = dst->data + dst->pitch * yc;
        for (int xc = 0; xc < src->width; xc++)
            dp[xc] = mapping[sp[xc]];

    if ((res = dmPaletteCopy(&dst->pal, dpal)) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Error installing remapped palette to destination image: %s\n",
        goto out;

    return res;

int dmRemapImageColors(DMImage **pdst, const DMImage *src,
    const DMPalette *dpal,
    const float maxDist, const int noMatchColor,
    const BOOL alpha, const BOOL removeUnused)
    DMPalette *tpal = NULL;
    const DMPalette *ppal;
    BOOL *used = NULL;
    int *mapping = NULL, *mapped = NULL;
    int res = DMERR_OK;
    BOOL fail = FALSE;

    if (pdst == NULL || src == NULL || dpal == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    if (src->pal == NULL || src->pixfmt != DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE)
        res = dmError(DMERR_INVALID_DATA,
            "Source image is not paletted.\n");
        goto out;

    dmMsg(1, "Remapping image from %d to %d colors @ maxDist=",

    if (maxDist < 0)
        dmPrint(1, "auto");
        dmPrint(1, "%1.3f", maxDist);

    dmPrint(1, ", %s, ",
        alpha ? "match alpha" : "ignore alpha");

    if (noMatchColor < 0)
        dmPrint(1, "fail on 'no match'\n");
        dmPrint(1, "use color #%d if no match\n", noMatchColor);

    // Allocate remapping tables
    if ((mapped  = dmMalloc0(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*mapped))) == NULL ||
        (used    = dmMalloc0(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*used))) == NULL ||
        (mapping = dmMalloc(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*mapping))) == NULL)
        res = dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
            "Could not allocate memory for color remap tables.\n");
        goto out;

    for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
        mapping[index] = -1;

    // Populate remap table
    for (int sc = 0; sc < src->pal->ncolors; sc++)
        // Check if we can find a match in destination palette dpal
        float closestDist = 1000000, dist = 0;
        int closestDC = -1;

        for (int dc = 0; dc < dpal->ncolors; dc++)
            dist = dmGetColorDist(&src->pal->colors[sc], &dpal->colors[dc], alpha);
            if (dist < closestDist)
                closestDist = dist;
                closestDC = dc;

        // Did we find a close-enough match?
        if (maxDist >= 0 && closestDist > maxDist)
            // No, either error out or use noMatchColor color index
            if (noMatchColor < 0)
                DMColor *dcol = &dpal->colors[closestDC];

                    "No match for source color #%d. Closest: #%d (%02x %02x %02x) [dist=%1.3f > %1.3f]\n",
                    sc, closestDC, dcol->r, dcol->g, dcol->b,
                    closestDist, maxDist);
                fail = TRUE;
                closestDC = noMatchColor;
            DMColor *scol = &src->pal->colors[sc],
                    *dcol = &dpal->colors[closestDC];

            dmPrint(3, "Palette match #%d (%02x %02x %02x) -> #%d (%02x %02x %02x) [dist=%1.3f]\n",
                sc, scol->r, scol->g, scol->b,
                closestDC, dcol->r, dcol->g, dcol->b,

        mapping[sc] = closestDC;

    if (fail)
        res = DMERR_INVALID_DATA;
        goto out;

    // Remove unused colors if requested
    if (removeUnused)
        int nused;

        if (noMatchColor >= 0)
            dmErrorMsg("WARNING! Removing unused colors with 'no-match' color index set may have unintended results.\n");

        // Get the actually used colors
        if ((res = dmScanUsedColors(src, TRUE, used, &nused)) != DMERR_OK)
            goto out;

        dmMsg(2, "Found %d used color indices.\n", nused);

        // Remove duplicates from the mapped colour indices
        for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
            for (int n = 0; n < src->pal->ncolors; n++)
            if (n != index &&
                mapping[index] == mapping[n] &&
                used[n] && used[index])
                used[n] = FALSE;

        if (noMatchColor >= 0)
            used[noMatchColor] = TRUE;

        // Re-count number of actually used indices
        nused = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
        if (used[index])

        dmMsg(2, "After mapped dupe removal, %d color indices used.\n", nused);

        if ((res = dmPaletteAlloc(&tpal, nused, -1)) != DMERR_OK)
            dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate memory for remap palette.\n");
            goto out;

        // Copy colors from dpal to tpal, also mapping the reordered indices
        nused = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
        if (used[index])
            // Copy the color to tpal
            memcpy(&tpal->colors[nused], &dpal->colors[mapping[index]], sizeof(DMColor));

            // Save current mapping to mapped[]
            mapped[nused] = mapping[index];

            // Reorder the mapping
            mapping[index] = nused;
            // "Unused" color, find matching mapping from mapped[]
            for (int n = 0; n < nused; n++)
            if (mapping[index] == mapped[n])
                mapping[index] = n;

        ppal = tpal;
        ppal = dpal;

    // Perform image data remapping
    res = dmDoRemapImageColors(pdst, src, mapping, ppal);

    return res;

int dmMapImageColors(DMImage **pdst, const DMImage *src,
    const DMMapValue *mapTable, const int nmapTable,
    const float maxDist, const int noMatchColor,
    const BOOL alpha, const BOOL removeUnused)
    DMPalette *tpal = NULL;
    BOOL *mapped = NULL, *used = NULL;
    int *mapping = NULL;
    int nused, res = DMERR_OK;
    BOOL fail = FALSE;

    if (pdst == NULL || src == NULL || mapTable == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    if (src->pal == NULL || src->pixfmt != DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE)
        res = dmError(DMERR_INVALID_DATA,
            "Source image is not paletted.\n");
        goto out;

    // Allocate remapping tables
    if ((mapped  = dmMalloc(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*mapped))) == NULL ||
        (used    = dmMalloc(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*used))) == NULL ||
        (mapping = dmMalloc(src->pal->ncolors * sizeof(*mapping))) == NULL)
        res = dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
            "Could not allocate memory for color remap tables.\n");
        goto out;

    for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
        mapping[index] = -1;
        mapped[index] = FALSE;

    if ((res = dmPaletteAlloc(&tpal, src->pal->ncolors, -1)) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate memory for remap palette.\n");
        goto out;

    dmMsg(1, "Remapping %d input image of %d colors, %s, ",
        optNRemapTable, src->pal->ncolors,
        alpha ? "match alpha" : "ignore alpha");

    if (noMatchColor < 0)
        dmPrint(1, "fail on 'no match'\n");
        dmPrint(1, "use color #%d if no match\n", noMatchColor);

    // Match and mark mapped colors
    for (int index = 0; index < nmapTable; index++)
        const DMMapValue *map = &mapTable[index];
        if (map->triplet)
            float closestDist = 1000000, dist = 0;
            int closestDC = -1;

            for (int n = 0; n < src->pal->ncolors; n++)
                dist = dmGetColorDist(&src->pal->colors[n], &map->color, map->alpha && alpha);
                if (dist < closestDist)
                    closestDist = dist;
                    closestDC = n;

            // Did we find a close-enough match?
            if (maxDist >= 0 && closestDist > maxDist)
                // No, either error out or use noMatchColor color index
                if (noMatchColor < 0)
                    DMColor *dcol = &src->pal->colors[closestDC];

                    dmMsg(3, "No RGBA match found for map index %d, #%02x%02x%02x%02x. Closest: #%d (#%02x%02x%02x%02x) [dist=%1.3f > %1.3f]\n",
                        index, map->color.r, map->color.g, map->color.b, map->color.a,
                        closestDC, dcol->r, dcol->g, dcol->b, dcol->a, closestDist, maxDist);

                    fail = TRUE;
                    DMColor *dcol = &src->pal->colors[noMatchColor];
                    closestDC = noMatchColor;

                    dmMsg(3, "RGBA noMatch #%02x%02x%02x%02x: #%d -> #%d #%02x%02x%02x%02x [dist=%1.3f]\n",
                        map->color.r, map->color.g, map->color.b, map->color.a,
                        closestDC, dcol->r, dcol->g, dcol->b, dcol->a, closestDist);

                    mapping[closestDC] = map->to;
                    mapped[map->to] = TRUE;
                DMColor *dcol = &src->pal->colors[closestDC];

                dmMsg(3, "RGBA match #%02x%02x%02x%02x: #%d -> #%d #%02x%02x%02x%02x [dist=%1.3f]\n",
                    map->color.r, map->color.g, map->color.b, map->color.a,
                    closestDC, dcol->r, dcol->g, dcol->b, dcol->a, closestDist);

                mapping[closestDC] = map->to;
                mapped[map->to] = TRUE;
            dmMsg(3, "Map index: %d -> %d\n",
                map->from, map->to);

            mapping[map->from] = map->to;
            mapped[map->to] = TRUE;

    if (fail)
        res = DMERR_INVALID_DATA;
        goto out;

    // Fill the unmapped colors
    if (removeUnused)
        dmMsg(2, "Scanning for used colors.\n");

        if ((res = dmScanUsedColors(src, TRUE, used, &nused)) != DMERR_OK)
            goto out;

        dmMsg(2, "Removing unused colors: %d -> %d.\n",
            src->pal->ncolors, nused);

    for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
    if (mapping[index] < 0 &&
        (!removeUnused || used[index]))
        for (int n = 0; n < src->pal->ncolors; n++)
        if (!mapped[n])
            mapping[index] = n;
            mapped[n] = TRUE;

    // Copy mapped palette entries
    for (int index = 0; index < src->pal->ncolors; index++)
    if (mapping[index] >= 0)
        memcpy(&tpal->colors[mapping[index]], &src->pal->colors[index], sizeof(DMColor));

    // Perform image data remapping
    res = dmDoRemapImageColors(pdst, src, mapping, tpal);

    return res;

int dmDumpC64Block(const char *fprefix, const char *fext, const DMC64MemBlock *blk, const int index)
    int res = DMERR_OK;
    if (blk != NULL && blk->data != NULL)
        char *filename = dm_strdup_printf("%s_%s_%d.bin", fprefix, fext, index);
        if (filename == NULL)
            return DMERR_MALLOC;

        res = dmWriteDataFile(NULL, filename, blk->data, blk->size);
    return res;

int dmDumpC64Bitmap(const char *fprefix, const DMC64Image *img)
    int res = DMERR_OK;

    for (int i = 0; i < img->nblocks; i++)
        res = dmDumpC64Block(fprefix, "bitmap", &img->bitmap[i], i);
        res = dmDumpC64Block(fprefix, "color", &img->color[i], i);
        res = dmDumpC64Block(fprefix, "screen", &img->screen[i], i);
        res = dmDumpC64Block(fprefix, "chardata", &img->charData[i], i);

        if ((size_t) i < sizeof(img->extraData) / sizeof(img->extraData[0]))
            res = dmDumpC64Block(fprefix, "extradata", &img->extraData[i], i);

    return res;

int dmConvertC64Bitmap(DMC64Image **pdst, const DMC64Image *src,
    const DMC64ImageFormat *dstFmt, const DMC64ImageFormat *srcFmt)
    DMC64Image *dst;
    DMC64MemBlock *srcBlk = NULL, *dstBlk = NULL;
    const char *blkname = NULL;

    if (pdst == NULL || dstFmt == NULL || src == NULL || srcFmt == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    // Allocate the destination image
    if ((dst = *pdst = dmC64ImageAlloc(dstFmt)) == NULL)
        return DMERR_MALLOC;

    // Copy rest of the structure ..
    dst->d020    = src->d020;
    dst->bgcolor = src->bgcolor;
    dst->d022    = src->d022;
    dst->d023    = src->d023;
    dst->d024    = src->d024;

    // And some extraInfo fields ..
    dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_CHAR_CASE] = src->extraInfo[D64_EI_CHAR_CASE];
    dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_CHAR_CUSTOM] = src->extraInfo[D64_EI_CHAR_CUSTOM];

    // Try to do some simple fixups
    if ((dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_MODE_MASK) == D64_FMT_MC &&
        (src->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_MODE_MASK) == D64_FMT_HIRES)
        dmC64MemBlockCopy(&dst->screen[0], &src->screen[0]);
    if ((dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_MODE_MASK) == D64_FMT_HIRES &&
        (src->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_MODE_MASK) == D64_FMT_MC)
        // XXX TODO: Handle FLI mc->hires differently?

    if ((dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_FLI) &&
        (src->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_FLI) == 0)
        dmMsg(1, "Upconverting multicolor to FLI.\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < dst->nblocks; i++)
            if (dst->color[i].data == NULL)
                dmC64MemBlockCopy(&dst->color[i], &src->color[0]);

            if (dst->screen[i].data == NULL)
                dmC64MemBlockCopy(&dst->screen[i], &src->screen[0]);

            if (dst->bitmap[i].data == NULL)
                dmC64MemBlockCopy(&dst->bitmap[i], &src->bitmap[0]);
    if ((src->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_FLI) &&
        (dst->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_FLI) == 0)
        dmMsg(1, "Downconverting FLI to multicolor.\n");

    // Do per opcode copies
    for (int opn = 0; opn < D64_MAX_ENCDEC_OPS; opn++)
        const DMC64EncDecOp *op = fmtGetEncDecOp(dstFmt, opn);
        size_t size;

        if (op->type == DO_LAST)

        size = dmC64GetOpSubjectSize(op, dstFmt->format);
        switch (op->type)
            case DO_COPY:
            case DO_SET_MEM:
            case DO_SET_MEM_HI:
            case DO_SET_MEM_LO:
            case DO_SET_OP:
                srcBlk = (DMC64MemBlock *) dmC64GetOpMemBlock(src, op->subject, op->bank);
                dstBlk = (DMC64MemBlock *) dmC64GetOpMemBlock(dst, op->subject, op->bank);
                blkname = dmC64GetOpSubjectName(op->subject);

                // Skip if we did previous fixups/upconverts
                if (dstBlk != NULL && dstBlk->data != NULL)

                if (srcBlk != NULL && srcBlk->data != NULL && srcBlk->size >= size)
                    // The block exists in source and is of sufficient size, so copy it
                    dmMsg(3, "Copying whole block '%s' "
                        "op #%d, offs=%d ($%04x), bank=%d, size=%" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " ($%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ")\n",
                        blkname, opn, op->offs, op->offs, op->bank, size, size);

                    dmC64MemBlockCopy(dstBlk, srcBlk);
                switch (op->subject)
                    case DS_COLOR_RAM:
                    case DS_SCREEN_RAM:
                    case DS_BITMAP_RAM:
                    case DS_CHAR_DATA:
                    case DS_EXTRA_DATA:
                        if ((dmC64MemBlockAlloc(dstBlk, size)) != DMERR_OK)
                            return dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
                                "Could not allocate '%s' block! "
                                "op #%d, offs=%d ($%04x), bank=%d, size=%" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " ($%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ")\n",
                                blkname, opn, op->offs, op->offs, op->bank, size, size);
                        if (srcBlk == NULL || srcBlk->data == NULL)
                            dmMsg(3, "Creating whole block '%s' "
                                "op #%d, offs=%d ($%04x), bank=%d, size=%" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " ($%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ")\n",
                                blkname, opn, op->offs, op->offs, op->bank, size, size);
                            dmMsg(3, "Creating block '%s' from partial data "
                                "op #%d, offs=%d ($%04x), bank=%d, size=%" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " ($%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ")\n",
                                blkname, opn, op->offs, op->offs, op->bank, size, size);
                        switch (op->type)
                            case DO_COPY:
                                // If some data exists, copy it. Rest is zero.
                                // Otherwise just set to zero.
                                if (srcBlk != NULL && srcBlk->data != NULL)
                                    memcpy(dstBlk->data, srcBlk->data, srcBlk->size);

                            case DO_SET_MEM:
                                // Leave allocate data to zero.

                            case DO_SET_OP:
                                memset(dstBlk->data, op->offs, size);

                                return dmError(DMERR_INTERNAL,
                                    "Unhandled op type #%d in "
                                    "op #%d, offs=%d ($%04x), bank=%d, size=%" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " ($%04" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ")\n",
                                    op->type, opn, op->offs, op->offs, op->bank, size, size);

    return DMERR_OK;

int dmWriteBitmap(const char *filename, const DMC64Image *image, const DMC64ImageFormat *fmt)
    int res = DMERR_OK;
    DMGrowBuf buf;


    // Encode to target format
    dmMsg(1, "Encoding C64 bitmap data to format '%s'\n", fmt->name);
    if ((res = dmC64EncodeBMP(&buf, image, fmt)) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Error encoding bitmap data: %s\n", dmErrorStr(res));
        goto out;

    // And output the file
    dmMsg(1, "Writing output file '%s', %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " bytes.\n",
        filename, buf.len);

    res = dmWriteDataFile(NULL, filename,, buf.len);

    return res;

int dmWriteIFFMasterRAWHeaderFile(
    const char *hdrFilename, const char *dataFilename,
    const char *prefix, const DMImage *img,
    const DMImageWriteSpec *spec)
    DMResource *fp;
    int res;

    if ((res = dmf_open_stdio(hdrFilename, "wb", &fp)) != DMERR_OK)
        return dmError(res,
            "Could not open file '%s' for writing: %s\n",
            hdrFilename, dmErrorStr(res));

    res = dmWriteIFFMasterRAWHeader(fp, dataFilename, prefix, img, spec);

    return res;

int dmWriteImage(const char *filename, DMImage *pimage,
    DMImageWriteSpec *spec, const DMImageFormat *fmt)
    int res = DMERR_OK;
    DMImage *image = pimage;
    BOOL allocated = FALSE;

    // Check if writing is even supported
    if (fmt->write == NULL || (fmt->flags & DM_FMT_WR) == 0)
        return dmError(DMERR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
            "Writing of '%s' format is not supported.\n",

    dmMsg(1, "Outputting '%s' image %d x %d -> %d x %d [%d x %d]\n",
        pimage->width, pimage->height,
        pimage->width * spec->scaleX, pimage->height * spec->scaleY,
        spec->scaleX, spec->scaleY);

    if (image->pixfmt == DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE)
        switch (optRemapMode)
            case REMAP_NONE:
                if (optPaletteData != NULL)
                    DMPalette *tpal;

                    dmMsg(1, "Replacing image palette %d colors with %d colors.\n",
                        image->pal->ncolors, optPaletteData->ncolors);

                    if ((res = dmPaletteCopy(&tpal, optPaletteData)) != DMERR_OK)
                        return res;

                    if (image->pal->ncolors != optPaletteData->ncolors)
                        dmMsg(1, "Trying to resize to %d colors.\n",

                        if ((res = dmPaletteResize(&tpal, image->pal->ncolors)) != DMERR_OK)
                            return res;

                    image->pal = tpal;

            case REMAP_MAPPED:
                if (optPaletteData != NULL)
                        "WARNING: Color remapping requested, but palette replacement (-p) set. This will have no effect.\n");

                if ((res = dmMapImageColors(
                    &image, pimage, optRemapTable, optNRemapTable,
                    optRemapMaxDist, optRemapNoMatchColor,
                    optRemapMatchAlpha, optRemapRemove)) != DMERR_OK)
                    goto out;

                allocated = TRUE;

            case REMAP_AUTO:
                if (optPaletteData == NULL)
                        "Color auto-remapping requested, but target palette not set? (-p option)\n");
                    goto out;

                if ((res = dmRemapImageColors(
                    &image, pimage, optPaletteData,
                    optRemapMaxDist, optRemapNoMatchColor,
                    optRemapMatchAlpha, optRemapRemove)) != DMERR_OK)
                    goto out;

                allocated = TRUE;
    if (optRemapMode != REMAP_NONE)
        dmErrorMsg("Color remapping requested, but image is not paletted?\n");
        goto out;

    // Determine number of planes, if paletted
    if (spec->nplanes == 0)
        if (image->pixfmt == DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE &&
            image->pal != NULL)
            spec->nplanes = dmGetNPlanesFromNColors(image->pal->ncolors);
        if (image->pixfmt == DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE)
            spec->nplanes = image->bpp;

    if (spec->nplanes <= 0)
        spec->nplanes = 4;

    spec->fmtid = fmt->fmtid;

    // Do some format-specific adjustments and other things
    switch (fmt->fmtid)
        case DM_IMGFMT_PNG:
            if (optUsePalette)
                spec->pixfmt = (image->pixfmt == DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE) ? DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE : DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE;
                spec->pixfmt = DM_PIXFMT_RGBA;

        case DM_IMGFMT_PPM:
            if (optUsePalette && image->pixfmt == DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE)
                spec->pixfmt = DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE;
                spec->pixfmt = DM_PIXFMT_RGB;

        case DM_IMGFMT_RAW:
        case DM_IMGFMT_ARAW:
                char *prefix = NULL, *hdrFilename = NULL;
                if ((hdrFilename = dm_strdup_fext(filename, "")) == NULL ||
                    (prefix = dm_strdup_fext(filename, "img_%s")) == NULL)
                    res = dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
                        "Could not allocate memory for filename strings? :O\n");
                    goto out;

                // Replace any non-alphanumerics in palette ID
                for (int i = 0; prefix[i]; i++)
                    prefix[i] = isalnum(prefix[i]) ? tolower(prefix[i]) : '_';

                dmMsg(2, "%d bitplanes, %s planes output.\n",
                    spec->planar ? "planar/interleaved" : "non-interleaved");
                dmMsg(2, "%s datafile '%s', ID prefix '%s'.\n",
                    fmt->fmtid == DM_IMGFMT_ARAW ? "ARAW" : "RAW",
                    hdrFilename, prefix);

                res = dmWriteIFFMasterRAWHeaderFile(
                    hdrFilename, filename, prefix, image, spec);


            spec->pixfmt = optUsePalette ? DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE : DM_PIXFMT_RGB;

    // If no error has occured thus far, write the image
    if (res == DMERR_OK)
        DMResource *fp;
        char *str;
        switch (spec->pixfmt)
            case DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE   : str = "indexed/paletted"; break;
            case DM_PIXFMT_RGB       : str = "24bit RGB"; break;
            case DM_PIXFMT_RGBA      : str = "32bit RGBA"; break;
            case DM_PIXFMT_GRAYSCALE : str = "grayscale"; break;
            default                  : str = "???"; break;
        dmMsg(1, "Using %s output.\n", str);

        if ((res = dmf_open_stdio(filename, "wb", &fp)) != DMERR_OK)
            dmErrorMsg("Could not open file '%s' for writing: %s\n",
                filename, dmErrorStr(res));
            goto out;

        res = fmt->write(fp, image, spec);


    if (allocated)

    return res;

int dmWritePalette(const char *filename, const DMPalette *palette, const DMPaletteFormat *fmt)
    DMResource *fp = NULL;
    int res;

    // Check if writing is even supported
    if (fmt->write == NULL || (fmt->flags & DM_FMT_WR) == 0)
        return dmError(DMERR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
            "Writing of '%s' format is not supported.\n",

    dmMsg(1, "Outputting '%s' format palette of %d entries.\n",
        fmt->name, palette->ncolors);

    if ((res = dmf_open_stdio(filename, "wb", &fp)) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Could not open file '%s' for writing: %s\n",
            filename, dmErrorStr(res));
        goto out;

    res = fmt->write(fp, palette);


    return res;

Uint8 dmConvertByte(const Uint8 *sp, const BOOL multicolor)
    Uint8 byte = 0;
    int xc;

    if (multicolor)
        for (xc = 0; xc < 8 / 2; xc++)
            Uint8 pixel = sp[xc * 2] & 3;
            byte |= pixel << (6 - (xc * 2));
        for (xc = 0; xc < 8; xc++)
            Uint8 pixel = sp[xc] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
            byte |= pixel << (7 - xc);

    return byte;

BOOL dmConvertImage2Char(Uint8 *buf, const DMImage *image,
    const int xoffs, const int yoffs, const BOOL multicolor)
    int yc;

    if (xoffs < 0 || yoffs < 0 ||
        xoffs + D64_CHR_WIDTH_PX > image->width ||
        yoffs + D64_CHR_HEIGHT_PX > image->height)
        return FALSE;

    for (yc = 0; yc < D64_CHR_HEIGHT_UT; yc++)
        const Uint8 *sp = image->data + ((yc + yoffs) * image->pitch) + xoffs;
        buf[yc] = dmConvertByte(sp, multicolor);

    return TRUE;

BOOL dmConvertImage2Sprite(Uint8 *buf, const DMImage *image,
    const int xoffs, const int yoffs, const BOOL multicolor)
    int yc, xc;

    if (xoffs < 0 || yoffs < 0 ||
        xoffs + D64_SPR_WIDTH_PX > image->width ||
        yoffs + D64_SPR_HEIGHT_PX > image->height)
        return FALSE;

    for (yc = 0; yc < D64_SPR_HEIGHT_UT; yc++)
        for (xc = 0; xc < D64_SPR_WIDTH_PX / D64_SPR_WIDTH_UT; xc++)
            const Uint8 *sp = image->data + ((yc + yoffs) * image->pitch) + (xc * 8) + xoffs;
            buf[(yc * D64_SPR_WIDTH_UT) + xc] = dmConvertByte(sp, multicolor);

    return TRUE;

int dmWriteSpritesAndChars(const char *filename, DMImage *image, int outFormat, const BOOL multicolor)
    int ret = DMERR_OK;
    int outBlockW, outBlockH, bx, by;
    FILE *outFile = NULL;
    Uint8 *tmpBuf = NULL;
    size_t outBufSize;
    char *outType;

    switch (outFormat)
        case FFMT_CHAR:
            outBufSize = D64_CHR_SIZE;
            outBlockW = image->width / D64_CHR_WIDTH_PX;
            outBlockH = image->height / D64_CHR_HEIGHT_PX;
            outType = "char";

        case FFMT_SPRITE:
            outBufSize = D64_SPR_SIZE;
            outBlockW = image->width / D64_SPR_WIDTH_PX;
            outBlockH = image->height / D64_SPR_HEIGHT_PX;
            outType = "sprite";

            ret = dmError(DMERR_INVALID_ARGS,
                "Invalid output format %d, internal error.\n", outFormat);
            goto out;

    if (outBlockW < 1 || outBlockH < 1)
        ret = dmError(DMERR_INVALID_ARGS,
            "Source image dimensions too small for conversion, block dimensions %d x %d.\n",
            outBlockW, outBlockH);
        goto out;

    if ((outFile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
        ret = dmGetErrno();
        dmErrorMsg("Could not open '%s' for writing: %s.\n",
            filename, dmErrorStr(ret));
        goto out;

    if ((tmpBuf = dmMalloc(outBufSize)) == NULL)
        dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T
            " bytes for conversion buffer.\n",
        goto out;

    dmMsg(1, "Writing %d x %d = %d blocks of %s data...\n",
        outBlockW, outBlockH, outBlockW * outBlockH, outType);

    for (by = 0; by < outBlockH; by++)
    for (bx = 0; bx < outBlockW; bx++)
        switch (outFormat)
            case FFMT_CHAR:
                if (!dmConvertImage2Char(tmpBuf, image,
                    bx * D64_CHR_WIDTH_PX, by * D64_CHR_HEIGHT_PX,
                    ret = DMERR_DATA_ERROR;
                    goto out;

            case FFMT_SPRITE:
                if (!dmConvertImage2Sprite(tmpBuf, image,
                    bx * D64_SPR_WIDTH_PX, by * D64_SPR_HEIGHT_PX,
                    ret = DMERR_DATA_ERROR;
                    goto out;

        if (!dm_fwrite_str(outFile, tmpBuf, outBufSize))
            ret = dmGetErrno();
            dmError(ret, "Error writing data block %d,%d to '%s': %s.\n",
                bx, by, filename, dmErrorStr(ret));
            goto out;

    // Cleanup
    if (outFile != NULL)


    return ret;

int dmDumpSpritesAndChars(const Uint8 *dataBuf, const size_t dataSize, const size_t realOffs)
    int ret = DMERR_OK, itemCount, outWidth, outWidthPX, outHeight;
    size_t offs, outSize;

    switch (optInType)
        case FFMT_CHAR:
            outSize    = D64_CHR_SIZE;
            outWidth   = D64_CHR_WIDTH_UT;
            outWidthPX = D64_CHR_WIDTH_PX;
            outHeight  = D64_CHR_HEIGHT_UT;

        case FFMT_SPRITE:
            outSize    = D64_SPR_SIZE;
            outWidth   = D64_SPR_WIDTH_UT;
            outWidthPX = D64_SPR_WIDTH_PX;
            outHeight  = D64_SPR_HEIGHT_UT;

            return dmError(DMERR_INTERNAL,
                "Invalid input format %d, internal error.\n", optInType);

    offs = 0;
    itemCount = 0;

    if (optOutType == FFMT_ANSI || optOutType == FFMT_ASCII)
        BOOL error = FALSE;
        FILE *outFile;

        if (optOutFilename == NULL)
            outFile = stdout;
        if ((outFile = fopen(optOutFilename, "w")) == NULL)
            ret = dmGetErrno();
            dmError(ret, "Error opening output file '%s': %s.\n",
                  optOutFilename, dmErrorStr(ret));
            goto out;

        while (offs + outSize < dataSize && !error && (optItemCount < 0 || itemCount < optItemCount))
            fprintf(outFile, "---- : -------------- #%d\n", itemCount);

            switch (optInType)
                case FFMT_CHAR:
                    dmDumpCharASCII(outFile, dataBuf + offs, realOffs + offs, optOutType, optInMulticolor);
                case FFMT_SPRITE:
                    dmDumpSpriteASCII(outFile, dataBuf + offs, realOffs + offs, optOutType, optInMulticolor);
            offs += outSize;

    if (optOutType == FFMT_IMAGE)
        DMImage *outImage = NULL;
        char *outFilename = NULL;
        int outX = 0, outY = 0, err;

        if (optSequential)
            if (optOutFilename == NULL)
                dmErrorMsg("Sequential image output requires filename template.\n");
                goto out;

            outImage = dmImageAlloc(outWidthPX, outHeight, DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE, -1);
            dmMsg(1, "Outputting sequence of %d images @ %d x %d -> %d x %d.\n",
                outImage->width, outImage->height,
                outImage->width * optSpec.scaleX,
                outImage->height * optSpec.scaleY);
            int outIWidth, outIHeight;
            if (optItemCount <= 0)
                dmErrorMsg("Single-image output requires count to be set (-n).\n");
                goto out;

            outIWidth = optPlanedWidth;
            outIHeight = (optItemCount / optPlanedWidth);
            if (optItemCount % optPlanedWidth)

            outImage = dmImageAlloc(outWidthPX * outIWidth, outIHeight * outHeight, DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE, -1);

        if ((err = dmC64SetImagePalette(outImage, &optC64Spec, FALSE)) != DMERR_OK)
            dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate C64 palette for output image: %d\n", err);
            goto out;

        while (offs + outSize < dataSize && (optItemCount < 0 || itemCount < optItemCount))
            if ((err = dmC64ConvertCSDataToImage(outImage, outX * outWidthPX, outY * outHeight,
                dataBuf + offs, outWidth, outHeight, optInMulticolor, optColorMap)) != DMERR_OK)
                dmErrorMsg("Internal error in conversion of raw data to bitmap: %d.\n", err);
                goto out;

            if (optSequential)
                outFilename = dm_strdup_printf("%s%04d.%s",

                if (outFilename == NULL)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate memory for filename template?\n");
                    goto out;

                ret = dmWriteImage(outFilename, outImage, &optSpec,

                if (ret != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Error writing output image '%s': %s.\n",
                        outFilename, dmErrorStr(ret));

                if (++outX >= optPlanedWidth)
                    outX = 0;

            offs += outSize;

        if (!optSequential)
            ret = dmWriteImage(optOutFilename, outImage, &optSpec,

            if (ret != DMERR_OK)
                dmError(ret, "Error writing output image '%s': %s.\n",
                    optOutFilename, dmErrorStr(ret));

    if (optOutType == FFMT_BITMAP)
        if (optSequential)
            ret = dmError(DMERR_INVALID_ARGS,
                "Sequential output not supported for spr/char -> bitmap conversion.\n");
            goto out;

    return ret;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *inFile = NULL;
    const DMC64ImageFormat *inC64Fmt = NULL;
    DMConvFormat inFormat, outFormat;
    DMC64Image *inC64Image = NULL, *outC64Image = NULL;
    DMImage *inImage = NULL, *outImage = NULL;
    Uint8 *dataBuf = NULL, *dataBufOrig = NULL;
    size_t dataSize, dataSizeOrig, dataRealOffs;
    int i, n, res = DMERR_OK;

    // Default color mapping
    for (i = 0; i < D64_NCOLORS; i++)
        optColorMap[i] = i;

    // Initialize c64 image conversion spec
    memset(&optC64Spec, 0, sizeof(optC64Spec));

    // Initialize list of additional conversion formats
    if ((res = dmLib64GFXInit()) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Could not initialize lib64gfx: %s\n",
        goto out;

    nconvFormatList = ndmImageFormatList + ndmPaletteFormatList + nbaseFormatList;
    convFormatList = dmCalloc(nconvFormatList, sizeof(DMConvFormat));

    for (n = i = 0; i < ndmImageFormatList; i++)
        const DMImageFormat *sfmt = &dmImageFormatList[i];
        DMConvFormat *dfmt = &convFormatList[n++];
        dfmt->name   = sfmt->name;
        dfmt->fext   = sfmt->fext;
        dfmt->flags  = sfmt->flags;
        dfmt->type   = FFMT_IMAGE;
        dfmt->format = sfmt->fmtid;

    for (i = 0; i < ndmPaletteFormatList; i++)
        const DMPaletteFormat *sfmt = &dmPaletteFormatList[i];
        DMConvFormat *dfmt = &convFormatList[n++];
        dfmt->name   = sfmt->name;
        dfmt->fext   = sfmt->fext;
        dfmt->flags  = sfmt->flags;
        dfmt->type   = FFMT_PALETTE;
        dfmt->format = sfmt->fmtid;

    for (i = 0; i < nbaseFormatList; i++)
        memcpy(&convFormatList[n++], &baseFormatList[i], sizeof(DMConvFormat));

    // Initialize and parse commandline
    dmInitProg("gfxconv", "Simple graphics converter", "0.95", NULL, NULL);

    if (!dmArgsProcess(argc, argv, optList, optListN,
        argHandleOpt, argHandleFile, OPTH_BAILOUT))
        goto out;

    switch (optShowHelp)
        case 1:
            goto out;

        case 2:
            argShowC64Formats(stdout, TRUE, TRUE);

            for (int n = 0; n < optListN; n++)
                const char *str = argGetHelpTopic(optList[n].id);
                if (str != NULL)
                    fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", str);
            goto out;

        case 3:
            argShowC64Formats(stdout, TRUE, dmVerbosity > 0);
            goto out;

    // Determine input format, if not specified
    if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO && optInFilename != NULL)
        char *dext = strrchr(optInFilename, '.');
        if (dext)
            if (dmGetFormatByExt(dext + 1, &optInType, &optInFormat) ||
                dmGetC64FormatByExt(dext + 1, &optInType, &optInFormat))
                dmMsg(3, "Guessed input type as %s\n",

    if (optInFilename == NULL)
        if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO)
            dmErrorMsg("Standard input cannot be used without specifying input format.\n");
            dmErrorMsg("Perhaps you should try --help or --longhelp\n");
            goto out;
        inFile = stdin;
        optInFilename = "stdin";
    if ((inFile = fopen(optInFilename, "rb")) == NULL)
        res = dmGetErrno();
        dmErrorMsg("Error opening input file '%s': %s\n",
              optInFilename, dmErrorStr(res));
        goto out;

    // Determine output format, if not specified
    if (optOutType == FFMT_AUTO && optOutFilename != NULL)
        char *dext = strrchr(optOutFilename, '.');
        if (dext)
            if (dmGetFormatByExt(dext + 1, &optOutType, &optOutFormat) ||
                dmGetC64FormatByExt(dext + 1, &optOutType, &optOutFormat))
                dmMsg(3, "Guessed output type as %s\n",
    if (optOutType == FFMT_AUTO)
        optOutType = FFMT_ASCII;

    // Read the input ..
    dmMsg(1, "Reading input from '%s'.\n", optInFilename);

    if ((res = dmReadDataFile(inFile, NULL, &dataBufOrig, &dataSizeOrig)) != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Could not read input: %s.\n", dmErrorStr(res));
        goto out;


    // Check and compute the input skip
    if (optInSkip > dataSizeOrig)
        dmErrorMsg("Input skip value %d (0x%x) is larger than input size %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T ".\n",
            optInSkip, optInSkip, dataSizeOrig);
        goto out;

    if (optInSkipNeg)
        dataBuf = dataBufOrig + dataSizeOrig - optInSkip;
        dataSize = optInSkip;
        dataRealOffs = dataSizeOrig - optInSkip;

        dmMsg(1, "Input skip -%d (-0x%x). "
            "Offset %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " (0x%" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T "), "
            "size %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " (0x%" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ").\n",
            optInSkip, optInSkip,
            dataRealOffs, dataRealOffs,
            dataSize, dataSize);

        dataBuf = dataBufOrig + optInSkip;
        dataSize = dataSizeOrig - optInSkip;
        dataRealOffs = optInSkip;

        dmMsg(1, "Input skip %d (0x%x), "
            "size %" DM_PRIu_SIZE_T " (0x%" DM_PRIx_SIZE_T ").\n",
            optInSkip, optInSkip,
            dataSize, dataSize);

    // Check for forced input format here
    if (optForcedInSubFormat >= 0)
        optInFormat = optForcedInSubFormat;

    // Perform probing, if required
    if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO || optInType == FFMT_BITMAP)
        // Probe for format
        const DMC64ImageFormat *forced = NULL;
        DMGrowBuf tbuf;

        if (optForcedInSubFormat >= 0)
            forced = &dmC64ImageFormats[optForcedInSubFormat];
            dmMsg(0, "Forced '%s' format image, type %d, %s\n",
                forced->name, forced->format->mode, forced->fext);

        res = dmC64DecodeBMP(&inC64Image,
            dmGrowBufConstCreateFrom(&tbuf, dataBuf, dataSize),
            -1, -1, &inC64Fmt, forced);

        if (forced == NULL && inC64Fmt != NULL && res == DMERR_OK)
            dmMsg(1, "Probed '%s' format image, type %d, %s\n",
                inC64Fmt->name, inC64Fmt->format->mode, inC64Fmt->fext);

            optInType = FFMT_BITMAP;
        if (res != DMERR_OK && (forced != NULL || optInType == FFMT_BITMAP))
            dmErrorMsg("Could not decode input image: %s.\n", dmErrorStr(res));
            goto out;

    if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO || optInType == FFMT_IMAGE)
        const DMImageFormat *ifmt = NULL;
        int index;
        dmMsg(4, "Trying to probe image formats.\n");
        if (dmImageProbeGeneric(dataBuf, dataSize, &ifmt, &index) > 0 &&
            ifmt->read != NULL)
            optInType = FFMT_IMAGE;
            optInFormat = index;
            dmMsg(1, "Probed '%s' format image.\n", ifmt->name);

    if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO || optInType == FFMT_PALETTE)
        const DMPaletteFormat *pfmt = NULL;
        int index;
        dmMsg(4, "Trying to probe palette formats.\n");
        if (dmPaletteProbeGeneric(dataBuf, dataSize, &pfmt, &index) > 0 &&
            pfmt->read != NULL)
            optInType = FFMT_PALETTE;
            optInFormat = index;
            dmMsg(1, "Probed '%s' format palette.\n", pfmt->name);

    if (optInType == FFMT_AUTO)
        dmErrorMsg("No input format specified, and could not be determined automatically.\n");
        goto out;

    if (dmGetConvFormat(optInType, optInFormat, &inFormat) &&
        dmGetConvFormat(optOutType, optOutFormat, &outFormat))
        dmMsg(1, "Attempting conversion %s (%s) -> %s (%s)\n",
  , inFormat.fext,
  , outFormat.fext);

    // Check if we need to scale the output
    if (optScaleMode != SCALE_SET)
        // Default to 1:1 scalefactors
        int scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1;

        // For C64 formats, use the aspect ratios from them
        if (inC64Fmt != NULL)
            scaleX = inC64Fmt->format->aspectX;
            scaleY = inC64Fmt->format->aspectY;

        // Then, depending on the scaling mode, apply scale
        switch (optScaleMode)
            case SCALE_AUTO:
                optSpec.scaleX = scaleX;
                optSpec.scaleY = scaleY;

            case SCALE_RELATIVE:
                optSpec.scaleX *= scaleX;
                optSpec.scaleY *= scaleY;

    // Handle palette stuff that is generic for different operation modes
    if (optPaletteFile != NULL &&
        (res = dmHandleExternalPalette(optPaletteFile, &optPaletteData)) != DMERR_OK)
        goto out;

    switch (optInType)
        case FFMT_SPRITE:
        case FFMT_CHAR:
        case FFMT_BITMAP:
            if (optPaletteData == NULL)
                // No palette file specified, use internal palette
                if (optC64Palette == NULL)
                    optC64Palette = &dmC64DefaultPalettes[0];

                dmMsg(1, "Using internal palette '%s' (%s).\n",
                    optC64Palette->name, optC64Palette->desc);

                if ((res = dmC64PaletteFromC64Palette(&optPaletteData, optC64Palette, FALSE)) != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not set up palette: %s.\n",
                    goto out;

            if (optPaletteData->ncolors < D64_NCOLORS)
                dmErrorMsg("Palette does not have enough colors (%d < %d)\n",
                    optPaletteData->ncolors, D64_NCOLORS);
                goto out;

            if (optPaletteData->ncolors > D64_NCOLORS)
                dmMsg(1, "Palette has %d colors, using only first %d.\n",
                    optPaletteData->ncolors, D64_NCOLORS);

            optC64Spec.pal = optPaletteData;

            if (optC64Palette != NULL)
                dmMsg(1, "Using internal palette '%s' (%s).\n",
                    optC64Palette->name, optC64Palette->desc);

                if ((res = dmC64PaletteFromC64Palette(&optPaletteData, optC64Palette, FALSE)) != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not set up palette: %s.\n",
                    goto out;

    switch (optInType)
        case FFMT_SPRITE:
        case FFMT_CHAR:
            dmDumpSpritesAndChars(dataBuf, dataSize, dataRealOffs);

        case FFMT_PALETTE:
                const DMPaletteFormat *pfmt = &dmPaletteFormatList[optInFormat];
                DMResource *fp;

                if (optOutFilename == NULL)
                    dmErrorMsg("Output filename not set, required for palette formats.\n");
                    goto out;

                // Read palette file
                if ((res = dmf_open_memio(NULL, optInFilename, dataBuf, dataSize, &fp)) != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not create MemIO handle for input.\n");
                    goto out;

                // Read input
                if (pfmt->read != NULL)
                    res = pfmt->read(fp, &optPaletteData);
                    dmErrorMsg("Unsupported input palette format.\n");


                if (res != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Palette could not be read.\n");
                    goto out;

            if (optPaletteData == NULL)
                goto out;

            switch (optOutType)
                case FFMT_PALETTE:
                    res = dmWritePalette(optOutFilename, optPaletteData, &dmPaletteFormatList[optOutFormat]);

                case FFMT_IMAGE:
                    // Allocate image
                    if ((inImage = dmImageAlloc(16, 16, DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE,
                        dmGetNPlanesFromNColors(optPaletteData->ncolors))) == NULL)
                        res = dmError(DMERR_MALLOC,
                            "Could not allocate memory for image.\n");
                        goto out;

                    if ((res = dmPaletteCopy(&inImage->pal, optPaletteData)) != DMERR_OK)
                        dmErrorMsg("Could not allocate image palette: %s\n",
                        goto out;

                    res = dmWriteImage(optOutFilename, inImage, &optSpec,

                    dmErrorMsg("Unsupported output format for palette conversion.\n");

        case FFMT_BITMAP:
            if (optOutFilename == NULL)
                dmErrorMsg("Output filename not set, required for bitmap formats.\n");
                goto out;

            switch (optOutType)
                case FFMT_IMAGE:
                case FFMT_CHAR:
                case FFMT_SPRITE:
                    // Set character data if required
                    if ((inC64Image->extraInfo[D64_EI_MODE] & D64_FMT_CHAR) &&
                        inC64Image->charData[0].data == NULL)
                        // Check character ROM filename
                        if (optCharROMFilename == NULL)
                            optCharROMFilename = DM_DEF_CHARGEN;

                        // Attempt to read character ROM
                        dmMsg(1, "Using character ROM file '%s'.\n",

                        if ((res = dmReadDataFile(NULL, optCharROMFilename,
                            &inC64Image->charData[0].size)) != DMERR_OK)
                            dmErrorMsg("Could not read character ROM from '%s'.\n",
                            goto out;

                    // Convert the image
                    res = dmC64ConvertBMP2Image(&outImage, inC64Image, &optC64Spec);

                    if (res != DMERR_OK || outImage == NULL)
                        dmErrorMsg("Error in bitmap to image conversion: %s.\n",
                        goto out;

                    switch (optOutType)
                        case FFMT_IMAGE:
                            res = dmWriteImage(optOutFilename, outImage, &optSpec,

                        case FFMT_CHAR:
                        case FFMT_SPRITE:
                            res = dmWriteSpritesAndChars(optOutFilename, outImage,
                                optOutType, optInMulticolor);

                case FFMT_PALETTE:
                    res = dmWritePalette(optOutFilename, optPaletteData, &dmPaletteFormatList[optOutFormat]);

                case FFMT_DUMP:
                    dmDumpC64Bitmap(optOutFilename, inC64Image);

                case FFMT_BITMAP:
                    if ((res = dmConvertC64Bitmap(&outC64Image, inC64Image,
                        &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat], inC64Fmt)) != DMERR_OK)
                        dmErrorMsg("Error in bitmap format conversion.\n");
                        goto out;
                    if (dmVerbosity >= 2)
                        dmPrint(0, "INPUT:\n");  dmC64ImageDump(stderr, inC64Image, inC64Fmt, "  ");
                        dmPrint(0, "OUTPUT:\n"); dmC64ImageDump(stderr, outC64Image, &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat], "  ");
                    res = dmWriteBitmap(optOutFilename, outC64Image, &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat]);

                    dmErrorMsg("Unsupported output format for bitmap conversion.\n");

        case FFMT_IMAGE:
                const DMImageFormat *ifmt = &dmImageFormatList[optInFormat];
                DMResource *fp;

                if (optOutFilename == NULL)
                    dmErrorMsg("Output filename not set, required for image formats.\n");
                    goto out;

                if ((res = dmf_open_memio(NULL, optInFilename, dataBuf, dataSize, &fp)) != DMERR_OK)
                    dmErrorMsg("Could not create MemIO handle for input.\n");
                    goto out;

                // Read input
                if (ifmt->read != NULL)
                    res = ifmt->read(fp, &inImage);
                    dmErrorMsg("Unsupported input image format for image conversion.\n");


                if (res != DMERR_OK || inImage == NULL)
                    goto out;

                switch (optOutType)
                    case FFMT_IMAGE:
                        res = dmWriteImage(optOutFilename, inImage, &optSpec,

                    case FFMT_PALETTE:
                        if (inImage->pal == NULL || inImage->pixfmt != DM_PIXFMT_PALETTE)
                            dmErrorMsg("Source image is not a paletted format or has no palette.\n");
                            goto out;
                        res = dmWritePalette(optOutFilename, inImage->pal, &dmPaletteFormatList[optOutFormat]);

                    case FFMT_CHAR:
                    case FFMT_SPRITE:
                        res = dmWriteSpritesAndChars(optOutFilename, inImage,
                            optOutType, optInMulticolor);

                    case FFMT_BITMAP:
                            DMC64Image *tmpC64Image = NULL;
                            res = dmC64ConvertImage2BMP(&tmpC64Image, inImage,
                                &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat], &optC64Spec);

                            if (res != DMERR_OK || tmpC64Image == NULL)
                                dmErrorMsg("Error in image to bitmap conversion: %s.\n",
                                goto out;

                            if ((res = dmConvertC64Bitmap(&outC64Image, tmpC64Image,
                                &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat], &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat])) != DMERR_OK)
                                dmErrorMsg("Error in bitmap format conversion: %s.\n",
                                goto out;

                            res = dmWriteBitmap(optOutFilename, outC64Image, &dmC64ImageFormats[optOutFormat]);

                        dmErrorMsg("Unsupported output format for image conversion.\n");

    if (res != DMERR_OK)
        dmErrorMsg("Error writing output data: %s\n",

    // Cleanup

    return res;