view fontconv.c @ 579:f87446a81887

Remove C source output mode, it is useless.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Fri, 12 Apr 2013 04:52:56 +0300
parents d6c184800384
children 151747a24f57
line wrap: on
line source

 * fontconv - Convert bitmap fonts
 * Programmed and designed by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen
 * (C) Copyright 2012 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
 * Please read file 'COPYING' for information on license and distribution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "dmlib.h"
#include "dmargs.h"
#include "dmfile.h"
#include "dmimage.h"
#include "dmtext.h"
#include "dmresw.h"

char    *optInFilename = NULL, *optOutFilename = NULL;

int     optSplitWidth = 8,
        optSplitHeight = 8;

DMOptArg optList[] =
    {  0, '?', "help",     "Show this help", OPT_NONE },
    {  1, 'v', "verbose",  "Be more verbose", OPT_NONE },
    {  2, 'o', "output",   "Output file (default stdout)", OPT_ARGREQ },
    {  3, 's', "size",     "Set glyph dimensions (-s WxH) for image->font conversion", OPT_ARGREQ },

const int optListN = sizeof(optList) / sizeof(optList[0]);

BOOL argHandleOpt(const int optN, char *optArg, char *currArg)
    switch (optN)
        case 0:
            dmPrintBanner(stdout, dmProgName,
                "[options] [sourcefile]");
            dmArgsPrintHelp(stdout, optList, optListN);

        case 1:

        case 2:
            optOutFilename = optArg;

        case 3:
                int w, h;
                if (sscanf(optArg, "%dx%d", &w, &h) != 2)
                    dmError("Invalid argument for -s option, '%s'.\n",
                    return FALSE;
                if (w < DMFONT_MIN_WIDTH  || w > DMFONT_MAX_WIDTH ||
                    h < DMFONT_MIN_HEIGHT || h > DMFONT_MAX_HEIGHT)
                    dmError("Invalid dimensions, must be %d < W %d, %d < H < %d.\n",
                        DMFONT_MIN_WIDTH  , DMFONT_MAX_WIDTH,
                        DMFONT_MIN_HEIGHT , DMFONT_MAX_HEIGHT);
                    return FALSE;
                optSplitWidth = w;
                optSplitHeight = h;

            dmError("Unknown argument '%s'.\n", currArg);
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

BOOL argHandleFile(char *currArg)
    if (!optInFilename)
        optInFilename = currArg;
        dmError("Too many filename arguments, '%s'\n", currArg);
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int dmCreateBitmapFontFromImage(SDL_Surface *image, int width, int height, DMBitmapFont **pfont)
    int nglyph, xc, yc, xglyphs, yglyphs;
    DMBitmapFont *font;

    if (image->w < width || width < 4 || image->h < height || height < 4)
        return DMERR_INVALID_ARGS;
    xglyphs = image->w / width;
    yglyphs = image->h / height;
    if ((font = dmNewBitmapFont(xglyphs * yglyphs, width, height)) == NULL)
        return DMERR_MALLOC;

    dmMsg(1, "%d x %d split as %d x %d blocks => %d x %d = %d glyphs.\n",
        image->w, image->h,
        width, height,
        xglyphs, yglyphs, xglyphs * yglyphs);
    nglyph = 0;
    for (yc = 0; yc < yglyphs; yc++)
    for (xc = 0; xc < xglyphs; xc++)
        SDL_Surface *glyph = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height,
        if (glyph == NULL)
            return DMERR_MALLOC;

        SDL_Rect r;
        r.x = xc * width;
        r.y = yc * height;
        r.w = width;
        r.h = height;
        SDL_BlitSurface(image, &r, glyph, NULL);
        font->glyphs[nglyph++] = glyph;
    *pfont = font;
    return DMERR_OK;

int dmSaveBitmapFont(DMResource *res, DMBitmapFont *font)
    int maxglyph, nglyphs, n;
    if (font == NULL)
        return DMERR_NULLPTR;

    if (font->nglyphs > DMFONT_MAX_GLYPHS ||
        font->width > DMFONT_MAX_WIDTH ||
        font->height > DMFONT_MAX_HEIGHT ||
        font->width < DMFONT_MIN_WIDTH ||
        font->height < DMFONT_MIN_HEIGHT)
        return DMERR_INVALID_DATA;

    // Count number of actually existing glyphs
    for (maxglyph = nglyphs = n = 0; n < font->nglyphs; n++)
        SDL_Surface *glyph = font->glyphs[n];
        if (glyph != NULL)
            maxglyph = n;
            if (glyph->w < DMFONT_MIN_WIDTH ||
                glyph->h < DMFONT_MIN_HEIGHT ||
                glyph->w > DMFONT_MAX_WIDTH ||
                glyph->h > DMFONT_MAX_HEIGHT)
    // Write the DMFONT header
    if (!dmf_write_str(res, (Uint8 *) DMFONT_MAGIC, 6))
        return DMERR_FWRITE;

    dmf_write_le16(res, DMFONT_VERSION);
    dmf_write_le16(res, nglyphs);
    dmf_write_le16(res, maxglyph + 1);
    dmfputc(font->width, res);
    dmfputc(font->height, res);
    if (nglyphs > 0)
        int i;
        SDL_Surface *glyph = font->glyphs[maxglyph];

        // If there are actual glyphs stored, save this
        dmfputc(glyph->format->BitsPerPixel, res);
        dmf_write_le32(res, glyph->format->Rmask);
        dmf_write_le32(res, glyph->format->Gmask);
        dmf_write_le32(res, glyph->format->Bmask);
        dmf_write_le32(res, glyph->format->Amask);

        for (i = 0; i < font->nglyphs; i++)
            glyph = font->glyphs[i];
            if (glyph != NULL)
                int y;
                Uint8 *pixels = glyph->pixels;
                if (glyph->w < DMFONT_MIN_WIDTH ||
                    glyph->h < DMFONT_MIN_HEIGHT ||
                    glyph->w > DMFONT_MAX_WIDTH ||
                    glyph->h > DMFONT_MAX_HEIGHT)

                // Each glyph has its table index and w/h stored
                dmf_write_le16(res, i);
                dmfputc(glyph->w, res);
                dmfputc(glyph->h, res);

                // Write the pixel data
                for (y = 0; y < glyph->h; y++)
                    if (dmfwrite(pixels, glyph->format->BytesPerPixel, glyph->w, res) != (size_t) glyph->w)
                        return DMERR_FWRITE;
                    pixels += glyph->pitch;

    return DMERR_OK;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    DMResource *inFile = NULL, *outFile = NULL;
    DMBitmapFont *font = NULL;
    SDL_Surface *fontbmap = NULL;
    int res;
    BOOL initTTF = FALSE;
    TTF_Font *ttf = NULL;

    dmInitProg("fontconv", "Bitmap font converter", "0.2", NULL, NULL);
    dmVerbosity = 1;

    // Parse arguments
    if (!dmArgsProcess(argc, argv, optList, optListN,
        argHandleOpt, argHandleFile, TRUE))

    // Check arguments
    if (!optInFilename)
        dmError("Input or output file not specified!\n");
        return 1;

    if (TTF_Init() < 0)
        dmError("Could not initialize FreeType/TTF: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
        goto error_exit;
    initTTF = TRUE;
    // Open the source file
    if ((inFile = dmf_create_stdio(optInFilename, "rb")) == NULL)
        dmError("Error opening input file '%s', %d: %s\n",
            optInFilename, errno, strerror(errno));
        return 1;

    if ((res = dmLoadBitmapFont(inFile, &font)) == DMERR_OK)
        dmMsg(1, "Input is a TSFONT/DMFONT font file.\n");
    if ((ttf = TTF_OpenFont(optInFilename, optSplitWidth)) != NULL)
        int i;
        SDL_Color col = { 255, 255, 255, 100 };
        dmMsg(1, "Input is a TTF TrueType font, rendering at %d x %d.\n",
            optSplitWidth, optSplitHeight);

        TTF_SetFontStyle(ttf, TTF_STYLE_NORMAL);
        if ((font = dmNewBitmapFont(256, optSplitWidth - 1, optSplitHeight+4)) == NULL)
            goto error_exit;

        for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
            char str[2];
            str[0] = i;
            str[1] = 0;
            font->glyphs[i] = TTF_RenderText_Blended(ttf, str, col);
        dmfseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);

        if ((fontbmap = dmLoadImage(inFile)) == NULL)
            dmError("Could not load image file '%s'.\n", optInFilename);
            goto error_exit;

        dmMsg(1, "Input is a bitmap image (%d x %d, %d bpp), splitting to %d x %d.\n",
            fontbmap->w, fontbmap->h, fontbmap->format->BitsPerPixel,
            optSplitWidth, optSplitHeight);

        if ((res = dmCreateBitmapFontFromImage(fontbmap, optSplitWidth, optSplitHeight, &font)) != DMERR_OK)
            dmError("Could not create a font from image, %d: %s\n",
                res, dmErrorStr(res));
            goto error_exit;

    if (font == NULL)
        dmError("No font loaded.\n");
        goto error_exit;
    dmMsg(1, "Outputting a DMFONT format bitmap font.\n");
    if (optOutFilename == NULL)
        outFile = dmf_create_stdio_stream(stdout);
        outFile = dmf_create_stdio(optOutFilename, "wb");

    if (outFile == NULL)
        dmError("Error creating file '%s', %d: %s\n",
            optInFilename, errno, strerror(errno));
        goto error_exit;

    res = dmSaveBitmapFont(outFile, font);

    if (res != DMERR_OK)
        dmError("Error saving font, %d: %s\n",
            res, dmErrorStr(res));


    if (initTTF)
    return 0;