diff mndb.tcl @ 0:1c4e2814cd41

Initial import.
author Matti Hamalainen <ccr@tnsp.org>
date Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:12:49 +0300
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mndb.tcl	Tue Sep 21 13:12:49 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# MattiNykanenDB v0.7 by ccr/TNSP <ccr@tnsp.org>
+# Not for public use or distribution. If you happen to find this,
+# send your questions and/or problems to /dev/null, thank you.
+### General options
+# Filename where the logged quote data goes
+set mndb_file "data.mndb"
+# 1 = Verbose: Say messages PUBLIC when quote is OK, bad, etc.
+# 0 = Quiet  : Say privately
+set mndb_verbose 0
+# 1 = Put some info to bot's Logfile when doing stuff...
+# 0 = Don't.
+set mndb_logmsg 1
+# What IRC "command" should we use to send messages:
+# (Valid alternatives are "PRIVMSG" and "NOTICE")
+set mndb_preferredmsg "PRIVMSG"
+### Search related settings
+# How many quote's should the !mnfind command show (maximum limit)
+set mndb_showmax_pub 3
+# For private-search, this is the default limit (user can change it)
+set mndb_showmax_priv 5
+# No need to look below this line
+set mndb_name "MattiNykanenDB"
+set mndb_version "0.7"
+### Binding initializations
+bind pub - !mnfind mndb_pub_find
+bind pub - !mnadd mndb_pub_add
+bind pub - !mn mndb_pub_mn
+bind msg - mnfind mndb_msg_find
+bind msg - mn mndb_msg_mn
+### Initialization messages
+set mndb_message "$mndb_name v$mndb_version by ccr/TNSP"
+putlog "$mndb_message"
+### Utility functions
+proc mndb_log { jarg } {
+  global mndb_logmsg mndb_name
+  if {$mndb_logmsg != 0} {
+	putlog "$mndb_name: $jarg"
+	}
+proc mndb_ctime { utime } {
+  if {$utime == "" || $utime == "*"} {
+	set utime 0
+	}
+  return [clock format $utime -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"]
+proc mndb_isnumber { uarg } {
+  set ufoo 1
+  foreach i [split $uarg {}] {
+	if ![string match \[0-9\] $i] {set ufoo 0}
+	}
+  return $ufoo
+proc mndb_msg {apublic anick achan amsg} {
+global mndb_preferredmsg
+if {$apublic == 0} {
+	putserv "$mndb_preferredmsg $anick :$amsg" 
+	} else {
+	putserv "$mndb_preferredmsg $achan :$anick, $amsg"
+	}
+proc mndb_add {utext unick uhost uchan upublic} {
+global mndb_file
+	if {[string length $utext] < 10} {
+		mndb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "pyh."
+		return 0
+	}
+### Create the database file if it does not exist yet
+	set fd [open $mndb_file a+]
+	close $fd
+### OK. The quote is valid, but let's check if we already know it.
+	set fd [open $mndb_file r]
+	set sindex 0
+	set smax -1
+	while {![eof $fd]} {
+		gets $fd foo
+		incr sindex
+		set foo [split $foo "|"]
+		set qindex [lindex $foo 0]
+		if {$qindex > $smax} { set smax $qindex }
+		}
+	close $fd
+### OK, the quote was not already known and IS valid. Add it.
+        incr smax
+	set fd [open $mndb_file a+]
+	puts $fd "$smax|$utext|[unixtime]|$unick|$uhost|$uchan"
+	close $fd
+### Log some data
+	mndb_log "Added quote #$smax ($unick @ $uchan): $utext"
+### Let's report success to user
+	mndb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "tietokantaa sörkitty (#$smax / $sindex), kiitos."
+	return 1
+proc mndb_find {ipatterns imax} {
+global mndb_file
+### Search the database for pattern
+### Clear the count, open the quote logfile
+set iresults {}
+set nresults 0
+set fd [open $mndb_file r]
+### Start searching...
+while {![eof $fd]} {
+# Get one quote for inspection
+	gets $fd foo
+	set irecord [split [string tolower $foo] "|"]
+	set itext [lindex $irecord 1]
+	set iname [lindex $irecord 3]
+# Match with all given patterns and rules
+	set imatched 1
+	foreach ipattern $ipatterns {
+		set foob [split [string tolower $ipattern] " "]
+		set ftoken [lindex $foob 0]
+		set fparam [lindex $foob 1]
+		set fmatch [string match $fparam $itext]
+		if {($ftoken == "+") && ($fmatch == 0)} { set imatched 0 }
+		if {($ftoken == "-") && ($fmatch == 1)} { set imatched 0 }
+		if {($ftoken == "%") && ([string match $fparam $iname] == 0)} { set imatched 0 }
+		}
+# If the all patterns matched, add to the list...
+	if {($imatched == 1) && ($foo != "")} {
+		incr nresults
+		lappend iresults $foo
+		}
+	}
+# Close file
+close $fd
+# Take only last imax results
+return [lrange $iresults [expr $nresults-$imax] $nresults]
+proc mndb_get { unick uhand uindex } {
+global mndb_file
+set ifound 0
+set iindex 0
+set iresults {}
+set nresults 0
+### Create the database file if it does not exist yet
+set fd [open $mndb_file a+]
+close $fd
+### OK. The quote is valid, but let's check if we already know it.
+set fd [open $mndb_file r]
+if {$uindex == ""} {
+### Log search
+	mndb_log "$unick/$uhand get random quote"
+### Do search
+	while {![eof $fd]} {
+		gets $fd foo
+		incr nresults
+		lappend iresults $foo
+		}
+	set foo [split [lindex $iresults [rand $nresults]] "|"]
+	set ifound 1
+} else {
+### Log search
+	mndb_log "$unick/$uhand searched quote #$uindex"
+### Do search
+	while {![eof $fd] && !$ifound} {
+		gets $fd foo
+		set foo [split $foo "|"]
+		if {[lindex $foo 0] == $uindex} {
+			set ifound 1
+			}
+		}
+### Close file
+close $fd
+### Return result
+if {$ifound} {
+	return "#[lindex $foo 0]: [lindex $foo 1]"
+	} else {
+	return "ei löydy."
+	}
+proc mndb_search {unick uhand uchan utext upublic} {
+global mndb_showmax_pub spmsg_nomatch
+### Log search
+	mndb_log "$unick/$uhand searched quote: $utext"
+### Parse the given command
+	set footokens [split $utext " "]
+	foreach ftoken $footokens {
+		set foomark [string range $ftoken 0 0]
+		set foopat  [string range $ftoken 1 end]
+		if {$foomark == "-" || $foomark == "+" || $foomark == "%"} {
+			lappend ipatlist "$foomark *$foopat*"
+			} else {
+			lappend ipatlist "+ *$ftoken*"
+			}
+	}
+### Get the matches
+	set iresults [mndb_find $ipatlist $mndb_showmax_pub]
+### Show the results
+	if {$iresults != ""} {
+	foreach i $iresults {
+		set foo [split $i "|"]
+		mndb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "#[lindex $foo 0]: [lindex $foo 1]"
+		}
+# If no quotes were found
+	} else {
+		mndb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "ei löydy."
+	}
+proc mndb_pub_mn {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
+mndb_msg 0 $uchan "" [mndb_get $unick $uhand $utext]
+proc mndb_msg_mn {unick uhost uhand utext} {
+mndb_msg 0 $unick "" [mndb_get $unick $uhand $utext]
+proc mndb_pub_add {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
+ mndb_add $utext $unick $uhost $uchan 1
+proc mndb_pub_rm {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
+ mndb_rm $utext $unick $uhost $uchan 1
+proc mndb_pub_find {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
+ mndb_search $unick $uhand $uchan $utext 1
+proc mndb_msg_find {unick uhost uhand utext} {
+ mndb_search $unick $uhand "" $utext 0
+# end of script