view fetch_feeds.tcl @ 559:06d984a92a28

quotedb: Cleanups.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Thu, 09 Jul 2020 12:47:39 +0300
parents 89aaf279c12b
children 14dfb925a64a
line wrap: on
line source

# NOTICE! Change above path to correct tclsh binary path!
# FeedCheck fetcher v1.1 by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen <>
# (C) Copyright 2008-2020 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
# This script is freely distributable under GNU GPL (version 2) license.
# NOTICE! NOTICE! This script REQUIRES tcl-tls 1.7.13+ if you wish to
# support SSL/TLS https for URL checking. And you probably do.

### The configuration should be in config.feeds in same directory
### as this script. Or change the line below to point where ever
### you wish. See "config.feeds.example" for an example config file.
source [file dirname [info script]]/config.feeds

### Required utillib.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/utillib.tcl


package require sqlite3
package require http

if {[info exists http_user_agent] && $http_user_agent != ""} {
  ::http::config -urlencoding utf8 -useragent $http_user_agent
} else {
  ::http::config -urlencoding utf8 -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"

if {[info exists http_use_proxy] && $http_use_proxy != 0} {
  ::http::config -proxyhost $http_proxy_host -proxyport $http_proxy_port

if {[info exists http_tls_support] && $http_tls_support != 0} {
  package require tls
  ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request true -require true -ssl2 false -ssl3 false -tls1 true -tls1.1 true -tls1.2 true -cadir $http_tls_cadir -autoservername true]


proc fetch_dorequest { urlStr urlStatus urlSCode urlCode urlData urlMeta } {
  upvar 1 $urlStatus ustatus
  upvar 1 $urlSCode uscode
  upvar 1 $urlCode ucode
  upvar 1 $urlData udata
  upvar 1 $urlMeta umeta

  if {[catch {set utoken [::http::geturl $urlStr -timeout 6000 -binary 1 -headers {Accept-Encoding identity}]} uerrmsg]} {
    puts "HTTP request failed: $uerrmsg"
    return 0

  set ustatus [::http::status $utoken]
  if {$ustatus == "timeout"} {
    puts "HTTP request timed out ($urlStr)"
    return 0

  if {$ustatus != "ok"} {
    puts "Error in HTTP transaction: [::http::error $utoken] ($urlStr)"
    return 0

  set ustatus [::http::status $utoken]
  set uscode [::http::code $utoken]
  set ucode [::http::ncode $utoken]
  set udata [::http::data $utoken]
  array set umeta [::http::meta $utoken]
  ::http::cleanup $utoken

  return 1

proc add_entry {uname uprefix uurl utitle} {
  global currclock feeds_db nitems
  set utmp [utl_convert_html_ent $uurl]
  if {[string match "http://*" $utmp] || [string match "https://*" $utmp]} {
    set utest "$utmp"
  } else {
    if {[string range $uprefix end end] != "/" && [string range $utmp 0 0] != "/"} {
      set utest "$uprefix/$utmp"
    } else {
      set utest "$uprefix$utmp"

  set usql "SELECT title FROM feeds WHERE url='[utl_escape $utest]' AND feed='[utl_escape $uname]'"
  if {![feeds_db exists $usql]} {
#    puts "NEW: $utest : $utitle"
    set usql "INSERT INTO feeds (feed,utime,url,title) VALUES ('[utl_escape $uname]', $currclock, '[utl_escape $utest]', '[utl_escape [utl_convert_html_ent $utitle]]')"
    incr nitems
    if {[catch {feeds_db eval $usql} uerrmsg]} {
      puts "\nError: $uerrmsg on:\n$usql"
      exit 15

proc add_rss_feed {datauri dataname dataprefix} {
  if {[catch {set utoken [::http::geturl $datauri -binary 1 -timeout 6000 -headers {Accept-Encoding identity}]} uerrmsg]} {
    puts "Error getting $datauri: $uerrmsg"
    return 1
  set upage [::http::data $utoken]
  ::http::cleanup $utoken

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<item>.\*\?<title><..CDATA.(.\*\?)\\\]\\\]></title>.\*\?<link>(http.\*\?)</link>.\*\?</item>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname $dataprefix [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]]

  if {$nmatches == 0} {
  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<item>.\*\?<title>(.\*\?)</title>.\*\?<link>(http.\*\?)</link>.\*\?</item>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname $dataprefix [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]]

  if {$nmatches == 0} {
  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<item \[^>\]*>.\*\?<title>(.\*\?)</title>.\*\?<link>(http.\*\?)</link>.\*\?</item>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname $dataprefix [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]]

  return 0

### Fetch and parse Halla-aho's blog page data
proc fetch_halla_aho { } {
  set datauri "";
  set dataname "Mestari"
  if {![fetch_dorequest $datauri ustatus uscode ucode upage umeta]} {
    return 0

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<a href=\"(\[^\"\]+\.html)\"><b>(\[^<\]+)</b>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname $datauri [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]]

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<a href=\"(\[^\"\]+\.html)\">(\[^<\]\[^b\]\[^<\]+)</a>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname $datauri [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]]

### The Adventurers
proc fetch_adventurers { } {
  set datauri "";
  set dataname "The Adventurers"
  if {![fetch_dorequest $datauri ustatus uscode ucode upage umeta]} {
    return 0

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<a href=\"(\[^\"\]+)\">(\[^<\]+)</a>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname "" [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]]

### Order of the Stick
proc fetch_oots { } {
  set datauri "";
  set dataname "OOTS"
  if {![fetch_dorequest $datauri ustatus uscode ucode upage umeta]} {
    return 0

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<a href=\"(/comics/oots\[0-9\]+\.html)\">(\[^<\]+)</a>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 3} {
    add_entry $dataname "" [lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]] [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]]

### Poliisi tiedotteet
proc fetch_poliisi { datauri dataname dataprefix } {
  if {![fetch_dorequest $datauri ustatus uscode ucode upage umeta]} {
    return 0

  set umatches [regexp -all -nocase -inline -- "<div class=\"channelitem\"><div class=\"date\">(.*?)</div><a class=\"article\" href=\"(\[^\"\]+)\">(\[^<\]+)</a>" $upage]
  set nmatches [llength $umatches]
  for {set n 0} {$n < $nmatches} {incr n 4} {
    set stmp [string trim [lindex $umatches [expr $n+3]]]
    add_entry $dataname $dataprefix [lindex $umatches [expr $n+2]] "[lindex $umatches [expr $n+1]]: $stmp"

### Open database, etc
set nitems 0
set currclock [clock seconds]
global feeds_db
if {[catch {sqlite3 feeds_db $feeds_dbfile} uerrmsg]} {
  puts "Could not open SQLite3 database '$feeds_dbfile': $uerrmsg."
  exit 2

### Fetch the feeds
if {[catch {feeds_fetch} uerrmsg]} {
  puts "Error fetching feeds: $uerrmsg"
  feeds_db close
  exit 3

### Close database
feeds_db close

puts "$nitems new items."