view @ 536:1044fbacb8a7

weather: Use utl_valid_user instead of weather_valid_user.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Tue, 07 Jul 2020 14:42:40 +0300
parents 195db79c82a8
children f07c972e269a
line wrap: on
line source

# Weather script configuration

# Channels where weather functionality is enabled
# set weather_channels "#foobar;#baz"
# You can use * to match substrings or everything
set weather_channels "*"

# Default location if none given and none set by user.
# Multiple can be specified as "foo;bar;etc"
set weather_default_locations "raahe lapaluoto;pattijoki"

# Weather data file, must match the one in's config
set weather_datafile "/home/niinuska/bot/"

# Alias data file
set weather_aliasfile "/home/niinuska/bot/weather.alias"

# How often to check the weather data file for updates (in minutes)
set weather_check_period 1

# Max number of results to be listed
set weather_max_results 3

# 1 = Enable logging of various script actions into bot's log
# 0 = Don't.
set weather_logmsg 1

# What IRC "command" should we use to send messages:
# (Valid alternatives are "PRIVMSG" and "NOTICE")
set weather_preferredmsg "PRIVMSG"

### Message texts (informal, errors, etc.)
set weather_msg_list_station [list "\002@station@\002 (,@c_lng@,18z )"]

# Array/list of wind directions (8 in total)
set weather_msg_wind_directions [list]
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "pohjoinen (N)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "koillinen (NE)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "itä (E)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "kaakko (SE)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "etelä (S)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "lounas (SW)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "länsi (W)"
lappend weather_msg_wind_directions "luode (NW)"

# Array/list of FMI cloudiness value descriptions
# (9 values ranging from "clear" to "cloudy")
set weather_msg_cloudiness [list]
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "selkeää"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "melkein selkeää"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "verrattain selkeää"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "verrattain selkeää"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "puolipilvistä"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "verrattain pilvistä"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "verrattain pilvistä"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "melkein pilvistä"
lappend weather_msg_cloudiness "pilvistä"

# Array/list of Tiehallinto precipitation value descriptions
set weather_msg_precipitation [list]
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "poutaa"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "heikkoa sadetta"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "kohtalaista sadetta"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "voimakasta sadetta"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "heikkoa lumisadetta/räntää"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "kohtalaista lumisadetta/räntää"
lappend weather_msg_precipitation "voimakasta lumisadetta/räntää"

# Array/list containing optional parts of the result message for one
# one measurement station. Every array element except the first one
# are optional and will only be appended to result string IF the
# named @token@ value is "set" e.g. not empty or in some cases invalid.
set weather_msg_result [list]
lappend weather_msg_result "\002@station@\002, @ctime@: \002@temp@°C\002"
lappend weather_msg_result ", tien pinta @road_surface_temp@°C"
lappend weather_msg_result ", kosteus \002@humidity@\002%"
lappend weather_msg_result ", tuuli \002@wind_speed@\002 m/s"
#lappend weather_msg_result " (suunta @wind_direction@ - @wind_direction_deg@°)"
lappend weather_msg_result " - @wind_direction@"
lappend weather_msg_result ", \002@cloudiness@\002 (@cloudiness_val@)"
lappend weather_msg_result ", näkyvyys @visibility@ km"
lappend weather_msg_result "."

set weather_msg_usage_prefix_1 "Käyttö: !sää "
set weather_msg_usage_prefix_2 "        !sää "

set weather_msg_list_nearest $weather_msg_list_station
set weather_msg_usage_nearest "lähin <lat>\[, \]<long> -- näyttää annettuja koordinaatteja lähimpänä olevat mittausasemat"
set weather_msg_usage_nearest_invalid "lähin <lat>\[, \]<long> -- näyttää annettuja koordinaatteja lähimpänä olevat mittausasemat"
set weather_msg_nearest_stations "Lähimmät mittausasemat (%1, %2): %3"

set weather_msg_usage_def_set "vakio <paikka>\[;<paikka2>\] -- asettaa vakiohavaintoaseman\nvakio -- näyttää nykyisen"
set weather_msg_usage_alias "alias <alias> = <nimi> (Lisää alias-nimen, esim. alias perse = turku)"
set weather_msg_usage_unalias "unalias <alias> (Poistaa aliaksen)"

set weather_msg_usage_stations "asemat <patterni> -- listaa mittausasemat joiden nimi matsaa patternin kanssa"

set weather_msg_usage_full "\[paikka\]\n$weather_msg_usage_def_set\n$weather_msg_usage_alias\n$weather_msg_usage_unalias\n$weather_msg_usage_stations"

set weather_msg_def_set "Vakio-havaintoasemiksi asetettu: \002%1\002."
set weather_msg_defloc "Käyttäjän \002%1\002 vakio-havaintoasemat ovat: \002%2\002."
set weather_msg_def_not_set "Vakio-havaintoasemia ei asetettu käyttäjälle \002%1\002."

set weather_msg_aliased "Aliasoitiin \002%1\002 = \002%2\002."
set weather_msg_unaliased "Unaliasoitiin \002%1\002."
set weather_msg_aliases "Aliakset: %1"

set weather_msg_user_not_known "Tuntematon käyttäjä."
set weather_msg_no_access "Ei oikeuksia muuttaa asetuksia."

set weather_msg_stations "Mittausasemat: %1"

set weather_msg_no_results "\002%1\002: Ei mittaustietoja."
set weather_msg_no_data_for_location "\002%1\002: Paikkakunnan tietoja ei saatu."

### Bind commands
bind pub - !sää weather_cmd_pub
bind pub - !saa weather_cmd_pub
bind msg - !sää weather_cmd_msg
bind msg - !saa weather_cmd_msg