view @ 615:1dac9129eb0f

tj: Change #id handling to be case-insensitive.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:34:12 +0200
parents ea6ebcf42b47
children 20dba2c757de
line wrap: on
line source

# TJ script configuration

### Bind commands
bind pub - !tj tj_cmd_pub
bind msg - !tj tj_cmd_msg
proc tj_cmd_pub {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} { tj_cmd $unick $uhost $uhand $uchan $utext 1 }
proc tj_cmd_msg {unick uhost uhand utext}       { tj_cmd $unick $uhost $uhand "" $utext 0 }

# Name of the command used for help texts
set tj_cmd_name "!tj"

# Sub-command name regexp patterns
array set tj_commands {
  "help" {^(\?|help|apua)$}
  "set" {^(set|aseta)$}
  "remind" {^(remind|muist)}
  "list" {^(list|listaa?)$}
  "delete" {^(del|delete|poista)$}
  "show" {^(show|näytä|nayta)$}

### Settings
# SQLite3 database
set tj_db_file "tj.sqlite"

# Default time (hh:mm) when not specified
set tj_default_time "12:00"

# Default ID for TJ
set tj_default_id "SA-INT"
set tj_default_desc "armeijapalveluksen päättyminen"

# Channels where TJ functionality is enabled
# set weather_channels "#foobar;#baz"
# You can use * to match substrings or everything
set tj_channels "*"

# 1 = Enable logging of various script actions into bot's log
# 0 = Don't.
set tj_log_enable 1

# What IRC "command" should we use to send messages:
# (Valid alternatives are "PRIVMSG" and "NOTICE")
set tj_preferredmsg "PRIVMSG"

### Message texts (informal, errors, etc.)

array set tj_messages {
  "datefmt" "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"

  "help_full" {"help" "help_set" "help_list"}
  "help" "@cmd@ \[#id\] \[nimi\]"
  "help_set" "@cmd@ set \[#id\] <\[-\]päivät \[+/-<tunnit>\] | \[hh:mm\]> [<kuvaus>]"
  "help_list" "@cmd@ list"

  "err_invalid_user" "Pyh, mene pois."
  "err_unknown_user" "en tunne @1@"

  "help_remind_add" "@cmd@ muistuta <id>"
  "help_remind_delete" "@cmd@ poista <id>"

  "tj_set" "@3@:n @2@-TJ asetettu @5@ (@6@): @4@"
  "tj_updated" "@3@:n @2@-TJ päivitetty @5@ (@6@): @4@"

  "tj_str_year" "vuosi"
  "tj_str_years" "@1@ vuotta"
  "tj_str_day" "aamu"
  "tj_str_days" "@1@ aamua"
  "tj_str_hour" "tunnin"
  "tj_str_hours" "@1@ tuntia"
  "tj_str_minute" "minuutin"
  "tj_str_minutes" "@1@ minuuttia"

  "tj_str_sep" ", "
  "tj_str_sep_last" " ja "

  "tj_remaining" "@1@:llä on @3@ jäljellä @2@ (@4@)."
  "tj_past" "@1@ on ollut @2@-reservissä @3@ (@4@)."

  "tj_not_set" "@1@:n @2@-TJ:tä ei ole asetettu."