view weather.tcl @ 203:28ee3578a6d1

Weather: Add support for usage messages without default prefix.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:02:46 +0300
parents 92f4a489b7ef
children f56c598be862
line wrap: on
line source

# Weather v0.5 by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen <>
# (C) Copyright 2014 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
# Requires data fetcher to be run as a cronjob, see
# for more information.
# This script is freely distributable under GNU GPL (version 2) license.

# Default location if none given and none set by user.
# Multiple can be specified as "foo;bar;etc"
set weather_default_locations "raahe"

# Weather data file, must match the one in's config
set weather_datafile "/home/niinuska/bot/"

# Alias data file
set weather_aliasfile "/home/niinuska/bot/weather.alias"

# How often to check the weather data file for updates (in minutes)
set weather_check_period 2

# Max number of results to be listed
set weather_max_results 3

# ...
set weather_logmsg 1
set weather_preferredmsg "PRIVMSG"

### Messages
set weather_msg_usage_prefix_1 "Käyttö: !sää "
set weather_msg_usage_prefix_2 "        !sää "

set weather_msg_usage_def_set "vakio <paikka>\[;<paikka2>\] -- asettaa vakiohavaintoaseman\nvakio -- näyttää nykyisen"
set weather_msg_usage_alias "alias <alias> = <nimi> (Lisää alias-nimen, esim. alias perse = turku)"
set weather_msg_usage_unalias "unalias <alias> (Poistaa aliaksen)"

set weather_msg_usage_full "\[paikka\]\n$weather_msg_usage_def_set\n$weather_msg_usage_alias\n$weather_msg_usage_unalias"

set weather_msg_def_set "Vakio-havaintoasemiksi asetettu: \002%1\002."
set weather_msg_defloc "Käyttäjän \002%1\002 vakio-havaintoasemat ovat: \002%2\002."
set weather_msg_def_not_set "Vakio-havaintoasemia ei asetettu käyttäjälle \002%1\002."

set weather_msg_aliased "Aliasoitiin \002%1\002 = \002%2\002."
set weather_msg_unaliased "Unaliasoitiin \002%1\002."
set weather_msg_aliases "Aliakset: %1"

set weather_msg_user_not_known "Tuntematon käyttäjä."
set weather_msg_no_access "Ei oikeuksia muuttaa asetuksia."

set weather_msg_no_results "\002%1\002: Ei mittaustietoja."
set weather_msg_no_data_for_location "\002%1\002: Paikkakunnan tietoja ei saatu."

# No need to look below this line
set weather_name "Weather"
set weather_version "0.5"

### Binding initializations
bind pub - !sää weather_cmd_pub
bind pub - !saa weather_cmd_pub
bind msg - !sää weather_cmd_msg
bind msg - !saa weather_cmd_msg

### Initialization messages
package require textutil::split
set weather_message "$weather_name v$weather_version by ccr/TNSP"
putlog "$weather_message"

proc weather_log {arg} {
  global weather_logmsg weather_name
  if {$weather_logmsg != 0} {
    putlog "$weather_name: $arg"

proc weather_msg_do {apublic anick achan amsg} {
  global weather_preferredmsg
  if {$apublic == 1} {
    putserv "$weather_preferredmsg $achan :$amsg"
  } else {
    putserv "$weather_preferredmsg $anick :$amsg" 

proc weather_usage {apublic anick achan amsg} {
  global weather_msg_usage_prefix_1 weather_msg_usage_prefix_2
  set nline 0
  foreach aline [split $amsg "\n"] {
    if {[string range $aline 0 1] == ":"} {
      weather_msg_do $apublic $anick $achan $aline
    } elseif {$nline == 0} {
      weather_msg_do $apublic $anick $achan "$weather_msg_usage_prefix_1$aline"
    } else {
      weather_msg_do $apublic $anick $achan "$weather_msg_usage_prefix_2$aline"
    incr nline

proc weather_msg {apublic anick achan amsg {aargs {}}} {
  set narg 1
  foreach marg $aargs {
    set amsg [string map [list "%$narg" $marg] $amsg]
    incr narg
  weather_msg_do $apublic $anick $achan $amsg

proc weather_ctime {utime} {
  return [clock format $utime -format "%H:%M"]

proc weather_valid_user {uhand} {
  if {$uhand != "" && $uhand != "{}" && $uhand != "*"} {
    return 1
  return 0

proc weather_load_aliases {} {
  global weather_aliasfile weather_aliases

  # Create dict
  array unset weather_aliases
  array set weather_aliases {}
  # Read datafile
  if {![catch {set ufile [open $weather_aliasfile r 0600]} uerrmsg]} {
    while {![eof $ufile]} {
      gets $ufile uline
      set udata [split $uline "|"]
      if {[llength $udata] == 2} {
        set weather_aliases([lindex $udata 0]) [lindex $udata 1]
    close $ufile
  } else {
    weather_log "Could not open data file: $uerrmsg"

proc weather_save_aliases {} {
  global weather_aliasfile weather_aliases

  if {![catch {set ufile [open $weather_aliasfile w 0600]} uerrmsg]} {
    foreach {ukey uvalue} [array get weather_aliases] {
      puts $ufile "$ukey|$uvalue"
    close $ufile
  } else {
    weather_log "Could not open data file: $uerrmsg"

# If there exists an alias for given string/name, return it
proc weather_get_alias {uname} {
  global weather_aliases
  set utmp [array get weather_aliases $uname]
  if {[llength $utmp] > 0} {
    return [lindex $utmp 1]
  return $uname

proc weather_item {udata uindex ufmt} {
  if {[llength $udata] > $uindex && [lindex $udata $uindex] != ""} {
    set utmp [lindex $udata $uindex]
    return [string map [list "@@" $utmp] $ufmt]
  return ""

# Produce one location of weather data as a string
proc weather_get_data {ukey udata} {
  set str "\002[lindex $udata 0]\002, mitattu klo [weather_ctime [lindex $udata 2]]: \002[lindex $udata 3]°C\002"
  append str [weather_item $udata 5 ", @@"]
  append str [weather_item $udata 6 ", kosteus \002@@%\002"]
  append str [weather_item $udata 4 ", tien pinta @@°C"]
  return "${str}."

# Get data by location key
proc weather_get_key {ukey} {
  global weather_data
  return [weather_get_data $ukey $weather_data($ukey)]

proc weather_update {} {
  global weather_datafile weather_data

  # Check if we can open the weather data file
  if {![catch {set ufile [open $weather_datafile r 0600]} uerrmsg]} {
    # Create dict
    array unset weather_data
    array set weather_data {}

    set wtemp_min_val 500000
    set wtemp_max_val -500000
    set wtemp_min_key ""
    set wtemp_max_key ""

    # Read in the data
    while {![eof $ufile]} {
      gets $ufile uline
      set udata [split $uline "|"]
      if {[llength $udata] > 0} {
        set utemp [lindex $udata 3]
        set ukey [lindex $udata 0]

        set weather_data($ukey) $udata

	if {[string is double -strict $utemp]} {
          if {$utemp < $wtemp_min_val} {
            set wtemp_min_key $ukey
            set wtemp_min_val $utemp
          if {$utemp > $wtemp_max_val} {
            set wtemp_max_key $ukey
            set wtemp_max_val $utemp
    close $ufile
    # Store min/max 
    set weather_data(w_min) $weather_data($wtemp_min_key)
    set weather_data(w_max) $weather_data($wtemp_max_key)
  } else {
    weather_log "Could not open data file: $uerrmsg"

# Weather data update loop
proc weather_exec {} {
  global weather_check_period weather_running 

  # Perform update

  # Schedule next update
  set weather_running [clock seconds]
  timer $weather_check_period weather_exec

# Script initialization

if {![info exists weather_data]} {
  array set weather_data {}

if {![info exists weather_aliases]} {
  array set weather_aliases {}

if {[info exists weather_running]} {
  set weather_last [expr [clock seconds] - $weather_running]
} else {
  set weather_last -1

weather_log "Loading aliases."

if {$weather_last < 0 || $weather_last > [expr $weather_check_period * 60]} {
  weather_log "Starting weather update."
} else {

proc weather_cmd {unick uhand uchan uargs upublic} {
  global weather_default_locations weather_data weather_max_results weather_aliases
  global weather_msg_usage_full weather_msg_usage_def_set weather_msg_user_not_known
  global weather_msg_no_results weather_msg_no_data_for_location
  global weather_msg_usage_alias weather_msg_usage_unalias weather_msg_defloc
  global weather_msg_aliased weather_msg_unaliased weather_msg_no_access
  global weather_msg_def_set weather_msg_def_not_set weather_msg_aliases

  # Check and handle arguments
  set rarglist [::textutil::split::splitx $uargs {\s+}]
  set rarg [lindex $rarglist 0]

  if {$rarg == "?" || $rarg == "help" || $rarg == "apua"} {
    weather_usage $upublic $unick $uchan "$weather_msg_usage_full"
    return 0
  # List or set the default weather station name patterns for this user
  if {$rarg == "vakio" || $rarg == "default" || $rarg == "vakiot"} {
    # Access check
    if {![weather_valid_user $uhand]} {
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_user_not_known
      return 0
    if {[llength $rarglist] == 1} {
      set lista [getuser $uhand XTRA "weather_locations"]
      if {$lista == "" || $lista == "{}"} {
        weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_def_not_set [list $uhand]
      } else {
        set lista [join [split $lista ";"] " ; "]
        weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_defloc [list $uhand $lista]
    } else {
      # Split the list of desired locations
      set qlist [::textutil::split::splitx [join [lrange $rarglist 1 end] " "] {\s*\;\s*}]
      set nlist [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $qlist ""]

      if {[llength $nlist] > 0} {
        weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_def_set [list [join $nlist " ; "]]
        setuser $uhand XTRA "weather_locations" [join $nlist ";"]
      } else {
        weather_usage $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_usage_def_set
    return 0
  } elseif {$rarg == "alias"} {
    # Alias a string to another, only certain users have access (+n flag)
    if {![weather_valid_user $uhand] || ![matchattr $uhand n]} {
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_no_access
      return 0

    set qlist [::textutil::split::splitx [join [lrange $rarglist 1 end] " "] {\s*=\s*}]
    set nlist [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $qlist ""]
    if {[llength $nlist] < 2} {
      weather_usage $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_usage_alias
      return 0
    set ualias [lindex $nlist 0]
    set uname [lindex $nlist 1]
    set weather_aliases($ualias) $uname
    weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_aliased [list $ualias $uname]

    return 0
  } elseif {$rarg == "unalias"} {
    # Remove one alias, only certain users have access (+n flag)
    if {![weather_valid_user $uhand] || ![matchattr $uhand n]} {
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_no_access
      return 0

    if {[llength $rarglist] < 2} {
      weather_usage $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_usage_unalias
      return 0

    set ualias [lindex $rarglist 1]
    unset weather_aliases($ualias)
    weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_unaliased [list $ualias]

    return 0
  } elseif {$rarg == "list"} {
    # List all currently defined aliases
    set ulist {}
    foreach {ukey uvalue} [array get weather_aliases] {
      lappend ulist "\002'$ukey' = '$uvalue'\002"
    weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_aliases [list [join $ulist ", "]]
    return 0

  # Get args or default location(s)
  set rargs [join $rarglist " "]
  if {$rargs == "" && $uhand != "" && $uhand != "{}" && $uhand != "*"} {
    set rargs [getuser $uhand XTRA "weather_locations"]
  if {$rargs == ""} {
    set rargs $weather_default_locations

  # Handle argument list
  set nresults 0
  set rarglist [::textutil::split::splitx $rargs "\s*\;\s*"]
  foreach rarg $rarglist {
    if {$rarg == "min"} {
      # Min temp
      set umin [weather_get_key "w_min"]
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "Min: $umin"
      incr nresults
    } elseif {$rarg == "max"} {
      # Max temp
      set umax [weather_get_key "w_max"]
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "Max: $umax"
      incr nresults
    } elseif {$rarg == "minmax" || $rarg == "min max" || $rarg == "maxmin" || $rarg == "max min"} {
      # Min & Max temps
      set umin [weather_get_key "w_min"]
      set umax [weather_get_key "w_max"]
      weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "Min: $umin | Max: $umax"
      incr nresults
    } else {
      # Location match
      set ufound 0
      set rarg [weather_get_alias $rarg]
      foreach {ukey uvalue} [array get weather_data] {
        if {![string match "w_*" $ukey] && [string match -nocase "*${rarg}*" $ukey]} {
          if {[llength $uvalue] > 0} {
            weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan [weather_get_data $ukey $uvalue]
            incr nresults
          } else {
            weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_no_results [list $ukey]
          incr ufound
	# Check for results limit
        if {$nresults >= $weather_max_results} {
          return 0
      if {$ufound == 0} {
        weather_msg $upublic $unick $uchan $weather_msg_no_data_for_location [list $rarg]
    # Check for results limit
    if {$nresults >= $weather_max_results} {
      return 0
  return 0

proc weather_cmd_pub {unick uhost uhand uchan uargs} {
  return [weather_cmd $unick $uhand $uchan $uargs 1]

proc weather_cmd_msg {unick uhost uhand uargs} {
  return [weather_cmd $unick $uhand "PRIV" $uargs 0]

# end of script