view urllog.tcl @ 604:543f1d72361e

utillib: Cleanup.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Thu, 04 Feb 2021 18:02:43 +0200
parents 577763cb8864
children ecd8fb2b9ad3
line wrap: on
line source

# URLLog v2.7.0 by Matti 'ccr' Hamalainen <>
# (C) Copyright 2000-2021 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
# This script is freely distributable under GNU GPL (version 2) license.
# URL-logger script for EggDrop IRC robot, utilizing TCL SQLite3 database
# interface. Requirements for this script are as follows:
# - utillib.tcl (available from same repository as this script)
# - tcl-tls 1.7.13+ for SSL/TLS support
# - TCL 8.6 or later
# - Eggdrop 1.6.20 or later
# - SQLite3 and TCL bindings for it.
# On Debian: tcl8.6 tcl-tls libsqlite3-tcl eggdrop eggdrop-data
# If you are doing a fresh install, you will need to create the initial
# database with the required table schemas. You can do that by running
# "create_urllog_db.tcl". You also need to set up the configuration in
# "config.urllog" file.

### The configuration should be in config.urllog in same directory
### as this script. Or change the line below to point where ever
### you wish. See "config.urllog.example" for an example config file.
source [file dirname [info script]]/config.urllog

### Required utillib.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/utillib.tcl

# No need to look below this line
package require sqlite3
package require http

set urllog_name "URLLog"
set urllog_version "2.7.0"
set urllog_message "$urllog_name v$urllog_version (C) 2000-2021 ccr/TNSP"

set urllog_httprep [split "\@|%40|{|%7B|}|%7D|\[|%5B|\]|%5D" "|"]
set urllog_shorturl_codes "ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"

### Utility functions
proc urllog_log {umsg} {
  global urllog_log_enable urllog_name

  if {$urllog_log_enable != 0} {
    putlog "${urllog_name}: $umsg"

proc urllog_qm {uid} {
  global urllog_messages

  if {[info exists urllog_messages($uid)]} {
    return $urllog_messages($uid)
  } else {
    return $uid

proc urllog_smsg {apublic anick achan amsg {aargs {}}} {
  global urllog_preferredmsg urllog_cmd_name
  set amsg [string map [list "@cmd@" $urllog_cmd_name] $amsg]
  utl_msg_args $urllog_preferredmsg $apublic $anick $achan $amsg $aargs

proc urllog_msg {apublic anick achan aid {aargs {}}} {
  urllog_smsg $apublic $anick $achan [urllog_qm $aid] $aargs

proc urllog_verb_msg {apublic anick achan aid {aargs {}}} {
  global urllog_verbose
  if {$urllog_verbose != 0} {
    urllog_msg $apublic $anick $achan $aid $aargs

proc urllog_isnumber {uarg} {
  foreach i [split $uarg {}] {
    if {![string match \[0-9\] $i]} { return 0 }
  return 1

proc urllog_is_enabled {uval} {
  if {$uval} {
    return "ON."
  } else {
    return "OFF."

proc urllog_sanitize_encoding {uencoding} {
  regsub -- "^\[a-z\]\[a-z\]_\[A-Z\]\[A-Z\]\." $uencoding "" uencoding
  set uencoding [string tolower $uencoding]
  regsub -- "^iso-" $uencoding "iso" uencoding
  return $uencoding

proc urllog_get_ss {uindex} {
  global urllog_shorturl_codes
  return [string index $urllog_shorturl_codes $uindex]

proc urllog_get_short {utime} {
  global urllog_shorturl_prefix urllog_shorturl_codes

  set ulen [string length $urllog_shorturl_codes]

  set u1 [expr $utime / ($ulen * $ulen)]
  set utmp [expr $utime % ($ulen * $ulen)]
  set u2 [expr $utmp / $ulen]
  set u3 [expr $utmp % $ulen]

  return "\[ $urllog_shorturl_prefix[urllog_get_ss $u1][urllog_get_ss $u2][urllog_get_ss $u3] \]"

proc urllog_chop_str {ustr umax} {
  if {[string length $ustr] > $umax} {
    return "[string range $ustr 0 $umax]..."
  } else {
    return $ustr

proc urllog_add_url {urlStr urlNick urlHost urlChan urlTitle} {
  global urllog_db urllog_shorturl_enable urllog_pub_channels
  global urllog_add_title_max urllog_add_url_max

  ### Does the URL already exist?
  set usql "SELECT id AS uid, utime AS utime, url AS uurl, user AS uuser, host AS uhost, chan AS uchan, title AS utitle FROM urls WHERE url='[utl_escape $urlStr]'"
  urllog_db eval $usql {
    urllog_log "URL said by $urlNick ($urlStr) already known"

    if {[utl_match_delim_list $urllog_pub_channels $uchan]} {
      if {[string length $utitle] > 0} {
        set stitle [utl_str_map_values [urllog_qm "url_known_has_title"] [list $utitle [urllog_chop_str $utitle $urllog_add_title_max]]]
      } else {
        set stitle [urllog_qm "url_known_no_title"]

      if {$urllog_shorturl_enable != 0} {
        urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "url_known_short" [list $uuser $uchan $uhost [utl_ctime $utime] $stitle $uurl [urllog_get_short $uid]]
      } else {
        urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "url_known_long" [list $uuser $uchan $uhost [utl_ctime $utime] $stitle $uurl]
    return 1

  ### Validate title
  if {$urlTitle == ""} {
    set uins "NULL"
  } else {
    set uins "'[utl_escape $urlTitle]'"

  ### Attempt to insert into database
  set usql "INSERT INTO urls (utime,url,user,host,chan,title) VALUES ([unixtime], '[utl_escape $urlStr]', '[utl_escape $urlNick]', '[utl_escape $urlHost]', '[utl_escape $urlChan]', $uins)"
  if {[catch {urllog_db eval $usql} uerrmsg]} {
    urllog_log "$uerrmsg on SQL:\n$usql"
    return 0
  set uid [urllog_db last_insert_rowid]
  urllog_log "Added URL ($urlNick@$urlChan): $urlStr"

  ### Let's say something, to confirm that everything went well.
  if {$urllog_shorturl_enable != 0} {
    set urlShort [urllog_get_short $uid]
    set ushort "short"
  } else {
    set urlShort ""
    set ushort "long"

  if {[string length $urlTitle] > 0} {
    set umode "url_added_${ushort}_has_title"
  } else {
    set umode "url_added_${ushort}_no_title"

  urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan $umode [list $urlTitle [urllog_chop_str $urlTitle $urllog_add_title_max] $urlStr [urllog_chop_str $urlStr $urllog_add_url_max] $urlShort]
  return 1

proc urllog_clear_request { urlStatus urlSCode urlCode urlData urlMeta } {

  ### Clear the request data
  upvar $urlStatus ustatus
  upvar $urlSCode uscode
  upvar $urlCode ucode
  upvar $urlData udata
  upvar $urlMeta umeta

  unset ustatus
  unset uscode
  unset ucode
  unset udata
  array unset umeta

proc urllog_do_request { urlNick urlChan urlStr urlStatus urlSCode urlCode urlData urlMeta } {

  upvar $urlStatus ustatus
  upvar $urlSCode uscode
  upvar $urlCode ucode
  upvar $urlData udata
  upvar $urlMeta umeta

  set urlHeaders {}
  lappend urlHeaders "Accept-Encoding" "identity"
  #lappend urlHeaders "Connection" "keep-alive"

  ### Perform request
  if {[catch {set utoken [::http::geturl $urlStr -timeout 6000 -binary 1 -headers $urlHeaders]} uerrmsg]} {
    urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_http_get" [list $urlStr $uerrmsg]
    urllog_log "HTTP request failed: $uerrmsg"
    return 0

  ### Check status
  set ustatus [::http::status $utoken]
  set uscode [::http::code $utoken]
  set ucode [::http::ncode $utoken]

  if {$ustatus != "ok"} {
    urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_http_status" [list $urlStr $ustatus $uscode $ucode]
    urllog_log "Error in HTTP request: $ustatus / $uscode ($urlStr)"
    return 0

  ### Get data
  set udata [::http::data $utoken]
  array set umeta [::http::meta $utoken]
  ::http::cleanup $utoken

  ### Sanitize the metadata KEYS
  foreach {ukey uvalue} [array get umeta] {
    set ukey [string tolower $ukey]
    set umeta($ukey) $uvalue

  return 1

proc urllog_validate_url { urlNick urlChan urlMStr urlMProto urlMHostName } {
  global urllog_httprep urllog_shorturl_prefix urllog_shorturl_enable

  upvar $urlMStr urlStr
  upvar $urlMProto urlProto
  upvar $urlMHostName urlHostName

  ### Hack for removing parenthesis around an URL
  if {[regexp {^\((.+)\)$} $urlStr -> urlClean]} {
    set urlStr $urlClean

  if {[regexp {^\[(.+)\]$} $urlStr -> urlClean]} {
    set urlStr $urlClean

  ### Clean excess stuff, if any, and attempt to
  ### guess the URL protocol component if it is missing
  if {[regexp "(\[a-z\]+)://\[^ \]+" $urlStr urlMatch urlProto]} {
    set urlStr $urlMatch
  } elseif {[regexp "www\.\[^ \]+" $urlStr urlMatch]} {
    set urlStr "http://$urlMatch"
  } elseif {[regexp "ftp\.\[^ \]+" $urlStr urlMatch]} {
    set urlStr "ftp://$urlMatch"

  ### Handle URLs that have an IPv4-address
  if {[regexp "(\[a-z\]+)://(\[0-9\]{1,3})\\.(\[0-9\]{1,3})\\.(\[0-9\]{1,3})\\.(\[0-9\]{1,3})" $urlStr -> urlProto ni1 ni2 ni3 ni4]} {
    # Check if the IP is on local network
    if {$ni1 == 127 || $ni1 == 10 || ($ni1 == 192 && $ni2 == 168)} {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_url_local_net" [list $urlStr]
      urllog_log "URL pointing to local network, ignored (${urlStr})."
      return 0
    if {$ni1 == 0 || $ni1 >= 255 || $ni2 >= 255 || $ni3 >= 255 || $ni4 >= 255} {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_url_invalid_net" [list $urlStr]
      urllog_log "URL pointing to invalid network, ignored (${urlStr})."
      return 0

  ### Check now if we have an ShortURL here ...
  if {[string match "${urllog_shorturl_prefix}*" $urlStr]} {
    urllog_log "Ignoring ShortURL: ${urlStr}"
#    set uud ""
#    set usql "SELECT id AS uid, url AS uurl, user AS uuser, host AS uhost, chan AS uchan, title AS utitle FROM urls WHERE utime=$uud"
#    urllog_db eval $usql {
#      urllog_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "'$utitle' - $uurl"
#      return 1
#    }
    return 0

  ### Get URL protocol component
  set urlProto ""
  if  {[regexp "(\[a-z\]+)://" $urlStr -> urlProto]} {
    ### Is it a http or ftp url?
    if {$urlProto != "http" && $urlProto != "https" && $urlProto != "ftp"} {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_url_proto_class" [list $urlStr $urlProto]
      urllog_log "Broken URL: ${urlStr} - unsupported protocol class (${urlProto})."
      return 0
  } else {
    urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_url_proto_no_class" [list $urlStr]
    urllog_log "Broken URL: ${urlStr} - no protocol specifier."
    return 0

  ### Check the PORT (if the ":" is there)
  set urlRecord [split $urlStr "/"]
  set urlHostName [lindex $urlRecord 2]
  set urlPort [lindex [split $urlHostName ":"] end]

  if {$urlPort != "" && ![urllog_isnumber $urlPort] && $urlPort != $urlHostName} {
    urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_url_invalid_port" [list $urlStr $urlPort]
    urllog_log "Broken URL: ${urlStr} - illegal or invalid port '${urlPort}'"
    return 0

  set urlStr [string map $urllog_httprep $urlStr]
  return 1

proc urllog_handle_redirect {urlNick urlHost urlChan urlRedirLevel urlProto urlHostName urlStr urlStatus urlSCode urlCode urlData urlMeta} {

  upvar $urlProto uproto
  upvar $urlHostName uhostname
  upvar $urlStr ustr
  upvar $urlStatus ustatus
  upvar $urlSCode uscode
  upvar $urlCode ucode
  upvar $urlData udata
  upvar $urlMeta umeta

  ### Was result a redirect?
  if {$ucode >= 301 && $ucode <= 303} {
    ### Check that we have a location header
    if {![info exists umeta(location)]} {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_redirect_invalid" [list $ustr $ustatus $uscode $ucode $urlRedirLevel]
      urllog_log "Invalid redirect without location header: status=$ustatus, code=$ucode, scode=$uscode, url=$ustr, redirLevel=$urlRedirLevel"
      return 0

    ### Fix up location URI
    set nustr $umeta(location)
    if {![regexp "\[a-z\]+://" $nustr]} {
      if {[string range $nustr 0 0] != "/"} {
        append nustr "/"
      set nustr "${uproto}://${uhostname}${nustr}"

    ### Validate the target URI
    urllog_log "Redirection #${urlRedirLevel}: $ustr -> $nustr"
    set ustr $nustr

    if {![urllog_validate_url $urlNick $urlChan ustr uproto uhostname]} {
      return 0

    ### Attempt to fetch redirection target
    urllog_clear_request ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta
    if {![urllog_do_request $urlNick $urlChan $ustr ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta]} {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_redirect_fail" [list $ustr $ustatus $uscode $ucode $urlRedirLevel]
      urllog_log "Error fetching redirect: status=$ustatus, code=$ucode, scode=$uscode, url=$ustr, redirLevel=$urlRedirLevel"
      return 0

  return 1

proc urllog_check_url {urlStr urlNick urlHost urlChan} {
  global urllog_encoding http_tls_support
  global urllog_extra_checks urllog_extra_strict

  ### Validate URL compoments, etc.
  set urlProto ""
  set urlHostName ""
  if {![urllog_validate_url $urlNick $urlChan urlStr urlProto urlHostName]} {
    return 1

  ### Do we perform additional checks?
  if {$urllog_extra_checks == 0 || !(($http_tls_support != 0 && $urlProto == "https") || $urlProto == "http")} {
    # No optional checks, or it's not http/https.
    if {$urllog_extra_strict == 0} {
      # Strict checking disabled, so add the URL, if it does not exist already.
      urllog_add_url $urlStr $urlNick $urlHost $urlChan ""
      return 1
    } elseif {$http_tls_support == 0 && $urlProto == "https"} {
      # Strict ENABLED: If TLS support is disabled and we have https, do nothing
      return 1
    } elseif {$urlProto != "http" && $urlProto != "https"} {
      # Strict ENABLED: It's not http, or https
      return 1

  } else {
    ### Does the document pointed by the URL exist?
    if {![urllog_do_request $urlNick $urlChan $urlStr ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta]} {
      return 1

    ### Handle redirects of 3 levels
    if {![urllog_handle_redirect $urlNick $urlHost $urlChan 1 urlProto urlHostName urlStr ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta]} {
      return 1

    if {![urllog_handle_redirect $urlNick $urlHost $urlChan 2 urlProto urlHostName urlStr ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta]} {
      return 1

    if {![urllog_handle_redirect $urlNick $urlHost $urlChan 3 urlProto urlHostName urlStr ustatus uscode ucode udata umeta]} {
      return 1

    # Final document
    if {$ucode >= 200 && $ucode <= 205} {
      set uenc_doc ""
      set uenc_http ""
      set uencoding ""

      # Get information about specified character encodings
      if {[info exists umeta(content-type)] && [regexp -nocase {charset\s*=\s*([a-z0-9._-]+)} $umeta(content-type) -> uenc_http]} {
        # Found character set encoding information in HTTP headers

      if {[regexp -nocase -- "<meta.\*\?content=\"text/html.\*\?charset=(\[^\"\]*)\".\*\?/\?>" $udata -> uenc_doc]} {
        # Found old style HTML meta tag with character set information
      } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- "<meta.\*\?charset=\"(\[^\"\]*)\".\*\?/\?>" $udata -> uenc_doc]} {
        # Found HTML5 style meta tag with character set information

      # Make sanitized versions of the encoding strings
      set uenc_http2 [urllog_sanitize_encoding $uenc_http]
      set uenc_doc2 [urllog_sanitize_encoding $uenc_doc]

      # Check if the document has specified encoding
      # KLUDGE!
      set uencoding $uenc_http2
      if {$uencoding == "" && $uenc_doc2 != ""} {
        set uencoding $uenc_doc2
      } elseif {$uencoding == ""} {
        # If _NO_ known encoding of any kind, assume the default of iso8859-1
        set uencoding "iso8859-1"

      urllog_log "Charsets: http='$uenc_http', doc='$uenc_doc' / sanitized http='$uenc_http2', doc='$uenc_doc2' -> '$uencoding'"

      # Get the document title, if any
      set urlTitle ""

      if {[regexp -nocase -- "<meta name=\"twitter:title\" content=\"(.\*\?)\"\\s\*\/\?>" $udata -> urlTitle]} {
        # ...
      } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- "<title.\*\?>(.\*\?)</title>" $udata -> urlTitle]} {
        # ...

      # If facebook, get meta info
      if {[regexp -nocase -- "(http|https):\/\/" $urlStr]} {
        if {[regexp -nocase -- "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"(.\*\?)\"" $udata -> urlTmp]} {
          if {$urlTitle != ""} { append urlTitle " :: " }
          append urlTitle $urlTmp

      # If character set conversion is required, do it now
      if {$urlTitle != "" && $uencoding != ""} {
        if {[catch {set urlTitle [encoding convertfrom $uencoding $urlTitle]} cerrmsg]} {
          urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_charset" [list $urlStr $urlTitle $cerrmsg]
          urllog_log "Error in charset conversion: $urlStr / '$urlTitle': $cerrmsg"

        # Convert some HTML entities to plaintext and do some cleanup
        set utmp [utl_convert_html_ent $urlTitle]
        regsub -all "\r|\n|\t" $utmp " " utmp
        regsub -all "  *" $utmp " " utmp
        set urlTitle [string trim $utmp]

      # Check if the URL already exists, just in case we had some redirects
      urllog_add_url $urlStr $urlNick $urlHost $urlChan $urlTitle
    } else {
      urllog_verb_msg 1 $urlNick $urlChan "err_http_fail" [list $urlStr $ustatus $uscode $ucode]
      urllog_log "Error fetching document: status=$ustatus, code=$ucode, scode=$uscode, url=$urlStr"

proc urllog_check_line {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
  global urllog_log_channels

  ### Check the nick
  if {$unick == "*"} {
    return 0

  ### Check the channel
  if {[utl_match_delim_list $urllog_log_channels $uchan]} {
    ### Do the URL checking
    foreach str [split $utext " "] {
      if {[regexp "(\[a-z]+://\[^\[:space:\]\]+|^(www|ftp)\.\[^\[:space:\]\]+)" $str ulink]} {
        urllog_check_url $str $unick $uhost $uchan

  return 0

### Parse arguments, find and show the results
proc urllog_cmd_search {unick uhand uchan utext upublic} {
  global urllog_db urllog_shorturl_enable urllog_showmax_pub urllog_showmax_priv
  global urllog_search_title_max urllog_search_url_max

  if {$upublic == 0} {
    set ulimit 5
  } else {
    set ulimit 3

  ### Parse the given command
  urllog_log "$unick/$uhand searched URL: $utext"

  set ftokens [split $utext " "]
  set fpatlist ""
  foreach ftoken $ftokens {
    set fprefix [string range $ftoken 0 0]
    set fpattern [string range $ftoken 1 end]
    set qpattern "'%[utl_escape $fpattern]%'"

    if {$fprefix == "-"} {
      lappend fpatlist "(url NOT LIKE $qpattern OR title NOT LIKE $qpattern)"
    } elseif {$fprefix == "%"} {
      lappend fpatlist "user LIKE $qpattern"
    } elseif {$fprefix == "@"} {
      # foo
    } elseif {$fprefix == "+"} {
      lappend fpatlist "(url LIKE $qpattern OR title LIKE $qpattern)"
    } else {
      set qpattern "'%[utl_escape $ftoken]%'"
      lappend fpatlist "(url LIKE $qpattern OR title LIKE $qpattern)"

  if {[llength $fpatlist] > 0} {
    set fquery "WHERE [join $fpatlist " AND "]"
  } else {
    set fquery ""

  ### Perform SQL query and show results if any
  set nresult 0
  set usql "SELECT id AS uid, utime AS utime, url AS uurl, user AS uuser, host AS uhost, title AS utitle FROM urls $fquery ORDER BY utime DESC LIMIT $ulimit"
  urllog_db eval $usql {
    incr nresult
    if {[string length $utitle] > 0} {
      set stitle [utl_str_map_values [urllog_qm "search_result_has_title"] [list $utitle [urllog_chop_str $utitle $urllog_search_title_max]]]
    } else {
      set stitle [urllog_qm "search_result_no_title"]

    if {$urllog_shorturl_enable != 0 && $uid != ""} {
      urllog_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "search_result_short" [list $nresult $uuser [utl_ctime $utime] $stitle [urllog_chop_str $uurl $urllog_search_url_max] [urllog_get_short $uid]]
    } else {
      urllog_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "search_result_long" [list $nresult $uuser [utl_ctime $utime] $stitle $uurl]

  if {$nresult == 0} {
    # If no URLs were found
    urllog_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "search_no_match" [list $utext]

  return 1

### Finding binded functions
proc urllog_cmd_pub_search {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} {
  global urllog_search_channels

  if {[utl_match_delim_list $urllog_search_channels $uchan]} {
    return [urllog_cmd_search $unick $uhand $uchan $utext 1]
  return 0

proc urllog_cmd_msg_search {unick uhost uhand utext} {
  return [urllog_cmd_search $unick $uhand "" $utext 0]

# Script initialization
### Initialization messages
putlog "$urllog_message"

### Miscellaneous init messages
putlog " - Log messages [urllog_is_enabled $urllog_log_enable]"
putlog " - Verbose mode [urllog_is_enabled $urllog_verbose]"
putlog " - Additional URL validity checks [urllog_is_enabled $urllog_extra_checks]"
putlog " - Strict checks [urllog_is_enabled $urllog_extra_strict]"

### HTTP module initialization
if {[info exists http_user_agent] && $http_user_agent != ""} {
  ::http::config -useragent $http_user_agent
} else {
  ::http::config -useragent "$urllog_name/$urllog_version"

if {[info exists http_use_proxy] && $http_use_proxy != 0} {
  ::http::config -proxyhost $http_proxy_host -proxyport $http_proxy_port
  putlog " - Using proxy $http_proxy_host:$http_proxy_port"

if {[info exists http_tls_support] && $http_tls_support != 0} {
  package require tls
  ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request true -require true -ssl2 false -ssl3 false -tls1 true -tls1.1 true -tls1.2 true -cadir $http_tls_cadir -autoservername true]
  putlog " - TLS/SSL support enabled."

### SQLite database initialization
if {[catch {sqlite3 urllog_db $urllog_db_file} uerrmsg]} {
  putlog "Could not open SQLite3 database '${urllog_db_file}': ${uerrmsg}"
  exit 2

# end of script