view quotedb.tcl @ 25:65f94adedc98

Import refactored QuoteDB script.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 05 Sep 2011 18:39:19 +0300
children 3f999371de82
line wrap: on
line source

# QuoteDB v1.0 by ccr/TNSP <>
# (C) Copyright 2003-2011 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
# Not for public use or distribution. If you happen to find this,
# send your questions and/or problems to /dev/null, thank you.

### General options
# Path and filename of the SQLite database
set qdb_file "quotedb.sqlite"

# 1 = Verbose: Say messages PUBLIC when SPEDE is OK, bad, etc.
# 0 = Quiet  : Say privately
set qdb_verbose 0

# 1 = Put some info to bot's Logfile when doing stuff...
# 0 = Don't.
set qdb_logmsg 1

# What IRC "command" should we use to send messages:
# (Valid alternatives are "PRIVMSG" and "NOTICE")
set qdb_preferredmsg "PRIVMSG"

### Search related settings

# How many SPEDE's should the !spedefind command show (maximum limit)
set qdb_showmax_pub 3

# For private-search, this is the default limit (user can change it)
set qdb_showmax_priv 5

# No need to look below this line
set qdb_name "QuoteDB"
set qdb_version "1.0"

### Binding initializations
bind pub - !spedefind spede_pub_find
bind pub - !spedeadd spede_pub_add
#bind pub - !spededel spede_pub_del
bind pub - !spede spede_pub_get
bind msg - spedefind spede_msg_find
bind msg - spede spede_msg_get

proc spede_pub_get  {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} { qdb_msg 0 $uchan "" [qdb_get "spededb" $unick $uhand $utext] }
proc spede_msg_get  {unick uhost uhand utext}       { qdb_msg 0 $unick "" [qdb_get "spededb" $unick $uhand $utext] }
proc spede_pub_add  {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} { qdb_add "spededb" $utext $unick $uhost $uchan 1 }
proc spede_pub_find {unick uhost uhand uchan utext} { qdb_find "spededb" $unick $uhand $uchan $utext 1 }
proc spede_msg_find {unick uhost uhand utext}       { qdb_find "spededb" $unick $uhand "" $utext 0 }

#bind pub - !mnfind mn_pub_find
#bind pub - !mnadd mn_pub_add
#bind pub - !mndel mn_pub_del
#bind pub - !mn mn_pub_get
#bind msg - mnfind mn_msg_find
#bind msg - mn mn_msg_get

#bind pub - !tuksufind tuksu_pub_find
#bind pub - !tuksuadd tuksu_pub_add
#bind pub - !tuksudel tuksu_pub_del
#bind pub - !tuksu tuksu_pub_get
#bind msg - tuksufind tuksu_msg_find
#bind msg - tuksu tuksu_msg_get

### Initialization messages
set qdb_message "$qdb_name v$qdb_version by ccr/TNSP"
putlog "$qdb_message"

### Require packages
package require sqlite3

### SQLite database initialization
if {[catch {sqlite3 quotedb $qdb_file} uerrmsg]} {
  putlog " Could not open SQLite3 database '$qdb_file': $uerrmsg"
  exit 2

### Utility functions
proc qdb_log {jarg} {
  global qdb_logmsg qdb_name

  if {$qdb_logmsg != 0} {
    putlog "$qdb_name: $jarg"

proc qdb_ctime {utime} {
  if {$utime == "" || $utime == "*"} {
    set utime 0

  return [clock format $utime -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"]

proc qdb_msg {apublic anick achan amsg} {
  global qdb_preferredmsg

  if {$apublic == 0} {
    putserv "$qdb_preferredmsg $anick :$amsg" 
  } else {
    putserv "$qdb_preferredmsg $achan :$anick, $amsg"

proc qdb_escape {str} {
  return [string map {' ''} $str]

proc qdb_add {utable utext unick uhost uchan upublic} {
  global quotedb

  if {"x$utext" == "x"} {
    qdb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "pyh."
    return 0

  set usql "INSERT INTO $utable (utime,utext,user,host,chan) VALUES ([unixtime], '[qdb_escape $utext]', '[qdb_escape $unick]', '[qdb_escape $uhost]', '[qdb_escape $uchan]')"
  if {[catch {quotedb eval $usql} uerrmsg]} {
    qdb_log "$uerrmsg on SQL:\n$sql"
    qdb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "virhe sörkittäessä tietokantaa. uliskaa."
    return 0

  set quoteID [quotedb last_insert_rowid]
  set numRows [quotedb

  ### Log some data
  qdb_log "Added SPEDE #$quoteID ($unick@$uchan): $utext"

  ### Report success to user
  qdb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "tietokantaa sörkitty (#$smax / $sindex), kiitos."
  return 1

proc qdb_get {utable unick uhand uindex} {
  global quotedb 
  set usql "SELECT id AS quoteID, utime AS utime, utext AS utext, user AS uuser, host AS uhost FROM $utable"
  if {[string match "^\[0-9\]+$" $uindex]} {
    set usql "$usql WHERE id=$uindex"
  } else {
    set usql "$usql ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"

  set uresults 0
  quotedb eval $usql {
    incr uresults
    return "#${quoteID}: $utext ($uuser)"

  return "ei löydy."

proc qdb_find {utable unick uhand uchan utext upublic} {
  global quotedb qdb_showmax_pub qdb_showmax_priv

  if {$upublic == 0} {
    set ulimit $qdb_showmax_priv
  } else {
    set ulimit $qdb_showmax_pub

  ### Parse the given command
  qdb_log "$unick/$uhand/$uchan searched $utable: $utext"

  set ftokens [split $utext " "]
  foreach ftoken $ftokens {
    set fprefix [string range $ftoken 0 0]
    set fpattern [string range $ftoken 1 end]

    if {$fprefix == "-"} {
      lappend fpatlist "utext NOT LIKE '%[qdb_escape $fpattern]%'"
    } elseif {$fprefix == "%"} {
      lappend fpatlist "user='[qdb_escape $fpattern]'"
    } elseif {$fprefix == "@"} {
      # foo
    } else {
      lappend fpatlist "utext LIKE '%[qdb_escape $ftoken]%'"

  set uresults 0
  set usql "SELECT id AS quoteID, utime AS utime, utext AS utext, user AS uuser, host AS uhost FROM $utable WHERE [join $fpatlist " AND "] ORDER BY utime DESC LIMIT $ulimit"
  quotedb eval $usql {
    incr uresults
    qdb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "#${quoteID}: $utext ($uuser@[qdb_ctime $utime])"
  if {$uresults == 0} {
    qdb_msg $upublic $unick $uchan "ei löydy."
  return 0

# end of script