diff admin.php @ 171:705dabdc37d4

Move administration interface page to separate layout, to make things less cramped.
author Matti Hamalainen <ccr@tnsp.org>
date Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:47:42 +0200
parents admin.inc.php@aeebfedb5709
children 63c840590476
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/admin.php	Sun Oct 27 06:47:42 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+// FAPWeb Simple Demoparty System
+// Party administration page frontend module
+// (C) Copyright 2012-2013 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
+$sessionType = "admin";
+require "mconfig.inc.php";
+require "msite.inc.php";
+require "mcommon.inc.php";
+require "msession.inc.php";
+require "majax.php";
+// Switch to https first, if needed
+if (!stCheckHTTPS())
+  header("Location: https://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
+  exit;
+// Start output
+cmPrintPageHeader("FAPWeb Administration",
+  " <meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />",
+  FALSE);
+echo "<div id=\"admCont\">\n";
+// Initiate SQL database connection
+if (!stConnectSQLDB())
+  // Error occured, bail out early
+  cmPrintPageFooter();
+  exit;
+// Fetch non-"hardcoded" settings from SQL database
+function stCreateSettingsData()
+  $args = array();
+  if (($res = stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings")) !== FALSE)
+  {
+    foreach ($res as $item)
+    {
+      switch ($item["vtype"])
+      {
+        case VT_STR:
+        case VT_TEXT: $type = 0; break;
+        case VT_INT:  $type = 4; break;
+        case VT_BOOL: $type = 3; break;
+      }
+      $args[] = "\"".$item["key"]."\":".$type;
+    }
+  }
+  echo
+  "\n".
+  "function updateSettings()\n".
+  "{\n".
+  "  var args = makePostArgs({".implode(",", $args)."}, \"st\", \"\");\n".
+  "  sendPOSTRequest(\"action=update&type=settings&\"+args);\n".
+  "  return false;\n".
+  "}\n";
+// Check if sessions are enabled
+if (!stChkSetting("admPassword"))
+  echo
+    "<h1>Oh noes, admin configuration not done!</h1>\n".
+    "<p>Better go and prod that, so you get to use the fine admin interface.</p>\n";
+if (!stAdmSessionAuth(FALSE))
+  // Perform authentication if we are not in session already
+  echo
+    "<h1>Party admin login</h1>\n".
+    "<p>Please use illegal telepathy over HTTP to provide a password to enter the party administration systembolaget.</p>\n".
+    stGetFormStart("admlogin", "admlogin.php").
+    stGetFormHiddenInput("mode", "check")."\n".
+    stGetFormPasswordInput("admpass", "", "")."\n".
+    stGetFormSubmitInput("submit", "Login").
+    "</form>\n";
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <? stCreateSettingsData(); stCommonAJAX("admajax.php", "admlogout.php", FALSE); ?>
+function refreshItems(id,name,msgname)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById(id);
+    nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+  }
+  sendPOSTRequest("action=get&type="+name, msuccess);
+function deleteItem(id,prefix,type,func,dsc)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
+    item.style.display = "none";
+    setTimeout(func, 50);
+  }
+  // Clearly mark the element when asking confirmation
+  var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
+  var tmp = item.style.background;
+  item.style.background = "red";
+  // Ask confirmation for deletion
+  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete "+dsc+" #"+id+"?"))
+  {
+    // Okay, delete
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=delete&type="+type+"&id="+id, msuccess);
+  }
+  // Restore background
+  item.style.background = tmp;
+function refreshSettings()
+  refreshItems("nsettings", "settings", "General settings");
+function refreshNews()
+  refreshItems("nnews", "news", "News list");
+function refreshAttendees()
+  refreshItems("nattendees", "attendees", "Attendees list");
+function refreshVoters()
+  refreshItems("nvoters", "voters", "Voters list");
+function refreshCompos()
+  refreshItems("ncompos", "compos", "Compo list");
+function refreshEntries()
+  refreshItems("nentries", "entries", "Entry list");
+function addNews()
+  var args = makePostArgs({"title":1,"text":1,"author":1}, "nn", "");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshNews();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=news&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function deleteNews(id)
+  deleteItem(id, "news", "news", "refreshNews();", "news item");
+function addAttendee()
+  var args = makePostArgs({"name":1,"groups":0,"oneliner":0,"email":0}, "ne", "x");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshAttendees();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=attendees&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function deleteAttendee(id)
+  deleteItem(id, "attendee", "attendees", "refreshAttendees();", "attendee");
+function updateAttendee(id)
+  var args = makePostArgs({"oneliner":0,"email":0,"active":3}, "at", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshAttendees();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=attendees&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function updateAttendee2(id)
+  var elem = document.getElementById("atactive"+id);
+  if (elem && !elem.checked)
+  {
+    if (confirm("Are you sure you want deactivate vote ID #"+id+"?"))
+      updateAttendee(id);
+    else
+      setTimeout("refreshAttendees();", 50);
+  }
+  else
+    updateAttendee(id);
+function addCompo()
+  var args = makePostArgs({"name":1, "description":1}, "nc", "");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshCompos();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=compo&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function updateCompo(id)
+  var args = makePostArgs({"name":1, "description":1, "visible":3, "voting":3, "showAuthors":3}, "co", id);
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=compo&id="+id+"&"+args);
+function addEntry(id)
+  var args = makePostArgs({"name":1, "author":1, "filename":0}, "ne", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshEntries();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=entry&compo_id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function updateEntry(id)
+  var args = makePostArgs({"name":1, "author":1, "filename":0, "compo_id":2}, "en", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshEntries();", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=entry&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function deleteEntry(id)
+  deleteItem(id, "entry", "entries", "refreshEntries();", "entry");
+var registeredTabs = Object();
+function updateTabList()
+  var item = document.getElementById("pageTabs");
+  var str = "";
+  for (var id in registeredTabs)
+  {
+    str += "<a id=\"cc"+id+
+      "\"href=\"#\" onClick=\"switchActiveTab('"+id+
+      "')\">"+registeredTabs[id]+"</a>";
+  }
+  str += "<a class=\"admin\" href=\"admlogout.php\">Logout</a>";
+  item.innerHTML = str;
+function registerTab(id, name)
+  registeredTabs[id] = name;
+function refreshTabs()
+  for (var id in registeredTabs)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refresh"+ registeredTabs[id] +"();", 10);
+  }
+function switchActiveTab(tab)
+  for (var id in registeredTabs)
+  {
+    var ob = document.getElementById(id);
+    var ccob = document.getElementById("cc"+id);
+    if (ob && ccob)
+    {
+      ob.style.display = (tab == id) ? "block" : "none";
+      ccob.style.borderTop = (tab == id) ? "4px solid white" : "none";
+      if (tab == id)
+      {
+        setTimeout("refresh"+ registeredTabs[id] +"();", 10);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="nstatus">-</div>
+<div id="pageTabs"></div>
+<div id="admin">
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabSettings">
+  <form method="post" action="" onsubmit="return updateSettings()">
+    <div id="nsettings"></div>
+  </form>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabNews">
+  <form method="post" action="" onsubmit="return addNews()">
+    <input id="nntitle" type="text" size="40" /><br />
+    <textarea id="nntext" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea><br />
+    <input id="nnauthor" type="text" value="orgaz" />
+    <input id="nnadd" type="submit" value=" Add post " />
+    <input type="button" value=" Clear " onClick="this.form.reset()" />
+  </form>
+  <hr />
+  <div id="nnews"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabAttendees">
+  <div id="nattendees"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabVoters">
+  <div id="nvoters"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabCompos">
+  <form method="post" action="" onsubmit="return addCompo()">
+    <input id="ncname" type="text" size="64" /><br />
+    <textarea id="ncdescription" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea><br />
+    <input id="nccompo" type="submit" value=" Add compo " />
+    <input type="button" value=" Clear " onClick="this.form.reset()" />
+  </form>
+  <hr />
+  <div id="ncompos"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabEntries">
+  <div id="nentries"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<div id="tabInfo">
+  <div id="ninfo"></div>
+<!-- ========================== -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+  registerTab("tabSettings", "Settings");
+  registerTab("tabNews", "News");
+  registerTab("tabAttendees", "Attendees");
+  registerTab("tabVoters", "Voters");
+  registerTab("tabCompos", "Compos");
+  registerTab("tabEntries", "Entries");
+  registerTab("tabInfo", "Party Info");
+  updateTabList();
+  switchActiveTab("tabSettings");
\ No newline at end of file