diff admin.js @ 599:eebbc96d7fe5

Move javascript code from admin.php to a separate file.
author Matti Hamalainen <ccr@tnsp.org>
date Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:46:36 +0200
children 00fbc876f535
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/admin.js	Sun Oct 26 22:46:36 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// FAPWeb - Simple Web-based Demoparty Management System
+// Party administration page frontend module
+// (C) Copyright 2012-2014 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
+var activeAttendee = -1, prevAttendee = -1;
+var activeTmp = "";
+function jsCloseAdminPopup()
+  var nitem = document.getElementById("adminPopup");
+  if (nitem)
+  {
+    nitem.innerHTML = "";
+    nitem.style.display = "none";
+  }
+function jsOpenAdminPopup(txt)
+  var nitem = document.getElementById("adminPopup");
+  if (nitem)
+  {
+    nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+    nitem.style.display = "block";
+  }
+function jsRefreshItems(id,name,extra)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById(id);
+    if (nitem) nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type="+name+extra, msuccess);
+function jsDeleteItem(id,prefix,type,func,dsc)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
+    item.style.display = "none";
+    setTimeout(func, 50);
+  }
+  // Clearly mark the element when asking confirmation
+  var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
+  var tmp = item.style.background;
+  item.style.background = "red";
+  // Ask confirmation for deletion
+  var mcb_ok = function (data)
+  {
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=delete&type="+type+"&id="+id, msuccess);
+    item.style.background = tmp;
+  }
+  var mcb_cancel = function (data)
+  {
+    item.style.background = tmp;
+  }
+  jsConfirmBox("Are you sure you want to delete "+dsc+" #"+id+"?", mcb_ok, mcb_cancel, 0);
+function refreshDispatchCC(id)
+  switch (id)
+  {
+    case "Settings": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCSettings", "settings", ""); break;
+    case "News": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCNews", "news", ""); break;
+    case "Attendees": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCAttendees", "attendees", ""); break;
+    case "Voting": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCVoting", "voters", ""); break;
+    case "Compos": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCCompos", "compos", ""); break;
+    case "InfoSys": jsRefreshItems("tabContCCInfoSys", "infoMain", ""); break;
+    case "Entries": refreshCCEntries(); break;
+  }
+function refreshCCAttendee(id)
+  jsRefreshItems("attendee"+ id, "attendee", "&id="+ id);
+function refreshCCEntries()
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById("tabContCCEntries");
+    if (nitem)
+    {
+      if (nitem.innerHTML == "")
+      {
+        nitem.innerHTML =
+          "<div id=\"tabHeadersCM\" class=\"tabHeadersSub\"></div>" +
+          "<div id=\"tabContentsCM\" class=\"tabContentsSub\"></div>";
+      }
+      try {
+        var tmp = JSON.parse("{"+ txt +"}");
+        registeredTabs["CM"] = tmp;
+        jsUpdateTabList("CM", "");
+        if (activeTabs["CM"])
+          jsSwitchActiveTab("CM", activeTabs["CM"]);
+      }
+      catch (err) {
+        jsMessageBox("JSON.parse("+ txt +") failure: "+ err);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=compolist", msuccess);
+function refreshCMEntry(id)
+  jsRefreshItems("entry"+ id, "entry", "&id="+ id);
+function refreshDispatchCM(id)
+  jsRefreshItems("tabContCM"+ id, "entries", "&id="+ id);
+function addNews()
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"title":1,"text":1,"author":1}, "nn", "");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshDispatchCC('News');", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=news&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function deleteNews(id)
+  jsDeleteItem(id, "news", "news", "refreshDispatchCC('News');", "news item");
+function updateNews(id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"title":1,"text":1,"author":1}, "ne", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    jsRefreshItems("news"+id, "newsitem", "&id="+id);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=news&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function addAttendee()
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1,"groups":1,"oneliner":1,"email":1}, "ne", "x");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshDispatchCC('Attendees');", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=attendees&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function deleteAttendee(id)
+  jsDeleteItem(id, "attendee", "attendees", "refreshDispatchCC('Attendees');", "attendee");
+function updateAttendee(id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1,"groups":1,"oneliner":1,"email":1}, "at", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    jsRefreshItems("attendee"+id, "attendee", "&id="+id+"&edit=1");
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=attendees&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function activateAttendee(id)
+  var msuccess1 = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById("attendee"+prevAttendee);
+    if (nitem)
+    {
+      nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+      nitem.style.background = activeTmp;
+    }
+  }
+  var msuccess2 = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById("attendee"+id);
+    if (nitem)
+    {
+      nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+      activeTmp = nitem.style.background;
+      nitem.style.background = "green";
+      activeAttendee = id;
+    }
+  }
+  if (activeAttendee != id)
+  {
+    prevAttendee = activeAttendee;
+    activeAttendee = id;
+    if (prevAttendee != -1)
+      jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=attendee&id="+prevAttendee+"&edit=0", msuccess1);
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=attendee&id="+id+"&edit=1", msuccess2);
+  }
+function addCompo()
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1, "description":1}, "nc", "");
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshDispatchCC('Compos');", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=compo&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function updateCompo(id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1, "description":1, "visible":3, "voting":3, "show_authors":3}, "co", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    jsRefreshItems("compo"+id, "compo", "&id="+id);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=compo&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function addEntry(id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1, "author":1, "filename":1, "info":1}, "ne", id);
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    setTimeout("refreshDispatchCM("+ id +");", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=add&type=entry&compo_id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+  return false;
+function updateEntry(cid, id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"name":1, "author":1, "filename":1, "info":1, "compo_id":2}, "en", id);
+  var compo_id = lastPostArgs["compo_id"];
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    if (cid != compo_id)
+    {
+      var nitem = document.getElementById("entry"+ id);
+      if (nitem)
+        nitem.style.display = "none";
+    }
+    else
+      setTimeout("refreshCMEntry("+ id +");", 50);
+  }
+  if (args != "")
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=update&type=entry&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function deleteEntry(cid, id)
+  jsDeleteItem(id, "entry", "entries", "refreshDispatchCM("+ cid +");", "entry");
+function voteKeyRefresh(id)
+  var msuccess2 = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById("vkey"+id);
+    if (nitem)
+      nitem.className = txt;
+  }
+  var msuccess1 = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById("vkey"+id);
+    if (nitem)
+      nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=votekey&id="+id, msuccess1);
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=votekeyclass&id="+id, msuccess2);
+function voteKeyUpdate(id, type, args)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    voteKeyRefresh(id);
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=votekey&type="+type+"&id="+id+"&"+args, msuccess);
+function voteKeySetActive(id)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"active":3}, "vk", id);
+  var mcb_ok = function (data)
+  {
+    voteKeyUpdate(id, "active", args);
+  }
+  var mcb_cancel = function (data)
+  {
+    voteKeyRefresh(id);
+  }
+  if (lastPostArgs["active"] == 0)
+    jsConfirmBox("Are you sure you want to deactivate vote key #"+id+"?", mcb_ok, mcb_cancel, 0);
+  else
+    mcb_ok(0);
+function voteKeyAssign(id, mode)
+  var args = jsMakePostArgs({"key_id":2}, "vk", id);
+  var mcb_ok = function (data)
+  {
+    voteKeyUpdate(id, (mode ? "assign" : "clear"), args);
+  }
+  if (mode == 0)
+    jsConfirmBox("Are you sure you want to clear vote key assign #"+id+"?", mcb_ok, 0, 0);
+  else
+    mcb_ok(0);
+function performSystemCheck()
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=check", jsMessageBox);
+function generateEntryPositions(id, patch)
+  var msuccess = function (data)
+  {
+    refreshDispatchCM(id);
+    refreshCurrEntryData();
+    refreshCurrEntryListData();
+  }
+  var mcb_ok = function (data)
+  {
+    if (id == 0)
+      jsSendPOSTRequest("action=randomize&type=all&patch="+patch, msuccess);
+    else
+      jsSendPOSTRequest("action=randomize&type=compo&id="+id+"&patch="+patch, msuccess);
+  }
+  if (patch == 0)
+  {
+    jsConfirmBox("Are you <b>sure</b> you want to delete and regenerate entry show positions "+
+      (id == 0 ? "for ALL compos" : "for this compo") +"? "+
+      "<b>This will completely annihilate current show position numbers!</b>", mcb_ok, 0, 0);
+  }
+  else
+    mcb_ok(0);
+// Competition control
+function setShowMode(mode)
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setShowMode&mode="+mode);
+function refreshCurrEntryData()
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlCurrEntryData", "infoCurrEntryData", "");
+function refreshCurrEntryListData()
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlEntryList", "infoCurrEntryList", "");
+  refreshCurrEntryData();
+function activateCompo()
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setCompoID&id="+jsGetValue("ctrlCompoListSel", 4), refreshCurrEntryListData);
+function setSelectedEntry()
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setEntry&index="+jsGetValue("ctrlEntryListSel", 4), refreshCurrEntryData);
+function switchEntry(dir)
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type="+ (dir < 0 ? "prevEntry" : "nextEntry"), refreshCurrEntryListData);
+// Rotation list editing and handling
+function refreshRotationListSel()
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlRotationListsSel", "infoRotationLists", "");
+function refreshRotationListEdit(id)
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlRotationListEdit", "infoRotationListEdit", "&id="+id+"&full=0");
+  refreshRotationListSel();
+function refreshActiveRotationList()
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlActiveRotationList", "infoActiveRotationList", "");
+function setRotateDuration()
+  var duration = jsGetValue("ctrlRotSlideDuration", 2);
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setRotateDuration&duration="+duration);
+function setActiveRotationList()
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlRotationListsSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setActiveRotationList&id="+id, refreshActiveRotationList);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No rotation list selected?");
+function updateRotationList(id)
+  var name = jsGetValue("ctrlEDRotationListName", 1);
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=updateRotationList&id="+id+"&name="+name, refreshRotationListSel);
+function moveRotationListSlide(list_id, dir)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshRotationListEdit(list_id);
+  }
+  var slide = jsGetValue("ctrlEDRotationListSel", 4);
+  if (slide)
+  {
+    var str = slide.split("_");
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=moveRotationListSlide&list_id="+list_id+
+      "&slide_id="+parseInt(str[0])+"&order_num="+parseInt(str[1])+"&dir="+dir, msuccess);
+  }
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No slide selected?");
+function addRotationListSlide(list_id)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshRotationListEdit(list_id);
+  }
+  var slide_id = jsGetValue("ctrlEDDisplaySlidesSel", 4);
+  if (slide_id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=addRotationListSlide&list_id="+list_id+"&slide_id="+slide_id, msuccess);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No slide selected?");
+function removeRotationListSlide(list_id)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshRotationListEdit(list_id);
+  }
+  var slide = jsGetValue("ctrlEDRotationListSel", 4);
+  if (slide)
+  {
+    var str = slide.split("_");
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=removeRotationListSlide&list_id="+list_id+
+      "&slide_id="+parseInt(str[0])+"&order_num="+parseInt(str[1]), msuccess);
+  }
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No slide selected?");
+function editRotationList()
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlRotationListsSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=infoRotationListEdit&id="+id, jsOpenAdminPopup);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No rotation list selected?");
+function newRotationList()
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshRotationListSel();
+    jsOpenAdminPopup(txt);
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=newRotationList", msuccess);
+function deleteRotationList()
+  var mcb_ok = function(txt)
+  {
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=deleteRotationList&id="+id, refreshRotationListSel);
+  }
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlRotationListsSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+  {
+    jsConfirmBox("Are you <b>sure</b> you want to delete rotation list #"+id+"?",
+      mcb_ok, 0, 0);
+  }
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No rotation list selected?");
+// Display slide editing and handling
+function refreshDisplaySlideListSel()
+  jsRefreshItems("ctrlDisplaySlidesSel", "infoDisplaySlides", "");
+function updateDisplaySlide(id)
+  var vtitle = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlideTitle", 1);
+  var vtext = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlideText", 1);
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=updateDisplaySlide&id="+id+"&title="+vtitle+"&text="+vtext, refreshDisplaySlideListSel);
+  jsCloseAdminPopup();
+  return false;
+function editDisplaySlide()
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlidesSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=get&type=infoDisplaySlideEdit&id="+id, jsOpenAdminPopup);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No display slide selected?");
+function copyDisplaySlide()
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshDisplaySlideListSel();
+    jsOpenAdminPopup(txt);
+  }
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlidesSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=copyDisplaySlide&id="+id, msuccess);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No display slide selected?");
+function newDisplaySlide()
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshDisplaySlideListSel();
+    jsOpenAdminPopup(txt);
+  }
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=newDisplaySlide", msuccess);
+function deleteDisplaySlide()
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    refreshDisplaySlideListSel();
+    refreshRotationListSel();
+  }
+  var mcb_ok = function(txt)
+  {
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=deleteDisplaySlide&id="+id, msuccess);
+  }
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlidesSel", 4);
+  if (id > 0)
+  {
+    jsConfirmBox("Are you <b>sure</b> you want to delete slide list #"+id+"?",
+      mcb_ok, 0, 0);
+  }
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No display slide selected?");
+function activateTempSlide()
+  var id = jsGetValue("ctrlDisplaySlidesSel", 4);
+  var duration = jsGetValue("ctrlTempSlideDuration", 2);
+  if (id > 0)
+    jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=setTempSlide&id="+id+"&duration="+duration, jsMessageBox);
+  else
+    jsMessageBox("No slide selected?");
+function skipToNextSlide()
+  jsSendPOSTRequest("action=ctrl&type=skipToNextSlide");