view managedb.php @ 1096:bbc0a3d0b51e

Major renaming / refactor of site messages. Some that were previously modifiable from admin interface are now "hardcoded" in the configuration file. Having these settings made modifiable from there made no sense and just took space in the UI.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Fri, 27 Jan 2017 22:15:06 +0200
parents 48e16e856646
children 0a2117349f46
line wrap: on
line source

// FAPWeb Database management utility
// (C) Copyright 2012-2017 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
if (!file_exists(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/"))
    "ERROR: Missing site configuration file. Please copy ".
    "'' to '' and ".
    "edit it as needed.\n");

require_once "";
require_once "";
require_once "";


$currVersion = -1;
$dbMetaData = array(
  "dbVersion" => array(VT_INT, $dbVersion, "Database version"),

// Add database meta table into tables to be created
$sqlTables["dbmeta"] = array(
  array("key"          , "VARCHAR(32)", "PRIMARY KEY"),
  array("vtype"        , "INT"),
  array("vstr"         , "VARCHAR(128)"),
  array("vtext"        , "TEXT"),
  array("vint"         , "INT"),
  array("sdesc"        , "VARCHAR(128)"),

// Helper functions
function stCreateTables($dbh, $upgrade)
  global $sqlTables;
  echo "Creating tables...\n";
  foreach ($sqlTables as $name => $schemaData)
    echo " - '".$name."'\n";
    stDBExecSQL($dbh, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$name);
    if (!stDBCreateOneTable($dbh, $name, stDBGetTableSchema($dbh, $schemaData)))
      if (!$upgrade)
        return FALSE;
        echo "\nFailed to create table '".$name."'\n";
  return TRUE;

function stUpgradeMap($type, $name)
  global $upgradeMappings, $currVersion, $dbVersion;

  $converted = FALSE;
  $tmpName = $name;

  for ($ver = $currVersion; $ver <= $dbVersion; $ver++)
    if (isset($upgradeMappings[$ver]) &&
        isset($upgradeMappings[$ver][$tmpName]) &&
      $tmpName = $upgradeMappings[$ver][$tmpName][$type];
      $converted = TRUE;

  if ($converted)
    return $tmpName;
  switch ($type)
    case "table": return $name;
    case "key": return $name;
    default: die("Invalid upgrade type '".$type."'.\n");

function stDoAddSettings($inDB, $outDB, $settings, $table, $upgrade, $group = FALSE)
  $status = TRUE;

  foreach ($settings as $key => $data)
    $sql = false;

    // Get setting type
    switch ($data[0])
      case VT_TEXT: $type = "%s"; $var = "vtext"; break;
      case VT_STR:  $type = "%s"; $var = "vstr"; break;
      case VT_BOOL: $type = "%b"; $var = "vint"; break;
      case VT_INT:  $type = "%d"; $var = "vint"; break;
      default:      die("Invalid type in default settings '".$key."', type=".$data[0]."\n");

    $sqlFmt =
      "INSERT INTO ".$table." (key,vtype,".$var.",sdesc".
      ($group !== FALSE ? ",vgroup" : "").") VALUES (%s,%d,".$type.",%s".
      ($group !== FALSE ? ",%d" : "").")";

    // Check if we are upgrading
    if ($upgrade)
      // Map the key, in case the name has changed
      $inKey = stUpgradeMap("key", $key);
      $inTable = stUpgradeMap("table", $table);

      if (($res = stDBFetchSQL($inDB, stDBPrepareSQL($inDB, "SELECT * FROM ".$inTable." WHERE key=%s", $inKey))) !== FALSE)
        // Yup, upgrade the data, if we can
        if ($res["vtype"] != $data[0])
          die("Oops! Data type of '".$key."' does not match in table '".$table.". DB upgrade failed.\n");

        $sql = stDBPrepareSQL($outDB, $sqlFmt,
          $key, $data[0], $res[$var], $data[2], $group);

    if ($sql === false)
      // Normal insertion of default data
      $sql = stDBPrepareSQL($outDB, $sqlFmt,
        $key, $data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $group);

    if (stDBExecSQL($outDB, $sql) === FALSE)
      $status = FALSE;

  return $status;

function stAddSettingsGroup($inDB, $outDB, $groups, $groupData, $groupTable, $table, $upgrade)
  echo ($upgrade ? "Adding settings to" : "Upgrading settings in")." '".$table."' table.\n";
  foreach ($groups as $groupID => $settings)
    if (!isset($groupData[$groupID]))
      echo "Group data not set for settings group ID '".$groupID."'.\n";
      return FALSE;
    // Add group, if needed
    echo " - Group '".$groupID."' -> ".$groupData[$groupID][1].".";
    $sql = stDBPrepareSQL($outDB,
      "INSERT INTO ".$groupTable." (name,description) VALUES (%s,%s)",
      $groupData[$groupID][0], $groupData[$groupID][1]);

    if (($gid = stDBExecSQLInsert($outDB, $sql)) === false)
      echo "\nFailed to add group '".$groupID."'\n";
      return FALSE;
    // Add settings to the group
    if (stDoAddSettings($inDB, $outDB, $settings, $table, $upgrade, $gid) === false)
      echo "\nFailed to add settings to group '".$groupID."'\n";
      return FALSE;
    echo "\n";

  return TRUE;

function stAddSettingsNormal($inDB, $outDB, $settings, $table, $upgrade)
  echo ($upgrade ? "Adding settings to" : "Upgrading settings in")." '".$table."' table.";
  $status = stDoAddSettings($inDB, $outDB, $settings, $table, $upgrade);
  echo "\n";
  if ($status !== FALSE)
  return $status;

function stAddTestData($outDB)
  global $siteTestData;

  echo "Adding test data.\n";

  $status = TRUE;

  foreach ($siteTestData as $table => $data)
    echo " - ".$table."...\n";
    if (count($data) >= 3)
      for ($n = 2; $n < count($data); $n++)
        $arr = array_merge(
          array($outDB, "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$data[0].") VALUES (".$data[1].")"),

        $sql = call_user_func_array('stDBPrepareSQL', $arr);
        if (stDBExecSQL($outDB, $sql) === false)
          $status = false;
      echo "  Invalid table / data definition.\n";

  return $status;

function stGetSQLTypeParam($dbh, $def, $value)
  switch (substr($def, 0, 3))
    case "INT":
      return intval($value);

    case "VAR":
    case "TEX":
      return $dbh->quote($value);

    default: die("Unknown type ".$col[1].".\n");

function stMigrateTables($inDB, $outDB, $upgrade, $excluded)
  global $sqlTables;

  echo "Migrating tables...\n";
  $status = TRUE;
  $dbName = $outDB->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
  foreach ($sqlTables as $table => $schema)
    // Do not migrate excluded tables (or excluded tables with old names)
    $sequences = array();
    $inTable = $upgrade ? stUpgradeMap("table", $table) : $table;
    if ($inTable === FALSE || in_array($inTable, $excluded) || in_array($table, $excluded))

    // Process each row of the input table
    echo " - '".$table."' ";
    $query = stDBExecSQL($inDB, "SELECT * FROM ".$inTable);
    if ($query === FALSE)
      echo "SKIPPED!";
    foreach ($query as $row)
      // Convert to new schema, as needed
      $avals = array();
      $acols = array();
      foreach ($schema as $col)
        // If input has schema column, add it to output
        if (isset($row[$col[0]]))
          $avals[] = stGetSQLTypeParam($outDB, $col[1], $row[$col[0]]);
          $acols[] = $col[0];

        // If the column should have autoincrement, add it to sequences
        if (in_array("AUTOINCREMENT", $col))
          $sequences[] = $col[0];

      $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".implode(",", $acols).") VALUES (".implode(",", $avals).")";
      if (stDBExecSQL($outDB, $sql) === false)
        $status = FALSE;
      echo ".";

    // Perform some specialities here
    switch ($dbName)
      case "pgsql":
        // For PostgreSQL we need to update sequences
        foreach ($sequences as $seq)
          if (($max_id = stDBFetchSQLColumn($outDB, "SELECT MAX(".$seq.") FROM ".$table)) !== false &&
              ($seq_id = stDBFetchSQLColumn($outDB, "SELECT nextval('".$table."_".$seq."_seq')")) !== false &&
              ($seq_id <= $max_id))
            echo "SEQFIX";
            stDBExecSQL($outDB, "SELECT setval('".$table."_".$seq."_seq', ".$max_id.")");

    echo "\n";


  return $status;

function stSetDBPermissions($spec)
  if (substr($spec, 0, 7) == "sqlite:")
    $filename = substr($spec, 7);
      "NOTICE! It seems you have SQLite database in use, changing permission ".
      "of the target file '".$filename."' to 0600, for security. You may have to ".
      "loosen up that for the things to actually work, but be careful. Having your ".
      "database world-readable in the web is NOT good.\n";

    if (chmod($filename, 0600) === FALSE)
      echo "ERROR! Could not set permissions of '".$filename."!\n";

// Main program starts
if ($argc < 2)
  "ManageDB - Manage FAPWeb SQL database\n".
  "(C) Copyright 2012-2017 ccr/TNSP\n".
  "Usage: ".$argv[0]." <mode> [args]\n".
  "Where mode is one of following:\n".
  "  new <dbspec>      Create a new database with given PDO spec\n".
  "                    or default to the one in\n".
  "  test <dbspec>     Like new, but add initial test data.\n".
  "  upgrade <input_dbspec> <output_dbspec>\n".
  "                    Upgrade current database, if possible.\n".
  "                    Output to new database (DO NOT USE SAME as current!)\n".
  "  force_upgrade <input_dbspec> <output_dbspec>\n".
  "                    Like 'upgrade' but without version check.\n".
  "                    DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing.\n".
  "  migrate <input_dbspec> <output_dbspec>\n".
  "                    Like upgrade, but no version check. Creates\n".
  "                    a copy of the database to the output spec.\n".

// Validate tables data
$errors = FALSE;
foreach ($sqlTables as $table => $data)
  if (strtolower($table) != $table)
    echo "Invalid table definition '".$table."', table name must be lower case.\n";
    $errors = TRUE;
  foreach ($data as $def)
  if (strtolower($def[0]) != $def[0])
    echo "Invalid table definition '".$table."', column key '".$def[0]."' must be lower case.\n";
    $errors = TRUE;

if ($errors)
  die("Errors in table definitions.\n");

// Act according to specified command
$addTestData = FALSE;
$upgrade = FALSE;

switch (stCArgLC(1))
  case "test":
    $addTestData = TRUE;

  case "new":
    // Try to connect to database
    if (($inSpec = stCArg(2)) === false)
      die("No PDO database spec specified.\n");

    if (($inDB = stConnectSQLDBSpec($inSpec)) === false)
      die("Could not connect to SQL database '".$inSpec."'.\n");

    echo "Using database spec '".$inSpec."'.\n";

    // Create tables, add defaults
    if (stCreateTables($inDB, FALSE))
      stAddSettingsNormal($inDB, $inDB, $dbMetaData, "dbmeta", FALSE, FALSE);
      stAddSettingsGroup($inDB, $inDB, $siteDefaultSettings, $siteSettingsGroups, "settings_groups", "settings", FALSE);
      stAddSettingsNormal($inDB, $inDB, $siteDisplayVars, "display_vars", FALSE, FALSE);
    if ($addTestData)


  case "upgrade":
  case "force_upgrade":
    $upgrade = TRUE;

  case "migrate":
    // Attempt to upgrade database
    if ($argc < 4)
      die("Usage: ".$argv[0]." upgrade <input_dbspec> <output_dbspec>\n");

    $inSpec = stCArg(2);
    $outSpec = stCArg(3);

    if ($outSpec == $inSpec)
      die("The input and output databases CAN NOT BE SAME.\nBe VERY CAREFUL to not accidentally specify same db!\n");

    echo "Using INPUT database spec '".$inSpec."'.\n";

    if (($inDB = stConnectSQLDBSpec($inSpec)) === false)
      die("Could not connect to SQL database '".$inSpec."'.\n");

    // Check the current version first ...
    if (($currVersion = stGetDBMeta($inDB, "dbVersion")) === FALSE)
      $currVersion = -1;

    if ($currVersion == $dbVersion && stCArgLC(1) == "upgrade")
      echo "Database is already version ".$dbVersion.", no upgrading needed.\n";
      // Okay, we shall create an upgraded version ..
      if (($outDB = stConnectSQLDBSpec($outSpec)) === false)
        die("Could not connect to SQL database '".$outSpec."'.\n");

      echo "Database at version ".$currVersion.", upgrading to ".$dbVersion."\n";
      echo "Using OUTPUT database spec '".$outSpec."'.\n";

      // Possibly bail out incompatible upgrades here
      // Create tables
      if (!stCreateTables($outDB, TRUE))

      // Migrate data from setting tables ..
      if (!stAddSettingsGroup($inDB, $outDB, $siteDefaultSettings, $siteSettingsGroups, "settings_groups", "settings", TRUE))

      if (!stAddSettingsNormal($inDB, $outDB, $siteDisplayVars, "display_vars", TRUE))

      stAddSettingsNormal($inDB, $outDB, $dbMetaData, "dbmeta", TRUE);

      // Migrate other tables
      if (!stMigrateTables($inDB, $outDB, $upgrade, array("settings", "display_vars", "dbmeta", "settings_groups")))
      // Set new database version
      echo "Setting dbVersion.\n";
      stSetDBMeta($outDB, "dbVersion", $dbVersion);
      echo "Upgrade complete.\n";


    echo "ERROR! Invalid operation mode '".stCArg(1)."'.\n";

// Clean up permissions
foreach (array("managedb.php", "faptool.php") as $filename)
  if (@chmod($filename, 0700) === FALSE)
    echo "ERROR! Could not set permissions for '".$filename."'!\n";
