view @ 629:894a4a6bfb5f fap2013

Better fix for the DB migration issue.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Sat, 01 Nov 2014 07:03:10 +0200
parents 0d13496e9c0a
children acd343974291
line wrap: on
line source

// Site configuration, important settings that MUST be
// reviewed and set correctly before deployment.
$siteSettings = array(

  // Admin interface password
//  "admPassword"     => "xxx",

  // SQL database PHP data source name, etc. Refer to
  // Has been tested with SQLite3 and PostgreSQL backends.
  "sqlDB"           => "sqlite:fap.sqlite3",
//  "sqlDB"           => "pgsql:dbname=fap2014",
//  "sqlUsername"     => "",  // Leave unset if not needed
//  "sqlPassword"     => "",  // --""--
//  "sqlOptions"      => array(), // See PDO documentation

  // Log debug information in error_log, also enables use of GET
  // requests for certain data that normally can only be used via
  // POST (for easier manual testing). WARNING! Do NOT enable
  // for production sites without a good reason.
  "debug"           => false,

  // Default page
  "defaultPage"     => "about", // Default page

  // Vote key length in characters
  "userKeyLength"   => 8,

  // Voting settings
  "voteMin"         => -1,
  "voteMax"         => 2,
  "voteKeyMode"     => -1, // See for VOTE_*

  "userTimeout"     => 120,
  "admTimeout"      => 15,


$securePages = array(
  "/fap2013/admin" => true,
  "/fap2013/register" => true,
  "/fap2013/vote" => false,

$pageTitle = "Finnish Amiga Party 2013";
$pageCharset = "utf-8";
$pageCSS = array(
  "css/main.css" => "",
  "css/desktop.css" => "only screen and (min-width: 801px)",
  "css/mobile.css" => "only screen and (max-width: 799px), only screen and (max-device-width: 799px)"
