view mpui.js @ 206:efbd833065f5

Change PNG export to be triggered via alt+shift+W.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Wed, 29 Aug 2018 15:13:13 +0300
parents 6226ed0a6fa6
children 3b0864bf7436
line wrap: on
line source

 * Multipaint.JS - Javascript launcher
 * (C) Copyright 2018 Matti 'ccr' Hämäläinen <>
var mpMachine = 0, mpUIScale, mpUIForcedWidth, mpUIForcedHeight;
var mpURL;

var mpMachines =
  [   0, "C64 hires"          , ],
  [  10, "C64 multicolor"     , ],
  [   6, "ZX Spectrum"        , ],
  [   5, "MSX1 mode 2"        , ],
  [   9, "Plus4 hires"        , ],
  [  19, "Plus4 multicolor"   , ],
  [   2, "Amstrad CPC mode 0" , ],

  [  -1, "Experimental/unsupported modes below" , ],

  [  32, "C64 no limit (buggy)"       , ],
  [  20, "C64 FLI hires"      , ],
  [  21, "C64 FLI multicolor" , ],
  [   7, "Timex"              , ],
  [   8, "JR200"              , ],
  [  99, "BK-0010"            , ],
//  [  , "" , false ],

var mpUIDimensions =
  [ -1, -1 ],
  [ 1200, 800 ],
  [ 1600, 800 ],
  [ 1600, 1000 ],

var mpUIScales =
  2, 3, 1

var mpSources =

function stGE(obname)
  return document.getElementById(obname);

function stCE(obname, obid)
  var mob = document.createElement(obname);
  if (obid) = obid;
  return mob;

function stClearChildren(obnode)
  while (obnode.firstChild)

function stPRE(mstr)
  return mstr.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, "_");

function stAddEventOb(obname, evobj, evtype, evcallback, evparam)
  if (evobj == null || typeof(evobj) == 'undefined')
    console.log("Event object '"+ obname +"' == null.");

  evobj.addEventListener(evtype, evcallback, false);
  evobj.evparam = evparam;

function stAddEvent(obname, evtype, evcallback, evparam)
  stAddEventOb(obname, stGE(obname), evtype, evcallback, evparam);

function stGetSelValue(velem, vdef)
  if (velem)
    return velem.selectedIndex >= 0 ? velem.options[velem.selectedIndex].value : vdef;
    return vdef;

function stCreateSelect(vid, vlist, vcallback)
  var vobj = stCE("select", vid);

  for (var n = 0; n < vlist.length; n++)
    var mp = vlist[n];
    var opt = stCE("option");
    vcallback(n, opt, mp);

  return vobj;

function mpShowLauncher()
  var mpCanvas = stGE("mpCanvas"); = "none";

  var mpUI = stGE("mpUI");
  mobj = stCE("h2");
  mobj.textContent = "Multipaint.JS"

  var mdiv = stCE("div", "mmachine");

  mobj = stCE("p");
  mobj.textContent = "Target platform / mode:";

  mdiv.appendChild(stCreateSelect("machineID", mpMachines,
    function (vn, vopt, val) {
      if (val[0] < 0)
        vopt.disabled = true;
        vopt.value = val[0];

      vopt.textContent = val[1];

  mobj = stCE("button", "selectID");
  mobj.textContent = "RUN";
  stAddEventOb(, mobj, "click", mpLauncherDone);

  mdiv = stCE("div", "mdimensions");

  mobj = stCE("p");
  mobj.textContent = "Choose UI size / scale:";

  mdiv.appendChild(stCreateSelect("dimensionsID", mpUIDimensions,
    function (vn, vopt, val) { vopt.value = vn; vopt.textContent = (vn == 0) ? "DEFAULT" : val[0] +" x "+ val[1]; }));

  mdiv.appendChild(stCreateSelect("scalesID", mpUIScales,
    function (vn, vopt, val) { vopt.value = val; vopt.textContent = " x "+ val; }));

  mobj = stCE("div");
  mobj.innerHTML =
    "<p><b>Things of note:</b></p>"+
    "<li>Save ('S') and Load ('L') save to/load from <a href=\"\">browser local storage</a> "+
    "(there can be only one \"save\" per machine type, so be careful.)</li>"+
    "<li>Each machine type has its own local storage save space.</li>"+
    "<li>Save as ('s') and Load from ('l') export and import Multipaint workfiles.</li>"+
    "<li>When loading/importing, you click on the load icon (or press key) and a HTML file selector button will appear "+
    "ON THE BOTTOM. You need to click that, too. Sorry, that can't be automated because of pop-up blocking etc.</li>"+
    "<p><b>Existing problems:</b></p>"+
    "<li>All of Multipaint v1.8.2018 changes have been integrated, "+
    "but there are no UI widgets for changing some settings, "+
    "loading of alternate palettes, etc. (yet.. might take time to implement these.)</li>"+
    "<li>Source code export is not guaranteed to work (it is enabled now, though.)</li>"+
    "<li>PNG/JPEG import/export does not work.</li>"+
    "<li>The 'magnify' tool works oddly, though I think this issue may exist in the original as well.</li>"+
    "<li>The preview window seems to be buggy for multicolor bitmaps.</li>"+
    "<li>There may be other bugs .. though I've also fixed few bugs that exist in original Multipaint.</li>"+
    "<p>You can also view the <a href=\"\">Mercurial repository for this project</a>.</p>";


function mpLauncherDone()
  // Get selected values from DOM elements
  var mpUI = stGE("mpUI");
  mpMachine = stGetSelValue(stGE("machineID"), 0);

  var index = stGetSelValue(stGE("dimensionsID"), -1);
  if (index > 0)
    mpUIForcedWidth = mpUIDimensions[index][0];
    mpUIForcedHeight = mpUIDimensions[index][1];
    mpUIForcedWidth = mpUIForcedHeight = 0;

  mpUIScale = stGetSelValue(stGE("scalesID"), -1);


  // Initialize the canvas etc.
  var mpCanvas = stGE("mpCanvas"); = "block";

  window.location.href = mpURL +"?"+ mpMachine.toString() +":"+ mpUIForcedWidth +":"+ mpUIForcedHeight +":"+ mpUIScale;


function mpStart()
  stGE("mpNote").innerHTML =
    "<a href=\"\">Multipaint</a> (C) 2016-2018 <b>Tero 'Dr. TerrorZ' Heikkinen</b>, "+
    "ProcessingJS port and modifications by <b>Matti 'ccr' Hämäläinen</b> (2018)";

  // Check for URL parameters
  var slink = window.location.href;
  var spos, found = false;
  if ((spos = slink.indexOf("?")) >= 0)
    var sargs = unescape(slink.substr(spos + 1)).split(":");
    mpURL = slink.substr(0, spos);
    mpMachine = parseInt(sargs[0]);
    found = true;

    if (sargs.length >= 3)
      mpUIForcedWidth = parseInt(sargs[1]);
      mpUIForcedHeight = parseInt(sargs[2]);
    if (sargs.length >= 4)
      mpUIScale = parseInt(sargs[3]);
    mpURL = slink;

  // Either run sketch or show the launcher
  if (found)
    stAddEventOb("DOM", document, "DOMContentLoaded", mpShowLauncher);