diff pwplib/attrconv.c @ 0:acb5694e93d9

Initial import.
author Matti Hamalainen <ccr@tnsp.org>
date Tue, 18 May 2010 04:25:44 +0300
children 77f40a3c0095
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pwplib/attrconv.c	Tue May 18 04:25:44 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "pwplib.h"
+#include "convert.h"
+ *  Doubleheight IBM
+ *
+ */
+void convcalc_1to12()  /* &1 == ibm2ibm, */
+   u8 tabsrc[]=
+   {
+     '\"', '\"',' ',
+     '/',  '|','/',
+     '\'', '\'',' ',
+     '/',  '|', '/',
+     '\\', '\\','|',
+     '^',  '^', ' ',
+     '`',  '`', ' ',
+     '|',  '|', '|',
+     '~',  '~', ' ',
+     176,  176, 176,
+     177,  177, 177,
+     178,  178, 178,
+     179,  179, 179,
+     180,  179, 180,
+     181,  179, 181,
+     182,  186, 182,
+     185,  186, 185,
+     186,  186, 186,
+     188,  186, 188,
+     189,  186, 189,
+     190,  179, 190,
+     192,  179, 192,
+     193,  179, 193,
+     195,  179, 195,
+     197,  179, 197,
+     198,  179, 198,
+     199,  186, 199,
+     200,  186, 200,
+     202,  186, 202,
+     204,  186, 204,
+     206,  186, 206,
+     207,  179, 207,
+     208,  186, 208,
+     211,  186, 211,
+     212,  179, 212,
+     215,  186, 215,
+     216,  179, 216,
+     217,  179, 217,
+     219,  219, 219,
+     220,  32,  219,
+     221,  221, 221,
+     222,  222, 222,
+     223,  219, 32,
+     0
+   };
+   u8*t=tabsrc;
+   int i=0;
+   for(;i<256;i++)
+   {
+      pwpconv.tab1to12[i]=BYTES2(pwpconv.font[i],32);
+   }
+   while(*t)
+   {
+      pwpconv.tab1to12[*t]=BYTES2(pwpconv.font[t[2]],pwpconv.font[t[1]]);
+      t+=3;
+   }
+void conv_1to12(u8*d,u8*s,int w,int h)
+   w<<=1;
+   for(;h;h--)
+   {   
+     int x=w>>1;
+     for(;x;x--)
+     {
+        int a=pwpconv.tab1to12[*s];
+        d[0]=SECONDBYTE(a);
+        d[w]=FIRSTBYTE(a);
+        d[1]=d[w+1]=s[1];
+        d+=2;
+        s+=2;
+     }
+     d+=w;
+   }
+ *  Megatab (ibm color16x16 => any) initialization
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ *  purely font/charset related
+ */
+void convcalc_ascii()
+  memcpy(pwpconv.font,
+  /*00*/ " OOwoxAoooo6qrn*" 
+  /*10*/ "><8!PS_8^v><L-^v" 
+  /*20*/ " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"
+  /*30*/ "0123456789:;<=>?"
+  /*50*/ "PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"
+  /*60*/ "`abcdefghijklmno"
+  /*70*/ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~A"
+  /*80*/ "CueaaaaceeeiiiAA"
+  /*90*/ "E&&ooouuyOUcEVPf"
+  /*A0*/ "aiounNao?--%%!<>"
+  /*B0*/ "%#M||||..||.'''."
+  /*C0*/ "`--|-+||`.--|-+-"
+  /*D0*/ "---``-.++'.8opd^"
+  /*E0*/ "aBrhEouiO0Od-%EA"
+  /*F0*/ "=+><|J%~o-.Vn2o ",256*sizeof(char));
+void convcalc_termsafe()
+   int i=256;u8*s=pwpconv.font;
+   for(;i;i--)
+   {
+     if(*s<32 || *s==127)*s=32;
+     s++;
+   }
+ *  purely colortab related
+ */
+void convcalc_monotab(int parms)
+  memset(pwpconv.col,(parms&1)?0x00:0x07,256*sizeof(u8));
+void convcalc_monotab_attr(int parms)
+   u8 attrmo[2][2]=  /* &1: 0=ansicol_dump, 1=vt_dump */
+   {
+      0x00,0x01,
+      0x07,0x70
+   };
+   const char intens[16]=
+   {
+       0,1,6,7, 3,4,9,10,
+       1,2,9,10,5,6,13,15
+   };
+   int i=0;
+   for(;i<256;i++)
+     pwpconv.col[i]=
+      attrmo[parms&1][intens[i&15]>intens[(i>>4)&15]?0:1];
+void convcalc_colortab(int parms)
+  int i;
+  char tabs[32];
+  for(i=0;i<32;i++)tabs[i]=i&15;
+  if(parms&1){ /* 8 colors in foreground, else 16 */
+     memcpy(tabs+8,  "\003\003\002\003\004\005\006\007",8);
+  }
+  if(parms&2)  /* 8 colors in background, else 16 */
+     memcpy(tabs+24, "\003\003\002\003\004\005\006\007",8);
+  if(parms&4)  /* ansi color order (bgr) instead of cga (rgb) */
+     for(i=0;i<32;i++)
+       tabs[i]=(tabs[i]&~7)|
+       "\000\004\002\006\001\005\003\007"[tabs[i]&7];
+  for(i=0;i<256;i++)
+    pwpconv.col[i]=tabs[i&15]|(tabs[16+((i>>4)&15)]<<4);
+ *  finishing the megatab
+ */
+   1: eliminate 178/219        (if inverse supported & 178/219 doesnt exist)
+   2: eliminate halfblocks      (if chars, preferably if we have rasterchar && fullres)
+   4: replace rasters            (if no bgcolors or no colors at all? smwhr else?)
+   8: sometimes repl 176 with 177 (if only 8 colors at bg - dont use with &4)
+   normal ascii rasterchars: 176='%', 177='@'
+   in vt100, both 176&177 are replaced with halfraster
+void convcalc_megatab_finish(int flags)
+   const char intens[16]=
+   {
+       0,1,6,7, 3,4,9,10,
+       1,2,9,10,5,6,13,15
+   };
+   int ch,at;
+   u8*s=(u8*)pwpconv.megatab;
+#   ifndef BIG_ENDIAN   
+    for(at=0;at<256;at++)
+    for(ch=0;ch<256;ch++)
+#   else
+    for(ch=0;ch<256;ch++)
+    for(at=0;at<256;at++)
+#   endif
+   {
+      int fg=at&15,bg=(at>>4)&15,at1=at,ch1=ch;
+      if(ch==32 || ch==0 || ch==255)fg=bg;else
+      if(ch==219)bg=fg;
+      if(fg==bg)
+      {
+         if(fg&8)
+         {
+            ch1=219;at1=fg;
+         }
+          else
+         {
+            ch1=32;at1=fg<<4;
+         }
+      }
+       else
+      if(ch>=220 && ch<=223)
+      {
+         if((at1&128) && intens[bg]>intens[fg])
+         {
+            ch1=223-(ch1-220);
+            at1=((at1>>4)&15)|((at1<<4)&0xf0);
+         }
+         if(flags&2)ch1=177;
+      }
+       else
+      if(ch>=176 && ch<=178)
+      {
+         if((at1&128) || intens[bg]>intens[fg])
+         {
+            if(ch1==176)ch1=178; else
+            if(ch1==178)ch1=176;
+            at1=((at1>>4)&15)|((at1<<4)&0xf0);
+              /* flags&8: use 177 when 176 with doublebright */
+            if((at1&128) && (flags&8) && (ch1==176))
+                ch1=177;
+         }
+      }
+        /* flags&1: eliminate 178/219 */      
+      if((ch1==178 || (ch1==219)) && (flags&1))
+      {
+         ch1=(ch1==178)?176:32;
+         at1=((at1>>4)&15)|((at1<<4)&0xf0);
+      }
+      /* flags&4: replace rasters (32/176/177) with something else
+         (replace color info with char stuff
+      */
+      s[0]=pwpconv.font[ch1];
+      s[1]=pwpconv.col[at1];
+      s+=2;
+   }
+void conv_dump_ibm_megatab()
+   TEMPMALL(u16,tmp,pwplib.videobuf.height*pwplib.videobuf.width*2),
+       *s=(u16*)pwplib.videobuf.d,*d=tmp;
+   int i=pwplib.videobuf.height*pwplib.videobuf.width;
+   for(;i;i--)*d++=pwpconv.megatab[*s++];
+   {u8*pushed=pwplib.videobuf.d;
+    pwplib.videobuf.d=(u8*)tmp;
+    pwpconv.orig_dump_attr();
+    pwplib.videobuf.d=pushed;
+   }
+   TEMPFREE(tmp);
+void conv_fromibm_double()
+   int lgt=pwplib.videobuf.width*pwplib.videobuf.height;
+   TEMPMALL(u8,tmp,lgt*2*2);
+   conv_1to12(tmp,pwplib.videobuf.d,pwplib.videobuf.width,pwplib.videobuf.height);
+   {char*save=pwplib.videobuf.d;
+    pwplib.videobuf.d=tmp;
+    pwplib.videobuf.height<<=1;
+    conv_dump_ibm_megatab();
+    pwplib.videobuf.height>>=1;
+    pwplib.videobuf.d=save;
+   }
+   TEMPFREE(tmp);
+void conv_fromibm_half()
+   TEMPMALL(u8,tmp,pwplib.videobuf.width*pwplib.videobuf.height),
+      *d=tmp,*s=pwplib.videobuf.d;
+   int y;
+   y=pwplib.videobuf.height>>1;
+   for(;y;y--)
+   {
+      int x=pwplib.videobuf.width,
+          w=x<<1;
+      for(;x;x--)
+      {
+         d[0]=pwpconv.font[s[0]];
+         d[1]=s[1]|s[1+w];
+         s+=2;d+=2;
+      }
+      s+=w;
+   }
+  {char*save=pwplib.videobuf.d;
+   pwplib.videobuf.d=tmp;
+   pwplib.videobuf.height>>=1;
+   conv_dump_ibm_megatab();
+   pwpconv.orig_dump_attr();
+   pwplib.videobuf.d=save;
+   pwplib.videobuf.height<<=1;
+  }
+  TEMPFREE(tmp);
+/* dump_ibm_halved, dump_ibm_realsize */
+void conv_dump_ibm()
+   if(pwplib.setup[SETUP_HALVE])
+   {
+      if(pwplib.videobuf.height==50) /* kludge */
+           conv_fromibm_half();
+      else conv_dump_ibm_megatab();
+   }
+    else
+   {
+      if(pwplib.videobuf.height==50)
+           conv_dump_ibm_megatab();
+      else conv_fromibm_double();
+   }