view src/ @ 25:8eaf72e2041b

Reindent the source using GNU indent and "indent -i4 -bli0 -npcs -nprs -npsl". Fix the problems introduced afterwards.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Sat, 24 Sep 2011 14:16:04 +0300
parents f1fb248bf997
children a68786b9c74b
line wrap: on
line source

 *	AYM 2000-11-08

This file is part of Yadex.

Yadex incorporates code from DEU 5.21 that was put in the public domain in
1994 by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber.

The rest of Yadex is Copyright © 1997-2003 André Majorel and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "yadex.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "drawmap.h"
#include "levels.h"
#include "objid.h"
#include "x_hover.h"

class Close_obj
    void nil()
	distance = ULONG_MAX;
	radius = INT_MAX;
	inside = false;
    bool operator==(const Close_obj & other) const
	if (inside == other.inside
	    && radius == other.radius && distance == other.distance)
	    return true;
	return false;
    bool operator<(const Close_obj & other) const
	if (inside && !other.inside)
	    return true;
	if (!inside && other.inside)
	    return false;

	// Small objects should "mask" large objects
	if (radius < other.radius)
	    return true;
	if (radius > other.radius)
	    return false;

	if (distance < other.distance)
	    return true;
	if (distance > other.distance)
	    return false;

	return radius < other.radius;
    bool operator<=(const Close_obj & other) const
	return *this == other || *this < other;
    Objid obj;
    double distance;
    bool inside;
    int radius;

static const Close_obj & get_cur_linedef(int x, int y);
static const Close_obj & get_cur_sector(int x, int y);
static const Close_obj & get_cur_thing(int x, int y);
static const Close_obj & get_cur_vertex(int x, int y);

 *	GetCurObject - determine which object is under the pointer
 *	Set <o> to point to the object under the pointer (map
 *	coordinates (<x>, <y>). If several objects are close
 *	enough to the pointer, the smallest object is chosen.
void GetCurObject(Objid & o, int objtype, int x, int y)
    switch (objtype)
    case OBJ_THINGS:
	    o = get_cur_thing(x, y).obj;

    case OBJ_VERTICES:
	    o = get_cur_vertex(x, y).obj;

    case OBJ_LINEDEFS:
	    o = get_cur_linedef(x, y).obj;

    case OBJ_SECTORS:
	    o = get_cur_sector(x, y).obj;

    case OBJ_ANY:
	    std::vector < Close_obj > v;
	    v.push_back(get_cur_linedef(x, y));
	    v.push_back(get_cur_thing(x, y));
	    v.push_back(get_cur_vertex(x, y));
	    sort(v.begin(), v.end());
	    if (v[0].obj())
		o = v[0].obj;
	    o = get_cur_sector(x, y).obj;

	nf_bug("GetCurObject: objtype %d", (int) objtype);

 *	get_cur_linedef - determine which linedef is under the pointer
static const Close_obj & get_cur_linedef(int x, int y)
    static Close_obj object;
    const int screenslack = 15;	// Slack in pixels
    double mapslack = fabs(screenslack / Scale);	// Slack in map units
    int xmin = (int) (x - mapslack + 0.5);
    int xmax = (int) (x + mapslack + 0.5);
    int ymin = (int) (y - mapslack + 0.5);
    int ymax = (int) (y + mapslack + 0.5);
    for (int n = 0; n < NumLineDefs; n++)
	int x0 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].start].x;
	int y0 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].start].y;
	int x1 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].end].x;
	int y1 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].end].y;
	int dx;
	int dy;

	/* Skip all lines of which all points are more than <mapslack>
	   units away from (x,y). In a typical level, this test will
	   filter out all the linedefs but a handful. */
	if (x0 < xmin && x1 < xmin
	    || x0 > xmax && x1 > xmax
	    || y0 < ymin && y1 < ymin || y0 > ymax && y1 > ymax)

	/* This is where it gets ugly. We're trying to calculate the
	   distance between the pointer (x,y) and the linedef. Doing that
	   rigorously involves doing an orthogonal projection. I use
	   something simpler (for me).

	   If the pointer is not within the ends of the linedef, I calculate
	   the distance between the pointer and the closest end.

	   If the pointer is within the ends of the linedef, I calculate
	   what the ordinate would be for a point of the linedef that had
	   the same abscissa as the pointer. Then I calculate the difference
	   between that and the actual ordinate of the pointer and I call
	   that the distance. It's a gross approximation but, in practice,
	   it gives quite satisfactory results. Of course, for lines where
	   dy > dx, the abscissa is y and the ordinate is x.
	   -- AYM 1998-06-29 */
	dx = x1 - x0;
	dy = y1 - y0;
	double dist = ULONG_MAX;
	// The linedef is rather horizontal
	if (abs(dx) > abs(dy))
	    /* Are we to the left of the leftmost end or to the right of the
	       rightmost end or between the two ? */
	    if (x < (dx > 0 ? x0 : x1))
		dist = hypot(x - (dx > 0 ? x0 : x1), y - (dx > 0 ? y0 : y1));
	    else if (x > (dx > 0 ? x1 : x0))
		dist = hypot(x - (dx > 0 ? x1 : x0), y - (dx > 0 ? y1 : y0));
		dist = fabs(y0 + ((double) dy) / dx * (x - x0) - y);
	// The linedef is rather vertical
	    /* Are we above the high end or below the low end or in between ? */
	    if (y < (dy > 0 ? y0 : y1))
		dist = hypot(x - (dy > 0 ? x0 : x1), y - (dy > 0 ? y0 : y1));
	    else if (y > (dy > 0 ? y1 : y0))
		dist = hypot(x - (dy > 0 ? x1 : x0), y - (dy > 0 ? y1 : y0));
		dist = fabs(x0 + ((double) dx) / dy * (y - y0) - x);
	if (dist <= object.distance	/* "<=" because if there are superimposed
					   linedefs, we want to return the
					   highest-numbered one. */
	    && dist <= mapslack)
	    object.obj.type = OBJ_LINEDEFS;
	    object.obj.num = n;
	    object.distance = dist;
	    object.radius = (int) (hypot(dx, dy) / 2);
	    object.inside = dist < 2 * Scale;
    return object;

 *	get_cur_sector - determine which sector is under the pointer
static const Close_obj & get_cur_sector(int x, int y)
    /* hack, hack...  I look for the first LineDef crossing
       an horizontal half-line drawn from the cursor */

    /* RQ & BW have been very smart here. Their method works remarkably
       well for normal sectors. However, self-referencing sectors are
       frequently unclosed. If your SRS has only horizontal linedefs, this
       method fails miserably. I suppose that the solution would be to look
       for intersections in BOTH directions and pick the closest. Remind me
       to look into it one of these days :-). -- AYM 1998-06-29 */

    /* Initializing curx to 32767 instead of MapMaxX + 1. Fixes the old
       DEU bug where sometimes you couldn't select a newly created sector
       to the west of the level until you saved. (MapMaxX got out of date
       and SaveLevelData() refreshed it.) -- AYM 1999-03-18 */
    static Close_obj object;
    int best_match = -1;
    int curx = 32767;		// Oh yes, one more hard-coded constant!
    for (int n = 0; n < NumLineDefs; n++)
	if ((Vertices[LineDefs[n].start].y > y)
	    != (Vertices[LineDefs[n].end].y > y))
	    int lx0 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].start].x;
	    int ly0 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].start].y;
	    int lx1 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].end].x;
	    int ly1 = Vertices[LineDefs[n].end].y;
	    int m = lx0 + (int) ((long) (y - ly0) * (long) (lx1 - lx0)
				 / (long) (ly1 - ly0));
	    if (m >= x && m < curx)
		curx = m;
		best_match = n;

    // Now look if this linedef has a sidedef bound to one sector
    if (best_match >= 0)
	if (Vertices[LineDefs[best_match].start].y
	    > Vertices[LineDefs[best_match].end].y)
	    best_match = LineDefs[best_match].sidedef1;
	    best_match = LineDefs[best_match].sidedef2;
	if (best_match >= 0)
	    object.obj.type = OBJ_SECTORS;
	    object.obj.num = SideDefs[best_match].sector;
	    object.distance = 0;	// Not meaningful for sectors
	    object.radius = 1;	// Not meaningful for sectors
	    object.inside = true;	// Not meaningful for sectors
    return object;

 *	get_cur_thing - determine which thing is under the pointer
static const Close_obj & get_cur_thing(int x, int y)
    static Close_obj closest;
    const int screenslack = 15;	// Slack in pixels
    double mapslack = fabs(screenslack / Scale);	// Slack in map units
    int max_radius = (int) (get_max_thing_radius() + mapslack);
    int xmin = x - max_radius;
    int xmax = x + max_radius;
    int ymin = y - max_radius;
    int ymax = y + max_radius;

    for (int n = 0; n < NumThings; n++)
	// Filter out things that are farther than <max_radius> units away.
	if (Things[n].xpos < xmin
	    || Things[n].xpos > xmax
	    || Things[n].ypos < ymin || Things[n].ypos > ymax)

	// So how far is that thing exactly ?
	double dist = hypot(x - Things[n].xpos, y - Things[n].ypos);
	if (dist < closest.distance
	    && dist <= get_thing_radius(Things[n].type) + mapslack)
	    closest.obj.type = OBJ_THINGS;
	    closest.obj.num = n;
	    closest.distance = dist;
	    closest.radius = get_thing_radius(Things[n].type);
	    closest.inside = dist < closest.radius;
	    int thing_radius =
		(int) (get_thing_radius(Things[n].type) + mapslack);
	    if (x > Things[n].xpos - thing_radius
		&& x < Things[n].xpos + thing_radius
		&& y > Things[n].ypos - thing_radius
		&& y < Things[n].ypos + thing_radius)
		Close_obj current;
		current.obj.type = OBJ_THINGS;
		current.obj.num = n;
		current.distance =
		    hypot(x - Things[n].xpos, y - Things[n].ypos);
		current.radius = get_thing_radius(Things[n].type);
		current.inside = x > Things[n].xpos - current.radius
		    && x < Things[n].xpos + current.radius
		    && y > Things[n].ypos - current.radius
		    && y < Things[n].ypos + current.radius;
		if (current <= closest)	/* "<=" because if there are superimposed
					   things, we want to return the
					   highest-numbered one. */
		    closest = current;
    return closest;

 *	get_cur_vertex - determine which vertex is under the pointer
static const Close_obj & get_cur_vertex(int x, int y)
    static Close_obj object;
    const int screenradius = vertex_radius(Scale);	// Radius in pixels
    const int screenslack = screenradius + 15;	// Slack in pixels
    double mapslack = fabs(screenslack / Scale);	// Slack in map units
    const int mapradius = (int) (screenradius / Scale);	// Radius in map units
    int xmin = (int) (x - mapslack + 0.5);
    int xmax = (int) (x + mapslack + 0.5);
    int ymin = (int) (y - mapslack + 0.5);
    int ymax = (int) (y + mapslack + 0.5);

    for (int n = 0; n < NumVertices; n++)
	/* Filter out objects that are farther than <radius> units away. */
	if (Vertices[n].x < xmin
	    || Vertices[n].x > xmax
	    || Vertices[n].y < ymin || Vertices[n].y > ymax)
	double dist = hypot(x - Vertices[n].x, y - Vertices[n].y);
	if (dist <= object.distance	/* "<=" because if there are superimposed
					   vertices, we want to return the
					   highest-numbered one. */
	    && dist <= mapslack)
	    object.obj.type = OBJ_VERTICES;
	    object.obj.num = n;
	    object.distance = dist;
	    object.radius = mapradius;
	    object.inside = x > Vertices[n].x - mapradius
		&& x < Vertices[n].x + mapradius
		&& y > Vertices[n].y - mapradius
		&& y < Vertices[n].y + mapradius;
    return object;