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Update changelog.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 26 Sep 2011 10:18:15 +0300
parents 241c93442be0
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                               Fancy logo
                        Yadex 1.7.0 (2003-12-28)

                               Yadex FAQ

Compilation problems

   During configure,
   error: none of (gcc, c89, cc) work, is your PATH set right?

           You need a C compiler to compile Yadex.

           If you have one but it's not in the path, either fix $PATH
           or pass the full pathname to the configure script with the
           --cc flag (E.G. "./configure --cc /opt/sfw/bin/gcc").

           If it's in the path but it's not called gcc or c89 or cc,
           pass the name to the configure script with the --cc flag
           (E.G. "./configure --cc icc").

   During configure,
   error: none of (g++, c++, cxx) work, is your PATH set right?

           You need a C++ compiler to compile Yadex.

           If you have one but it's not in the path, either fix $PATH
           or pass the full pathname to the configure script with the
           --cxx flag (E.G. "./configure --cxx /opt/sfw/bin/g++").

           If it's in the path but it's not called g++ or c++ or cxx,
           pass the name to the configure script with the --cxx flag
           (E.G. "./configure --cxx icc").

   X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory

           Are you sure you have the Xlib headers ? If not, install
           them. If you already have them, then find out where they
           are and change the "X11INCLUDEDIR =" line in GNUmakefile

   The compiler chokes on the Xlib headers

           This happens on Solaris 2.6 with GCC 2.95.2. Oliver Kraus
           says that the solution is to add "-fpermissive" to
           "CXXFLAGS =" in GNUmakefile.

   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `recv'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `connect'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `socket'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `setsockopt'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `shutdown'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `gethostbyname'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `getservbyname'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `getpeername'
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `getsockname'

           This happens with QNX 6 and other Unices. Add "-lsocket"
           to "LDFLAGS =" in GNUmakefile.

   Solaris: can't resolve gettimeofday()

           In GNUmakefile, add "-lrt" after "-lX11".

   Mac OS X:
   al_adigits.o literal C string section (__TEXT,__cstring) does not
   end with a '\0'

           As far as I can see, the code in Yadex is legal C, and Mac
           OS X's ld is incorrect in rejecting it. As a workaround,
           change the size of al_adigits[] from 36 to 37 in
           al_adigits.c and atclib.h. The real fix is to complain to
           Apple for selling you a linker that won't link valid C

   GCC 3.0: Yadex 1.5.1 doesn't compile

           Get Yadex 1.5.2 or later.

   GCC 2.96: Yadex 1.5.0 doesn't compile

           Get Yadex 1.5.1 or later.

   EGCS 1.1.2 / SuSE 6.2:
   no matching function for call to `menu_c::menu_c (...)'

           Apparently, there is a bug in certain EGCS 1.1.2
           installations that makes them choke on src/ I
           know no workaround. I'd suggest that you try to get a fix
           from your distributor or use another compiler. EGCS 1.0.3,
           EGCS 1.1.1 and GCC 2.95.2 are known to work.

   GCC 2.7: lots of compilation errors

           GCC 2.7 is a very old compiler, it does not implement the
           current C++ standard and I don't support it. If you must,
           try applying patch/gcc-2.7.diff that's included in the
           archive but don't complain to me if it doesn't work.

   warning: comparison between signed and unsigned

           GCC is over-sensitive to signedness mismatches. Don't
           worry, that won't prevent Yadex from working.

   GCC: In,
   warning: decimal integer constant is so large that it is unsigned

           Weird as it may sound, the standard says that the lowest
           value that a signed long can hold is -(2^31). GCC sticks
           to the party line, never mind that you're on a platform
           like i386 where LONG_MIN is -(2^31) - 1.

           You can ignore this warning.

   GCC: In,
   warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90

           This is a new avatar (as of GCC 3.3) of the previous
           warning. Ignore it.

   Yadex 1.3.1 doesn't compile

           There's a thinko in the makefile. It's fixed in version

   Yadex 1.1.0 doesn't compile

           In src/, lines 48 and 49, replace

   const char infobar_c::FILE_NAME_UNSET[1];  // A special pointer value
   const char infobar_c::LEVEL_NAME_UNSET[1];  // A special pointer value


   const char infobar_c::FILE_NAME_UNSET[1] = { ' ' };
   const char infobar_c::LEVEL_NAME_UNSET[1] = { ' ' };

   Yadex 1.0.1 doesn't compile

           In src/vector.h, delete line 44 ("return this;") and
           compile again.


   I don't have an iwad

           You can download certain iwads for free ;

              * Doom 1.8 shareware iwad
              * Heretic shareware version
              * Hexen demo
              * Strife demo

   What about a 3D preview ?

           Andrew Apted has written an amazing patch that does
           exactly that.

   Yadex is slow, particularly when dragging objects

           Yes. I plan to replace the current implementation (pixmap)
           by drawing directly to the window. The difficulty lies in
           making that without generating a lot of flicker. In the
           meantime, try the -P option.

   How many people use Yadex ?

           I don't know for sure. Each new release gets a few hundred

   Why didn't you use <insert speaker's favourite toolkit> ?

           I used plain Xlib and not a toolkit for several reasons.
           Firstly, I wanted to learn Xlib. Secondly, I reckoned it
           would be easier to translate the existing BGI calls to
           Xlib than to some higher level toolkit. Thirdly, I feared
           that depending on a toolkit would hurt portability.


   AYM 2003-12-28