view @ 45:d8a1e85b8dda

Change the visual style a tiny bit.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 24 Sep 2012 16:45:40 +0300
parents bb00a40252e2
children 0db0d485eb59
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Fetch and parse HTML format class timetable into more sane formats
# (C) Copyright 2010-2011 Matti Hämäläinen <>
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTML::Entities;

sub urlencode($)
  my $value = $_[0];
  $value =~ s/([^a-zA-Z_0-9 ])/"%" . uc(sprintf "%lx" , unpack("C", $1))/eg;
  $value =~ tr/ /+/;
  return $value;

sub str_trim($)
  my $str = $_[0];
  if (defined($str)) {
    $str =~ s/^\s*//;
    $str =~ s/\s*$//;
  return $str;

sub pop_token_a($)
  my $tokens = $_[0];
  return shift(@$tokens);

sub pop_token($)
  return str_trim(pop_token_a($_[0]));

sub parse_html_str($)
  my $tokens = $_[0];
  my $token = pop_token($tokens);
  my $str = "";
  $token =~ s/^\s*//;

  return undef unless (substr($token, 0, 1) eq '"');
  $token = substr($token, 1);
  while (defined($token)) {
    my $tmp = $token;
    $tmp =~ s/\s*$//;
    if (substr($tmp, -1) eq '"') {
      $str .= substr($tmp, 0, -1);
      return $str;
    } else {
      $str .= $token;
    $token = shift(@$tokens);
  return undef;

sub parse_html_tree($$);

sub parse_html_tree($$)
  my ($tokens, $tree) = @_;

  while (my $token = pop_token($tokens)) {
    if ($token =~ /^<[!\/]?[a-zA-Z]+/) {
      $token = lc($token);
      if ($token =~ /^<\!.*>$/) {
        # Ignore comments etc.
      } elsif ($token =~ /^<([a-z]+)(.*)>$/) {
        my ($name, $args) = ($1, $2);
        if ($name eq "meta" || $name eq "img") {
          my $tmp = {};
          parse_html_tree($tokens, $tree);
          return $tree;
        } else {
          my $tmp = { "name" => $name, "args" => str_trim($args) };
          parse_html_tree($tokens, $tmp);
          push(@{$$tree{"nodes"}}, $tmp);
      } elsif ($token =~ /^<\/([a-z]+)>$/) {
        return $tree;
      } else {
        die("HORROR TERROR ELITE: $token\n");
    } else {
      $token = str_trim(decode_entities($token));
      push(@{$$tree{"nodes"}}, { "name" => "text", "args" => "", "text" => $token }) if length($token) > 0;
  return $tree;

sub parse_html($)
  return undef unless defined($_[0]);
  my $str = $_[0];
  my $res = { "name" => "", "args" => "" };
  $str =~ tr/\r/ /;
  $str =~ tr/\n/ /;
  my @tokens = grep { !($_ =~ /^\s*$/) } split(/(<\/?[a-zA-Z]+.*?>)/, $str);
  parse_html_tree(\@tokens, $res);
  return $res;

sub html_find_node($$$);

sub html_find_node($$$)
  my ($node, $name, $args) = @_;
  if (defined($node)) {
    if (ref($node) eq "ARRAY") {
      foreach my $n (@$node) {
        my $tmp = html_find_node($n, $name, $args);
        # Must do it like this, in order not to break the loop
        return $tmp if defined($tmp);
    } elsif (ref($node) eq "HASH") {
      if (defined($$node{"name"})) {
        if ($$node{"name"} eq $name) {
          if ($args ne "") {
            if (defined($$node{"args"}) && $$node{"args"} =~ /$args/) {
            } else {
              return html_find_node($$node{"nodes"}, $name, $args);
          return $node;
        } else {
          return html_find_node($$node{"nodes"}, $name, $args);
  return undef;

sub fnode($$)
  return html_find_node($_[0], $_[1], "");

sub fnodea($$$)
  return html_find_node($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);

sub escape($)
  my $s = $_[0];
  $s =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
  return $s;

sub html_collapse($$);

sub html_collapse($$)
  my ($node, $strip) = @_;
  my $str = "";

  if ($$node{"name"} eq "text") {
    $str .= $$node{"text"};
  } else {
    $str .= "<".$$node{"name"}.">" unless ($strip);
    foreach my $n (@{$$node{"nodes"}}) {
      $str .= html_collapse($n, $strip);
    $str .= "</".$$node{"name"}.">" unless ($strip);
  return $str;

### Main program
my $modes = "simple|php|xml";
my $opt_mode = "php";
my $opt_dump = 0;
my $opt_filename;
my $opt_outfile;

while (defined(my $arg = shift)) {
  if (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
    if ($arg =~ /^-($modes)$/o) {
      $opt_mode = $1;
    elsif ($arg eq "-dump") {
      $opt_dump = 1;
    elsif ($arg eq "-o") {
      $opt_outfile = shift or die("Output filename option -o requires an argument.\n");
    } else {
      die("Invalid option '$arg'.\n");
  } else {
    $opt_filename = $arg;

die("Usage: $0 [options] <filename>

  -php               Output a PHP include file with data in arrays (default)
  -simple            Output simple tabled output for easy parsing.
  -xml               Output XML.

  -o <filename>	     Set output filename. Default is to use stdout.

  -dump	             Dump HTML tree to stdout and quit.

") unless defined($opt_filename);

my $data;
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(iso-8859-1)', $opt_filename) or die("Error opening '$opt_filename': $!\n");
$data = do { local $/; <$fh> };

die("No data in input.\n") unless (defined($data) && $data ne "");

# Filter out certain unneeded elements
$data =~ s/<font[^>]*>//ig;
$data =~ s/<\/font>//ig;
$data =~ s/<\/?center>//ig;
$data =~ s/<br>//ig;
$data =~ s/&nbsp;/ /ig;

### Get some general information
my $otree = parse_html($data);
if ($opt_dump) {
  print Dumper(fnode($otree, "html"));

my %class = ();
my $body = fnode($otree, "body");
if (defined($body) && defined($$body{"nodes"})) {
  foreach my $n (@{$$body{"nodes"}}) {
    if ($$n{"name"} eq "text") {
      push(@{$class{"info"}}, $$n{"text"});
    elsif ($$n{"name"} eq "b") {
      push(@{$class{"data"}}, $n);

# Filter out some more, for easier tree access during table parsing
$data =~ s/<\/?b>//ig;
my $tree = parse_html($data);
my $node = fnode(fnode($tree, "body"), "table");
die("No table element found in document. Perhaps the format has changed? :(\n") unless defined($node);

### Parse through the HTML document node tree to find the data we need
my $id = 0;
my $q = $$node{"nodes"};
my $tunnit = {};
my $taulu = {};
my $maxdays = 6;
my $maxhours = 0;

# Skip zero position this way (can't use foreach here)
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@{$q}); $i++) {
  my $d = $$q[$i]{"nodes"};
  if (defined($d)) {
    foreach my $n (@{$d}) {
      my $l = $$n{"nodes"}[0]{"nodes"};
      if (defined($l) && $$n{"args"} =~ /colspan=6\s+rowspan=(\d+)/) {
        my $tuntia = $1 / 2;
        my $data = [];
        my $grouped = 0;
        foreach my $h (@{$l}) {
          if (defined($$h{"nodes"})) {
            foreach my $b (@{$$h{"nodes"}}) {
              if (defined($$b{"nodes"})) {
                my $text = $$b{"nodes"}[0]{"text"};
                $text =~ s/\.$//;

                $grouped = 1 if ($text =~ /vuorov/);

                push(@$data, $text);

        my $tid;
        if (scalar(@$data) > 0) {
          $tid = $id;
        } else {
          $tid = 0;

        my $tpd = 0;
        for (my $x = 0; $x < $maxdays; $x++) {
          if (!defined($$taulu{$maxhours}{$x})) {
            $tpd = $x;
        for (my $t = 0; $t < $tuntia; $t++) {
          $$taulu{$maxhours + $t}{$tpd} = $tid;
        if (scalar(@$data) > 0) {
          # Grouped, if there is another class ID in second slot
          $grouped = 1 if ($$data[1] =~ /^[A-Z]\d{6}$/);
          $$tunnit{$id} = { "grouped" => $grouped, "day" => $tpd, "start" => $maxhours, "hours" => $tuntia, "data" => $data };

### Go through hour table, find last day and hour of the week, crop
my $flag = 1;
for (my $y = $maxhours - 1; $y >= 0 && $flag; $y--) {
  for (my $x = 0; $x < $maxdays && $flag; $x++) {
    $flag = 0 if (defined($$taulu{$y}{$x}) && $$taulu{$y}{$x} != 0);
  $maxhours-- if ($flag);

$flag = 1;
for (my $x = $maxdays - 1; $x >= 0 && $flag; $x--) {
  for (my $y = 0; $y < $maxhours && $flag; $y++) {
    $flag = 0 if (defined($$taulu{$y}{$x}) && $$taulu{$y}{$x} != 0);
  $maxdays-- if ($flag);

### Open output file, if specified
if (defined($opt_outfile)) {
  open(STDOUT, '>', $opt_outfile) or die("Could not open output file '$opt_outfile'.\n");

binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)';

### Output data in desired format
if ($opt_mode eq "php") {
  print "<?\n".
  "\$classInfo = array(\n".
  "  \"general\" => array(".join(", ", map { "\"".escape($_)."\""; } @{$class{"info"}})."),\n".
  "  \"info\" => array(".join(", ", map { "\"".escape(html_collapse($_, 1))."\""; } @{$class{"data"}})."),\n".
  "  \"info_tags\" => array(".join(", ", map { "\"".escape(html_collapse($_, 0))."\""; } @{$class{"data"}})."),\n".
  "  \"maxdays\" => $maxdays,\n".
  "  \"maxhours\" => $maxhours,\n".

  print "\$classDefs = array(\n";
  foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$tunnit}) {
    print "  $id => array(";
    foreach my $key (keys %{$$tunnit{$id}}) {
      my $a = $$tunnit{$id}{$key};
      print "\"$key\" => ";
      if (ref($a) eq "ARRAY") {
        print "array(".join(", ", map { "\"".escape($_)."\""; } @$a).")";
      elsif ($a =~ /^\d+$/) {
        print $a;
      } else {
        print "\"".escape($a)."\"";
      print ", ";
    print "),\n";

  print ");\n".
  "\$classHourTable = array(\n";
  for (my $y = 0; $y < $maxhours; $y++) {
    my $str = "";
    for (my $x = 0; $x < $maxdays; $x++) {
      $str .= ", " unless ($str eq "");
      $str .= sprintf "%3d", $$taulu{$y}{$x};
    print "  array(".$str."),\n";
  print ");\n?>\n";

elsif ($opt_mode eq "xml") {
  print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".
  " <class>\n".
  "  <general>".join("", map { "<node>".encode_entities($_)."</node>"; } @{$class{"info"}})."</general>\n".
  "  <info>".join("", map { "<node>".encode_entities(html_collapse($_, 1))."</node>"; } @{$class{"data"}})."</info>\n".
  "  <maxdays>$maxdays</maxdays>\n".
  "  <maxhours>$maxhours</maxhours>\n".
  " </class>\n";

  print "</timetable>\n";

elsif ($opt_mode eq "simple") {
  for (my $y = 0; $y < $maxhours; $y++) {
    for (my $x = 0; $x < $maxdays; $x++) {
      printf "%3d ", $$taulu{$y}{$x};
    print "\n";

close (STDOUT);