view mgtool.php @ 4:014e1d6991a3

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author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Fri, 15 May 2015 16:29:38 +0300
parents a07447c02b13
children 405a02586fc2
line wrap: on
line source

// Yet Another Image Gallery
// Commandline tool for creating / updating gallery
// (C) Copyright 2015 Tecnic Software productions (TNSP)
require_once "";

// Array for specifying what will be copied and converted
// from the image file's EXIF information tag(s).
$galExifConversions = array(
  array(MG_STR, "caption"     , "ImageDescription"),
  array(MG_STR, "copyright"   , "Copyright"),
  array(MG_STR, "model"       , "Model"),
  array(MG_INT, "width"       , array("COMPUTED", "Width")),
  array(MG_INT, "height"      , array("COMPUTED", "Height")),
  array(MG_DVA, "fnumber"     , "FNumber"),
  array(MG_DVA, "exposure"    , "ExposureTime"),
  array(MG_INT, "iso"         , "ISOSpeedRatings"),
  array(MG_DVA, "focallength" , "FocalLength"),
  array(MG_STR, "datetime"    , "DateTimeOriginal"),
  array(MG_STR, "datetime"    , "DateTimeDigitized"),
  array(MG_INT, "filesize"    , "FileSize"),

define("GCMD_UPDATE"      , 1);
define("GCMD_RESCAN"      , 2);
define("GCMD_CLEAN"       , 3);

define("GCLEAN_CACHES"    , 0x01);
define("GCLEAN_THUMBNAILS", 0x02);
define("GCLEAN_ALL"       , 0x0f);

define("GUPD_MED_IMAGE"   , 0x01);
define("GUPD_TN_IMAGE"    , 0x02);
define("GUPD_IMAGES"      , 0x0f);
define("GUPD_EXIF_INFO"   , 0x10);
define("GUPD_CAPTION"     , 0x20);

// Convert and scale image file function, for generating
// the intermediate size images and thumbnails. Uses the
// PHP ImageMagick bindings.
function mgConvertImage($inFilename, $outFilename, $outDim, $outFormat, $outQuality, $thumb)
  // Create conversion entity
  $img = new Imagick($inFilename);
  if ($img === FALSE)
    return mgError("ImageMagick could not digest the file '".$inFilename."'.\n");

  if ($outDim !== FALSE)
    // Get dimensions, setup background
    $dim = $img->getImageGeometry();

    if ($dim["width"] < $dim["height"])
      $stmp = $outDim[0];
      $outDim[0] = $outDim[1];
      $outDim[1] = $stmp;

    if ($dim["width"] != $outDim[0] || $dim["height"] != $outDim[1])
      $outDim[1] = ($dim["height"] * $outDim[0]) / $dim["width"];

    // Act based on image size vs. desired size and $thumb mode
    if ($thumb || $dim["width"] > $outDim[0] || $dim["height"] > $outDim[1])
      // Image is larger
      $img->resizeImage($outDim[0], $outDim[1], Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
      $img->setImageExtent($outDim[0], $outDim[1]);
      $img->unsharpMaskImage(0, 0.5, 1, 0.05);
    if ($dim["width"] < $outDim[0] || $dim["height"] < $outDim[1])
      // Image is smaller than requested dimension(s)?
      $img->resizeImage($outDim[0], $outDim[1], Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
      $img->setImageExtent($outDim[0], $outDim[1]);
      $img->unsharpMaskImage(0, 0.5, 1, 0.05);


  return TRUE;

// Converts one value (mainly from EXIF tag information)
// by doing explicing type casting and special conversions.
function mgConvertExifData($val, $vtype)
  switch ($vtype)
    case MG_STR: return (string) $val;
    case MG_INT: return intval($val);
    case MG_BOOL: return intval($val);
    case MG_DVA:
      if (sscanf($val, "%d/%d", $v1, $v2) == 2)
        if ($v1 < $v2)
          return $val;
          return sprintf("%1.1f", $v1 / $v2);
        return $val;

      return $val;

// Conditionally copies one "field" from an associated array/hash to another.
// If destination is already SET, nothing will be done. If source does
// not exist (e.g. one or more of the keys do not exist in source array),
// a default value will be used, if provided.
// Source may have multi-depth keys, destination has one key.
function mgCopyEntryData(&$dst, $src, $vtype, $dkey, $skeys, $default = NULL)
  // Is destination already set?
  if (isset($dst[$dkey]))
    return FALSE;

  // If input key is not array, change it into one
  if (!is_array($skeys))
    $skeys = array($skeys);

  // Traverse input array by using consequent keys
  $tmp = &$src;
  foreach ($skeys as $skey)
    if (!array_key_exists($skey, $tmp))
      // Key didn't exist, try for default
      if ($default !== NULL)
        $dst[$dkey] = $default;
      return FALSE;
      $tmp = &$tmp[$skey];

  // Optionally convert the input value
  $dst[$dkey] = mgConvertExifData($tmp, $vtype);
  return TRUE;

// Attempt to get gallery album data from various sources.
function mgGetAlbumData($galBasePath, $galPath)
  // Check path permissions
  $galData = array();
  if (is_readable($galPath))
    // First, try to read gallery/album info file
    $filename = mgGetPath($galPath, "info_file");
    if ($filename !== FALSE && file_exists($filename))
      mgDebug("Reading INFOFILE: ".$filename."\n");
      if (($galData = parse_ini_file($filename, FALSE)) === FALSE)
        $galData = array();

    // Read header file, if any, and we don't have "header" field set yet
    $filename = mgGetPath($galPath, "header_file");
    if ($filename !== FALSE && file_exists($filename) &&
      mgDebug("Reading HEADERFILE: ".$filename."\n");
      $galData["header"] = file_get_contents($filename);

    // Check for alternate key/values for album title/caption
    if (isset($galData["title"]) && !isset($galData["caption"]))
      $galData["caption"] = $galData["title"];
    $galData["hide"] = TRUE;

  // If caption is not set, use last path component for
  // a fallback value in case we don't discover proper title
  // from other sources we can't check here yet.
  $path = explode("/", $galPath);
  $galData["fallback_caption"] = ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", end($path)));

  // Last, store the current gallery path
  $len = strlen($galBasePath);
  if ($len < strlen($galPath) && substr($galPath, 0, $len) == $galBasePath)
    $galData["path"] = substr($galPath, $len);
    $galData["path"] = "";

  return $galData;

function mgReadCaptionsFile($galBasePath, $galPath)
  $captions = array();
  $filename = mgGetPath($galPath, "captions_file");
  if ($filename === FALSE || ($fp = @fopen($filename, "rb")) === FALSE)
    return $captions;

  mgDebug("Reading CAPTIONS: ".$filename."\n");

  // Read and parse data
  while (!feof($fp))
    $str = trim(fgets($fp));
    // Ignore comments and empty lines
    if ($str != "#" && $str != "")
      if (preg_match("/^(#?)\s*(\S+?)\s+(.+)$/", $str, $m))
        $captions[$m[2]] = array("caption" => $m[3], "hide" => ($m[1] == "#"), "used" => FALSE);
      if (preg_match("/^(#?)\s*(\S+?)$/", $str, $m))
        $captions[$m[2]] = array("hide" => ($m[1] == "#"), "used" => FALSE);

  return $captions;

function mgMakeDir($path, $perm)
  if (!file_exists($path))
    if (mkdir($path, $perm, TRUE) === false)
      return mgError("Could not create directory '".$path."'\n");
  return TRUE;

function mgYesNoPrompt($msg, $default = FALSE)
  echo $msg." [".($default ? "Y/n" : "y/N")."]? ";
  $sprompt = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN)));

  if ($default)
    return ($sprompt == "n");
    return ($sprompt == "y");

function mgDelete($path, $recurse)
  global $flagDoDelete;
  if (is_dir($path))
    if (($dirHandle = @opendir($path)) === FALSE)
      return mgError("Could not read directory '".$path."'.\n");

    while (($dirFile = @readdir($dirHandle)) !== FALSE)
      if ($dirFile != "." && $dirFile != "..")
        mgDelete($path."/".$dirFile, $recurse);

    echo " - ".$path." [DIR]\n";
    if ($flagDoDelete)
    if (!$recurse)
      echo " - ".$path."\n";
    if ($flagDoDelete)

function mgCheckQuit($now = FALSE)
  global $flagQuit;

  // Dispatch pending signals

  // Check result
  if ($now && $flagQuit)

  return $flagQuit;

function mgNeedUpdate($entry, $field, $cvalue)
  if (!array_key_exists($field, $entry))
    return TRUE;
  return ($entry[$field] < $cvalue);

function mgHandleDirectory($mode, $basepath, $path, $parentData, $parentEntry, $writeMode, $startAt)
  global $galExifConversions, $galTNPath, $galCleanFlags;

  // Get cache file path
  if (($cacheFilename = mgGetPath($path, "cache_file")) === FALSE)
    return mgError("Cache filename / path not set.\n");


  // Read directory contents
  $entries = array();
  if (($dirHandle = @opendir($path)) === FALSE)
    return mgError("Could not read directory '".$path."'.\n");

  while (($dirFile = @readdir($dirHandle)) !== FALSE)
    $realFile = $path."/".$dirFile;
    if (is_dir($realFile))
      if ($dirFile[0] != "." && $dirFile != $galTNPath)
        $entries[$dirFile] = array("type" => 1, "base" => $dirFile, "ext" => "", "mtime" => filemtime($realFile));
    if (preg_match("/^(\S+)(".mgGetSetting("format_exts").")$/i", $dirFile, $dirMatch))
      $entries[$dirFile] = array("type" => 0, "base" => $dirMatch[1], "ext" => $dirMatch[2], "mtime" => filemtime($realFile), "hide" => false);


  // Cleanup mode
  if ($mode == GCMD_CLEAN)
    $gallery = array();

    if ($writeMode)
      if ($galCleanFlags & GCLEAN_CACHES)
        mgDelete($cacheFilename, FALSE);

      if ($galCleanFlags & GCLEAN_THUMBNAILS)
        mgDelete($path."/".$galTNPath, TRUE);
  // Update modes
  if ($mode == GCMD_UPDATE || $mode == GCMD_RESCAN)
    // Load current cache file, if it exists
    $galEntries = array();
    $cacheTime = -1;
    if ($mode == GCMD_UPDATE && file_exists($cacheFilename))
      $cacheTime = filemtime($cacheFilename);
      @include $cacheFilename;

    // Read caption data
    $captions = mgReadCaptionsFile($basepath, $path);
    $gallery = mgGetAlbumData($basepath, $path);
    if ($parentData !== NULL && $parentEntry !== NULL)
      $gallery["parent"] = $parentData;
      mgCopyEntryData($gallery, $parentEntry, MG_STR, "caption", "caption");

    // Start actual processing
    $nentries = count($entries);
    $nentry = 0;
    echo $path." .. ";
    foreach ($entries as $ename => &$edata)
      printf("\r%s (%1.1f%%) ..", $path, ($nentry * 100.0) / $nentries);

      $efilename = $path."/".$ename;

      if (array_key_exists($ename, $galEntries))
        $galEntry = &$galEntries[$ename];
        $galEntry = array();


      // Update with captions file data, if any
      if (array_key_exists($ename, $captions))
        foreach ($captions[$ename] as $ckey => $cval)
          $edata[$ckey] = $cval;

      // Handle entry based on type
      if ($edata["type"] == 0)
        $updFlags = 0;
        $tnPath = $path."/".$galTNPath;
        $medFilename = $tnPath."/".$edata["base"].mgGetSetting("med_suffix").$edata["ext"];
        $tnFilename = $tnPath."/".$ename;
        $capFilename = $path."/".$edata["base"].".txt";

        // Check what we need to update ..
        if (!file_exists($medFilename) || filemtime($medFilename) < $edata["mtime"])
          $updFlags |= GUPD_MED_IMAGE;

        if (!file_exists($tnFilename) || filemtime($tnFilename) < $edata["mtime"])
          $updFlags |= GUPD_TN_IMAGE;

        if (mgNeedUpdate($galEntry, "mtime", $edata["mtime"]))
          $updFlags |= GUPD_EXIF_INFO;

        if (file_exists($capFilename) &&
          mgNeedUpdate($galEntry, "mtime", filemtime($capFilename)))
          $updFlags |= GUPD_CAPTION;

        // Check for EXIF info
        if (($updFlags & GUPD_EXIF_INFO) &&
            ($exif = @exif_read_data($efilename)) !== FALSE)
          echo "%";
          foreach ($galExifConversions as $conv)
            mgCopyEntryData($edata, $exif, $conv[0], $conv[1], $conv[2]);
          // Copy old data that is not yet in new
          echo "*";
          foreach ($galEntry as $okey => $odata)
            if (!array_key_exists($okey, $edata))
              $edata[$okey] = $odata;

        // Generate thumbnails, etc.
        if ($updFlags & GUPD_IMAGES)
          mgMakeDir($tnPath, 0755);

          if ($updFlags & GUPD_MED_IMAGE)
            echo "1";
            mgConvertImage($efilename, $medFilename,
              array(mgGetSetting("med_width"), mgGetSetting("med_height")),
              "JPEG", mgGetSetting("med_quality"), TRUE);

          if ($updFlags & GUPD_TN_IMAGE)
            echo "2";
            mgConvertImage($efilename, $tnFilename,
              array(mgGetSetting("tn_width"), mgGetSetting("tn_height")),
              "JPEG", mgGetSetting("tn_quality"), TRUE);

        // Check for .txt caption file
        if ($updFlags & GUPD_CAPTION)
          echo "?";
          if (($tmpData = @file_get_contents($capFilename)) !== FALSE)
            $edata["caption"] = $tmpData;
      if ($edata["type"] == 1)
        $tmp = mgGetAlbumData($basepath, $efilename);
        mgCopyEntryData($edata, $tmp, MG_STR, "caption", "caption");
        mgCopyEntryData($edata, $tmp, MG_STR, "caption", "fallback_caption");
        mgCopyEntryData($edata, $tmp, MG_STR, "caption", "title");
        mgCopyEntryData($edata, $tmp, MG_BOOL, "hide", "hide", FALSE);

    echo "\r".$path." ..... DONE\n";


    // Store gallery cache for this directory
    if ($writeMode)
      $images = array();
      $albums = array();
      foreach ($entries as $ename => &$edata)
        if ($edata["hide"])

        if ($edata["type"] == 0)
          $images[$ename] = &$edata;
          $albums[$ename] = &$edata;

      $str =
        "\$galData = ".var_export($gallery, TRUE).";\n".
        "\$galAlbumsIndex = ".var_export(array_keys($albums), TRUE).";\n".
        "\$galImagesIndex = ".var_export(array_keys($images), TRUE).";\n".
        "\$galEntries = ".var_export($entries, TRUE).";\n".

      if (@file_put_contents($cacheFilename, $str, LOCK_EX) === FALSE)
        return mgError("Error writing '".$cacheFilename."'\n");
    mgFatal("Invalid work mode '".$mode."'.\n");


  // Recurse to subdirectories
  foreach ($entries as $ename => $edata)
  if ($edata["type"] == 1)
    $epath = $path."/".$ename."/";
    $newWriteMode = ($writeMode === FALSE && $epath == $startAt) || $writeMode;

    if (!mgHandleDirectory($mode, $basepath, $epath, $gallery, $edata, $newWriteMode, $startAt))
      return FALSE;


  return TRUE;

function mgSigHandler($signo)
  global $flagQuit;
  switch ($signo)
    case SIGTERM:
      mgFatal("Received SIGTERM.\n");

    case SIGQUIT:
    case SIGINT:
      $flagQuit = TRUE;


function mgProcessGalleries($cmd, $path)
  global $galTNPath;

  // Fetch the settings we need
  if (mgReadSettings() === FALSE)
    die("MGallery not configured.\n");

  // Check validity of some settings
  $galPath = mgGetSetting("base_path");
  $galTNPath = mgCleanPath(TRUE, mgGetSetting("tn_path"));
  if ($galTNPath != mgGetSetting("tn_path"))
    mgError("Invalid tn_path, using '".$galTNPath."'.\n");

  if (strpos($galTNPath, "/") !== FALSE || $galTNPath == "")
    mgFatal("Invalid tn_path '".$galTNPath."'.\n");

  $parentData = $parentEntry = NULL;
  $writeMode = TRUE;
  $startAt = NULL;

  // Check for path argument
  if ($path !== FALSE)
    // Check the given path, needs to be "under" the gallery path
    $cmp = mgCleanPath(TRUE, mgRealPath($galPath))."/";
    $tmp = mgCleanPath(TRUE, mgRealPath($path))."/";
    if (substr($tmp, 0, strlen($cmp)) != $cmp)
      mgFatal("Path '".$path."' ('".$tmp."') does not reside under '".$galPath."' ('".$cmp."')!\n");

    // Check if we need to bootstrap
    if ($cmp != $tmp)
      $bpath = mgCleanPath(TRUE, mgRealPath($tmp."../"));

      if ($cmd != GCMD_CLEAN)
        $cacheFile = mgGetPath($bpath, "cache_file");
        if (!file_exists($cacheFile))
          mgFatal("Can't start working from '".$path."', parent '".$cacheFile."' does not exist!\n");

        if (!isset($galEntries) || !isset($galData))
          mgFatal("Cache file '".$cacheFile."' is broken or stale.\n");

      $writeMode = FALSE;
      $startAt = $tmp;
      $path = $bpath;

      echo "Starting: '".$startAt."' inside '".$path."'.\n";
      $path = $tmp;
    $path = $galPath;

  // Start working
  echo "Gallery path: '".$galPath."', starting at '".$path."' ...\n";
  mgHandleDirectory($cmd, $galPath, $path, $parentData, $parentEntry, $writeMode, $startAt);

function mgShowCopyright()
  global $mgProgVersion, $mgProgCopyright,
    $mgProgInfo, $mgProgEmail;

  "MGTool ".$mgProgVersion." - MGallery management tool\n".
  $mgProgInfo." ".$mgProgEmail."\n".
  "(C) Copyright ".$mgProgCopyright."\n";

function mgShowHelp()
  global $argv;
    "Usage: ".basename($argv[0])." <command> [arguments]\n".
    "  --help      - Show this help.\n".
    "  --version   - Show version information.\n".
    "  update [path]\n".
    "    Update directories under <path> or all gallery dirs.\n".
    "    Conditionally scans dirs for new or changed images and\n".
    "    updates cache files as needed.\n".
    "  rescan [path]\n".
    "    Like 'update', but forces all cache files to be regenerated\n".
    "    and EXIF/caption/etc information to be re-scanned even\n".
    "    if the file timestamps do not justify re-scanning.\n".
    "  clean <all|caches|thumbnails> [path]\n".
    "    Delete all generated files or selectively cache files or\n".
    "    everything inside thumbnail directories.\n".
    "  config\n".
    "    Display configuration values.\n".

// Main code starts
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli" || !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]))
  header("Status: 404 Not Found");

pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "mgSigHandler");
pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,  "mgSigHandler");
pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, "mgSigHandler");
pcntl_signal(SIGINT,  "mgSigHandler");

$cmd = mgCArgLC(1);
switch ($cmd)
  case "--version":
  case "version":
  case "ver":

  case FALSE:
    // No arguments
    mgError("Nothing to do. Showing help:\n");

  case "--help":
  case "help":
    if ($cmd !== FALSE)

  case "update": case "up": case "upd": case "upda":
    mgProcessGalleries(GCMD_UPDATE, mgCArg(2));

  case "rescan": case "re": case "res":
    mgProcessGalleries(GCMD_RESCAN, mgCArg(2));

  case "clean": case "cl": case "cle":
    $cmode = mgCArgLC(2, 2);
    switch ($cmode)
      case "al": $galCleanFlags = GCLEAN_ALL; break;
      case "ca": $galCleanFlags = GCLEAN_CACHES; break;
      case "th": $galCleanFlags = GCLEAN_THUMBNAILS; break;
      case FALSE:
        mgFatal("Cleaning requires a mode argument.\n");

        mgFatal("Invalid clean mode '".mgCArg(2)."'.\n");
    $flagDoDelete = FALSE;
    mgProcessGalleries(GCMD_CLEAN, mgCArg(3));
    echo "--\n";
    if (mgYesNoPrompt("Really delete the above files and directories?"))
      echo "OKAY.\n";

  case "config":
    if (mgReadSettings() === FALSE)
      die("MGallery not configured.\n");

    foreach ($mgDefaults as $key => $dval)
      $sval = mgGetSetting($key);
      printf("%-20s = %s%s\n",
        mgGetDValStr($dval[0], $sval),
        ($dval[1] !== NULL && $sval !== $dval[1]) ? " (default: ".mgGetDValStr($dval[0], $dval[1]).")" : "");

  case "dump":
    if (mgReadSettings() === FALSE)
      die("MGallery not configured.\n");

    foreach ($mgDefaults as $key => $dval)
      $sval = mgGetSetting($key);
      printf("%-20s = %s\n", $key, mgGetDValStr($dval[0], $sval));

    mgError("Unknown option/command '".$cmd."'.\n");
