view doc/index.html @ 697:adac0e9f2810

Cleanup help slightly.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Sun, 12 Jan 2020 18:08:41 +0200
parents 534b5d90255b
line wrap: on
line source

<!DOCTYPE html>
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  <title>NNChat client</title>
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<div id="messageBox"></div>
<div id="contents">
<div id="header">
<img src="logo.png" alt="NNChat" />
<div class="copyright">
&copy; Copyright 2008 - 2017 Matti Hämäläinen
<div id="license">
Distributed under 3-clause BSD style license, see file
<a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for more information.
<b>NOTICE! There is NO guarantee or warranty of ANY KIND, nor guarantee of
applicability. This software is provided freely and free of charge, and
as a unofficial 3rd-party development it may or may not remain compatible
with the NN chat protocol.</b>

A simple NCurses-based client compatible with chatroom
protocol. There is a basic line-editing interface with some bells and
whistles, such as a input history, logging to file, ignore lists,
persistent configuration, etc.
The original Flash-based chat client can be accessed through NN website.

<!-- BEGIN -->
 <tr><td><a href="shot_unix1.png"><img src="sm_shot_unix1.png" /></a></td><td><a href="shot_windows1.png"><img src="sm_shot_windows1.png" /></a></td></tr>

Currently only Windows version is distributed, although the software is
mainly developed and used under Linux and other UNIX-style platforms.
Windows binaries are compiled with 32-bit MinGW and MSI installer created
with Freeware version of Caphyon's Advanced Installer.

  <th><a href="nncsetup-1.3.6.msi">Download Windows installer
  for NNChat v1.3.6</a></th>
  <td>32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP, Vista or Win7.</td>
  <th><a href="nnchat-1.5.2.tar.gz">Sourcecode tar.gz for NNChat v1.5.2</a></th>
  <td>For generic UNIX, Linux, *BSD. Requires GNU Make, GCC 4.x + binutils and NCurses.</td>

<h3>Installation on Windows</h3>
 <li>Run the installer provided above.</li>
 <li>Two (2) new icons should appear on desktop (and under Start - Programs -
 NNChat), one for each of NN's chatrooms respectively.</li>
 <li>Click one of them, enter your username and password.</li>
 <li>See keyboard / command instructions below.</li>

<!-- END -->

<table border="0">
<tr><th>left/right arrow</th><td>Move cursor in the current edit buffer.</td></tr>
<tr><th>home/end</th><td>Move cursor to beginning or the end of the current edit buffer.</td></tr>

<tr><th>arrow up/down</th>    </th><td>Browse input history.</td></tr>
<tr><th>ctrl+left/right arrow </th><td>Skip cursor through words.</td></tr>

<tr><th>ins              </th><td>Toggle between insert and overwrite modes.</td></tr>
<tr><th>del              </th><td>Delete one character at cursor position.</td></tr>
<tr><th>backspace        </th><td>Delete one character left to the cursor position.</td></tr>

<tr><th>tab(ulator)      </th><td>Try to complete a command or username. For example "an&lt;tab&gt;"
                    would check the userlist for usernames beginning with
                    "an" and replace this with the first match. Subsequent
                    tab-keypresses will "cycle" around other matches.
                    Commands must start with "/".</td></tr>

<tr><th>F2               </th><td>Clear current edit buffer.</td></tr>
<tr><th>F5               </th><td>Toggle ignore mode on/off.</td></tr>
<tr><th>F6               </th><td>Toggle "only friends allowed to PRV you" mode on/off.</td></tr>

<tr><th>ESC+[1..9]       </th><td>Switch between sub-windows / buffers. 1 is the main room, 2..9 are PRV buffers.</td></tr>
<tr><th>Alt+[1..9]       </th><td>Same as ESC+[1..9]</td></tr>

<tr><th>ctrl+L           </th><td>Refresh/redraw screen.</td></tr>

In addition to normal NN commands (such as /prvon, /prvoff, etc.) NNChat
supports following list of internal commands.
<b>Remember that ALL these commands can be autocompleted via Tab key!</b>
For example, just type /c&lt;tab&gt; and it will be expaned to /close.
Hit Tab second time and it will "cycle" to /color, etc.
<table border="0">
<tr><th>/w&nbsp;&lt;user&gt;<br />
/profile&nbsp;&lt;user&gt;</th><td>Open profile of given username
via system default web browser.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/ignore&nbsp;[user]   </th><td>Toggle user to/from ignore. "/ignore" without specified
                    username will list users currently on the ignore list.
                    When ignore mode is ENABLED (via function key F5),
                    no messages or actions from users on the list will be
                    displayed. However, they will go into log file, if
                    logging is active.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/friend&nbsp;[user]   </th><td>Add or remove user to/from friend list. "/friend" without specified
                    username will list users currently on the friends list.
                    Names on the friends list will be highlighted differently
                    and cannot be placed on ignore.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/color&nbsp;&lt;color&gt;   </th><td>Changes your current user color visible to OTHER people
                    using the regular NN chat. Of course, this does not
                    affect this client in any way, as user colors are
                    ignored. Color must be specified as a hexadecimal value,
                    for example 006080.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/save            </th><td>Save current configuration (username, password, color, etc.)
                    Notice that this may be a risk, if your computer
                    has several users as just starting the client will
                    automatically log into the chat with your username and

<tr><th>/names</th><td>Lists all users on the chat currently.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/list</th><td>Alias for NN server-side command /listallusers</td></tr>

<tr><th>/query&nbsp;&lt;user&gt;</th><td>Start a PRV chat ("query") with the specified user.</td></tr>

<tr><th>/close&nbsp;[user]</th><td>Close the specified PRV buffer / window or if no argument given ("/close"), then just close the current "window".</td></tr>

<tr><th>/win&nbsp;[number]</th><td>Switch to given window, or show information about current "window".</td></tr>

<tr><th>/quit</th><td>Quit the chat.</td></tr>

