diff src/main.cpp @ 237:54ab3f3e28c0

Split EditPerson and ViewTransactions to separate source files.
author Matti Hamalainen <ccr@tnsp.org>
date Mon, 07 May 2018 19:19:13 +0300
parents 07d837442c55
children 9626307f3eeb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/main.cpp	Mon May 07 18:37:08 2018 +0300
+++ b/src/main.cpp	Mon May 07 19:19:13 2018 +0300
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
 #include <QStandardPaths>
 #include "main.h"
 #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
-#include "ui_editperson.h"
 #include "ui_aboutwindow.h"
-#include "ui_viewtransactions.h"
 #include "runguard.h"
@@ -1287,250 +1285,6 @@
-// Edit person dialog
-EditPerson::EditPerson(QWidget *parent) :
-    QDialog(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::EditPerson)
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    slSetCommonStyleSheet(this);
-    setModal(true);
-    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-    show();
-    activateWindow();
-    raise();
-    setFocus();
-    model_Transactions = new SLTransactionSQLModel();
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setModel(model_Transactions);
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(ui->tableview_Transactions));
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false);
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch);
-    ui->edit_FirstName->setMaxLength(SQL_LEN_FIRST_NAME);
-    ui->edit_LastName->setMaxLength(SQL_LEN_LAST_NAME);
-    connect(
-        ui->textedit_ExtraInfo,
-        SIGNAL(textChanged()),
-        this,
-        SLOT(on_textedit_ExtraInfo_textChanged()));
-    validateForm();
-    delete ui;
-    delete model_Transactions;
-void EditPerson::statusMsg(const QString &msg)
-    // Pass the status message to main window
-    dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->statusMsg(msg);
-bool EditPerson::validateForm()
-    selPerson.firstName = slCleanupStr(ui->edit_FirstName->text());
-    selPerson.lastName = slCleanupStr(ui->edit_LastName->text());
-    selPerson.extraInfo = ui->textedit_ExtraInfo->document()->toPlainText();
-    bool extraInfoValid = selPerson.extraInfo.length() < SQL_LEN_EXTRA_INFO;
-    ui->textedit_ExtraInfo->setStyleSheet(!extraInfoValid ? "background-color: red;" : NULL);
-    ui->edit_FirstName->setStyleSheet(selPerson.firstName == "" ? "background-color: red;" : NULL);
-    ui->edit_LastName->setStyleSheet(selPerson.lastName == "" ? "background-color: red;" : NULL);
-    return selPerson.firstName != "" && selPerson.lastName != "" && extraInfoValid;
-void EditPerson::on_button_Cancel_clicked()
-    close();
-void EditPerson::on_button_OK_clicked()
-    //
-    // Check form validation
-    //
-    if (!validateForm())
-    {
-        slErrorMsg(
-            tr("Virhe!"),
-            tr("Vaaditut kentät (etunimi, sukunimi) eivät ole täytetty tai lisätietojen pituus on liian suuri."));
-        return;
-    }
-    if (selPerson.id >= 0)
-    {
-        //
-        // We are in update/edit person mode, thus we check if the
-        // first/last name have changed and if there is someone with
-        // different ID and same names.
-        //
-        QSqlQuery person;
-        person.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM people WHERE id <> ? AND first_name=? AND last_name=?"));
-        person.addBindValue(selPerson.id);
-        person.addBindValue(selPerson.firstName);
-        person.addBindValue(selPerson.lastName);
-        person.exec();
-        slCheckAndReportSQLError("SELECT check for existing person by same name (UPDATE)", person.lastError());
-        if (person.next())
-        {
-            // There exists another person with that name
-            slErrorMsg(
-                tr("Virhe!"),
-                tr("Ei pysty! Samalla nimellä '%1 %2' on olemassa jo henkilö!").
-                arg(selPerson.firstName).arg(selPerson.lastName));
-            return;
-        }
-        // Allest klar, update the person data
-        dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->model_People->updatePerson(selPerson);
-        dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->setActivePerson(selPerson.id);
-        statusMsg(tr("Päivitettiin henkilö '%1 %2' (#%3).").
-            arg(selPerson.firstName).arg(selPerson.lastName).arg(selPerson.id));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        //
-        // We are in "add new person" mode, check if there exists
-        // someone with same first+last name.
-        //
-        QSqlQuery person;
-        person.prepare("SELECT * FROM people WHERE first_name=? AND last_name=?");
-        person.addBindValue(selPerson.firstName);
-        person.addBindValue(selPerson.lastName);
-        person.exec();
-        slCheckAndReportSQLError("SELECT check for existing person by same name (ADD)", person.lastError());
-        if (person.next())
-        {
-            // There exists a record with same name
-            slErrorMsg(
-                tr("Virhe!"),
-                tr("Ei pysty! Samalla nimellä '%1 %2' on olemassa jo henkilö!").
-                arg(selPerson.firstName).arg(selPerson.lastName));
-            return;
-        }
-        // Attempt to add a person
-        qint64 nid = dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->model_People->addPerson(selPerson);
-        if (nid < 0)
-        {
-            slErrorMsg(
-                tr("Virhe!"),
-                tr("Tietokannan käsittelyssä tapahtui virhe (#%1).").
-                arg(nid));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->updatePersonList();
-            dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->setActivePerson(nid);
-            dynamic_cast<SyntilistaMainWindow *>(parent())->focusDebtEdit();
-            statusMsg(tr("Lisättiin uusi henkilö '%1 %2'.").
-                arg(selPerson.firstName).arg(selPerson.lastName));
-        }
-    }
-    close();
-void EditPerson::on_edit_FirstName_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
-    (void) arg1;
-    validateForm();
-void EditPerson::on_edit_LastName_textChanged(const QString &arg1)
-    (void) arg1;
-    validateForm();
-void EditPerson::on_textedit_ExtraInfo_textChanged()
-    validateForm();
-void EditPerson::clearForm()
-    ui->edit_FirstName->clear();
-    ui->edit_LastName->clear();
-    ui->textedit_ExtraInfo->document()->clear();
-    ui->edit_FirstName->setFocus();
-// Set the person to be edited
-void EditPerson::setPerson(qint64 id)
-    selPerson.id = id;
-    if (id >= 0)
-    {
-        SLPersonInfo pinfo;
-        if (!slGetPersonInfo(id, pinfo))
-        {
-            statusMsg(tr("Virhe! Ei henkilöä ID:llä #%1").arg(id));
-            // Intentional fall-through below
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ui->edit_FirstName->setText(pinfo.firstName);
-            ui->edit_LastName->setText(pinfo.lastName);
-            ui->textedit_ExtraInfo->document()->setPlainText(pinfo.extraInfo);
-            ui->label_AddedValue->setText(slDateTimeToStr(pinfo.added));
-            QSqlQuery query;
-            query.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT id,value,added FROM transactions WHERE person=? ORDER BY added DESC"));
-            query.addBindValue(pinfo.id);
-            query.exec();
-            slCheckAndReportSQLError("SELECT transactions for tableview_Transactions", query.lastError());
-            model_Transactions->setQuery(query);
-            model_Transactions->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("ID"));
-            model_Transactions->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Summa"));
-            model_Transactions->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Aika"));
-            ui->tableview_Transactions->setModel(model_Transactions);
-            ui->tableview_Transactions->setColumnHidden(0, true);
-            return; // Ugly
-        }
-    }
-    // In case of id < 0 or errors ..
-    clearForm();
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setModel(NULL);
 // About window
 AboutWindow::AboutWindow(QWidget *parent) :
@@ -1614,63 +1368,3 @@
-// Global transactions list viewer
-ViewTransactions::ViewTransactions(QWidget *parent) :
-    QDialog(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::ViewTransactions)
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    slSetCommonStyleSheet(this);
-    setModal(true);
-    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-    show();
-    activateWindow();
-    raise();
-    setFocus();
-    model_Transactions = new SLTransactionSQLModel();
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setModel(model_Transactions);
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(ui->tableview_Transactions));
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false);
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch);
-    QSqlQuery query;
-    query.prepare(QStringLiteral(
-        "SELECT transactions.id,transactions.value,transactions.added,"
-        "people.last_name,people.first_name FROM transactions "
-        "LEFT JOIN people ON transactions.person=people.id ORDER BY transactions.added DESC"
-        ));
-    query.exec();
-    slCheckAndReportSQLError("SELECT transactions for tableview_Transactions", query.lastError());
-    model_Transactions->setQuery(query);
-    model_Transactions->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("ID"));
-    model_Transactions->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Summa"));
-    model_Transactions->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Aika"));
-    model_Transactions->setHeaderData(3, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Sukunimi"));
-    model_Transactions->setHeaderData(4, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Etunimi"));
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setModel(model_Transactions);
-    ui->tableview_Transactions->setColumnHidden(0, true);
-    delete ui;
-    delete model_Transactions;
-void ViewTransactions::on_button_Close_clicked()
-    close();