<bat>: Zin gives suspicious looks to everyone.

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     ```.;XX,                  BATMUD                 ,XX;,'''
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Amd (wanted): not very likely :D
(bat): Pyggins cheers enthusiastically.
Voi (wanted): gz all
Cordoba (bat): epileptic!
Zin <sales>: ^o^ BatMud 21st birthday auction is about to begin ^o^
Awed (bat): same age as me, bat is only 7 years older!
Nosunrise [bat]: !
(bat): Amd acks.
Zin <sales>: Currency this time will be: chest slots
Zin <sales>: Yes, thats right! If you have loads of empty chests, you are a strong bidder!
Zin <sales>: To help calculate the slots in chests in a room, you can ask a special device from Huggelo!
Zin <sales>: To get the device: tell huggelo calc
Zin <sales>: You must gather all the empty chests you are about to use as currency to a single room
(sales): Cordoba scratches his head.
Zin <sales>: Auction begins shortly, prepare!
[bat]: Dabie prod BATMUD
[bat]: Maraqita cheers enthusiastically.
(bat): Arno envies merchants.
Ulver (bat): oh yea, happybirthday batmud!!!
Div [sales]: wts chests
Nosunrise [wanted]: chests :)
Conquer (sales): 250 chest slots for sale
Dabie [bat]: so what kind of fun stuff happens on such a great day?
Cordoba (sales): hit me frank, we're waiting for it.
Zin <sales>: Ofc you will loose the chests.. so leave some for your gear
Nosunrise [sales]: how muc time do we have to gather them?
Ewige (sales): and do we have to gather before bidding?
Cordoba (sales): maybe not
Div [sales]: preferably not :P
Zin <sales>: no, you just have to have them in 1 room when you win
Ewige (sales): ok
Ewige (sales): i bid 200
Viitta [sales]: 5 slot chest, mb 1m
Dabie [sales]: l
Dabie [sales]: oops
Viitta [sales]: sold!
Div [sales]: o_O
Str (sales): sold
Dabie [sales]: meant to place my own sales
Viitta [sales]: too late, well you can prolly sell this for 2m
Dabie [sales]: 5 chests = 22slots, mb 500k :D
Dabie [sales]: and l(look) looks just like 1(one)
Zin <sales>: ^o^ BatMud 21st birthday auction is about to begin ^o^
Zin <sales>: Currency this time will be: chest slots
Zin <sales>: Yes, thats right! If you have loads of empty chests, you are a strong bidder!
Zin <sales>: To help calculate the slots in chests in a room, you can ask a special device from Huggelo!
Zin <sales>: To get the device: tell huggelo calc
Zin <sales>: You must gather all the empty chests you are about to use as currency to a single room
Zin <sales>: Ofc you will loose the chests.. so leave some for your gear
Zin <sales>: Auction begins shortly, prepare!
Blacksmith [sales]: is anyone going to offer more than 270?
Ewige (sales): my understanding is we dont have to empty out and pile up our chests till we win the bid?
Nosunrise [sales]: hope so, I gott put kids to sleep, dont have time to empty any chests now :)
Zin <sales>: no, I just made it so that it would be easier for you to calculate
Ewige (sales): ok
Zin <sales>: if you remember that you have 12345 slots to give away without checking, its ok
Pagar (sales): 1k on the crap ewige doesn't have room for in his chests
Div [sales]: :P
Ewige (sales): we can continue that auction if i win =S
Div [sales]: upcoming bidders, inquire for slots :P
Elwyk [sales]: hmm, there might be some sales here after this auction =)
Blacksmith [sales]: 276 + the ones with locks.
Cordoba (sales): oak stake mb 20k
Stranger [sales]: hmm. merchants will have few "hot chest construction" weeks after auction
Amd (sales): propably not, it's just one item for one player
Pyggins (sales): zin, will there be more than one item for sale?
Pagar (sales): unless all chests are converted to currency before the auction begins
Zin <sales>: only 1 item
Pyggins (sales): and will the item be shareable or bound to one character
Zin <sales>: several can use it, tho only winner has the name in creators
Pyggins (sales): thanks
Div [sales]: why cant it be claimable :P
Zin <sales>: perhaps 15 more minutes until we start to bidding
Conquer (sales): can you tell us what slot it is? :)
Conquer (sales): teasers!
Ewige (sales): gief colour!
Conquer (sales): and most importantly, what colour is it?
Dunlop [sales]: +weight!?
Ewige (sales): and notice thats coloUr
Div [sales]: pink?!
(sales): Arno AGREES with Conquer fully.
Arno (sales): I'm only going for purple.
Ewige (sales): green please
Blacksmith [sales]: Blue!
Conquer (sales): that zilvery glow stuff is so 2004!
Floppy (wanted): some ids
Exiler [wanted]: maybe some highbie want to 48 lvl ranger and 31 lvl mage for party? :)
Blayke {wanted}: mage/nun for valentina on sunday
Kawasa {sales}: so the person with 100 biggest chests win?
Kawasa {sales}: if 1 room can hold up only 100 chests
Endure [sales]: not much different from a person with most task points or most exp
Nosunrise [sales]: does my coffer count for 802400 slots?
Blayke {nightlife+}: i got 40 spaces...think that is gonna win???
{nightlife+}: Blayke has high hopes.
(nightlife+): Stargazer shakes her head and says 'Nope'.
{nightlife+}: Blayke looks very sad.
Hair [nightlife+]: shit in one hand and hope in the other, squeeze both and see what you find :D
Kohothegreat {nightlife+}: time to dump nl chests
Blayke {nightlife+}: :D
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: how long that valentina shit is going to take?
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: 6h+?
Euno [nightlife+]: with good luck 9 hours, bad luck ~18
Blayke {nightlife+}: im not taking you. sorry bsmith. and yes.
Snooki (nightlife+): thats racist!
Zin <sales>: ^o^ BatMud 21st birthday auction is about to begin ^o^
Zin <sales>: Currency this time will be: chest slots
Zin <sales>: Yes, thats right! If you have loads of empty chests, you are a strong bidder!
Zin <sales>: To help calculate the slots in chests in a room, you can ask a special device from Huggelo!
Zin <sales>: To get the device: tell huggelo calc
Zin <sales>: You must gather all the empty chests you are about to use as currency to a single room
Zin <sales>: Ofc you will loose the chests.. so leave some for your gear
Zin <sales>: Auction begins shortly, prepare!
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: its ok, i am used to it.
Pyggins (nightlife+): awww
Ozir [wanted]: party for tarma
Arno (bat): In case anyone's interested, there seems to be a new batch of birthday tps scattered around.
<bat>: Tarken gives Moss a sound spanking.
Zin <sales>: if we have chest cap in rooms .. well spread them in several rooms then!
Morpher [sales]: are you changing the rules :/
Juggelo <sales>: lasttell zin jessus :)
Juggelo <sales>: nnhh..
(sales): Didan claps at Juggelo.
Zin <sales>: lets get this show on the road .. if you need to sell stuff, dont use sales, use wanted or something else, sales is mine untill the auction ends!
Pils [sales]: why always eq competition for highbies?
Blacksmith [sales]: use bat!
Zin <sales>: you can win as newbie .. if you have lot of chests
Zin <sales>: something, MB: 1 slot
Larppa (sales): 1 slot! \8D/
Gerblain [sales]: 2 slots
Tyril (sales): 5slot
Beliah (sales): there seems to be lag from lot of chest handling
Dornier [sales]: 50 slots!
Ewige (sales): 200
Conquer (sales): 500 slots
Belse (sales): say 1 sabre pojo
Ewige (sales): 550
Belse (sales): say mur en enaan ikina pista tata paska kanavaa paalle
Shar (sales): 600
Ewige (sales): 658
Shar (sales): 666
Nosunrise [sales]: \o/
Str (sales): this should be lottery type.. everyone puts their slots in game, everyone loses their chests and winner is drawn like in lottery
Croesus [bat]: these item auctions to be lottery-share based so everyone would have a change :)
Gore <sales>: whatever it is, we guarantee that Freld will not be allowed to tune it.
Hair [sales]: 668
Didan (sales): :D
[sales]: Ggr gasps at Gore.
Cyberman <sales>: Because the prize is Freld itself!
Blacksmith [bat]: [20:35]:Zin <sales> you can win as newbie .. if you have lot of chests *four bids later* [20:35]:Ewige (sales): 200
Kohothegreat {sales}: must be those weight scrolls then
Ggr [sales]: I bet it's been coded by Freld to begin with!
Freld <sales>: wat
Blayke {sales}: do scroll cabinets count btw?
Durtle {sales}: 700
Blacksmith [bat]: Not much of newbie chacnes there!
Zin <sales>: It is a shield 700 slots X1
Shar (sales): 710
Durtle {sales}: 800
Tarken <sales>: Blayke, don't be silly!
Shar (sales): 810
[sales]: Blacksmith agrees with Str fully.
Durtle {sales}: 900
Blacksmith [bat]: Besides, lottery kind of thingy would leech more chests out of the game than bidding.
Zin <sales>: It is a very big shield 900 slots X1
Blayke {sales}: can you give me like 3 -4 mins
Dabie [bat]: might be a good time to go merch and start making chests!
Zin <sales>: I am sure this will go on for some time .. =)
Ewige (sales): 901
Cyberman <sales>: Yeah, don't blow all your bullets in the first round :)
Blacksmith [sales]: if asked, can the item have multiple (creator) names i.o. can i pool up with my friend?
Durtle {sales}: 950
Shmuzin {bat}: i can feel nightlife chests being dumped right now..:)
Blayke {bat}: no
Pyggins (bat): :(
Blayke {bat}: im stealing pyggins' crap
Cyberman <bat>: Yes, all the eq is in the floor, I just saw
Zin <sales>: The shield is indestructible
Tonto (bat): hmm merchant reinc could be profitable now :D
Zin <sales>: .. so the name is just for fancies, only the winner gets the name on it
Ewige (sales): stealable by robin or mc's?
Kohothegreat {sales}: is it old aegis?
Shmuzin {bat}: only until sale is over, next sale will have different currency
Wicksius (sales): haha koho :D
Tarken <sales>: Oh damn, this is a nice shield. I can't believe they're gonna get it for only 900 slots...
Zin <sales>: The shield is mostly made from sapphire 950slots X1
Shar (sales): 951
Jo [bat]: for sale: chest slots 200k each
Cyberman <sales>: hehe,tell zin hope they don't get mad with that silly Zyll shield...
Savu (bat): hi ho expleecher... and there goes 50k
Durtle {sales}: 952
Cyberman <sales>: oops
Shmuzin {bat}: WHEE
Div [bat]: chest slots for sale/trade :)
Voi (bat): no linefeed sniff
Darkahven [bat]: 2 7 slot chests mb 2m
Shar (sales): 953
Durtle {sales}: 1000
Zin <sales>: the shield is worth 1 zinium 1000 X1
Cyberman <sales>: haha
Tarken <sales>: Ah, so it's worth about as much as an American dollar? :D
Cyberman <sales>: At least is not make of Tarkenium
Amd (sales): no, slovenian tolar
Gore <sales>: 10 zinium = 1 mowgles.
<sales>: Tarken nods at Cyberman.
Blacksmith [sales]: Tarkenium is worthless as it is botted.
Tarken <sales>: Tarkenium is about as rare as Berhshire-Hathaway stock.
Redux [sales]: OOo... What's the currency?
Zin <sales>: no need to hurry with the gathering, the tool was mostly meant for your ease
Shar (sales): 1050
Zin <sales>: and once the sale is complete I can wait for some hours for you to donate all your stuff to damogran =)
Durtle {sales}: bore shar using others' chests :)
Amd (sales): its totally legal!
Durtle {sales}: sure
Durtle {sales}: 1100
Redux [wanted]: free birthday tp so I can play TP lotto.
Zin <sales>: This shield is for a cunning warrior or a legendary defender 1100 X1
Shar (sales): 1110
Juggelo <bat>: 1.1k is ridiculously cheap.
<bat>: Tarken agrees fully.
Tarken <bat>: I heard if you raid the pcity nightfall, Serra and Glacius have lots of chest space.
Gorge [bat]: lol, i cant belive u guys used chest space as curancy
Tugmeno [sales]: and next you are telling us it for the head slot?
Hair [sales]: codpiece slot!
Stranger [bat]: 1100/12=91 chest= 54m ?
Didan (sales): Shield of dreams
Cyberman <bat>: I have cities full of rooms full of chests. If anyone wants.
Gorge [sales]: does it compile?
Pils [sales]: chest 11-12 slotters
Viitta [sales]: maybe its the old big ass star shape shield that hitted harder then any weapon
Blayke {sales}: ill double check :D
Juggelo <sales>: Better.
Cyberman <sales>: haha... shield of dreams
Tarken <sales>: wet dreams?
Cyberman <sales>: Don't think people would pay 1m for it :P
Zin <sales>: One corner of the shield has a small golden ^o^ 1110 X1
Dakir (bat): free pcity? yes please. :)
Gorge [sales]: can u use as a chest?
Crx [sales]: pcity for sale
Viitta [sales]: i remember when rada had star shaped shield in right and weap in left someone asked him why is it so and he said he is left handed
Pils [sales]: 8x11 slotter and 3 x 12 slotter
Blayke {sales}: 1120
Durtle {sales}: 1150
Blayke {sales}: 1160
Durtle {sales}: 1200
Freld <nightlife+>: someone call sprite! she overbids you all!
Gorge [nightlife+]: probly, or dryad
Gorge [nightlife+]: do 100x12 slotter is pretty steep
Blayke {sales}: just a sec
Blayke {sales}: 1200
Tarken <nightlife+>: I should. It would really change her seagull-slaying activities.
Blayke {sales}: 1210
Cyberman <sales>: You cheap ass Blayke.
Durtle {sales}: 1250
Gorge [nightlife+]: umm she has half the mud on ignore, she probly wont see any counter bids:D
Blayke {sales}: 1260
Tarken <nightlife+>: She wouldn't bid, none of that chest space is even empty :D
Shar (sales): 1300
Blayke {sales}: 1310
Gorge [nightlife+]: those 1 slotters count!
Tyril (nightlife+): she probably has single plants in chests :P
<nightlife+>: Tarken nods at Gorge.
Cordoba (sales): so let me this clear, guys are bidding in empty chest slots?
Tyril (nightlife+): (to keep robbers from stealing)
Div [sales]: of course
Gorge [nightlife+]: do putting more than 20 chests in single room tends to end badly
Zin <sales>: the best shield in game 1310 X1
Matriam (bat): taking offers of on 200slots
Blayke {sales}: i will need some time to get the spots open
Dvough [sales]: how long is the term of payment, immediate?
Shar (sales): 1320
Blayke {sales}: 1330
Tugmeno [sales]: does that shield also requiers 1300 slots to store it?
Gorge [sales]: lol
Tugmeno [sales]: maybe split it in parts and chest it
[sales]: Gorge says 'Riiiiight' in a sarcastic manner.
Pyggins (sales): lego shield
Amd (sales): Can I bid with nl+ chests too?
(sales): Amd prods Blayke like a stray cow.
{sales}: Blayke waves his hands at Amd, saying 'shoo, shoo!'.
Chamber [wanted]: reinc for yorkaturr!
Zin <sales>: the frame of the shield is made from adamantium 1330 X1
Shar (sales): 1337
Str (sales): I hope it's a shield that has +10 double mine and nothing else
Gore <sales>: Shar unlocks the magic 'leet' box of the bidding game and wins a taskpoint.
Blayke {sales}: i need some time to check a few things
Tugmeno [sales]: nah.. merchants are already benifit enough from it
Zin <sales>: the colour of the shield is .. blue 1337 X1
Cyberman <sales>: BLUE?!?!?!?!?
Conquer (sales): such an ugly colour
Blacksmith [sales]: BLUEEEEE \o/
Kohothegreat {sales}: yeah why not zilvery
Redux [sales]: only gheys and sailors like blue.
Blayke {sales}: give me like 3 mins to see if i can do some fast math here
Tarken <sales>: I've seen you do math, it breaks some mathematical laws.
Luca [wanted]: 1tp
Blayke {sales}: jesus, guuuh this is a TERRIBLE idea
Ulver (wanted): to sell 2x 2red gem compass offer something
Tarken <sales>: 4+4=12
Blayke {sales}: 1340
Juggelo <bat>: Uhhuh, so cheap.
Conquer (sales): whine whine whine
Juggelo <bat>: Anything under 2k is ridiculous for THAT shield.
Luca [wanted]: alb! 1tp
Shar (sales): 1350
Zin <sales>: this shield was not created, it has always existed 1350 X1
Cyberman <sales>: Blayke is calculating how much nl+ eq he can carry until he buys more chess.
Blayke {sales}: laugh
Blayke {sales}: 1360
Durtle {wanted}: chests
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: wonder what blake would pay for 200 chests.
Merc (sales): 11slotter mb500k
Gorge [sales]: the immovable object?
Blayke {sales}: ill be buying chests soon :D
Viitta [sales]: Shield of Dreams <red glow> ? =)
Blayke {sales}: after this is over at least!
Tugmeno [sales]: well.. in base 6 that is possible
Voi (bat): mayby if had ability to clone chests :D
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: slots that is.
Blayke {sales}: or well, a bucnha people prolly will :D
Pagar (nightlife+): what are you buying slots for blayke?
Tugmeno [sales]: @Tarken
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: Zin's wiz sales uses chest slots as currency.
Zin <sales>: big, blue shield of awesomeness 1360 X1
Shar (sales): 1370
Pagar (nightlife+): I'm aware of what's going on, I'm looking for the gold number he is willing to spend on 1 chest slot
Croesus [sales]: slast
Blayke {sales}: 1380
Merc (sales): if someone needs chests i have maybe 20 slots to sell!
Beliah (sales): I would buy it just for the short desc..
Nuane (sales): i hope that's the actual shortdesc :)
Div [bat]: 80 slots for sale/trade to something nice, trade after sales auction is finished :P
Pyggins (sales): with what they're paying, they should be able to name it
Viitta [sales]: thats only like 40m so far
Cyberman <sales>: CHEAP
Blacksmith [sales]: well where you think the equs in those chests are going?
Div [sales]: each (large) skeleton is 40-55k + the time+materials wasted+fumbled on them! :P
Cyberman <sales>: You won't see a chest like this anytime soon.
Shar (sales): 1400
Blayke {sales}: 1410
Zin <sales>: the shield is shaped as a diamond 1410 X1
Shar (sales): 1415
Blayke {sales}: 1420
Shar (sales): 1450
Blayke {sales}: 1460
Shar (sales): 1500
Beliah (sales): 11 slotter 500k
Stargazer (bat): it's truly hilarious that sale :P
Blayke {sales}: 1550
Redux [bat]: It's like really? You've got that many chests?
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna, legendary shield of Aeo (glowing) <red glow> 1550 X1
Elwyk [bat]: so... 155 * 10 slotters.. do you merchants have enough to storage to cover this?
Hair [bat]: its called "calling in favors from friends" also
Cyberman <bat>: No only they have the slots, they must have them free. :)
Redux [bat]: Lies. Blayke doesnt have any friends.
Blacksmith [bat]: seems i am not either ones friend :-/
Stargazer (bat): some merchants do have really many chests
Redux [bat]: Have you seen his facebook page? It's empty.
Tarken <bat>: Hmm
Ulver (bat): well just toss a couple chestfuls of some crappy asmo rings or such to damogran to get empty chests
Div [bat]: too bad sprite isnt on
Blacksmith [bat]: He got accepted in facebook? i tought it had face limit.
Stargazer (bat): or dryad
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: No favor askings?
Titus (sales): broker titus
Gorge [nightlife+]: wow he not asking for chest yet, how odd!
Floppy (wanted): couple of id's please
Elwyk [wanted]: fw's for me
Daerid (wanted): red compasses, kiti bracelet, green death, myname krafti/deep green trident/reaver-axe
Zin <sales>: As strange as it seems, the shield combines the magic of Aveallis, Lumine and Draen-Dalar 1550 X1.5
Voi (wanted): wts broker voi
Shar (sales): 1555
Blayke {sales}: 1560
Raudan (wanted): 800k in anipium
Linux [wanted]: party for 2xtarma
Blayke {sales}: goddamit, im gonna lose half my eq
Blayke {sales}: no more like 90% :D
Elwyk [bat]: this shield is first step for some weird guild combinations!
Cyberman <sales>: Guess that newbie wharehouse in Arelyum where you can chest eq is going to be used today :)
Daerid (sales): what are the units that are being bid? tps?
Euno [sales]: chest slots
Cordoba (wanted): sum in laenor
Cordoba (wanted): got
Zin <sales>: 1560 slots for Lux Aeterna. X1
Div [bat]: newbies be ready, lots of stuff coming to damogran (I've heard) :P
Cyberman <sales>: Blayke is recruiting newbies to carry his chest-less eq until he can buy some chest space!
Shar (sales): 1600
Mallarch (nightlife+): im just curious how many slots nl+ chests have? :p
Blayke {nightlife+}: 0 atm (kidding)
Mallarch (nightlife+): (laugh)
Amd (nightlife+): its like 1/3 of blaykes bid
Arno (bat): Start up the statistics machine on how much eq will be saved in character inventories next boot :)
Amd (nightlife+): :D
(bat): Pyggins cackles gleefully.
Stargazer (bat): haha :D
Viitta [bat]: blayke's? =P
Gorge [bat]: ROLF
Viitta [bat]: it's shars now
Kohothegreat {nightlife+}: all in
Jantsu [wanted]: A bright blue stone
Zin <bat>: should we get birthday heat echo to the mix!
Zin <bat>: heart!
Darkahven [bat]: info: if you have some nl+ eq in pool you might want to get it now? :o
Kohothegreat {bat}: ues
Gorge [bat]: we had one today:D
Stargazer (bat): yes, please
{bat}: Blayke agrees fully.
Stargazer (bat): we already had two but we can still handle more
Blayke {bat}: thats my emergency backup!
[bat]: Elwyk is waiting for the pink feminish thang
Ulver (bat): happy 21st birthday batmud!
Zin <sales>: Lux 1600 slots X1
Arno (bat): I need more <3 !
Blayke {sales}: 1610
Elwyk [bat]: happy birthday!
Mallarch (bat): 21x batmud heart
[bat]: Elwyk shouts enthusiastically and screams 'WHEE!'.
Arno (bat): Yayy!
Blacksmith [bat]: sweet, mebeb i get m yequ out now \o/
[bat]: Ggr shouts enthusiastically and screams 'WHEE!'.
Jillian [bat]: whoots
[bat]: Fenster shuffles up to the board and starts cranking out some serious equations that threaten all of space and time.
[bat]: Maraqita goes 'Yay!'.
Elwyk [bat]: WE NEED MORE WINE (wait a secon i have more!)
Crymia [bat]: best game ever!
Nosunrise [bat]: anyone here younger than batmud? :)
Blacksmith [bat]: Hah!
Voi (bat): i'm 2y
Stargazer (bat): i almost wish i was younger than batmud
Tugmeno [bat]: yes..
Blayke {wanted}: gnn shar buying all the chests from cubes :D
Blacksmith [bat]: Oikeesti?!
Zin <sales>: Legendary shield, 1610 chest slots X1
Tugmeno [bat]: not much, but yes, I am younger than batmud
Elwyk [bat]: damn this game... after two years of brake im almost feeling like i have a party in my house and theres only people sleeping two levels higher
Shar (sales): 1666
Elwyk [bat]: pretty damn good game, gotta admit =)
{sales}: Kohothegreat waits for Gore.
<bat>: Juggelo chuckles politely at Tugmeno.
Resin (nightlife+): i will donate 10 chests to blayke for shard
Juggelo <nightlife+>: fair deal.
Voi (bat): mayby gore passed out already :D
Blayke {nightlife+}: that shard is a piece of shit :D
Tyril (nightlife+): yay, nothing like resin fumbling area spells
Gore <bat>: woot
Tarken <nightlife+>: So you won't mind!
Resin (nightlife+): sold then?!
Snooki (nightlife+): im donating 300 slots and havent been offered shit!
Snooki (nightlife+): not even smush smush!
Gore <bat>: that's not a magic bid!
Blayke {nightlife+}: i give you smush smush
Resin (nightlife+): give him a lil milkshake...he'll be fine
Blacksmith [bat]: :-O
Zin <sales>: As strange as it seems, the shield combines the magic of Aveallis, Lumine and Draen-Dalar 1666 X1
Blayke {sales}: 1670
Shar (sales): 1685
Blayke {sales}: 1700
Arno (bat): Shar bids with more balls than Blayke!
Arno (bat): Well 'cept that last one.
Gore <bat>: we're getting close to a magic bid
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna, legendary shield of Aeo (glowing) <red glow> 1700 X1
Elwyk [bat]: 2k and shield attributes doubled? =)
Tyril (bat): the year batmud began?
Stargazer (bat): 2.1k?
Elwyk [bat]: ah =)
Pagan (bat): 75
Shar (sales): 1710
Kohothegreat {nightlife+}: i can take item 3503 from soviet union chests!
Blayke {sales}: 1725
Shar (sales): 1750
Blayke {sales}: 1760
Akallabeth (wanted): party for tarma
Elwyk [bat]: there could be a rule that which one hits birth year fist, wins... thought that would be too cruel
Linux [wanted]: party for tarma
Luca [wanted]: tp ^^
Lyriikka (bat): first 2000 gets it?
Zin <sales>: 1760 X1
Stargazer (bat): first 2.1k i'd bet ;)
Dornier [bat]: bah, first 5k!
Blacksmith [wanted]: 9 friends that are willing to pool up for zin's shield (200 slots buy in)
Shar (sales): 1770
Milk (wanted): are you looking for friends, or slots?
Blayke {sales}: 1785
Xecco [sales]: 9+10 weenite slotter mb 750k
Kragan (wanted): summon on lucent pls
Dabie [wanted]: so are all the slot being posted on sales going to go poof or what?
Voi (wanted): buy in might be too low soon, before you get even first 2
Blacksmith [wanted]: well friends would be nice :-)
Daerid (wanted): red compasses, kiti bracelet, green death, myname krafti/deep green trident/reaver-axe
Zin <sales>: 1785 X1
Xecco [sales]: sold
Shar (sales): 1800
Kragan (wanted): got thanks
Blayke {sales}: 1810
Darkahven [wanted]: couple repairs
Conquer (sales): more info on the shield!
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna 1810 X1
Shar (sales): 1820
Blayke {sales}: 1830
Mallarch (wanted): 160x 12 slotters, offer by tell
Zin <sales>: 1830 X1
Croesus [wanted]: tank for some regain
Blayke {sales}: buying chests
Blayke {sales}: at reasonable rates
Shar (sales): 1900
Blayke {sales}: 1950
Ewige (wanted): remove blayke for talking on sales during zin's auction!
Voi (wanted): supported :D
Zin <sales>: 1950 X1
Amd (wanted): someone has to pump up the price, even if he doesn't have the "slots" he bids
Shar (sales): 2000
Elwyk [wanted]: i was just thinking to bid but blaykes spamming got me off the track
Blacksmith [sales]: 1990!
Blayke {sales}: 2010
Blacksmith [bat]: magic numbeeeeer!
Blayke {sales}: 2011 even :D
Sarmangoth {sales}: 70 slot mb 5m
Gore <bat>: 2011 is a magic number!
{bat}: Kohothegreat waits for Gore.
Voi (bat): so 2100 is magical number for 21th bday?
<bat>: Tarken cheers enthusiastically.
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna, legendary shield of Aeo (glowing) <red glow> 2011 X1
Mallarch (bat): give everyone 1 free tp so everyone can join the lottery :p
Kohothegreat {bat}: is 2012 next one?
Redux [bat]: i second that.
Blacksmith [bat]: for note, i also bidded 42 slots! thats _the_ magic number!
Elwyk [bat]: is this it?
Gore <bat>: they missed 1892 and 1990 on the way :(
Ahvensurma [bat]: go and pick one from areas
Elwyk [bat]: 2011?
Panthos (wanted): exprep for off
Stargazer (bat): hmm 1892?
Warmonger [sales]: 3x9slot mb 1.5m
Blacksmith [bat]: 1892?
Shar (sales): 2020
Gore <bat>: the year Tolkien was born.
(bat): Stargazer says 'Oh', with a blank look on her face.
Blayke {sales}: 2030
Blacksmith [bat]: no joooo!
Kohothegreat {wanted}: sprite online
Zin <sales>: 2030 X1
(wanted): Didan agrees with Kohothegreat fully.
Shar (sales): 2040
Blayke {sales}: 2050
Halle (wanted): a tp
Redux [wanted]: 1 tp
Zin <sales>: 2050 X1
Shar (sales): 2100
Elwyk [bat]: so, blayke/shar. I need to def one eq monsie today (not sure if dests) so can i mebbe borrow that shield. Sounds just like what i need because i suck so much otherwise.
Blayke {sales}: hrm i need a vew mins
Blayke {sales}: few even
Conquer (sales): work is calling?
Zin <sales>: that is perfec because I need another cider
Gore <sales>: he is off to Ikea to buy more chests
Mallarch (sales): ikea, we deliver your swedish crap
Stargazer (sales): btw you've to assemble those chests by yourself, zin and gore!
[sales]: Blacksmith goes 'Ouch, that REALLY hurt!'.
Hair [sales]: Ikea chests?
Zerks (nightlife+): Who ready to chest 3 pool items INTO nl chests?!
{nightlife+}: Kawasa cackles gleefully.
Kawasa {nightlife+}: what nl chests? :D
Gerblain [sales]: blayke reincing to merchant?
Mallarch (nightlife+): :D
Tarken <nightlife+>: what nl chests?
Crymia [sales]: _D
Mallarch (nightlife+): some gm avail? :o
Zerks (nightlife+): They arent poof before "Sold!" given!
Blayke {sales}: 2110
Viitta [sales]: 2 more mighta been magic
Zin <sales>: 2110 X1
Mallarch (nightlife+): i bet nl+ garage sale coming soon
Blayke {bat}: COLLECT YOUR NL+ EQ NOW!
Blacksmith [wanted]: to know number of people who is supporting shar/blayke. Just number so one can see how wide the sale is mobilaizing people.
Tikku [nightlife+]: :D
Blacksmith [bat]: Fine. Giev.
Shar (sales): 2120
Kohothegreat {bat}: yeah giev
Dabie [bat]: gimmie invite
Blayke {sales}: 2140
Viitta [wanted]: does buying items for chests count as supporting?
Hair [bat]: 2112 would have been the magic number if zebell, not zin, had been running this sale
Tugmeno [bat]: Blayke and Shar, who do they represent?
Mackakkonen [wanted]: tigra wands
Gerblain [bat]: USA and Finland
Zin <sales>: 2140 X1
Shar (sales): 2150
Blayke {sales}: 2160
Tugmeno [bat]: ah ok
Blacksmith [wanted]: more like who is giving chests slots as a favor, not for money.
[wanted]: Alder licks his lips.
Twat [wanted]: to know what is being sold right now and are those tps that they're bidding?
Tulkas {bat}: F**land F**land sheesh, whats with all the frea*ing talk here about this F**land place? =)
Blacksmith [wanted]: because, they got tsiljons of cash, but who is calling in more favors.
Zin <sales>: 2160 X1
Elwyk [bat]: but wait, i can see vaguely someone has counted the chests... and he's about unveil the amount...
Stargazer (bat): funland!
Hair [wanted]: some ubershield, and its chest slots
Gerblain [bat]: it is a fine land
Shar (sales): 2170
Stargazer (bat): or fundland
Elwyk [bat]: just fine =(
Blayke {sales}: i need a bit of time to figure some stuff
Elwyk [bat]: i would give AWESOMEland any moment
Voi (bat): F**land all the ladies you can eat!
Arno (sales): No, she doesn't love you.
Zin <sales>: 2170 X1
Croesus [wanted]: good align tank for some expy
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: actually, could i get that hbm already?
Blayke {sales}: 2180
Blacksmith [nightlife+]: been waiting forthat deliver for 9 months now
Shar (sales): 2200
Mallarch (nightlife+): "i suck your dick for 100 slots maaaan" :o
Zin <sales>: 2200 X1
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna, legendary shield of Aeo (glowing) <red glow> first 2777 gets it
Blayke {sales}: few mins, gotta see if i can scrounge anymore
Malos (wanted): wts: 100 slots mb 10m
Shar (sales): 2777
Mallarch (sales): boom
Blacksmith [bat]: magiiiic?!
Zin <sales>: SOLD!
<sales>: Juggelo snaps his fingers.
Pyggins (sales): headshot
Mallarch (sales): congrats
Viitta [sales]: magic number
Blacksmith [sales]: häh
Blayke {sales}: i cant go that high anyways :D
Tyril (sales): wow.. i never thought i'd hear blayke say "i can't get that high"
Zin <sales>: Lux Aeterna, legendary shield of Aeo (glowing) <red glow> SOLD for 2777 chest slots
Arno (bat): Oh you had a magic number:)
[sales]: Elwyk is astounished
(sales): Str gasps in astonishment.
Awed (sales): so, it's civmage wield?
Zin <sales>: the sale is over, thank you for participating =)
Blacksmith [sales]: could we get a umm log abotu this chest haording :-D
Tarken <sales>: But Tyril, that's what we heard him say in the hotel room that time we got him a hooker.
Blayke {sales}: sadface

The BatMud Lottery Commission is now offering a BRAND NEW game of
chance! You can now win task points by buying shares!
Think of all the boons you can take if you win the JACKPOT!!
Visit your local lottery office for your chance to win in this new game!!
The current jackpot is already almost 230 task points!!!
The drawing will be held in 4 minutes.

Blacksmith [nightlife+]: Sure you could have made it. I solely could have made 200 chests to the pool.
Tikku [sales]: broker tikku
Mallarch (nightlife+): so how many chest slots do you actually have blayke? :o
Hair [nightlife+]: Info: Blayke goes link dead.
Tyril (nightlife+): he had 598 :P
Tarken <nightlife+>: ahahahaha
Mallarch (nightlife+): muah
Tyril (nightlife+): just wanted to make shar pay more
Tyril (nightlife+): (that is a joke. i honestly dont have a clue)
Amd (nightlife+): propably few hundred chests atleast in his castle, dunno :)
Croesus [wanted]: good aligned tank, hop!
Conquer (sales): shar do you want reinc pendant too now?

General Info:
A celestial event has occurred in tandem to the sale of Divine Equipment, resulting in a considerable decrease of an adventurous wizard's rank. All hail the codeslave Moss.

[bat]: Dabie goes huh? looking like he didn't quite get it.
Sumendar [bat]: i smell a lost bid :)
<bat>: Juggelo cackles gleefully at Sumendar.
Redux [bat]: Someone cheated.
Tikku [sales]: reincs
Blacksmith [bat]: *lol*!
Moss <bat>: so unfair
Sumendar [bat]: lost bet, that is
Tarken <bat>: I'm happy I didn't bid now either :D
Blacksmith [bat]: So thta resolves the problem with need fo coders.
Nosunrise [bat]: wut happen?

Latest inform messages:
Thu Mar 03 20:20:40 2011 [general] by Amarth
Batclient v1.97 Changelog updated with the correct one in the previous URL http://www.bat.org/u/KsR

Mon Mar 07 23:12:48 2011 [general] by Favorit
DutchCon mini-info. Due to some wee^H^H^Htulips-powered glitch in time-space continuum, the Flying Dutchman didn't have a successful take off. I checked the engines, sails and stoves and it's now up in the air and should stay there. Go register!

Tue Mar 08 23:29:58 2011 [general] by Juggelo
Lo and behold! Through an arduous trial by fire, the industrious Wizling known as Freld has proven itself of worthy of the Robes of a true Warlock. Congratulate him, for this truly is no feat to be ignored!

Mon Mar 14 05:47:12 2011 [general] by Tarken
The BatMUD Development team is performing a satisfaction survey. Your input is very important to us. If you have a spare 20 minutes or so, login to the bat.org website and take the survey at http://www.bat.org/community/survey

Wed Mar 16 19:12:44 2011 [general] by Favorit
DutchCon is under threat of being a very empty and lonely event. Sign up! tell flying-dutchman info

Sat Apr 02 21:38:02 2011 [general] by Tarken
There will be a brief ship lockdown after Monday's reboot to address some ship maintenance issues. It it expected to last no longer than an hour. During this time, you will not be able to summon your ship. Ferries will, however, remain in service.

Wed Apr 13 18:02:19 2011 [general] by Zin
In celebration of BatMUDs 21st birthday. A rare item will be auctioned 20.00 EET 14.4 2011. Currency announced before the sale.

Thu Apr 14 21:43:12 2011 [general] by Juggelo
A celestial event has occurred in tandem to the sale of Divine Equipment, resulting in a considerable decrease of an adventurous wizard's rank. All hail the codeslave Moss.

Moss Beaumont is a level 21 immortal.
He was created before 1997 and he is 1y, 240d, 7h, 6min and 44s old.
He has been on for 2min and 46s, idle 33s.
He forwards mail to another account.
He has killed: Leo the Archmummy (undead), 36107 exp
Gou'ljeg, a huge, ancient beholder, 1490065 exp (party of 9)
This player has a blog - last modified 1y, 329d, 10h, 42min and 59s ago.
> The Guild of Riftwalkers [##########################..........]
Nosunrise [bat]: wut happen?

The Moment Has Arrived! The Big Jackpot Drawing For:
NASU's TASK POINT LOTTERY has been completed!!
And the Winner is: Mallarch!!!!!

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