Is GgrTF for Me?

It is impossible to tell for certain, really. If you are averse of doing some digging of your own, or adjusting some trigger code, it may not be. GgrTF is meant to work as a "platform" and a base, not as a complete bells and whistles-type solution. In the end, you may have just to give it a try.

When I started working on GgrTF, I was just "scratching an itch", and that itch still continues, though few others have joined my efforts on scratching. During the two years I have been developing GgrTF, most of that time I've been scratching my own back, doing stuff mostly for myself. Thus, if you like the design decisions and features I like, play the same guilds as I (though some guilds which I haven't ever touched are supported through efforts of other developers) it is likely that you will like GgrTF.

Also GgrTF is not all that well documented (although that is one thing we are trying remedy) and requires basic knowledge of how TinyFugue and its macro language works. As such GgrTF is not a ready out-of-the-box experience for some users and never will be. However, if you are able to crank it up and working, and are content with what is readily offered, then it might be something for you.

All in all, GgrTF might be something for you, especially if you like things the way I like them. But on the other hand GgrTF might not be for you, and there are several alternatives out there for those who do not find it satisfactory. Below I have tried to list some pros and cons of using GgrTF.