PSS-mangler (

This module provides support for filtering the output of pss (party status short) -command. It captures the status and prettyprints it out as a 3x3 table (as 9-man party formation) with player names and their status information in compact format.

The HP/SP/EP values are coloured in accordance to what percentage the player currently has of his maximum. Additionally varying colouring of player's name is used to indicate possible states of rest, unconsciousness, stun, formation, etc..

There is also an number indicator for number of rescuers when in stunned or unconscious state, but this is normally hidden. It appears on the left side of player's name, when available.

This module hooks to GgrTF's autopss-functionality (toggleable with /autopss option). A normally issued 'pss' command does not trigger the mangling functionality, but you can use /pss macro or bind that to 'pss'. (See Bindings-section for more information.)

Typical first row

Typical output of PSS-mangler in a party with first row filled. Toivo and Jeskko are near their maximum hp/sp/ep, but Ggr has taken some damage (yellow HP) and is almost out of endurance points (red EP).


In this screenshot example, Jeskko has become stunned (his name is coloured in bright red). Also, Jeskko has lost some hitpoints (dark green HP) and has only moderate amount of endurance left (light yellow EP). (No Jeskkos were actually harmed in producing this simulated situation.)


This screenshot shows how Toivo has taken some serious damage from a blast to the backrow, and has become unconscious. White on bright red background is used to highlight a unconscious player's name, hopefully catching your attention.

HP/SP/EP colours

List of possible indicator colours and their meanings. Colours described here may deviate from what you actually see due to differences in terminal emulation programs and settings.

Table 4.13. List of HP/SP/EP indicator colours

Colour Background Explanation
Bright White Bright Red Negative value (x < 0)
Bright Red - Less than 16% of max
Red (dark) - Less than 33% of max
Yellow (dark) - Less than 49% of max
Bright Yellow - Less than 66% of max
Green (dark) - Less than 85% of max
Bright Green - More than 85% of max

Player name colours

List of possible name colours and their meanings. Colours described here may deviate from what you actually see due to differences in terminal emulation programs and settings.

Table 4.14. List of possible player name lite colours

Colour Background State description
Bright White - Normal
Bright Black - Idle
Bright White Bright Red Unconscious (unc)
Bright Red - Stunned (stun)
Magenta - In form (form), or member (mbr)
Cyan - Resting/camping/meditating (rest)
Bright White Blue "Glaced" (NPC special)

Macro commands

<> = required argument, [] = optional argument

Table 4.15. Macro commands

Command Description
/prettypss Toggle 'pss' output mangling/prettifying. If set off, normal plain 'pss' output is passed through unfiltered.
/pss Show party status.
/autopss Toggle automatic party status reporting. (Defined elsewhere)
/fullparty If enabled, mangled output always shows full 3x3 party formation, even if all rows aren't filled. When disabled, only the first used rows are shown.
/diffpss Shows diff-values of hp/sp/ep if enabled.