Identify output beautifier (

Provides a simpler and more readable view of 'identify' spell's output. Not all information can be caught gracefully, however, and thus you should refer to the raw output for details such as "tales" and other special information.

The module also supports merchant belt's 'weigh' command for catching the item's weight, if the belt is worn and /havebelt setting of the merchant module is enabled.

Example of output:

+-| General |----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Item....: a pair of stylish blue breeches                                  |
| Name....: blue breeches                                                    |
| Handles.: 'breeches', 'stylish blue breeches', 'silk breeches' and         |
|           'pants'                                                          |
| Names...: Molotov, Belse and Ekkivekki                                     |
| Slots...: leg and leg                                                      |
| Material: silk                                                             |
| In game.: 2y, 104d, 16h, 13min and 58s   | Condition: great                |
| Size....: somewhat small                 | Maxcond..: AWESOME              |
| Worth...: 8851                           | Quality..: superb               |
| Weight..: almost weightless              | Weight/kg: 0.050                |
+-| Stats |------------------------------------------------------------------+
| insignificantly improve your wis                                           |
+-| Misc |-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Worn....: Ekkivekki for 48d, 17h, 13min and 9s, Prince charming for 2h,    |
|           5min and 44s and Slobber for 157d, 14h, 48min and 52s            |
| Wielded.:                                                                  |