changeset 105:a85f258f6beb

Move some things around and modularize the code.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 21 Oct 2013 16:26:42 +0300
parents c7b1eb993240
children 324f3a415237
files admajax.php ajax.js ajax.php
diffstat 4 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/admajax.php	Mon Oct 21 16:26:42 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+// AJAX request handler backend module
+$sessionType = "admin";
+require "";
+require "";
+require "";
+// Check if we are allowed to execute
+if (!stCheckHTTPS() || !stAdmSessionAuth())
+  stSetupCacheControl();
+  stSessionEnd(SESS_ADMIN);
+  header("Location: news");
+  exit;
+// Initiate SQL database connection
+if (!stConnectSQLDB())
+  die("Could not connect to SQL database.");
+// Fetch non-"hardcoded" settings from SQL database
+function saveButton()
+  return "<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Save \" />\n";
+// XMLHttp responses
+$action = "ERROR";
+if (stChkRequestItem("action") && stChkRequestItem("type"))
+  $action = $_REQUEST["action"];
+  $type = $_REQUEST["type"];
+switch ($action)
+  case "dump":
+    //
+    // Perform generic data dump
+    //
+    if (($res = stExecSQLCond(
+      "SELECT * FROM attendees WHERE email NOT NULL AND email != '' ORDER BY regtime DESC",
+      "Dump OK.")) !== FALSE)
+    {
+      $out1 = array();
+      $out2 = array();
+      foreach ($res as $item)
+      {
+        $out1[] = $item["name"]." &lt;".$item["email"]."&gt;";
+        $out2[] = $item["email"];
+      }
+      echo "<br /><hr />".
+        implode(", ", $out1)."<br /><hr /><br />".
+        implode("<br />", $out1)."<br /><hr /><br />".
+        implode(", ", $out2)."<br /><hr /><br />".
+        implode("<br />", $out2)."<br /><hr />";
+    }
+    break;
+  case "get":
+    //
+    // Get specific data
+    //
+    switch ($type)
+    {
+      case "news":
+        $sql = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY utime DESC";
+        break;
+      case "attendees":
+        $sql = "SELECT * FROM attendees ORDER BY regtime DESC";
+        break;
+      case "voters":
+        break;
+      case "compos":
+        $sql = "SELECT * FROM compos ORDER BY id DESC";
+        break;
+      case "settings":
+        $prefix = "st";
+        echo
+        "<h1>Site settings</h1>\n".
+        "<table>\n";
+        foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE vtype<>".VT_TEXT) as $item)
+        {
+          echo
+          " <tr>\n".
+          "  <td>";
+          $id = $item["key"];
+          switch ($item["vtype"])
+          {
+            case VT_INT:
+              echo stGetFormTextInput(10, 10, "", $id, $prefix, $item["vint"]);
+              break;
+            case VT_STR:
+              echo stGetFormTextInput(40, 128, "", $id, $prefix, $item["vstr"]);
+              break;
+            case VT_BOOL:
+              echo stGetFormCheckBoxInput("", $id, $prefix, $item["vint"], "");
+              break;
+          }
+          echo "</td>\n".
+          "  <td>".$item["desc"]."</td>\n".
+          " </tr>\n";
+        }
+        echo "</table>\n".saveButton();
+        foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE vtype=".VT_TEXT) as $item)
+        {
+          echo "<h2>".chentities($item["desc"])."</h2>\n".
+          stGetFormTextArea(10, 60, "", $item["key"], $prefix, $item["vtext"]).
+          "\n<br />\n".saveButton();
+        }
+        break;
+      case "entries":
+        stGetCompoList(FALSE, FALSE);
+        foreach ($compos as $id => $compo)
+        {
+          echo
+            "<form>\n".
+            " <table class=\"misc\">\n".
+            "  <tr>\n".
+            "   <th colspan=\"5\">#".$id." - ".chentities($compo["name"])."</th>\n".
+            "  </tr>\n".
+            "  <tr>\n".
+            "   <th style=\"width:1%;\">Compo</th>\n".
+            "   <th>Title</th>\n".
+            "   <th>Author(s)</th>\n".
+            "   <th>Filename</th>\n".
+            "   <th>Actions</th>\n".
+            "  </tr>\n";
+          $prefix = "en";
+          foreach ($compo["entries"] as $eid => $entry)
+          {
+            echo
+              "  <tr id=\"entry".$eid."\">\n".
+              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(5, 5, "compo_id", $eid, "en", $id)."</td>\n".
+              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "name", $eid, "en", $entry["name"])."</td>\n".
+              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "author", $eid, "en", $entry["author"])."</td>\n".
+              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "filename", $eid, "en", $entry["filename"])."</td>\n".
+              "   <td>".
+              stGetFormButtonInput("update", $eid, $prefix, " Upd ", "updateEntry(".$eid.")").
+              stGetFormButtonInput("delete", $eid, $prefix, " Del ", "deleteEntry(".$eid.")").
+              "</td>\n".
+              "  </tr>\n";
+          }
+          $prefix = "ne";
+          echo
+            "  <tr>\n".
+            "   <td></td>\n".
+            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "name", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
+            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "author", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
+            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "filename", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
+            "   <td>".stGetFormButtonInput("add", $id, $prefix, " Add new ", "addEntry(".$id.")")."</td>\n".
+            "  </tr>\n".
+            " </table>\n".
+            "</form>\n";
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    //
+    // Perform query if we need to, output results
+    //
+    if (isset($sql) && ($res = stExecSQLCond($sql, "")) !== FALSE)
+    {
+      if ($type == "news")
+      {
+        foreach ($res as $item)
+        {
+          $id = $item["id"];
+          stPrintNewsItem($item,
+            "<br />".
+            "  <button class=\"button\" id=\"ndel".$id.
+            "\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"deleteNews(".$id.
+            ")\">Delete</button>\n"
+            );
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      if ($type == "attendees")
+      {
+        // List of attendees
+        echo
+        "<table class=\"attendees\">\n".
+        " <tr>\n".
+        "  <th class=\"name\">Name</th>\n".
+        "  <th class=\"groups\">Groups</th>\n".
+        "  <th class=\"regtime\">Registered</th>\n".
+        "  <th class=\"oneliner\">Oneliner</th>\n".
+        "  <th class=\"email\">E-mail</th>\n".
+        "  <th>Actions</th>\n".
+        " </tr>\n";
+        $row = 0;
+        foreach ($res as $item)
+          stPrintAttendee($item, $row++, TRUE);
+        // For adding a new one
+        $prefix = "ne";
+        echo
+          "</table>\n".
+          "<hr />\n".
+          "<table>\n".
+          " <tr>\n".
+          "  <th>Name</th>\n".
+          "  <th>Groups</th>\n".
+          "  <th>Oneliner</th>\n".
+          "  <th>E-mail</th>\n".
+          "  <th>Actions</th>\n".
+          " </tr>\n".
+          " <tr>\n".
+          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "name", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
+          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "groups", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
+          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "oneliner", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
+          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "email", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
+          "  <td>".stGetFormButtonInput("add", "", $prefix, " Add new ", "addAttendee()")."</td>\n".
+          " </tr>\n".
+          "</table>\n";
+      }
+      else
+      if ($type == "compos")
+      {
+        foreach ($res as $item)
+        {
+          $id = $item["id"];
+          $prefix = "co";
+          echo
+          "<div id=\"compo".$id."\">\n".
+          "<h2>#".$id." - ".chentities($item["name"])."</h2>\n".
+          stGetFormTextInput(40, 64, "name", $id, $prefix, $item["name"])."\n".
+          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("visible", $id, $prefix, $item["visible"], "Visible")."\n".
+          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("showAuthors", $id, $prefix, $item["showAuthors"], "Show authors")."\n".
+          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("voting", $id, $prefix, $item["voting"], "Enable voting")."<br />\n".
+          stGetFormTextArea(5, 60, "description", $id, $prefix, $item["description"])."\n<br />\n".
+          stGetFormButtonInput("update", $id, $prefix, " Update ", "updateCompo(".$id.")")."\n".
+          "</div>\n".
+          "<hr />\n";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case "delete":
+    //
+    // Delete entry
+    //
+    if (stChkRequestItem("id"))
+    {
+      $id = intval(stGetRequestItem("id"));
+      if ($type == "news")
+      {
+        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM news WHERE id=%d AND persist=0", $id);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item ".$id." deleted.");
+      }
+      else
+      if ($type == "attendees")
+      {
+        // Attendees require some more work
+        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM attendees WHERE id=%d", $id);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee ".$id." deleted.");
+        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE voter_id=%d", $id);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee ".$id." votes deleted.");
+      }
+      else
+      if ($type == "entries")
+      {
+        // .. as do compo entries
+        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=%d", $id);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry ".$id." deleted.");
+        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE entry_id=%d", $id);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry ".$id." votes deleted.");
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      stSetStatus(901, "No ID specified.");
+    break;
+  case "add":
+    //
+    // Add new entry
+    //
+    if ($type == "news" && stChkRequestItem("text") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("author") && stChkRequestItem("title"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
+        "INSERT INTO news (utime,title,text,author) VALUES (%d,%S,%Q,%S)",
+        time(), "title", "text", "author");
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item added.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "compo" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("description"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
+        "INSERT INTO compos (name,description,visible,voting,showAuthors) VALUES (%S,%Q,0,0,0)",
+        "name", "description");
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, compo added.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "attendees" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("groups") && stChkRequestItem("oneliner") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("email"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
+        "INSERT INTO attendees (regtime,name,groups,oneliner,email) VALUES (%d,%S,%S,%S,%S)",
+        time(), "name", "groups", "oneliner", "email");
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee added.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "entry" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("author") && stChkRequestItem("compo_id"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
+        "INSERT INTO entries (name,author,compo_id,filename) VALUES (%S,%S,%D,%S)",
+        "name", "author", "compo_id", "filename");
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry added.");
+    }
+    else
+      stSetStatus(902, "No data.");
+    break;
+  case "update":
+    //
+    // Update existing entry
+    //
+    if ($type == "attendees" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("email") && stChkRequestItem("oneliner") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("active"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("attendees",
+        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
+        array(
+          "email" => "S",
+          "oneliner" => "S",
+          "active" => "B",
+        ));
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee updated.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "news" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("text") && stChkRequestItem("author") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("title"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("news",
+        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
+        array(
+          "title" => "S",
+          "text" => "Q",
+          "author" => "S"
+        ));
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item updated.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "compo" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("name") && stChkRequestItem("description") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("visible") && stChkRequestItem("voting") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("showAuthors"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("compos",
+        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
+        array(
+          "name" => "S",
+          "description" => "Q",
+          "visible" => "B",
+          "voting" => "B",
+          "showAuthors" => "B",
+        ));
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, compo updated.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "entry" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("name") && stChkRequestItem("author") &&
+      stChkRequestItem("compo_id"))
+    {
+      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("entries",
+        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
+        array(
+          "name" => "S",
+          "author" => "S",
+          "filename" => "S",
+          "compo_id" => "D",
+        ));
+      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry updated.");
+    }
+    else
+    if ($type == "settings")
+    {
+      foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings") as $item)
+      if (stChkRequestItem($item["key"]))
+      {
+        $val = stGetRequestItem($item["key"]);
+        switch ($item["vtype"])
+        {
+          case VT_INT:  $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vint=%d", $val); break;
+          case VT_BOOL: $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vint=%d", $val ? 1 : 0); break;
+          case VT_STR:  $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vstr=%s", $val); break;
+          case VT_TEXT: $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vtext=%s", $val); break;
+        }
+        $sql = "UPDATE settings SET ".$vsql." WHERE key=".$db->quote($item["key"]);
+        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, setting updated.");
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      stSetStatus(902, "No data.");
+    break;
+  default:
+    stSetStatus(404, "Not Found");
+    break;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/	Mon Oct 21 15:17:04 2013 +0300
+++ b/	Mon Oct 21 16:26:42 2013 +0300
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
         case VT_STR:
         case VT_TEXT: $type = 0; break;
-        case VT_INT: $type = 4; break;
+        case VT_INT:  $type = 4; break;
         case VT_BOOL: $type = 3; break;
       $args[] = "\"".$item["key"]."\":".$type;
@@ -61,159 +61,7 @@
 <script type="text/javascript">
-// <? stCreateSettingsData(); ?>
-function statusMsg(msg)
-  document.getElementById("nstatus").innerHTML = msg;
-function strtrim(str)
-  if (!str || str == null)
-    return "";
-  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')
-function strencode(str)
-  return encodeURIComponent(str);
-function createXMLRequest()
-  var req;
-  if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
-  {
-    // Modern browsers
-    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // Old IE versions
-    req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-  }
-  return req;
-function sendPOSTRequest(params, success, failure)
-  var req = createXMLRequest();
-"POST", "ajax.php", true);
-  req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
-  req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
-  req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
-  req.onreadystatechange = function()
-  {
-    if (req.readyState == 4)
-    {
-      if (req.status == 404)
-      {
-        window.location = "admlogout.php";
-      }
-      else
-      if (req.status == 200)
-      {
-        if (success)
-        {
-          success(req.responseText);
-        }
-        statusMsg(req.statusText);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        if (failure)
-        {
-          failure(req.status, req.statusText, req.responseText);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          statusMsg("["+req.status+" - "+req.statusText+"] "+ req.responseText);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  req.send(params);
-function makePostArgs(fields, fprefix, fsuffix)
-  var res = [];
-  for (var id in fields)
-  {
-    var elem = document.getElementById(fprefix + id + fsuffix);
-    if (!elem)
-    {
-      alert("No such DOM element '"+ fprefix + id + fsuffix +"'.");
-      return "";
-    }
-    switch (fields[id])
-    {
-      case 0:
-      case 1:
-      case 4:
-        {
-          var str = strtrim(elem.value);
-          if ((fields[id] == 1 || fields[id] == 4) && str == "")
-          {
-            alert("One or more of the required fields are empty.");
-            return "";
-          }
-          if (fields[id] == 4)
-            res.push(id+"="+parseInt(elem.value));
-          else
-            res.push(id+"="+strencode(str));
-        }
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        res.push(id+"="+parseInt(elem.value));
-        break;
-      case 3:
-        res.push(id+"="+(elem.checked ? "1" : "0"));
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  return res.join("&");
-function refreshItems(id,name,msgname)
-  var msuccess = function(txt)
-  {
-    var nitem = document.getElementById(id);
-    nitem.innerHTML = txt;
-  }
-  sendPOSTRequest("action=get&type="+name, msuccess);
-function deleteItem(id,prefix,type,func,dsc)
-  var msuccess = function(txt)
-  {
-    var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
- = "none";
-    setTimeout(func, 50);
-  }
-  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete "+dsc+" #"+id+"?"))
-  {
-    sendPOSTRequest("action=delete&type="+type+"&id="+id, msuccess);
-  }
+// <? stCreateSettingsData(); include "ajax.js"; ?>
 function refreshSettings()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ajax.js	Mon Oct 21 16:26:42 2013 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+function statusMsg(msg)
+  document.getElementById("nstatus").innerHTML = msg;
+function strtrim(str)
+  if (!str || str == null)
+    return "";
+  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')
+function strencode(str)
+  return encodeURIComponent(str);
+function createXMLRequest()
+  var req;
+  if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
+  {
+    // Modern browsers
+    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Old IE versions
+    req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+  }
+  return req;
+function sendPOSTRequest(params, success, failure)
+  var req = createXMLRequest();
+"POST", "admajax.php", true);
+  req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+  req.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
+  req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
+  req.onreadystatechange = function()
+  {
+    if (req.readyState == 4)
+    {
+      if (req.status == 404)
+      {
+        window.location = "admlogout.php";
+      }
+      else
+      if (req.status == 200)
+      {
+        if (success)
+        {
+          success(req.responseText);
+        }
+        statusMsg(req.statusText);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (failure)
+        {
+          failure(req.status, req.statusText, req.responseText);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          statusMsg("["+req.status+" - "+req.statusText+"] "+ req.responseText);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  req.send(params);
+function makePostArgs(fields, fprefix, fsuffix)
+  var res = [];
+  for (var id in fields)
+  {
+    var elem = document.getElementById(fprefix + id + fsuffix);
+    if (!elem)
+    {
+      alert("No such DOM element '"+ fprefix + id + fsuffix +"'.");
+      return "";
+    }
+    switch (fields[id])
+    {
+      case 0:
+      case 1:
+      case 4:
+        {
+          var str = strtrim(elem.value);
+          if ((fields[id] == 1 || fields[id] == 4) && str == "")
+          {
+            alert("One or more of the required fields are empty.");
+            return "";
+          }
+          if (fields[id] == 4)
+            res.push(id+"="+parseInt(elem.value));
+          else
+            res.push(id+"="+strencode(str));
+        }
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        res.push(id+"="+parseInt(elem.value));
+        break;
+      case 3:
+        res.push(id+"="+(elem.checked ? "1" : "0"));
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return res.join("&");
+function refreshItems(id,name,msgname)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var nitem = document.getElementById(id);
+    nitem.innerHTML = txt;
+  }
+  sendPOSTRequest("action=get&type="+name, msuccess);
+function deleteItem(id,prefix,type,func,dsc)
+  var msuccess = function(txt)
+  {
+    var item = document.getElementById(prefix+id);
+ = "none";
+    setTimeout(func, 50);
+  }
+  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete "+dsc+" #"+id+"?"))
+  {
+    sendPOSTRequest("action=delete&type="+type+"&id="+id, msuccess);
+  }
--- a/ajax.php	Mon Oct 21 15:17:04 2013 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-// AJAX request handler backend module
-$sessionType = "admin";
-require "";
-require "";
-require "";
-// Check if we are allowed to execute
-if (!stCheckHTTPS() || !stAdmSessionAuth())
-  stSetupCacheControl();
-  stSessionEnd(SESS_ADMIN);
-  header("Location: news");
-  exit;
-// Initiate SQL database connection
-if (!stConnectSQLDB())
-  die("Could not connect to SQL database.");
-// Fetch non-"hardcoded" settings from SQL database
-function saveButton()
-  return "<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Save \" />\n";
-// XMLHttp responses
-$action = "ERROR";
-if (stChkRequestItem("action") && stChkRequestItem("type"))
-  $action = $_REQUEST["action"];
-  $type = $_REQUEST["type"];
-switch ($action)
-  case "dump":
-    //
-    // Perform generic data dump
-    //
-    if (($res = stExecSQLCond(
-      "SELECT * FROM attendees WHERE email NOT NULL AND email != '' ORDER BY regtime DESC",
-      "Dump OK.")) !== FALSE)
-    {
-      $out1 = array();
-      $out2 = array();
-      foreach ($res as $item)
-      {
-        $out1[] = $item["name"]." &lt;".$item["email"]."&gt;";
-        $out2[] = $item["email"];
-      }
-      echo "<br /><hr />".
-        implode(", ", $out1)."<br /><hr /><br />".
-        implode("<br />", $out1)."<br /><hr /><br />".
-        implode(", ", $out2)."<br /><hr /><br />".
-        implode("<br />", $out2)."<br /><hr />";
-    }
-    break;
-  case "get":
-    //
-    // Get specific data
-    //
-    switch ($type)
-    {
-      case "news":
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY utime DESC";
-        break;
-      case "attendees":
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM attendees ORDER BY regtime DESC";
-        break;
-      case "compos":
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM compos ORDER BY id DESC";
-        break;
-      case "settings":
-        $prefix = "st";
-        echo
-        "<h1>Site settings</h1>\n".
-        "<table>\n";
-        foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE vtype<>".VT_TEXT) as $item)
-        {
-          echo
-          " <tr>\n".
-          "  <td>";
-          $id = $item["key"];
-          switch ($item["vtype"])
-          {
-            case VT_INT:
-              echo stGetFormTextInput(10, 10, "", $id, $prefix, $item["vint"]);
-              break;
-            case VT_STR:
-              echo stGetFormTextInput(40, 128, "", $id, $prefix, $item["vstr"]);
-              break;
-            case VT_BOOL:
-              echo stGetFormCheckBoxInput("", $id, $prefix, $item["vint"], "");
-              break;
-          }
-          echo "</td>\n".
-          "  <td>".$item["desc"]."</td>\n".
-          " </tr>\n";
-        }
-        echo "</table>\n".saveButton();
-        foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE vtype=".VT_TEXT) as $item)
-        {
-          echo "<h2>".chentities($item["desc"])."</h2>\n".
-          stGetFormTextArea(10, 60, "", $item["key"], $prefix, $item["vtext"]).
-          "\n<br />\n".saveButton();
-        }
-        break;
-      case "entries":
-        stGetCompoList(FALSE, FALSE);
-        foreach ($compos as $id => $compo)
-        {
-          echo
-            "<form>\n".
-            " <table class=\"misc\">\n".
-            "  <tr>\n".
-            "   <th colspan=\"5\">#".$id." - ".chentities($compo["name"])."</th>\n".
-            "  </tr>\n".
-            "  <tr>\n".
-            "   <th style=\"width:1%;\">Compo</th>\n".
-            "   <th>Title</th>\n".
-            "   <th>Author(s)</th>\n".
-            "   <th>Filename</th>\n".
-            "   <th>Actions</th>\n".
-            "  </tr>\n";
-          $prefix = "en";
-          foreach ($compo["entries"] as $eid => $entry)
-          {
-            echo
-              "  <tr id=\"entry".$eid."\">\n".
-              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(5, 5, "compo_id", $eid, "en", $id)."</td>\n".
-              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "name", $eid, "en", $entry["name"])."</td>\n".
-              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "author", $eid, "en", $entry["author"])."</td>\n".
-              "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "filename", $eid, "en", $entry["filename"])."</td>\n".
-              "   <td>".
-              stGetFormButtonInput("update", $eid, $prefix, " Upd ", "updateEntry(".$eid.")").
-              stGetFormButtonInput("delete", $eid, $prefix, " Del ", "deleteEntry(".$eid.")").
-              "</td>\n".
-              "  </tr>\n";
-          }
-          $prefix = "ne";
-          echo
-            "  <tr>\n".
-            "   <td></td>\n".
-            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "name", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
-            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "author", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
-            "   <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "filename", $id, "ne", "")."</td>\n".
-            "   <td>".stGetFormButtonInput("add", $id, $prefix, " Add new ", "addEntry(".$id.")")."</td>\n".
-            "  </tr>\n".
-            " </table>\n".
-            "</form>\n";
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    //
-    // Perform query if we need to, output results
-    //
-    if (isset($sql) && ($res = stExecSQLCond($sql, "")) !== FALSE)
-    {
-      if ($type == "news")
-      {
-        foreach ($res as $item)
-        {
-          $id = $item["id"];
-          stPrintNewsItem($item,
-            "<br />".
-            "  <button class=\"button\" id=\"ndel".$id.
-            "\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"deleteNews(".$id.
-            ")\">Delete</button>\n"
-            );
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      if ($type == "attendees")
-      {
-        // List of attendees
-        echo
-        "<table class=\"attendees\">\n".
-        " <tr>\n".
-        "  <th class=\"name\">Name</th>\n".
-        "  <th class=\"groups\">Groups</th>\n".
-        "  <th class=\"regtime\">Registered</th>\n".
-        "  <th class=\"oneliner\">Oneliner</th>\n".
-        "  <th class=\"email\">E-mail</th>\n".
-        "  <th>Actions</th>\n".
-        " </tr>\n";
-        $row = 0;
-        foreach ($res as $item)
-          stPrintAttendee($item, $row++, TRUE);
-        // For adding a new one
-        $prefix = "ne";
-        echo
-          "</table>\n".
-          "<hr />\n".
-          "<table>\n".
-          " <tr>\n".
-          "  <th>Name</th>\n".
-          "  <th>Groups</th>\n".
-          "  <th>Oneliner</th>\n".
-          "  <th>E-mail</th>\n".
-          "  <th>Actions</th>\n".
-          " </tr>\n".
-          " <tr>\n".
-          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "name", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
-          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "groups", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
-          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(30, 64, "oneliner", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
-          "  <td>".stGetFormTextInput(20, 64, "email", "x", $prefix, "")."</td>\n".
-          "  <td>".stGetFormButtonInput("add", "", $prefix, " Add new ", "addAttendee()")."</td>\n".
-          " </tr>\n".
-          "</table>\n";
-      }
-      else
-      if ($type == "compos")
-      {
-        foreach ($res as $item)
-        {
-          $id = $item["id"];
-          $prefix = "co";
-          echo
-          "<div id=\"compo".$id."\">\n".
-          "<h2>#".$id." - ".chentities($item["name"])."</h2>\n".
-          stGetFormTextInput(40, 64, "name", $id, $prefix, $item["name"])."\n".
-          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("visible", $id, $prefix, $item["visible"], "Visible")."\n".
-          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("showAuthors", $id, $prefix, $item["showAuthors"], "Show authors")."\n".
-          stGetFormCheckBoxInput("voting", $id, $prefix, $item["voting"], "Enable voting")."<br />\n".
-          stGetFormTextArea(5, 60, "description", $id, $prefix, $item["description"])."\n<br />\n".
-          stGetFormButtonInput("update", $id, $prefix, " Update ", "updateCompo(".$id.")")."\n".
-          "</div>\n".
-          "<hr />\n";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  case "delete":
-    //
-    // Delete entry
-    //
-    if (stChkRequestItem("id"))
-    {
-      $id = intval(stGetRequestItem("id"));
-      if ($type == "news")
-      {
-        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM news WHERE id=%d AND persist=0", $id);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item ".$id." deleted.");
-      }
-      else
-      if ($type == "attendees")
-      {
-        // Attendees require some more work
-        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM attendees WHERE id=%d", $id);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee ".$id." deleted.");
-        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE voter_id=%d", $id);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee ".$id." votes deleted.");
-      }
-      else
-      if ($type == "entries")
-      {
-        // .. as do compo entries
-        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=%d", $id);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry ".$id." deleted.");
-        $sql = stPrepareSQL("DELETE FROM votes WHERE entry_id=%d", $id);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry ".$id." votes deleted.");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-      stSetStatus(901, "No ID specified.");
-    break;
-  case "add":
-    //
-    // Add new entry
-    //
-    if ($type == "news" && stChkRequestItem("text") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("author") && stChkRequestItem("title"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
-        "INSERT INTO news (utime,title,text,author) VALUES (%d,%S,%Q,%S)",
-        time(), "title", "text", "author");
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item added.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "compo" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("description"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
-        "INSERT INTO compos (name,description,visible,voting,showAuthors) VALUES (%S,%Q,0,0,0)",
-        "name", "description");
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, compo added.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "attendees" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("groups") && stChkRequestItem("oneliner") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("email"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
-        "INSERT INTO attendees (regtime,name,groups,oneliner,email) VALUES (%d,%S,%S,%S,%S)",
-        time(), "name", "groups", "oneliner", "email");
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee added.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "entry" && stChkRequestItem("name") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("author") && stChkRequestItem("compo_id"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQL(
-        "INSERT INTO entries (name,author,compo_id,filename) VALUES (%S,%S,%D,%S)",
-        "name", "author", "compo_id", "filename");
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry added.");
-    }
-    else
-      stSetStatus(902, "No data.");
-    break;
-  case "update":
-    //
-    // Update existing entry
-    //
-    if ($type == "attendees" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("email") && stChkRequestItem("oneliner") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("active"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("attendees",
-        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
-        array(
-          "email" => "S",
-          "oneliner" => "S",
-          "active" => "B",
-        ));
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, attendee updated.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "news" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("text") && stChkRequestItem("author") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("title"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("news",
-        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
-        array(
-          "title" => "S",
-          "text" => "Q",
-          "author" => "S"
-        ));
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, news item updated.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "compo" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("name") && stChkRequestItem("description") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("visible") && stChkRequestItem("voting") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("showAuthors"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("compos",
-        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
-        array(
-          "name" => "S",
-          "description" => "Q",
-          "visible" => "B",
-          "voting" => "B",
-          "showAuthors" => "B",
-        ));
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, compo updated.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "entry" && stChkRequestItem("id") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("name") && stChkRequestItem("author") &&
-      stChkRequestItem("compo_id"))
-    {
-      $sql = stPrepareSQLUpdate("entries",
-        "WHERE id=".intval(stGetRequestItem("id")),
-        array(
-          "name" => "S",
-          "author" => "S",
-          "filename" => "S",
-          "compo_id" => "D",
-        ));
-      stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, entry updated.");
-    }
-    else
-    if ($type == "settings")
-    {
-      foreach (stExecSQL("SELECT * FROM settings") as $item)
-      if (stChkRequestItem($item["key"]))
-      {
-        $val = stGetRequestItem($item["key"]);
-        switch ($item["vtype"])
-        {
-          case VT_INT:  $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vint=%d", $val); break;
-          case VT_BOOL: $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vint=%d", $val ? 1 : 0); break;
-          case VT_STR:  $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vstr=%s", $val); break;
-          case VT_TEXT: $vsql = stPrepareSQL("vtext=%s", $val); break;
-        }
-        $sql = "UPDATE settings SET ".$vsql." WHERE key=".$db->quote($item["key"]);
-        stExecSQLCond($sql, "OK, setting updated.");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-      stSetStatus(902, "No data.");
-    break;
-  default:
-    stSetStatus(404, "Not Found");
-    break;
\ No newline at end of file