view src/ @ 117:0612954ba99c default tip

author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Mon, 06 Oct 2014 16:36:48 +0300
parents f05330267c66
line wrap: on
line source

 *        Palette (PLAYPAL & COLORMAP) viewer
 *        AYM 1999-11-11

This file is part of Yadex.

Yadex incorporates code from DEU 5.21 that was put in the public domain in
1994 by Raphaël Quinet and Brendon Wyber.

The rest of Yadex is Copyright © 1997-2003 André Majorel and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "yadex.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "colour.h"
#include "gcolour2.h"
#include "gfx.h"
#include "palview.h"
#include "rgb.h"
#include "wadfile.h"
#include "wads.h"
#include "ytime.h"

 *        Palette viewer::run
 *        The only public method of the palette viewer.

// One COLORMAP entry. Wrapped in struct to avoid array<->pointer problems
typedef struct
    uint8_t c[DOOM_COLOURS];
} colormap_entry_t;

void Palette_viewer::run()
    int lines = (ncolours + columns - 1) / columns;
    const int pwidth = columns * (pixels + 1);
    const int pheight = lines * (pixels + 1);
    int width = 2 * BOX_BORDER + 2 * WIDE_HSPACING + pwidth;
    int height = 2 * BOX_BORDER + 3 * WIDE_VSPACING + pheight + 7 * FONTH;
    int x0 = (cfg.ScrMaxX - width) / 2;
    int y0 = (cfg.ScrMaxY - height) / 2;
    int nmaps = 0;                // Number of entries in the COLORMAP lump
    colormap_entry_t **colormap = 0;
    rgb_c *playpal = 0;

// Load the PLAYPAL lump
        playpal = new rgb_c[DOOM_COLOURS];
        for (size_t n = 0; n < DOOM_COLOURS; n++)
            playpal[n].set(0, 0, 0);
        const char *lump_name = "PLAYPAL";
        MDirPtr dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, lump_name);
        if (dir == NULL)
            warn("%s: lump not found\n", lump_name);
        const Wad_file *wf = dir->wadfile;
        if (dir->dir.size % (3 * DOOM_COLOURS) != 0)
            warn("%s has weird size (%ld, not mult of %d), ignoring tail\n",
                 lump_name, (long) dir->dir.size, (int) (DOOM_COLOURS * 3));
        if (wf->error())
            warn("%s: seek error\n", lump_name);
        playpal = new rgb_c[DOOM_COLOURS];
        for (size_t n = 0; n < DOOM_COLOURS; n++)
            char buf[3];
            wf->read_bytes(buf, sizeof buf);
            playpal[n].set(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]);
        if (wf->error())
            warn("%s: read error\n", lump_name);
    while (0);

// Load the COLORMAP lump
        const char *lump_name = "COLORMAP";
        MDirPtr dir = FindMasterDir(cfg.MasterDir, lump_name);
        if (dir == NULL)
            warn("%s: lump not found\n", lump_name);
        const Wad_file *wf = dir->wadfile;
        nmaps = dir->dir.size / DOOM_COLOURS;
        if ((long) DOOM_COLOURS * nmaps != dir->dir.size)
            warn("%s: has weird size (%ld, not mult of %d), ignoring tail\n",
                 lump_name, (long) dir->dir.size, (int) DOOM_COLOURS);
        if (nmaps > 200)
            warn("%s has too many (%d) entries, keeping only 200 first\n",
                 lump_name, nmaps);
            nmaps = 200;
        if (wf->error())
            warn("%s: seek error\n", lump_name);
        colormap = new colormap_entry_t *[nmaps];
        for (int n = 0; n < nmaps; n++)
            colormap[n] = new colormap_entry_t;
            wf->read_bytes(colormap[n]->c, sizeof colormap[n]->c);
        if (wf->error())
            warn("%s: read error\n", lump_name);
    while (0);

// On to the real business
    ix0 = x0 + BOX_BORDER + WIDE_HSPACING;
    iy0 = y0 + BOX_BORDER + WIDE_VSPACING;
    int tx0 = ix0;                // Top left corner of text
    int ty0 = y0 + BOX_BORDER + 2 * WIDE_VSPACING + pheight;
    push_colour(0);                // Save current colour
#define DECIDX(i,n) do { i = (i - n + ncolours) % ncolours; } while (0)
#define INCIDX(i,n) do { i = (i + n           ) % ncolours; } while (0)
    int mapno = 0;
    bool mapping = true;
    int is_drawn = 0;
    const int YID_WINDOW = 0x01;
    const int YID_CURSOR = 0x02;
    const int YID_PALETTE = 0x04;
    const int YID_TEXT = 0x08;
    int cursor_phase = 0;
    int display_phase = 0;
    unsigned long cursor_time = 0;
    i = 0;
    ofs = 0;

    for (;;)
        int mi = colormap[mapno]->c[i];        // Mapped index
        int ei = mapping ? mi : i;        // Effective index
        int mapped_to = 0;        // N. distinct colours that map to i
        for (int n = 0; n < ncolours; n++)
            for (int m = 0; m < nmaps; m++)
                if (colormap[m]->c[n] == i)
                    break;        // Don't count the same mapper twice
        int maps_to = 0;        // N. distinct colours that i maps to
            bitvec_c mappee(ncolours);
            for (int m = 0; m < nmaps; m++)
            for (int n = 0; n < ncolours; n++)
                if (mappee.get(n))

        // Draw the window
        if (!(is_drawn & YID_WINDOW))
            DrawScreenBox3D(x0, y0, x0 + width - 1, y0 + height - 1);
            is_drawn = YID_WINDOW;        // Redraw everything else

        // Draw the cursor (frame around the current cell)
            const int cycle = 800;        // 800 ms
            unsigned long current_time = y_milliseconds();
            unsigned long elapsed_time = current_time - cursor_time;
            cursor_time = current_time;
#if 0
            cursor_time += elapsed_time - elapsed_time % cycle;        // Normalize
            elapsed_time = current_time - cursor_time;
            cursor_phase = (cursor_phase + elapsed_time) % cycle;
            if ((cursor_phase >= cycle / 2) != (display_phase >= cycle / 2))
                is_drawn &= ~YID_CURSOR;
            if (!(is_drawn & YID_CURSOR))
                draw_cursor(WINFG, cursor_phase >= cycle / 2);
                display_phase = cursor_phase;
                is_drawn |= YID_CURSOR;

        // Draw a (pixels x pixels) square for each colour
        if (!(is_drawn & YID_PALETTE))
            int x = 0;                // Initialized only to prevent GCC from warning
            int y = 0;                // Initialized only to prevent GCC from warning
            for (int n = 0; n < ncolours; n++)
                if (n % columns == 0)
                    x = ix0;
                    if (n == 0)
                        y = iy0;
                        y += pixels + 1;
                    x += pixels + 1;

                if (game_colour == 0)        // If PLAYPAL not found
                    if (mapping)
                                     c[(n + ofs) % ncolours]]);
                        set_pcolour(game_colour[(n + ofs) % ncolours]);
                DrawScreenBoxwh(x, y, pixels, pixels);
            is_drawn |= YID_PALETTE;
            set_colour(WINFG_DIM);        // Just to force the next set_colour() to do sth

        // Draw the "caption"
        if (!(is_drawn & YID_TEXT))
            DrawScreenBoxwh(tx0, ty0, pwidth, 7 * FONTH);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, ty0, "Index        %3d", i);
            push_colour(mapping ? WINFG : WINFG_DIM);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "Mapped index %3d", mi);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "R            %3d", playpal[ei].r);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "G            %3d", playpal[ei].g);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "B            %3d", playpal[ei].b);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "Mapped to by %3d", mapped_to);
            DrawScreenText(tx0, -1, "Maps to      %3d", maps_to);
            push_colour(mapping ? WINFG : WINFG_DIM);
            DrawScreenText(tx0 + 18 * FONTW, ty0, "Colormap %3d", mapno);
            is_drawn |= YID_TEXT;

        // Process any events
        if (is.key == YK_PU)        // [Pgup] previous colormap
            if (mapno < 0)
                mapno = nmaps - 1;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT);
        else if (is.key == YK_PD)        // [Pgdn] next colormap
            if (mapno >= nmaps)
                mapno = 0;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT);
        else if (is.key == YK_LEFT)        // [Left] previous palette entry
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            DECIDX(i, 1);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_RIGHT)        // [Right] next palette entry
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            INCIDX(i, 1);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_UP)        // [Up] previous palette row
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            DECIDX(i, columns);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_DOWN)        // [Down] next palette row
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            INCIDX(i, columns);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_END        // [End], [$]: end of current line
                 || is.key == '$')
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i += columns - i % columns - 1;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_HOME        // [Home], [0], [^]: start of cur. line
                 || is.key == '^' || is.key == '0')
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i -= i % columns;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == YK_RETURN)        // [Return]: beginning of next line
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i += columns - i % columns;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
#if 0                                // Conflicts with "rotate"
        else if (is.key == '-')        // [-]: beginning of previous line
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i -= columns + i % columns;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == 'G'        // [G], [L]: beginning of last line
                 || is.key == 'L')
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i = (lines - 1) * columns;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == 'H')        // [H] beginning of first line
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i = 0;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == 'm')        // [m] toggle mapping
            mapping = !mapping;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT);
        else if (is.key == 'M')        // [M] beginning of middle line
            draw_cursor(WINBG, false);
            i = (lines / 2) * columns;
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_TEXT | YID_CURSOR);
            cursor_phase = 0;
        else if (is.key == '+' || is.key == '=')        // [+] increment offset
            INCIDX(ofs, 1);
            INCIDX(i, 1);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT);
        else if (is.key == '-')        // [-] decrement offset
            DECIDX(ofs, 1);
            DECIDX(i, 1);
            is_drawn &= ~(YID_PALETTE | YID_TEXT);
        else if (is.key == YK_ESC)        // [Esc] quit
        else if (is.key == YE_EXPOSE)
            is_drawn = 0;        // Redraw everything

    pop_colour();                // Restore current colour
    for (int n = 0; n < nmaps; n++)
        delete colormap[n];

void Palette_viewer::draw_cursor(int c, bool phase)
    const int a = (i + ncolours - ofs) % ncolours;
    const int side = pixels + 2;
    const int x0 = ix0 - 1 + (side - 1) * (a % columns);
    const int y0 = iy0 - 1 + (side - 1) * (a / columns);
    const int x1 = x0 + side - 1;
    const int y1 = y0 + side - 1;
    if (c == WINBG)
        DrawScreenRect(x0, y0, side, side);
        const int l1 = side / 2;
        const int l2 = side - l1;
        // FIXME this cursor looks ugly
        set_colour(phase ? BLACK : WHITE);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x0, y0, l1, 0);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x0, y0, 0, l1);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x1, y1, 0, -l1);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x1, y1, -l1, 0);
        set_colour(phase ? WHITE : BLACK);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x1, y0, -l2, 0);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x1, y0, 0, l2);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x0, y1, 0, -l2);
        DrawScreenLineLen(x0, y1, l2, 0);