Prompt configuration

In addition to basic prompt handling, GgrTF offers very flexible and extensible way of presenting the game prompt. Internal TF variables can be shown, even simple TF macro snippets executed to show the prompt as the user wishes. Also, in GgrTF v0.6.11.3 and later, it is possible to have custom BatMUD data in the prompt (see 'help prompt' in BatMUD).

To get started, you need to have a basic prompt setting in BatMUD, as it is required to have GgrTF handle it properly. The basic setting is presented below, and we'll get to the more complex ones later. prompt PROMPT:> After setting the BatMUD prompt, you can start configuring how GgrTF "mangles" your prompt. This is done by using "/gprompt" command macro (or alternatively editing the saved configuration files and "set_gprompt" setting.) There are myriad of ways of how and what things can be done, mostly limited by your imagination. Some examples are presented below:

  1. /gprompt > Set prompt to show only ">" and nothing more.

  2. /gprompt %{status_cast}> Show currently in-progress skill or spell in prompt.

  3. /gprompt @{BCred}%{status_cast}@{n}@{BCwhite}>@{n} TinyFugue color attributes can be used also.

  4. /gprompt @{$[prgetnlite(status_hp,status_hpm)]}%{status_hp}@{n}@{BCwhite}>@{n} Above would print your hp, lited similarly to the statusbar HP/SP/EP display. It is possible to use almost any kind of substitutions and call TF functions.


Using TF attribute formatting (e.g. colours) in prompt only works with TF 5.0 beta 8 and later. If running under earlier version, GgrTF disables this feature.

As you can see, lots of things can be done, and only fraction of ideas are represented here. However, in addition to what GgrTF and TF offer, it is also possible to add BatMUD specific information into the prompt. As you remember, we set up the basic prompt above to "PROMPT:>". The user definable data can be put between the colon (":") and greater than (">") sign, and it gets parsed by GgrTF. Observe following example: prompt PROMPT:<hp>/<sp>/<ep>|<eqset>> Above prompt setting would make the BatMUD prompt show something like: PROMPT:663/636/333|spr> Where the numbers represent your hp, sp and ep, and 'spr' is the work eqset, as described by 'help prompt'. This string gets parsed into a TF variable called "status_prompt", which can be then used in GgrTF's prompt. Examples follow:

  1. /gprompt %{status_prompt}> This simple example would just prompt the grabbed BatMUD data with greater than sign in the end.

  2. /gprompt @{BCgreen}%{status_prompt}@{n}> Same as above, but coloured bright green.

The prompt can contain any BatMUD data, as long as it is formatted as "PROMPT:your data here>".