Keyboard numpad hooks

GgrTF provides a mechanism for routing keyboard numpad bindings so that different functionality can be swapped in as needed. Core module offers three modes: walk (normal walking around); peer (walking around with automatic peering to adjacent directions, useful for merchants; ship (control ship movement). Certain other modules provide additional modes (see targetted cast module, utilized by tarmalen and mage modules, for example.)


Keyboard hooks require working numpad, etc. key bindings. Modules are provided for two most common cases in kbd-*.tf files. Some terminals may require several kbd-* modules to be loaded, you may have to experiment. It is also possible that your terminal is not supported by those modules and you have to write your own, in such case you may try contacting Matti Hämäläinen (Ggr) for assistance. However, it is also entirely possible that your terminal does not provide the required 'application mode' at all, which will make things difficult.

Macro commands

<> = required argument, [] = optional argument

Table 4.9. Macro commands

Command Description
/move [setting] Set the mode used for numpad bindings. Valid values are shown if command is given without arguments. Core GgrTF module provides following three modes: move, peer and ship
/peer [regexp] Set the regular expression used for grepping the output of 'peer' command used in "/move peer" mode.
/cruise Toggle ship cruising speed on/off (off = sail)