Guild: Merchants (

This module provides, in addition to basic skill/spell fail/fumble handling, several helper macros, which may ease your work as merchant. Many of the command macros support "autotargetting", which basically means that you can walk in outerworld and just type "/lj" for lumberjacking and "/mine" for mining and GgrTF usually knows what to do. Some macros require bit more specific arguments.

There is also support for merchant belt, which can be enabled if you have one available. In case your belt is not complete or is totally non-existent, the system has semi-automatic tool wielding functionality: if you use /lj and then /mine, the macros will automagically change to proper tools (saw -> hammer/pick). The system is not perfect and sometimes it may fail, however.

Hint: Another useful module for merchants is the reagent pouch handler. It provides several useful functions for handling reagents.

Notice that you probably MUST redefine some of these macros and default settings in your TF configuration file! (See Settings-section below.)


In below table: (*) = autotargets, (!) = moves items to item target

Table 4.26. Guild: Merchants macro commands

Command Description
/alloy <material1,material2[,material3...]> Alloy specified materials. Example: /alloy illumium,nullium
/amal <material> Amalgamate given material. Workbench and tools are automatically selected.
/boxname Name of the mineral box to use with /mbox operation mode. Default value is 'collect'.
/gcut [material] Use gem cutting at material. (!) Workbench and tools are automatically selected. If material is not specified, material from previous /gcut command is used.
/havebelt Toggle support for merchant belt functionality on/off.
/lj [target] Use lumberjacking (at optional target, if no target given, autotargetting or previous specified target is used.) (*) (!)
/mbox Change item move target to box (labeled as 'collect' by default, use /boxname command to change this setting.)
/mcut <material> [number] [/amount in grams] Mineral cut material. Optional number/index and amount/size can be given in grams. If no amount/size is specified, material chunk is cut in half. Use "/mcut" without arguments to get some examples.
/mdisc Change item move target to your floating disc.
/mdrop Change item move target to dropping of the item.
/mine [target] Use mining (at optional target, if no target given, autotargetting or previous specified target is used.) (*) (!)
/mr [material] Make reagent from material. Tools and spell are automatically selected based on the material. If no material is specified, material of previous /mr command is used. Invalid material will print a list of reagents, spells and require materials for them.
/pouchname Set name of the reagent pouch to use with /mr skill. Used only if /usepouch option has been enabled.
/refine <material> [number] Refine specified material, or numbered chunk of material.
/usepouch Toggle whether to use a reagent pouch with /mr (make reagent) command's functionality. See also /pouchname.
/wbgrep <workbench> <mineral regexp> Performs a "grep '&lt;mineral regexp&gt;' look at &lt;workbench&gt;" with workbench mangling enabled and filters results. This is useful for quick searches to see if given material exists in the bench and how many pieces there are.
/wbmang Toggles pro-workbench beautifying / output list mangling. This mangling mode tries to make the pro-workbench output more readable, and adds mineral number indexes for easier accesss. Especially helpful when you need to work on specific # of mineral.

Table 4.27. Guild: Merchants 'general' type command bindings

Command Quiet NoTarget Description
wbl     /wbgrep

Settings and user-replaceable macros

Variables and user-replaceable macros definedby this module are described in a table below. They have specific defaults, which you can override in your configuration if you re-set/re-define them after loading the module. Please refer to Setup-section of this manual or see the example configuration for this module.

Table 4.28. 

Variable / macro name Description
mtool_mine Tool(s) for mining. Example: /set mtool_mine=pick 1,pick 2
mtool_lj Tool(s) for lumberjacking. Example: /set mtool_lj=saw
mtool_bs Tool(s) for blacksmithing.
mtool_cp Tool(s) for carpentry.
mtool_gc Tool(s) for gem cutting.
mtool_gb Tool(s) for glassblowing.
mtool_ma Tool(s) for masonry.
mtool_sw Tool(s) for sewing.
mtool_sc Tool(s) for sculpture skill.
mforge_* Forges/workbenches for skills (similar to mtool_* variables)