Guild: Alchemists (

Alchemist module provides several macros that can be very helpful with potion making and other alchemist activities. Commands for easier handling of herb jars and organ cans, command macro that automates potion mixing to great degree and additional helper for potion research.

Potion research is a big part of alchemist guild activities, but also one of the more tedious ones. It requires juggling with organs, herbs and minerals, keeping book of findings, etc. GgrTF alchemist module will come to help, as it automates getting the herb and organ from your containers, submitting the finished potion concoction flask to authenticator and stores results in a text file.

Furthermore, the said text file is written in a specific format, that can be used with an external utility called AlchTool, developed by Jeskko and yours truly (Ggr). This PHP-based web utility can greatly increase your potion research efficiency. Currently (as of March 2011) AlchTool is in "beta"-phase of version 2, but the code can be retrieved from Pupunen Mercurial repository at

Default location of the results text file is user's home directory, in file called alch_results.txt, but this can be changed by altering galch_file TF variable, for example: /eval /set galch_file=%{HOME}/someotherfile.txt You should put this, if you wish to, in your tfrc file AFTER the loading of alchemist module.

Table 4.29. Guild: Alchemists macro commands

Command Description
/dolabels Automatically re-label any jars and cans you have, to match the naming scheme of GgrTF Alchemist module for those containers.
/mix <mineral> <organ> <herb> Mix a potion from given materials. This command will automatically retrieve organ and herb components from their specific containers. The other logic in the module will also return them into those containers if the skill is interrupted for some reason. Also, organ and herb names are checked for sanity.
/tmix <mineral> <organ> <herb> Same as /mix, will mix a potion from given materials, but also performs functions for potion research. Finished potion will be submitted to authenticator, so only use this command when you are doing potion research and reside in the authenticator room of the alchemist guild.
/wconget <herb or organ> Get specified herb or organ from correct container.
/wconlook <herb or organ name> Automatically look into a container containing specified type of herb or organ. This is basically the same as 'look at jar x' or 'look at can y', except "/wconlook blueberry" would automatically look into the correct container.
/wconput <herb or organ> Place specified herb or organ into correct container.

Table 4.30. Guild: Alchemists 'general' type command bindings

Command Quiet NoTarget Description
wla     /wconlook
wput     /wconput
wget     /wconget